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Help with transferring servers

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So i am trying to transfer into the tarnished coast server ( i know good luck right?) and i was just curious if anyone had any tips or advice on how it works. Ive done my research and was just looking to see if anyone has any accurate and up to date info. I currently am under the impression you need to do it after the monthly server reset for WvW for the best chances however if anyone has anything they suspect would be helpful please let me know. I have been trying to get into it for around 2-3 weeks at this point and no luck yet. Thanks alot!

-PS it doesn't help from getting on during dead hours from my opinion

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The only way to move to a server is to move when it's not "Full". Re-populations are usually done weekly, late Monday, sometimes Tuesday (which is different from re-links). But servers will only change in population when there's a massive WvW player shift (guilds disbanding, moving servers, quitting game are prime examples of this).


If TC has a link you may want to consider moving there, keeping in mind re-links are every 2 months so you may be moving a lot.


It used to be possible to sneak in during dead hours, as you said, but that changed a long long long time ago. Right now, Full is Full.

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It definitely won't help to get on at quiet times. The servers population has absolutely nothing to do with the number of people currently online, so it won't change just because it's not peak time. Population is determined by WvW activity (as that's the only place your server matters), based on general trends rather than exact number of people online at once. I don't know the specifics, but I do know that there's no benefit to logging in during the dead of night or staying home during the day to try and catch a brief dip in population, because that doesn't happen.

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