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Unlimited fractal potions


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For potion u can use in fractals only,5000 Fractal relics seems little bit too much.We get it,you wanted to make higher number req. as humanly possible to keep people doing fractals,but by the time u get ONLY ONE potion,you can farm any of the legendary weapons 2 times over.


In fractals you have to be present at all times,no afk,no brb,that is if you are serious about your farm,while when comes to gold farm for legendary weapons,you can afk as much you want,without holding back rest of the group.


I would totally understand time invested requirement if you could use potion anywhere you want,but only for fractals,which one one plays for more than one hour a day anyway its heavily overtuned.


I have been doing fractals for a while now,but only recently i got ar up to 140+ and started doing it little bit seriously,and after all this time i decided to open all reward chests,trade in all potions,trade pristine relics just to realize i got only 1200 fractal relics,after countless hours of farming.I simply cant see myself farming for 13800 fractals relics more.


Just when i started to warm up,when i realized i am not getting shit worth my time invested,i decided not to enter fractals ever again and sold all agony infusions.

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I think you didn't see that you also get pristine fractal relics which can be trade for regular fractals relics :dizzy:

Basically to get the 3 infinite potions it takes 18 000 fractal relics, you can get about 450 fractals relics per day if you do Cms + T4 + Recs

Therefore, it takes 40 days or 1 month and 10 days approximatively to get the 3 potions...


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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> For potion u can use in fractals only,5000 Fractal relics seems little bit too much.We get it,you wanted to make higher number req. as humanly possible to keep people doing fractals,but by the time u get ONLY ONE potion,you can farm any of the legendary weapons 2 times over.


> In fractals you have to be present at all times,no afk,no brb,that is if you are serious about your farm,while when comes to gold farm for legendary weapons,you can afk as much you want,without holding back rest of the group.


> I would totally understand time invested requirement if you could use potion anywhere you want,but only for fractals,which one one plays for more than one hour a day anyway its heavily overtuned.


> I have been doing fractals for a while now,but only recently i got ar up to 140+ and started doing it little bit seriously,and after all this time i decided to open all reward chests,trade in all potions,trade pristine relics just to realize i got only 1200 fractal relics,after countless hours of farming.I simply cant see myself farming for 13800 fractals relics more.


> Just when i started to warm up,when i realized i am not getting kitten worth my time invested,i decided not to enter fractals ever again and sold all agony infusions.


Infinite potions are part of the end game as fractal titles are. It's not for people that run fractals "sometimes" or "here & there". The amount of relics is totally fine since almost every serious fractal player has them since years. The opposite is true: We don't have enough end game stuff, including content, difficulty ramp up and grind.

Since potions only give an additional bonus you don't need them for casual fractaling. If you still struggling with a fractal you should l2p a.k.a. become a better player and/or buy the single ones at the vendor.

Also, WaRioRofthelight.8065 already told you that you gain pristine fractal relics that can be converted which make it even faster to get all potions.


Therefore: No, wish rejected!

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Its all fun and games until people learn how to read.


I clearly stated that i traded my pristine relics,but if you bothered to read anything other than first sentence,you would know that.


Whole point of farming something is so you can enjoy it.By the time you farm all 3 potions,you have no motivation to play game anymore,let alone do any fractals.


40 days for all 3 potions (only usabe in fractals)


By that time u can get 2 legendary weapons,which u can use anywhere,change stats and sigils anytime u want.


Again,seems little bit overtuned.


Just compare fractal potions to 2 legendary items.Literal nonsense.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> Its all fun and games until people learn how to read.


> I clearly stated that i traded my pristine relics,but if you bothered to read anything other than first sentence,you would know that.


> Whole point of farming something is so you can enjoy it.By the time you farm all 3 potions,you have no motivation to play game anymore,let alone do any fractals.


> 40 days for all 3 potions (only usabe in fractals)


> By that time u can get 2 legendary weapons,which u can use anywhere,change stats and sigils anytime u want.


> Again,seems little bit overtuned.


> Just compare fractal potions to 2 legendary items.Literal nonsense.


Then what speaks against **not getting them**.

If you are really not interested in fractals and playing them more regularly then you don't need the potions. But if you are the amount of relics isn't an issue.

I got the infinite twice - on 2 accounts - because I had fun playing fractals. That's what's all about.


If you go for a legendary weapon: That's your current project. If you go for the potions: That's your current project. Your wish is just another "I want to have all the things right now with minimal effort."

Once you can get to many stuff too fast in this game it'll become more boring even faster. Hell, people were leaving this game in the last months because they have already done everything (Fractal god, all raid cms, potions, all achievements). And let me add: They already had those 1-2 years ago and were suffering to play/get something new for a long time now.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> So you pick the luxury items that aren't needed except by the hardcore fractal runners and you quit at 1200 relics? Take a look at the augmentation list and what's required for that cause everyone should get that casually too.


You can say that for anything else in game.


When you think about it,you don't need nothing else other than exotic items,yet people getting ascended and legendary stuff all the time...


Therefore,your way of looking at it is wrong way.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> > @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> > Its all fun and games until people learn how to read.

> >

> > I clearly stated that i traded my pristine relics,but if you bothered to read anything other than first sentence,you would know that.

> >

> > Whole point of farming something is so you can enjoy it.By the time you farm all 3 potions,you have no motivation to play game anymore,let alone do any fractals.

> >

> > 40 days for all 3 potions (only usabe in fractals)

> >

> > By that time u can get 2 legendary weapons,which u can use anywhere,change stats and sigils anytime u want.

> >

> > Again,seems little bit overtuned.

> >

> > Just compare fractal potions to 2 legendary items.Literal nonsense.


> Then what speaks against **not getting them**.

> If you are really not interested in fractals and playing them more regularly then you don't need the potions. But if you are the amount of relics isn't an issue.

> I got the infinite twice - on 2 accounts - because I had fun playing fractals. That's what's all about.


> If you go for a legendary weapon: That's your current project. If you go for the potions: That's your current project. Your wish is just another "I want to have all the things right now with minimal effort."

> Once you can get to many stuff too fast in this game it'll become more boring even faster. Hell, people were leaving this game in the last months because they have already done everything (Fractal god, all raid cms, potions, all achievements). And let me add: They already had those 1-2 years ago and were suffering to play/get something new for a long time now.


Feel free to /w me ingame to avoid boring people to death with back and forth comments,which i do not encourage in any way,because your only argument was 'you want stuff for free'


BROTHER,you literally have no clue nor idea about my time spent in game farming in previous 10 years playing GW to GW2


On the side note,you never red my post properly,for the second time.


Nowhere did i say 'change this or that' because i know its not going to happen.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> Sorry to burst your 'i want stuff for free blame bouble' but i got 4 legendary items so far,which i busted my kitten off working for without anyone's help,playing 10 hours a day literally every single day until i got what i wanted.


> So next time,before you start calling someone 'lazy' make sure to know what you are talking about.


> Your 'lazy' finger pointing killed my motivation to destroy you in debate about hardcore farm in 'so called no farm game' because that statement clearly yells everything one needs to know about you,which is (sorry to say) : you are not suited for any kind of conversation.


So, where's your problem then? You were going through even more boring farming a.k.a. acquiring gold for 4 legendaries which is the most tedious part in the game. Getting the fractal potions comes together with fun content (actually playing fractals) **PLUS** getting a very good amount of (daily) gold which can finance the next shiny stuff on top.

If you cannot enjoy fractals you don't need it as it was said and I can easily use your argument against you: There's stuff in the game you don't need, for example, dozens of armor or weapon skins. Same goes for these potions. Get them or not. They are not mandatory except for speed run or very solid groups in the lfg. But even in the latter ones you can simply buy the timed potions and you're good to go.


Overall you cannot "destroy" me in a debate here. This is a discussion forum and not a "debate club" or some competition in your high school. Even if your argument is so flawed I wouldn't have had any problem to disprove it.

Try again next time and maybe with a less toxic attitude which makes you even more losing in a discussion.


Since you editted your insulting post I'm happy I quoted it already. I don't need any discussion with you in game. I never called you lazy nor am I interested in how many hours you spent in GW2.

Bottom line is: Get the potions or not. We did so 2 or 3 years ago so you can too if you just want. If it's not your time worth then leave them out. They don't give account progress or achievement points at all. Nothing to worry for ya.

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You don't even have 150 AR...

In my less than humble opinion, you've barely touched fractals. The potions were meant for people who are swimming with relics and have nothing to spend them with; meaning people who have been doing fractals for a long time, not for a "while" as a form of horizontal progression.

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If you do your daily recommended fractals, you get a free large potion of each variety. These can get you through the other fractal dailies just fine, so you should rarely (if ever) need to spend relics for extra potions. Then you can build up your regular and pristine relics over time, and if you like fractals enough you can get the infinite potions for convenience and (eventually) to get more relics back from trading in all the free potions you get. But that's all for people that enjoy regular fractal runs, of which there are quite a lot. If regular fractals aren't for you @"Ghetx.1752" , there's nothing wrong with that. There's plenty of varieties of endgame content to appeal to a nice range of people. Just don't denounce a game mode that doesn't appeal to you personally as "literal nonsense."

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> For potion u can use in fractals only,5000 Fractal relics seems little bit too much.We get it,you wanted to make higher number req. as humanly possible to keep people doing fractals,but by the time u get ONLY ONE potion,you can farm any of the legendary weapons 2 times over.


> In fractals you have to be present at all times,no afk,no brb,that is if you are serious about your farm,while when comes to gold farm for legendary weapons,you can afk as much you want,without holding back rest of the group.


> I would totally understand time invested requirement if you could use potion anywhere you want,but only for fractals,which one one plays for more than one hour a day anyway its heavily overtuned.


> I have been doing fractals for a while now,but only recently i got ar up to 140+ and started doing it little bit seriously,and after all this time i decided to open all reward chests,trade in all potions,trade pristine relics just to realize i got only 1200 fractal relics,after countless hours of farming.I simply cant see myself farming for 13800 fractals relics more.


> Just when i started to warm up,when i realized i am not getting kitten worth my time invested,i decided not to enter fractals ever again and sold all agony infusions.


LOL honestly if your long term goal for doing fractals was ONLY to get permanent potions that you cant use anywhere else, that's on you buddy. Theres plenty of other incentives to do fractals and you can complete them daily by using the one time consumable potions. Not to mention you get the one time consumable potions as drops daily so you dont even need to buy them.


Also you only need to spend about 20 days doing fractal dailies and cms to earn the relics so if you can farm a legendary in 10 days why bother with fractals ascended drops? All of your alts must have legendary everything by now.

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The Hulk's gotta agree with everyone else here BROTHER. Since you get Legendaries in 3-4 weeks, I assume you have a sizeable stockpile of crafting materials or funds if need be to get more Ascended gear. If you can grind 2 Legendaries in 30 days or less without GW2 getting boring for you, then grinding along to get pots or augmentations to do more Fractals won't affect your desire to run them in the slightest.


Getting the infinite pots is by no means difficult, and completely unnecessary to run Fractals, and while you're grinding for those you can also be gearing up other characters to expand your playstyle and it'll allow you to join various groups based on what they need.


I started at 0 Fractal Relics & 0 Pristine (I was originally using Fractals casually to get more Ascended gear..... buyer's remorse in spades). I cannibalized the AR I had across my entire account to get my Bannerslave to 150 and started doing T4 + Recs only. After 1 month I have all three Infinite Pots, a BS, HB, and Alacren at 150 AR (drops + chests). As of today (45 days total of T4's + Recs with some CM now added in) I'm working towards Mist Attunement 1 (have all requirements).


If you have 150 AR but no Relics, Journals, Stabilizing Matrices and none of the Augmentations, it takes 10-15 days to get T2 of the 3 you need before you can work on Fractal God. From there, it takes another 285-290 days to get everything you need for Fractal God. So less than 1 year of doing CM + T4s + recs every day, and the titles/boosts themselves aren't necessary to breeze through CM with a decent PUG.


Look at WvW--the longer you've been playing (i.e. Higher WvW Rank) you get your pips faster; thereby making WvW more and more lucrative. The difference between a newbie playing WvW and someone of max rank is something like 44hr/week for Newbie = 8hr/week for Max Rank to get all the Skirmish rewards. You are rewarded for playing that particular mode for a long time.


So translating this back to Fractals--those with the Infinite Pots & Augmentations have been doing this for a long time, and have effectively hit the Fractal equivalent "Max WvW Rank". It makes it easier for them to get rewards by playing this mode as a headpat for the effort and time they've already put in.


Same even with Legendaries--you've played PvE for a long time, ground for the mats/gold, and gotten yourself Legendaries to swap stats on the fly and make things easier for whatever mode/enemy you're facing. Same principle--effort & time investment = easier down the road once you achieve it.


The climb is steep but rewarding no matter what game mode you play.

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> @"Ghetx.1752" said:

> For potion u can use in fractals only,5000 Fractal relics seems little bit too much.We get it,you wanted to make higher number req. as humanly possible to keep people doing fractals,but by the time u get ONLY ONE potion,you can farm any of the legendary weapons 2 times over.


> In fractals you have to be present at all times,no afk,no brb,that is if you are serious about your farm,while when comes to gold farm for legendary weapons,you can afk as much you want,without holding back rest of the group.


> I would totally understand time invested requirement if you could use potion anywhere you want,but only for fractals,which one one plays for more than one hour a day anyway its heavily overtuned.


> I have been doing fractals for a while now,but only recently i got ar up to 140+ and started doing it little bit seriously,and after all this time i decided to open all reward chests,trade in all potions,trade pristine relics just to realize i got only 1200 fractal relics,after countless hours of farming.I simply cant see myself farming for 13800 fractals relics more.


> Just when i started to warm up,when i realized i am not getting kitten worth my time invested,i decided not to enter fractals ever again and sold all agony infusions.


Then don't. You are not required to get the infinte potions. You can get temporary ones just as well if need be.


Every fractal regular I know has the infinite ones, every. single. one. None have ever regretted getting them. Then again most regulars I know have been running fractals for months/years. If you as someone who has barely played the content want to skip getting the infinite potions, that is a valid choice for you and supported by the game.


Was there anything else you wanted to get off your chest?

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Did OP forget that doing recommended fractals is all three 5 stack potions for free, per day? If you use them in T4/CM's onto the next day, the infinite potions are irrelevant. You would need to get practice into doing CM fracs for larger relic gains. CM groups complete the 8 fractals with the hour often times.


There is a way to fit your needs in your time constraint. Are you willing to get to that level is the question?


(58 days from Fractal God title experience)

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Got a Omnipotion as a f2p, with all the limitations and stuff, c'mon it's not hard, you literally just have to play Fractlas and that's it, no achievement needed, no collection, nothing, takes a little while but that's not a problem, you don't even need to spend gold to get it hehe.


Here, photo for proof: https://imgur.com/a/Ni7xALC

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Don't forger you can trade a fractal tonic in for a potion, I ended up trading in 2 once the update hit, which showed how often I have done fractals.

Fractals have probably the best reward systems in the game, with decent short, medium, and longterm rewards. Infinite potions are a medium term reward. If you are not doing t4s you are not at a level in the game to worry about a medium tier, you need to worry about the short term progression. Only after you are consistently getting cm clears, then you should worry about saving for the omnipotent potion.

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