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Yet another Serpent's Ire request thread


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Just tried this with, in the end, 18 people, and we failed. I tagged up for the damn thing, and went into lfg ahead of time. I had 4 people with me, at the start, but fast joiners once the meta was underway, and certainly ahead of the 15-minute mark.

The timer ran out on us, just as we had the last zealot located.

This event may be possible with less than a full squad, however the area over which the zealots appear make this difficult to achievement inside the timer. Apropos of (honestly, not entirely quoting you): https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1125678/#Comment_1125678

Please reduce down the real estate for the zealots. Or, at least, put a clear marker on the map to show where they are instead of having people going all over the - rather large - area trying to find it, and then dying because they're the only one there. The lack of WPs in this area/map make it even more of a pain.

I tagged up because, for 5 days straight, there has been no lfg for this meta during the time I have been playing - up to 5 hours post reset.

I have one achievement locked behind doing this meta, and I am sure there are other people with locked achievements as well. If this event is going to remain a PITA to get, please put in alternative means of finishing achievements currently relying on this meta.

I am now going to tag and lfg half an hour ahead of the next damn meta time to see if I can get enough people. I can get 50 people on my tag to do a bounty train, but I can't even get 20 to do a meta - and the first one after reset.


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I managed it this time. Tagged up about 10 minutes before meta, and advertised in LFG. Also advertised in the forums. Started with 20. Probably ended up with about 40 as some were out of squad. A second person comm'd up who knew the fight. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.


I remain convinced that the zealot hunt requires a minimum of 20 people due to the size of the area to search.


Thanks to everyone who came, if you're reading this post.

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Another option: make the event worth more rewards, say 5x as many. So a person could get, if they wanted, 5 amalgamated gemstones from the event. When pinata gives one gemstone, why would anyone do this event which also gives one gemstone? The difficulty and duration of the event seems out of whack for the rewards.

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Tequalt give 2g every time you complete it for the first time, why not make all events that are on a huge timer, and are hard/require a lot of cordination have the same reward, some of those are 10x times harder than Tequatl (VB and DB Shatterer comes to mind), but they give zero rewards, most of them you do for a collection or achievement once, and them never again.

Tough yeah, we have to take into account if this "increase in gold gain" would have any effects on the economy, but i'm sure all these meta events would be populated every time of the day, the "bonux boxes" events are proof of this.

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People wanted them added to POF events but I don't think they expected Pinata to be included in that as folks already did that meta. The chance of a rare infusion drives that one.


In other words, people were doing that meta 4-5 times a day on alts already. Adding an amalgamated to that particular event was bound to drive down prices.



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Which comes back to the problem: how can Serpent's Ire be more attractive to players? Having worse loot than pinata isn't helping. Take the amalgamated gemstone off pinata and give it to Serpent's Ire. Same number of gemstones a day, just more appropriately "earned". :)


Edited for embarrassing grammatical error.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Consider this my humble brag, but I've done the hunt with 6. The truth is that the zealots have a few pre-set areas where they spawn, and all you really have to do is check those. It helps if your squad is smart and don't just run around in circles. Spread out and don't search the same area twice.


If this is so, why not add that information on the wiki? This would help tremendously people trying out this meta.




Alternatively, just flash a random zealot's location every minute in the minimap to reduce the search strain.

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