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Original Base Game Story Level Locks Reconsideration

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I've played this game now 7 years, I'm more about pve then pvp and have always liked the story modes, I still like the original story, I've played it on new toons BUT, It was better back before it was level locked. It used to be how you got to lv80 and had a flow to it, the level lock that was added seriously breaks the emersion it once had and turns it into looming dread, that while enjoying it will stop, lock and force you into mapping and smaller quests that you would later do anyway. The story mode needs rolled back to where it was unlocked and could enjoy it while getting to lv80,The sheer fact it locks the last 4+ episodes behind the 80 wall almost makes wanting to even finish the story pointless afterwards.. Yes I have multiple 80's a lot already in ascended and 303 mastery, but when I make new toons I do still enjoy going the long way with the story, just not with the needless lock that was put on it, so just remove it already and put it back to when it was enjoyable..ty

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I'd certainly like the lock removed. I've been helping someone through the story. They got through PS, LS2, and HoT on one alt, then decided they prefer another profession, but want that new character to go through the whole story. Every time we come to a level-tier completion, it stalls everything while they go find xp (and they don't have a veteran account full of tomes). It would be very nice to only need to level enough for them to handle the instances along with a reaper companion.


Maybe it could be removed once an account has done the story once? At that point the player should know what they are in for.

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That would be awesome if they removed it. I would enjoy leveling through the story much more than having to stop and do a bunch of open world busy work. They are in love with their hard time games though. Putting up these invisible time walls to keep you from playing the game how you want.

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