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warrior build!!


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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"Rod.6581" said:

> > WvW: https://www.vabbi.eu/builds

> >



> You know Thief and Rangers are gonna feel discriminated against.


If they do, it just means they don't understand their classes. Luckily nobody is bound to a single character, so if someone likes running in blobs, they can easly relog to something more viable. \o/

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> @"XECOR.2814" said:

> Dont troll new players. We dont have that many to begin with.



> Just buy berserker everything. (power precision ferocity)


lol... proceeds to troll new player.


Condi warrior is not great in any player vs player environment, although it can be made functional at low tier pvp and wvw roaming.


I'd say a build like this could throw some people off, but it's mostly a ganking build and takes some game knowledge to pull of good bursts and use your counter pressure (your only real defense with this build) to help yourself sustain fights.



Otherwise, you can go for different stats like dire, and drop the rifle for a longbow, and switch your burst crit trait into the condi one.


Even though this whole thread seems like one giant troll, maybe this will help someone have some fun on condi warrior.

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