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NAME PURGE, its about time...


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I've made three characters over the last two months and had no trouble claiming the very first names I picked for them, none of them very long or far-fetched.


Everyone who bought a copy of a non-subscription game should expect their account and characters to remain available as-is for as long as the game is available, unless limitations are clearly stated.

Just my 2c.

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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> I wonder what name you are trying to get.


i tried a fev made up fantasy names along with changing a letter here and there to still make them sound like a normal name and they are all taken. I wanted to make a mesmer or a revenant for a couple of weeks now, i managed to make a sylvari that doesnt look completely craptastic with so fev non ugly faces to choose from it wasnt easy. i have about 10 nicknames allong with 4 possible variations in every ones name that are acceptable. none of them big fantasy or popular franchise names. Most of them from my pen and paper rpg days when we made up names that were both realistic and not a rip off from legolas etc. Fundamentally you know the situation is bad you jsut dont want to admit it, because since you found a not realy as satisfactory as youd wish workarround that means theres no problem. You know there is a problem...

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> @Goettel.4389 said:

> I've made three characters over the last two months and had no trouble claiming the very first names I picked for them, none of them very long or far-fetched.


are you english speaker? are you making them pronounceable in english? Cause you are lucky if so.



> Everyone who bought a copy of a non-subscription game should expect their account and characters to remain available as-is for as long as the game is available, unless limitations are clearly stated.

> Just my 2c.


Yea limitations will be clearly stated, thats the whole month of time thing. I dont want people who give a shit about their character names to loose them. But at some point you also have to let the active player base breathe. If you give a shit, i dont think loging on to your account even via website would be too much to ask. Plenty of games done that and nobody complained. Heck i even lost some names in allods online that way but thats because i didnt give a shit about that game for a long time, they didnt send me a reminder or a warning once and i still didnt mind because i didnt play so they have to give a crap more about people who do. Im saying give it a month send reminders etc, make sure people who give a shit have the time to react but then DO IT.

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> @Corvus.2831 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > I wonder what name you are trying to get.


> i tried a fev made up fantasy names along with changing a letter here and there to still make them sound like a normal name and they are all taken. I wanted to make a mesmer or a revenant for a couple of weeks now, i managed to make a sylvari that doesnt look completely craptastic with so fev non ugly faces to choose from it wasnt easy. i have about 10 nicknames allong with 4 possible variations in every ones name that are acceptable. none of them big fantasy or popular franchise names. Most of them from my pen and paper rpg days when we made up names that were both realistic and not a rip off from legolas etc. Fundamentally you know the situation is bad you jsut dont want to admit it, because since you found a not realy as satisfactory as youd wish workarround that means theres no problem. You know there is a problem...


If all of them (which I don't believe) are taken, clearly they are not as original as you thought. The game is old, names are taken. Deal with it because nothing is going to change.

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> @Corvus.2831 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > There are lots of names left if you use a first and last name/title. I’ve made several new chars in the last few months and each name went through with no problem.


> In other words, if you go around the problem going with pretentious and very long and thus hard to key in or remember names you still find a fev non taken combinations. Im aware of that. How does that change anything? I can litteraly mash my keyboard and the chance the combination will be taken is quite high are you aware of that?


Pretentious, hard, very long? Are you serious? For my Human a 4 letter first name plus Crane is pretentious? For my Charr, a 5 letter first name and a culturally appropriate last name, Irontooth, is “very long”? Those are not names that are hard to remember, unless you’re unable to remember first and last names in real life.

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> @Corvus.2831 said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > There are lots of names left if you use a first and last name/title. I’ve made several new chars in the last few months and each name went through with no problem.


> In other words, if you go around the problem going with pretentious and very long and thus hard to key in or remember names you still find a fev non taken combinations. Im aware of that. How does that change anything? I can litteraly mash my keyboard and the chance the combination will be taken is quite high are you aware of that?


What's pretentious about having a last name? In real-life the majority of people have at least 2 words in their name (some have many more) and I've never heard of that being considered pretentious.


Of course a person's full name is not always used (even in some formal situations, when I first met the CEO of my previous company she introduced herself to me as Julia), but the same is true in-game. My main character is called Danielle Aurorel, but most my friends and guildies call her (and me) Dani. If I could tell them Dragon's Watch would do the same.

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> @Corvus.2831 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > I wonder what name you are trying to get.


> i tried a fev made up fantasy names along with changing a letter here and there to still make them sound like a normal name and they are all taken. I wanted to make a mesmer or a revenant for a couple of weeks now, i managed to make a sylvari that doesnt look completely craptastic with so fev non ugly faces to choose from it wasnt easy. i have about 10 nicknames allong with 4 possible variations in every ones name that are acceptable. none of them big fantasy or popular franchise names. Most of them from my pen and paper rpg days when we made up names that were both realistic and not a rip off from legolas etc. Fundamentally you know the situation is bad you jsut dont want to admit it, because since you found a not realy as satisfactory as youd wish workarround that means theres no problem. You know there is a problem...


You'd be surprised how common uncommon names are i mean heck how common is Wooby? Never heard wooby ever other than my own pigment of imagination apparently some one exists in this game and has just as a twisted imagination as I that is almost scary.

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Well yes, as more characters are created, more names are taken. This is natural way of game getting older. You are not entitled to any name in the game.


> And mounts will never happen either right!?


They never said there will ever be mounts in game so your example is absolutely irrelevant. However, they clearly stated they are not going to purge "inactive" names and you are well aware of it and their reasoning. Your whining is going to change nothing, especially that you are getting more agressive with every post here.

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> @Corvus.2831 said:

> > If all of them (which I don't believe) are taken, clearly they are not as original as you thought. The game is old, names are taken. Deal with it because nothing is going to change.

> And mounts will never happen either right!? just go away you waste my time.


> I could make them sound adalegolasxxx or sqasdf(oh wait that one is taken) . Those while original are not names. And this is a long existing problem that only gets worse with time.




Using examples like adalegolasxxx is not helping your argument. Try one first name you actually want and add a reasonable last name and it will go through.



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But i do understand where you coming from, don't want ya think i don't I've tried few words that aren't really even names, that i'd expect no one to really mess with and came up with unavailable message. So just how it goes 1000s apon 1000s of people in this game, alot of different imaginations and creativity are in this game. Even those names you tried, those people might be playing daily for all you know. Even with name purge you might not get what you want, like I said just how it goes. The game is 5 years old to, older it gets harder names will get, but purging might not help you at all.

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> What's pretentious about having a last name? In real-life the majority of people have at least 2 words in their name (some have many more) and I've never heard of that being considered pretentious.


> Of course a person's full name is not always used (even in some formal situations, when I first met the CEO of my previous company she introduced herself to me as Julia), but the same is true in-game. My main character is called Danielle Aurorel, but most my friends and guildies call her (and me) Dani. If I could tell them Dragon's Watch would do the same.


1, normal last names are also already taken same for decent titles which btw you have a separate ingame thing for. Selfproclaiming to be "the great" or "teh black" or whatever is pretentious.

2 when you encounter people they tell you, hi im Anya, ergo a fantasy character immediate name would be hi im Anarys, Elvaneth, Isyrien etc not full name and surname. Saying hi im Marigoth Elentviel the third is pretentious, everythign after the name is pretentious. and you did it becasue MARIGOTH was taken aswel as Marielgoth margothiel etc etc etc. Thats the problem now you know thats how it is because you had to choose a surname so don't deny it.

3 long names are immemorable and hard to key in.



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> @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> Well yes, as more characters are created, more names are taken. This is natural way of game getting older. You are not entitled to any name in the game.

Exaclty why they should be released from inactive accounts. "YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ANY NAME IN THE GAME." i win you loose can we do this then? since you agreed.



> > And mounts will never happen either right!?


> They never said there will ever be mounts in game so your example is absolutely irrelevant. However, they clearly stated they are not going to purge "inactive" names and you are well aware of it and their reasoning. Your whining is going to change nothing, especially that you are getting more agressive with every post here.


I specificly remember they did say no mount becasue itll interfere with the events appearing etc. I am aware of their incorrect faulty reasoning. I dismantled it in the opening post. People who didnt play for 5 years are not active players. You cant argue that.

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Gonna go out on a limb here and say chances that you get your desired name even after a name purge are slim to none.


The answer to your problem is not a purge but getting creative. Nobody is suggesting you should just keysmash something or pick a ridiculously long name or whatever. The key is 1) look up unusual names (there are plenty of sites on the web for that, I prefer behindthename.com cause you can also search for nice meanings), 2) be familiar with alternative spelling conventions (some Welsh and Irish variants can be a godsend for sylvari names) , and 3) use last names (especially fitting for humans, charr and norn). With that method I've easily managed to get all the nice race-appropriate names I wanted over the course of the last years. Especially when using a last name I've never had a problem.

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> @Corvus.2831 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > I wonder what name you are trying to get.


> i tried a fev made up fantasy names along with changing a letter here and there to still make them sound like a normal name and they are all taken. I wanted to make a mesmer or a revenant for a couple of weeks now, i managed to make a sylvari that doesnt look completely craptastic with so fev non ugly faces to choose from it wasnt easy. i have about 10 nicknames allong with 4 possible variations in every ones name that are acceptable. none of them big fantasy or popular franchise names. Most of them from my pen and paper rpg days when we made up names that were both realistic and not a rip off from legolas etc. Fundamentally you know the situation is bad you jsut dont want to admit it, because since you found a not realy as satisfactory as youd wish workarround that means theres no problem. You know there is a problem...


Hm... fantasy names...

"King Arthir"?

"Vlad The Impoler"?

"Ivon The Terribull"?

"Ghengis Kahn"?


I don't know what "fantasy" names you're trying to use with "Changing a letter here and there" unless the "Fantasy" you mean is Final like:

"Clud" "Teffa" "Snuu" "Lightneeng" "Seffyroff" "Cidane" and so on.


Because the excuse of "none of them is big fantasy or popular franchise names" doesn't help at all.

Especially if it's a "fantasy name" that would be known with "a few letters changed here and there". That would mean you're trying to use known existing Fantasy names and just changing a few letters so you can go through meaning not unique names.


And finally you can't make the excuse either of stuff you made up "back in the day", because to let you know... brains subconsciously remember crap and then one moment you splur it out and think it's unique and later find out it's a name you heard before.


Maybe "Truldor" or "Grahldine" or "Sivannah" or whatever you might be thinking. Just because you some up with a single name doesn't mean no one else in the world didn't.

This is a game played in many places across the world... think up a name right now and there's a good chance somewhere in the world someone is thinking the same name as you.

Harry isn't a unique name. Potter is not unique either. Harry Potter together? Now someone made up a character and made books on it.

Jim isn't a unique name. Jones is not a unique name. Put them together and you got a Kool-Aid party going on.

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> @Danikat.8537 said:

> > @Corvus.2831 said:

> > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > There are lots of names left if you use a first and last name/title. I’ve made several new chars in the last few months and each name went through with no problem.

> >

> > In other words, if you go around the problem going with pretentious and very long and thus hard to key in or remember names you still find a fev non taken combinations. Im aware of that. How does that change anything? I can litteraly mash my keyboard and the chance the combination will be taken is quite high are you aware of that?


> What's pretentious about having a last name? In real-life the majority of people have at least 2 words in their name (some have many more) and I've never heard of that being considered pretentious.


> Of course a person's full name is not always used (even in some formal situations, when I first met the CEO of my previous company she introduced herself to me as Julia), but the same is true in-game. My main character is called Danielle Aurorel, but most my friends and guildies call her (and me) Dani. If I could tell them Dragon's Watch would do the same.


To be fair, Asuras don't seem to have a last name, but many of them do have like some kind of title to them.

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Tried playing EQ2 after a long break, noted that just about all of my alts had z appended to their name (some had four, easy way to tell that the game is dying if they're merging servers that much). Said nope, and uninstalled.


It's not that hard to find an untaken name, just use surnames.

Asura and Sylvari are tough to name if you stick to lore, though. ...last time I tried naming a new Asura alt, I got blocked out of character creation for 'too many attempts'. Character creation should check the name before you even submit it, there should be a checkmark that lits up if the name is untaken.

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> @Corvus.2831 said:

> > What's pretentious about having a last name? In real-life the majority of people have at least 2 words in their name (some have many more) and I've never heard of that being considered pretentious.

> >

> > Of course a person's full name is not always used (even in some formal situations, when I first met the CEO of my previous company she introduced herself to me as Julia), but the same is true in-game. My main character is called Danielle Aurorel, but most my friends and guildies call her (and me) Dani. If I could tell them Dragon's Watch would do the same.


> 1, normal last names are also already taken same for decent titles which btw you have a separate ingame thing for. Selfproclaiming to be "the great" or "teh black" or whatever is pretentious.

> 2 when you encounter people they tell you, hi im Anya, ergo a fantasy character immediate name would be hi im Anarys, Elvaneth, Isyrien etc not full name and surname. Saying hi im Marigoth Elentviel the third is pretentious, everythign after the name is pretentious. and you did it becasue MARIGOTH was taken aswel as Marielgoth margothiel etc etc etc. Thats the problem now you know thats how it is because you had to choose a surname so don't deny it.

> 3 long names are immemorable and hard to key in.




Is Marigoth Hasin taken? Marigoth Corvus? Marigoth Lias? Marigoth Anfar? Those are random last names I made up in a few minutes and I bet none of them are taken. Use Marigoth and a last name you like and it will be available.


Edit: as for titles I don’t mean Teh Great or anything like that. Irontooth on my Charr is a title, since they don’t have last names. A culturally appropriate name for an Asura, like Fellix Golemancer is a name and title.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @Corvus.2831 said:

> > > What's pretentious about having a last name? In real-life the majority of people have at least 2 words in their name (some have many more) and I've never heard of that being considered pretentious.

> > >

> > > Of course a person's full name is not always used (even in some formal situations, when I first met the CEO of my previous company she introduced herself to me as Julia), but the same is true in-game. My main character is called Danielle Aurorel, but most my friends and guildies call her (and me) Dani. If I could tell them Dragon's Watch would do the same.

> >

> > 1, normal last names are also already taken same for decent titles which btw you have a separate ingame thing for. Selfproclaiming to be "the great" or "teh black" or whatever is pretentious.

> > 2 when you encounter people they tell you, hi im Anya, ergo a fantasy character immediate name would be hi im Anarys, Elvaneth, Isyrien etc not full name and surname. Saying hi im Marigoth Elentviel the third is pretentious, everythign after the name is pretentious. and you did it becasue MARIGOTH was taken aswel as Marielgoth margothiel etc etc etc. Thats the problem now you know thats how it is because you had to choose a surname so don't deny it.

> > 3 long names are immemorable and hard to key in.

> >

> >


> Is Marigoth Hasin taken? Marigoth Corvus? Marigoth Lias? Marigoth Anfar? Those are random last names I made up in a few minutes and I bet none of them are taken. Use Marigoth and a last name you like and it will be available.


I'll be back one moment. I need to buy 4 new character slots.

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Heck my thieif asura I named him Semmi Ghoststep semmi (not semi but sem-mi) sounds little asuran i thought even if it don't good enough for me. warrior name was Warlord of Ascalon seriously thought it be taken when i made him that was 4 years ago though. hmm guardian is Beasty Cabbage lol Talking Cabbage was taken who ever u are you be awesome. My ele name Lei Moon so i mean some commonish names still out there you just need get creative. maybe even be patient. Take a deep breath maybe even meditate up a name.

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> @Corvus.2831 said:


> 1, normal last names are also already taken same for decent titles which btw you have a separate ingame thing for. Selfproclaiming to be "the great" or "teh black" or whatever is pretentious.

> 2 when you encounter people they tell you, hi im Anya, ergo a fantasy character immediate name would be hi im Anarys, Elvaneth, Isyrien etc not full name and surname. Saying hi im Marigoth Elentviel the third is pretentious, everythign after the name is pretentious. and you did it becasue MARIGOTH was taken aswel as Marielgoth margothiel etc etc etc. Thats the problem now you know thats how it is because you had to choose a surname so don't deny it.

> 3 long names are immemorable and hard to key in.


While 'Marigoth Elentviel the third' seems a bit unweildy and I can see why you wouldn't want that, you skipped right from 'Marigoth' to "M E the 3rd' to illustrate your issue. The middle ground here seems like a perfectly reasonable name - Marigoth Elentviel. Sure, in some situations you introduce yourself with just a first name, but not in all situations and that's not really a good argument.


While I understand why you're frustrated, I also think you're being a little inflexible.


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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @Corvus.2831 said:

> > > > What's pretentious about having a last name? In real-life the majority of people have at least 2 words in their name (some have many more) and I've never heard of that being considered pretentious.

> > > >

> > > > Of course a person's full name is not always used (even in some formal situations, when I first met the CEO of my previous company she introduced herself to me as Julia), but the same is true in-game. My main character is called Danielle Aurorel, but most my friends and guildies call her (and me) Dani. If I could tell them Dragon's Watch would do the same.

> > >

> > > 1, normal last names are also already taken same for decent titles which btw you have a separate ingame thing for. Selfproclaiming to be "the great" or "teh black" or whatever is pretentious.

> > > 2 when you encounter people they tell you, hi im Anya, ergo a fantasy character immediate name would be hi im Anarys, Elvaneth, Isyrien etc not full name and surname. Saying hi im Marigoth Elentviel the third is pretentious, everythign after the name is pretentious. and you did it becasue MARIGOTH was taken aswel as Marielgoth margothiel etc etc etc. Thats the problem now you know thats how it is because you had to choose a surname so don't deny it.

> > > 3 long names are immemorable and hard to key in.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Is Marigoth Hasin taken? Marigoth Corvus? Marigoth Lias? Marigoth Anfar? Those are random last names I made up in a few minutes and I bet none of them are taken. Use Marigoth and a last name you like and it will be available.


> I'll be back one moment. I need to buy 4 new character slots.


For you, Marigoth Ayumi. =)

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