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Greatsword Changes


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New GS description… Fast attacks, like Reaper Shroud skills (when traited), with moderate damage. Your Necromancer will no longer be crappy in melee because we have finally made useful skirmishing and position skills . Enemies will no longer laugh when they catch you running outside of your zerg because you will be able to fight back now. (Reaper specialization only)


GS 1- Speed up the attacks. Like for real. 1 second chill to balance out the increased attack speed.


GS 2- 600 leap attack. No, not a reticle aiming skill. Ty.


GS 3- Death Spiral… You become a kick kitten drill of dark energy with your blade and dash forward to drill the crap out of enemies. This drilling rends the armor of foes in front of you. 600 dash range.


GS 4- Nightfall… Teleport to your target and call down a growing column of shadows that damages and applies conditions on foes per pulse. 900 teleport range that uses a ground targeting reticle.


GS 5- All good


*Change the weapon to do moderate damage to balance out these cool new features.


Thank you for reading these amazing suggestions!


Edit- And for all the naysayers... go to wvw and run around with your “no, the greatsword is so good” build and watch yourself get torn apart by all the people with better mobility and kiting capability.


GS reaper is nothing but a sack of health with a stick in wvw... I don’t care what the dps numbers are on stationary bosses in pve, I care about having a competitive melee weapon in wvw, not get stuck running ranged condi 24/7.


Have you seen all the mobility and positioning skills other professions get with their weapons? Yeah...

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Greatsword is fine as it is. The point of Reaper is to bring the enemies to you not go to them. The only thing I would really change is add another stroke of damage of Gravedigger to suit the animation. This way it becomes a high risk, high reward attack in PvP as it would be able to down most players with one activation.

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I'm all for buffing greatsword but most of these are just absurd. By all means increase the attack speed on Greatsword, that's what it needs but making all attacks except for auto into gap closers is just silly. Anet rarely changes how weapon skills work, so best to create ideas around that rather than wild fantasies which will never come to light.

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GS is ok.

Reapers Shroud is not. If you use your life forces for attacking purposes, you lose it for defense. Giving in your principal source of survivability should result in a DPS increase, which is not the case.

And I think that's the fundamental problem with Power Reaper's DPS, we don't have a way to transform Life Force into damage. Anet should give us a reason to spend life force instead of mindlessly spamming GS#2

Maybe a trait giving reaper increased damage when LF is under 50%

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> @Methuselah.4376 said:

> Greatsword is fine as it is. The point of Reaper is to bring the enemies to you not go to them. The only thing I would really change is add another stroke of damage of Gravedigger to suit the animation. This way it becomes a high risk, high reward attack in PvP as it would be able to down most players with one activation.


Too bad every other class in the game has more than enough escapes and clears to kite a power reaper for days.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> > @Methuselah.4376 said:

> > Greatsword is fine as it is. The point of Reaper is to bring the enemies to you not go to them. The only thing I would really change is add another stroke of damage of Gravedigger to suit the animation. This way it becomes a high risk, high reward attack in PvP as it would be able to down most players with one activation.


> Too bad every other class in the game has more than enough escapes and clears to kite a power reaper for days.



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Our best mobility weapon is the spear, sadly.


But GS is in a better spot than Dagger and to some dagger's changes could be more useful than increasing mobility on e-spec weapons only.

Dark Pact should have a sequesnce skill that allows you to Leap (or Teleport) to your target, maybe also bleeding the target..

Even if it could cost life force to do so.


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Reapers could use a skill-based "oh-kitten" button. Something to thwart off some immediate focus fire/concentrated cc

- Suggestion: Make a second activation to "Rise!" -> "Combine!" Destroy all shambling horrors. Gain a Bone Shield which blocks a number of attacks equal to the number of horrors destroyed. Visually you'd have an effect (like corrupters defense) which showed the stacks and your destroyed horrors would make a shield of bone around yourself.



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We either need to be faster or do more damage. But being slow and STILL not topping dps charts is just absurd design (for PVE and PVP). If a Reaper is sitting on a golem, no other class in the game should do as much sustained DPS over a 10 minute period.

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ALl I see are design- issues here, these let to crazy suggestions on changes that never will happen.

At this moment, the necromancer has the lowest mobility in the game. All we have is one leap, tied to a elite-spec and furthermore tied to using shroud, which would be fine but the cooldown is ridiculous.

And I forgot our teleport; high cooldown together with other restrictions, definetely not reliable mobility.


Maybe the next expac will solve our mobility issue.

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> @Ghostt.1293 said:

> gs is not fine as it is

> anet will never fix it


If you just focus on Necromancer without comparing to other classes, then it is fine. It was added to fill the gap of our missing pve power weapon and is our best power dps. Yes I know our power dps is low compared to others, but that's more because of necros overall lack of damage modifiers, rather than greatsword being bad.

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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> Whatever weapon were to get a boost to mobility, and as a Reaper-or-bust player, I will admit that;

> * It can't be greatsword,

> * It can't be Torch, either,


> because every necromancer should have access to it, especially the long-suffering Vanilla necro.



YESS, Turn Dagger 3 into a leap, have some vampire-like animation of you flying/spinning towards them doing bleed damage to you and the target while immobilizing them. It's almost like it is now.....

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