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Petition to release classic gw2


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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> "Classic" wouldn't be perfect. Sure, it has many bad aspects, but it has many good aspects which could and should be applied to the current game. The idea is to start from something different and try again to improve it.


If classic was released and balanced with modern-day hindsight, isn't it very possible it'd just fall into the same position PvP is in currently? ?Would it even be Gw2 classic at that point? ?


Personally I don't like the idea. This isn't OldSchool Runescape or Halo: MCC. Bringing those classics back works because little if any balance is necessary when everyone can use the same most overpowered gear available. SPvP is a class-based game though, and I know bringing 8 classes all to the same playing field, is easier than all the elite specs we have now, but Pre-HoT SPvP still had numerous balancing issues with some classes feeling useless, and some feeling pretty OP. That would have to be 'fixed' through balance patches that would come from the same people influencing them now.


Also RIP Rev players and build diversity.

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What is gw2 classic? U can't just take a name from another game smash it together into gw and expect people to know what you are talking about.

If you mean gw2 core, excluding hot and POF then sure, I'm ok with a core PvP gw2 game. But in terms of the word classic? This isnt wow I have no idea what u are talking about when you say classic.

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GW2 doesn’t have the player base to make classic GW2 financially feasible. If they can barely maintain the game (look at all of the bugs that have remained unfixed for months/years) and focus only on one aspect of the game (living story) while pretty much ignoring the rest (WvW, sPvP, fractals, raids), where do you think they’ll get the resources to work on a classic version?


Another thing is to consider how many players would actually play the classic mode over the long term. Players who want this are likely viewing it with rose colored glasses and completely forgetting the issues that were present in the game back then. It’s also not like players will have access to any of the QoL upgrades we have today that they take for granted.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> Ah back in the days of craftable pvp equipment and 100% boosted quickness(it's 50% atm), capped conditions, and thieves 2shotting with mainhand dagger autoattacks.

> WhO wOuLdn'T MiSs tHat.


> Guess 7 years is a long time and you forgot what the game was like back then. Would be a fun april 1st joke though.


I miss speed stomp

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> I miss the days of glory vendors before the pve junk was introduced. It brought in actual pvp players since rewards were pvp based skins and such. Pve pugs had no reason to come and ruin games.


When PvE players , could unlock The Ruined City of Arah Plate Pants (sexy) from doing dungeon .

While PvP players had to be rank 50 , to unlock it :P

They couldnt use that uncloked skin in PvP , neither you in PvE

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