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[sPvP Build] Werker Zerker


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[Link to build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKAFwEW6XZBsL2CDjRiH/0abH-z5YXGZmC9WBqPA)


This build is **just for fun** and **not** meant to be any kind of meta. This was just something I threw together last night when wanting to try to make a team support warrior.


**About the Build**


I've ran this in about a dozen games so far with varying degrees of success. I average between 400-500k healing and 300-400k damage roughly. You want to be fighting with your team as much as possible, ideally 2+ people. This build loses a lot of it's usefulness if you are constantly rotating to decap by yourself or bunkering by yourself. This build provides a good amount of boons for the team (might, fury, swiftness, vigor, resistance) and a good amount of condi cleanse between ["Shake it off!"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Shake_It_Off!%22) and [Call of Valor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Call_of_Valor) and even extra endurance for the team with ["To the limit!"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22To_the_Limit!%22). Condi cleanse is also a decent form of healing with the trait [shrug it off](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shrug_It_Off). All your shouts heal you and allies. You have three shouts in the build, two of which have 2 charges and each one will heal for around 2.3k. A good chunk of self sustain (other than the shouts) is from [Rousing Resilience](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rousing_Resilience) paired with [Outrage](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Outrage). This gives you a heal and a decent toughness boost on a low cooldown and is fairly easy to proc with all the CC out there now days. Always try to use this combo as much as possible before wasting your team support skills to sustain yourself. You also have self condi cleanse through [Flames of War](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flames_of_War_(warrior_skill)), not huge, but try to use it and warhorn before relying on ["Shake it off!"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Shake_It_Off!%22) which should be reserved for your team.


**How to play it**


Your goal is to keep condi off your team, heal them, rez them, and provide them with more damage. Try to stay with as many teammates as possible. The more teammates you fight with the more effective you are. Monitor your teammates condition bars and pop warhorn or shake it off when you see someone with 4+ conditions for more than a second. Try to use [Charge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charge_(warrior_skill)) off CD to provide fury to your team, swiftness, and a decent damage buff. Your "defense" set is Sword/Warhorn with mobility from sword to kite around your team and warhorn to cleanse and provide barrier. Your "offensive" set is mace/torch with the burning from torch and the burst skill from mace giving you the ability to load someone up with a decent amount of condi. You **can** win some 1v1 but it isn't easy, ideally you would never be fighting alone. You can provide OK sustained damage through out a fight but it's not your goal to DPS, just do it when your team doesn't need support.


Save banner for turning team fights. I usually get 3-4 rez/stomps from it per game at least. Don't waste it on someone who was fighting 1v3 and is going to die anyways even if you rez them. It's better to save it for when a teammate or enemy goes down in 'close' team fight to get the most value out of it.


**What this build is NOT**


* Anything close to as useful as firebrand.

* Meta

* 1v1 sidenoder

* Bunker (while if played right you have good survivability you wont stand up to hard pressure for as long as a weaver or FB)


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