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Proposed ANet DPS meter solution (Please delete this, moderator)


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**Could a moderator please delete this? ***

How about ANet implements a DPS meter solution in a different way? Build on elements that they already provide in-game, and do it inside-out:


You go to an instanced Dojo. On the right wall you have buttons which summon one or more light, medium, or heavy-armored non-destructible dummies with a choice of stationary or moving. This is already mostly available in the Mists, except it's not instanced so someone can jump in and interfere with your experimentation, and it's also doesn't offer all the other features I'm thinking of.


On the left wall you might have options to turn on room-wide buffs of various kinds that you might receive in a group.


On the center wall you have a DPS meter, which also inserts your DPS output every 10 seconds into your combat log. (This provides a convenient separator if you want to work with the Combat output by hand.) The DPS meter on the wall has four displays: a resetable overall DPS meter, a meter for highest DPS over any 10-second interval, and meters for the last 30 and 60 seconds. I'm thinking just numbers, but if they can support graphs for the overall, that'd be cool, too. The meters are frozen or reset by gestures. (Maybe use /wave to reset and /bow to freeze.)


I think this would be useful to folks who simply want to improve or experiment with rotations and builds, but would keep it from being an easy boot meter. You could invite your party to the room if you want to practice as a group or if you want some pointers/help. The room could continually apply a debuff that prevents entering any raid/dungeon/strike for 20 minutes. (To try to prevent it from becoming an LFG tryout room.)


Of course this is providing best-case numbers -- you don't have to avoid damage, etc -- but I think it would be quite useful for soloists, it could be useful for mentoring someone, it could be useful to groups, though serious groups would still need to "train" the painful way in an actual instance against actual bosses and mechanisms. And it hopefully sidesteps the "you got kicked because you were doing only 89% of the damage you should've been doing" issue. If ANet officially provides this mechanism, it would decrease many people's desire to use actual DPS meters, and because it's in-game it can't screw up or compromise your computer.



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*Blush* I did not know about this. Or maybe I saw it and "raid group" and didn't think I could be my own raid. Sigh. I can't delete a post, can I?


A tip in case you try to go to the Special Forces Training Area alone. You initially get a pop-up that mentions 10 people. I ignored it and that was a mistake -- you won't be able to walk through the portal, you evidently have to use the pop-up to enter. I had to back away and get the message again, then click on the Special Forces Training Area label to enter. (I also formed my own group, in case that matters.)

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