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SPvP - Soulbeast (Back Capper)


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Hi, today I bring you build I really enjoy and have been rather successful with. The Idea behind the build, was to push far and actually capture the point or stalemate and decap the point. So I will break the build down into area's just so you get a better understanding of how it all comes together. Just to add, I've been successful with this build in rank SPvP.


## **Build Link:** [soulbeast](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJATRnEqAlsgtsAO8CUtglJBzZyVBycNBgGwEIv3+bLulY+0A-jph/gAD7PQeIAUvAATlBEfAAAHBAA "Soulbeast")


# **Areas of interest:**

**Healing** - The build utilities Mending and Jacaranda combo, this allows me to take full advantage of the +25% bonus Jacaranda offers when in Soulbeast. Combined with Rugged Growth and Companion's Defense. Now where the real power of this build comes from is its ability to sustain heal almost none stop due to high upkeep of protection which is boosted by your boon duration which is needed in order to get full 3 seconds out of Companion's Defense. This combo gives you the sustain healing along with massive burst heals to sustain them prolonged fights or out-numbered fights while you wait for backup.


**Conditions** - Due to how your healing works and combined with Jacaranda and the trait Second Skin, and due to how your Healing works it also combos into your condition remove as your Protection uptime is rather impressive so dealing with anything that isn't a Necro you're able to sit on the point, even vs condition spamming mesmers. You need to utilize your Jacaranda at all times, I normally camp this pet swapping in out of Soulbeast depending on how much damage or pressure im under. Your F3 will heal well over 8k and give you 4 1/2 seconds of resistances, now one would think that resistance would get removed but due to amount of boons your already applying I've yet to have it stripped in them vital moments. Also something to note about the condition remove, is your Greatsword is using the sigil escape which is massive bonus in terms of escaping a point. Sigil of Escape has saved my ass more times than I can count.


**Control** - This build does give you fair bit of control, in terms of you can dictate how the fight will play out. Jacaranda is by far our best pet, it's loaded with best set of low cd skills that allow us to lock targets down, not once but several times within 20 second window combine this with Point Blank Shot and Entangle and you should be able to lock targets down for decent spike combo's or people trying to +1 fight E.g. thief support.


**Mobility** - Out of combat thanks to Eura, while in Beast mode you're able to use Hunter's Shot and gain 14+ seconds of swiftness add in your Swoop on the Greatsword and your able to get around from point to point. rather fast.


**Pet's** - Jacaranda is a must have pet, it's the core of the build I've already explained why as it combos with the whole build so effectively. Smokescale is also must have pet if you want to burst targets down more effectively. Pet management and knowing when you bounce between Beast mode and which pet is better is something you need to learn on your own, each class and situation has different approach, E.g. vs a Necro I rarely leave Jacaranda, I will jump between modes making full use of my immobilises and you need the extra healing/condition remove.


**Damage** - well this comes down to your playstyles and knowing when to use a skill and how to combo it best off your pets. You have loads of burst damage and sustained dps if played right. The only class you're not going to kill is a good Spellbreaker, but upside is they're never going to beat you. They just don't have the damage even if you stuff up they still don't have the damage output to kill you. Just rotate pets smart and don't waste skills, focus on capping the point and controlling the Spellbreaker.




# **Playstyle,**

The build isn't a super aggressive build it requires lots of thinking and knowing when you use skills. Spamming will result in death, it's vital you understand where your main burst comes from and rotate your skills effectively. Something you should get good at is using your pets smoke field to blind targets or to stealth up and escape or sneak in, I will rarely go to the team fight with this build only time I will depends on the map and if I'm required. Also something to take note of don't try and always cap far, your job is to harass and if you can decap then decap, if you're in 2v1 test the playing field and see if you can handle there damage allowing your teammates to do there job, something you can't do is DIE. This build gives you tools needed to escape and survive long fights.


**Dolyak Stance**- Now, if you're going to run Dolyak Stance, you need to be ever watchful of Deadeye Thieves, if one sneaks up and does there burst it's going to rip you new one rather fast. Due to fact you won't be fighting the Thief over the point, good chance he will +1 fight so keep an eye out you. Reason I use the Stance over Signet of Stone is well the cool down is stupidly long and it doesn't help me escape it just stops them random once off derps that happen. The Stance will also allow you to stomp people, there been many times I've won the 1v1 at far and 2nd has come off spawn and rushed in and without the Stance I would of never landed the stomp. It's also an amazing escape tool, change to GS and pop Dolyak Stance good chance you will escape.



So that's the build, I've started recording to give you better understand. But it's on backburner due to work atm, if you have any idea's or questions please feel free to ask but remember I've flashed this build out and ran it rather successfully in Ranked Que and in Duels, I don't recommend making it your go to duel build its meant for Que's and there will always be better dueling builds.


Best of luck _Saizo Sol_

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> @StickerHappy.8052 said:

> You know things I hate the most? It has to be NM/WS or BM/WS AND It has to be power. No luck theorycrafting a non power build?


Mate, even using BM/WS is becoming less viable I've had far more success with NM. It reminds me of the old days, when Druid first come out done same thing, tried all the traitline and ended up with WS/NM/Druid lol so nothing has changed just replaced Druid with Soulbeast.


In terms of conditions, I can't find a build. There just isn't any good amulets that suit rangers crappy conditions.

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Ha! Thanks for the shout out!


Is quickening zephyr really worth it? Also the sigil on Longbow, I think I'd drop the condition clear on hit for 5% bonus damage to movement impaired foes or something. Seems like there's a lot of cripple and immob uptime between all your skills.


I think a hybrid build could work with the new Marshall amulet coming out, for more condition damage focused weapons. At least as a side node build. Problem with condition ranger builds is they really don't bring anything to a team fight.


I'd really love to try something like: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQRBMfhG2JjKQJLY9KgtgAVLYhRwaeA1qQATB4oFAyXuN3rbKpKDtnD-jZhAQB87gAAgHAw/2fAEnBAJWGAA

With Marshall amulet the power damage wouldnt be awful. Quickdraw with bonfire would be solid damage, protection uptime with protect me should help when dropping NM.


The rest of it kinda weird but could work. Blasts and leaps are a plenty so you could get good use out of healing spring but the main goal would be to blast and leap wisely through frost trap giving yourself permanent frost aura (still stacks up to 30s, right?). Just some thoughts for a hybrid build.

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> @RedCobra.7693 said:

> A thief would just destroy this build, I'm sorry but thieves in this game pretty much make the meta for spvp. the healing power is unnecassary you'd be better off going into more damage with marauders and focusing down scourge the one thing that soulbeast can do well


Honestly this would have to be one of if not the dumbest comment I've ever heard in my life. The build say Back Capper and your saying take Marauder and focus the Necro I really don't get people like you, did you even take the time to read the build. To me sounds like you lack the knowledge. I've been playing Ranger from release and mainly in SPvP. I've faced that many thieves they just don't worry me anymore when I say thieves I mean the top 3 thieves on daily back in the day so I learned how to play against a good thief. Deadeye is only build on thieves you need to worry about as a Ranger running this build, they sneak up while you're fighting and boom headshot half life bar gone. If I wanted to run Marauders I would completely change my build for starts and I would focus on Team fight and +1 fights but atm my build CLEARLY SAYS BACK CAPPER.


@"Eurantien.4632" for some reason I completely looked over the +5% from movement, it would work well. I couldn't find an effective Soulbeast build that works with conditions, I do like the new condition pet it does fair bit condition damage and Beast skills are decent. But yeah the survival I found was lacking, ya know conditions take time to take effect so unless you can sustain vs this crazy ass power meta, like necros man just do so much condition burst its insane.


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> @Eurantien.4632 said:



> Is quickening zephyr really worth it? Also the sigil on Longbow, I think I'd drop the condition clear on hit for 5% bonus damage to movement impaired foes or something. Seems like there's a lot of cripple and immob uptime between all your skills.



It's an incredibly strong skill combined with Wilderness Knowledge especially for Power based builds. Not to mention the defensive usage, great disengage tool.


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you're not the first to experiment with menders or palladins, nature magic protection stacking build. But at this point I wonder what it can actually do? The damage is incredibly mediocore, the sustain is still laughably less then a druid in which a climate with holosmiths, and daredevils u cannot 1 v 2 unless u outskill. the support for team is almost non existent. so yeah u got a soulbeast build finally with sustain not to get burst down instantly but the damage is meh. even holosmiths can sustain your damage. it's practically a druid in terms of offense without the insane healing support and sustain it offers. if this build had more damage but the same sustain it could be something.


And this is not per se something against u. it's the general flaws ''sustain soulbeasts'' are running up against. people of different levels tried this.

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> @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> you're not the first to experiment with menders or palladins, nature magic protection stacking build. But at this point I wonder what it can actually do? The damage is incredibly mediocore, the sustain is still laughably less then a druid in which a climate with holosmiths, and daredevils u cannot 1 v 2 unless u outskill. the support for team is almost non existent. so yeah u got a soulbeast build finally with sustain not to get burst down instantly but the damage is meh. even holosmiths can sustain your damage. it's practically a druid in terms of offense without the insane healing support and sustain it offers. if this build had more damage but the same sustain it could be something.


> And this is not per se something against u. it's the general flaws ''sustain soulbeasts'' are running up against. people of different levels tried this.


Mate, I know there other people with more less same build, but thing is nobody posting anything just complaining about everything. Menders Soulbeast is working for me on back points, maybe this build just works for me, but you need to remember I was around in SPvP when Traps was meta now that was one of first ranger metas and it was painful fighting teams of 2-3 dd/d ele's. I'm just used to playing builds that lact damage but in the end I win, that's all I'm aiming for.


I know build lacks damage but I'm able to kill people on side points better than I could with a Druid build, Greatsword just offers much better damage. Each to there own, if build doesn't work for you so be it not worried. Works for me.



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> @Sol.4310 said:

> > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > you're not the first to experiment with menders or palladins, nature magic protection stacking build. But at this point I wonder what it can actually do? The damage is incredibly mediocore, the sustain is still laughably less then a druid in which a climate with holosmiths, and daredevils u cannot 1 v 2 unless u outskill. the support for team is almost non existent. so yeah u got a soulbeast build finally with sustain not to get burst down instantly but the damage is meh. even holosmiths can sustain your damage. it's practically a druid in terms of offense without the insane healing support and sustain it offers. if this build had more damage but the same sustain it could be something.

> >

> > And this is not per se something against u. it's the general flaws ''sustain soulbeasts'' are running up against. people of different levels tried this.


> Mate, I know there other people with more less same build, but thing is nobody posting anything just complaining about everything. Menders Soulbeast is working for me on back points, maybe this build just works for me, but you need to remember I was around in SPvP when Traps was meta now that was one of first ranger metas and it was painful fighting teams of 2-3 dd/d ele's. I'm just used to playing builds that lact damage but in the end I win, that's all I'm aiming for.


> I know build lacks damage but I'm able to kill people on side points better than I could with a Druid build, Greatsword just offers much better damage. Each to there own, if build doesn't work for you so be it not worried. Works for me.




Could u post some gameplay please?

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> @nacario.9417 said:

> > @Sol.4310 said:

> > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > you're not the first to experiment with menders or palladins, nature magic protection stacking build. But at this point I wonder what it can actually do? The damage is incredibly mediocore, the sustain is still laughably less then a druid in which a climate with holosmiths, and daredevils u cannot 1 v 2 unless u outskill. the support for team is almost non existent. so yeah u got a soulbeast build finally with sustain not to get burst down instantly but the damage is meh. even holosmiths can sustain your damage. it's practically a druid in terms of offense without the insane healing support and sustain it offers. if this build had more damage but the same sustain it could be something.

> > >

> > > And this is not per se something against u. it's the general flaws ''sustain soulbeasts'' are running up against. people of different levels tried this.

> >

> > Mate, I know there other people with more less same build, but thing is nobody posting anything just complaining about everything. Menders Soulbeast is working for me on back points, maybe this build just works for me, but you need to remember I was around in SPvP when Traps was meta now that was one of first ranger metas and it was painful fighting teams of 2-3 dd/d ele's. I'm just used to playing builds that lact damage but in the end I win, that's all I'm aiming for.

> >

> > I know build lacks damage but I'm able to kill people on side points better than I could with a Druid build, Greatsword just offers much better damage. Each to there own, if build doesn't work for you so be it not worried. Works for me.

> >

> >


> Could u post some gameplay please?


Best I can do is stream when I'm playing, tbh I work to much if I'm not working I'm playing. If I do video might take bit.

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> @Sol.4310 said:

> > @nacario.9417 said:

> > > @Sol.4310 said:

> > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > you're not the first to experiment with menders or palladins, nature magic protection stacking build. But at this point I wonder what it can actually do? The damage is incredibly mediocore, the sustain is still laughably less then a druid in which a climate with holosmiths, and daredevils u cannot 1 v 2 unless u outskill. the support for team is almost non existent. so yeah u got a soulbeast build finally with sustain not to get burst down instantly but the damage is meh. even holosmiths can sustain your damage. it's practically a druid in terms of offense without the insane healing support and sustain it offers. if this build had more damage but the same sustain it could be something.

> > > >

> > > > And this is not per se something against u. it's the general flaws ''sustain soulbeasts'' are running up against. people of different levels tried this.

> > >

> > > Mate, I know there other people with more less same build, but thing is nobody posting anything just complaining about everything. Menders Soulbeast is working for me on back points, maybe this build just works for me, but you need to remember I was around in SPvP when Traps was meta now that was one of first ranger metas and it was painful fighting teams of 2-3 dd/d ele's. I'm just used to playing builds that lact damage but in the end I win, that's all I'm aiming for.

> > >

> > > I know build lacks damage but I'm able to kill people on side points better than I could with a Druid build, Greatsword just offers much better damage. Each to there own, if build doesn't work for you so be it not worried. Works for me.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Could u post some gameplay please?


> Best I can do is stream when I'm playing, tbh I work to much if I'm not working I'm playing. If I do video might take bit.


I didn't know you streamed? What's your channel? I wanna watch some of your vids.


PS: We should duel sometime. I think you are the only one I haven't dueled.

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Not a bad build but like many people said in terms of backcapping I don't see a benefit over druid which has stealth, better condi clear, mobility, team support.


Personally I think Soulbeast really shines for offensive power ranger so Marauder. You can specialize in hunting thieves and necros and get unblockable burst for warriors, guardians, whatever. Mobility with Gazelle is great. Your range and Wilderness Knowledge make condis a non-issue.

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> @Dojo.1867 said:

> Not a bad build but like many people said in terms of backcapping I don't see a benefit over druid which has stealth, better condi clear, mobility, team support.


> Personally I think Soulbeast really shines for offensive power ranger so Marauder. You can specialize in hunting thieves and necros and get unblockable burst for warriors, guardians, whatever. Mobility with Gazelle is great. Your range and Wilderness Knowledge make condis a non-issue.


Not going to deny the fact Marauders Soulbeast so much more fun and effect, isn't best vs some builds can't be helped and is more of team spec. But when comes to killing is does darn good job, WS/BM/SB great build, makes me wonder how meta will shift next patch and if they will nerf Necros and Warriors.


Faced lot of Druids tonight,not sure if its lack of skill on druids end but only one that was hard, was one that had full Support Guard with him and necro, we couldn't push them off the point at all lol.

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Yeah, roaming power ranger always depends more on your team comp and how the rest of your team is doing.


Being able to straight out just "win a point" for the whole game defenitively has its benefits but like I said I guess I would go for a might stacking druid then.

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> @Dojo.1867 said:

> Yeah, roaming power ranger always depends more on your team comp and how the rest of your team is doing.


> Being able to straight out just "win a point" for the whole game defenitively has its benefits but like I said I guess I would go for a might stacking druid then.


Might stacking might be option once Cele hit's, not sure what I'd run Soulbeast or Druid. Have to wait and see, I used to have rather solid cele build before it was removed I wonder if I can bring it back, used run hardcore condition build a/d-s/t cele with duel birds was lot of fun, but sigils are missing and cele this time around is 100 stat points less. Have wait and see, I got feeling I can go Soulbeast, take d/d -s/t but have to wait and see.

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Personally I still hope for significant soulbeast changes like pet swap in beastmode. This would completely alter the status quo also for a build like this one because you can rotate between you sustain pet and for example a toughness/invul pet vs thieves, a condi pet, etc. Soulbeast feels unfinished atm, not necessarly underpowered but I still think they could greatly improve on the overall feel by enabling pet swapping even if it required nerfs in other areas.

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> @Dojo.1867 said:

> Personally I still hope for significant soulbeast changes like pet swap in beastmode. This would completely alter the status quo also for a build like this one because you can rotate between you sustain pet and for example a toughness/invul pet vs thieves, a condi pet, etc. Soulbeast feels unfinished atm, not necessarly underpowered but I still think they could greatly improve on the overall feel by enabling pet swapping even if it required nerfs in other areas.


I would rather see them remove something like the CD on Soulbeast, we already have to wait for pet swap.

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I must say i ended up with a simlar build. Though i had signet of the hunt over lighting reflexes (but the bmode, longbow 3 had not occured to me, so i might end up with LR back). I also started to favor bear stance and started to use 1 wolf pack with stance trait fantastic when in a team fight. That healing pet is a pretty good substitution for druid.


I also started mixing up my amulate depending on how i was playing. I wish there is a minor healing power ammulate

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> @Sol.4310 said:

> > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > you're not the first to experiment with menders or palladins, nature magic protection stacking build. But at this point I wonder what it can actually do? The damage is incredibly mediocore, the sustain is still laughably less then a druid in which a climate with holosmiths, and daredevils u cannot 1 v 2 unless u outskill. the support for team is almost non existent. so yeah u got a soulbeast build finally with sustain not to get burst down instantly but the damage is meh. even holosmiths can sustain your damage. it's practically a druid in terms of offense without the insane healing support and sustain it offers. if this build had more damage but the same sustain it could be something.

> >

> > And this is not per se something against u. it's the general flaws ''sustain soulbeasts'' are running up against. people of different levels tried this.


> Mate, I know there other people with more less same build, but thing is nobody posting anything just complaining about everything. Menders Soulbeast is working for me on back points, maybe this build just works for me, but you need to remember I was around in SPvP when Traps was meta now that was one of first ranger metas and it was painful fighting teams of 2-3 dd/d ele's. I'm just used to playing builds that lact damage but in the end I win, that's all I'm aiming for.


> I know build lacks damage but I'm able to kill people on side points better than I could with a Druid build, Greatsword just offers much better damage. Each to there own, if build doesn't work for you so be it not worried. Works for me.




Firstly, im not your "mate".


Thief is meta, when thief is meta you have to build around it. fact. I've gotten to legend twice with druid. and not once have I been able to not run signet of stone. the fact that this build doesnt have the signet tells me immediately that this guy doesn't play high tier pvp. it might be good for unranked and hotjoin.

deadeye doesnt exist in top tier its just bad.


The only place soulbeast currently has in the meta is countering scourges.


If the build works for you in unranked fine but the rest of us will play optimal builds

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> @RedCobra.7693 said:

> > @Sol.4310 said:

> > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > you're not the first to experiment with menders or palladins, nature magic protection stacking build. But at this point I wonder what it can actually do? The damage is incredibly mediocore, the sustain is still laughably less then a druid in which a climate with holosmiths, and daredevils u cannot 1 v 2 unless u outskill. the support for team is almost non existent. so yeah u got a soulbeast build finally with sustain not to get burst down instantly but the damage is meh. even holosmiths can sustain your damage. it's practically a druid in terms of offense without the insane healing support and sustain it offers. if this build had more damage but the same sustain it could be something.

> > >

> > > And this is not per se something against u. it's the general flaws ''sustain soulbeasts'' are running up against. people of different levels tried this.

> >

> > Mate, I know there other people with more less same build, but thing is nobody posting anything just complaining about everything. Menders Soulbeast is working for me on back points, maybe this build just works for me, but you need to remember I was around in SPvP when Traps was meta now that was one of first ranger metas and it was painful fighting teams of 2-3 dd/d ele's. I'm just used to playing builds that lact damage but in the end I win, that's all I'm aiming for.

> >

> > I know build lacks damage but I'm able to kill people on side points better than I could with a Druid build, Greatsword just offers much better damage. Each to there own, if build doesn't work for you so be it not worried. Works for me.

> >

> >


> Firstly, im not your "mate".


> Thief is meta, when thief is meta you have to build around it. fact. I've gotten to legend twice with druid. and not once have I been able to not run signet of stone. the fact that this build doesnt have the signet tells me immediately that this guy doesn't play high tier pvp. it might be good for unranked and hotjoin.

> deadeye doesnt exist in top tier its just bad.


> The only place soulbeast currently has in the meta is countering scourges.


> If the build works for you in unranked fine but the rest of us will play optimal builds


I really enjoyed reading your post best part was, "build doesnt have the signet tells me immediately that this guy doesn't play high tier pvp. it might be good for unranked and hotjoin."


Also leaderboards mean nothing, I was once rank 2 one season..... Also I've never heard of you, are you new to SPvP. Have you ever competed in tournaments? how long have you been playing SPvP less than a year?

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> @Sol.4310 said:

> > @RedCobra.7693 said:

> > > @Sol.4310 said:

> > > > @"Xanctus The Dragonslayer.2318" said:

> > > > you're not the first to experiment with menders or palladins, nature magic protection stacking build. But at this point I wonder what it can actually do? The damage is incredibly mediocore, the sustain is still laughably less then a druid in which a climate with holosmiths, and daredevils u cannot 1 v 2 unless u outskill. the support for team is almost non existent. so yeah u got a soulbeast build finally with sustain not to get burst down instantly but the damage is meh. even holosmiths can sustain your damage. it's practically a druid in terms of offense without the insane healing support and sustain it offers. if this build had more damage but the same sustain it could be something.

> > > >

> > > > And this is not per se something against u. it's the general flaws ''sustain soulbeasts'' are running up against. people of different levels tried this.

> > >

> > > Mate, I know there other people with more less same build, but thing is nobody posting anything just complaining about everything. Menders Soulbeast is working for me on back points, maybe this build just works for me, but you need to remember I was around in SPvP when Traps was meta now that was one of first ranger metas and it was painful fighting teams of 2-3 dd/d ele's. I'm just used to playing builds that lact damage but in the end I win, that's all I'm aiming for.

> > >

> > > I know build lacks damage but I'm able to kill people on side points better than I could with a Druid build, Greatsword just offers much better damage. Each to there own, if build doesn't work for you so be it not worried. Works for me.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Firstly, im not your "mate".

> >

> > Thief is meta, when thief is meta you have to build around it. fact. I've gotten to legend twice with druid. and not once have I been able to not run signet of stone. the fact that this build doesnt have the signet tells me immediately that this guy doesn't play high tier pvp. it might be good for unranked and hotjoin.

> > deadeye doesnt exist in top tier its just bad.

> >

> > The only place soulbeast currently has in the meta is countering scourges.

> >

> > If the build works for you in unranked fine but the rest of us will play optimal builds


> I really enjoyed reading your post best part was, "build doesnt have the signet tells me immediately that this guy doesn't play high tier pvp. it might be good for unranked and hotjoin."


> Also leaderboards mean nothing, I was once rank 2 one season..... Also I've never heard of you, are you new to SPvP. Have you ever competed in tournaments? how long have you been playing SPvP less than a year?


The fact you havent heard of me tells me you've never played competitive pvp, i was pretty much an esl admin for the entire duration it was out. played spvp casually but never hardcore.


If you dont run signet, a good thief will know and he will focus you. you can watch a sindrener. who even with druids pre patch (much more survivable than soulbeast) he targeted like no tomorrow as soon as he knew their signet was down.


even when rom returned after a while he asked denshee sindrener and helseth in discord. is thief still meta? yes.... he sighed and equiped signet of stone simply because every build and every role revolved around accounting for thief it pigeon-holes you without being able to fully dedicate to a role.


this is common knowledge i dont know why its laughable.

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also entangle is just plain bad, who uses this xD it pins nothing down anymore since HoT...core it used to be alright but now youre just stacking condi clear. you'd honestly do a far better job just going full dps with gazelle for extra mobility, relying on greatsword for distance will just get you killed without stone for sure

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> @RedCobra.7693 said:

> also entangle is just plain bad, who uses this xD it pins nothing down anymore since HoT...core it used to be alright but now youre just stacking condi clear. you'd honestly do a far better job just going full dps with gazelle for extra mobility, relying on greatsword for distance will just get you killed without stone for sure.


You're completely right, sorry won't happen again. I'll remain stupid and never be smart as you....

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