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What would it take to remove DuoQ vs SoloQ from ranked?


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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:



> And even after this fix you need to eliminate things like class swap after q and get rid of afks during match if they don't move from spawn for like 30s. Sending mail during match just to clean this kitten up a bit.



If I were an anet dev I would take notes. He just listed some very simple suggestion that would make the entire PvP experience a whole lot better.



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> @"Twilight Tempest.7584" said:

> Separate solo and group queues. Group queue would work the same way as unranked currently does, allowing any combination of groups and singles. Solo queue would be singles only. Separate leaderboards for each. Everyone's happy.


Actually that's a great idea. To add to it:


1. Remove unranked totally.

2. Have two ranked ques (1 for teams and 1 for solo que)

3. Teams que size = 2 Or 4. Matches consist of 4 players per team

4. Have separate leader boards for each que type


It would be so interesting to see how many of the top team players are being carried when they don't appear in the top % of solo que leader board


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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> They should remove pugs from ranked and have it be team only.


> Let pugs and 1-5 for unranked.


> Forming or joining a team should be a requirement for ranked pvp.


> Finding and needing a group is required throughout much of the game especially harder content.


> The mistake with pvp was solo casual catering.


> The same top dogs have been at the top throughout the ages, teams and duos are not holding you back.


or split ranked into solo q/team que categories whether it be duo/trio/full teams. This would shake up rankings a lot.



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> @"MrFrusciante.2438" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > They should remove pugs from ranked and have it be team only.

> >

> > Let pugs and 1-5 for unranked.

> >

> > Forming or joining a team should be a requirement for ranked pvp.

> >

> > Finding and needing a group is required throughout much of the game especially harder content.

> >

> > The mistake with pvp was solo casual catering.

> >

> > The same top dogs have been at the top throughout the ages, teams and duos are not holding you back.


> or split ranked into solo q/team que categories whether it be duo/trio/full teams. This would shake up rankings a lot.




So, if a player queues solo, and the play against a duo, trio, or team, it is okay as long as one of those is also on theirs?

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> _"unfair advantage"_?! You must be s****ing me. The fact that Teamque was removed from this teambased mode is an unfair advantage for the randoms and causals who enforced this nonsense on a team based environment and now you wanna even further increase your advantage by removing Duo-Q?

> I say it one more time _"You are at an advantage ever since Team-Q was removed, so either you realize Coquest is purely team based mode or you should not PvP at all no matter how entitled you feel to twisting a purpose of a team-gamemode to your selfish solo ideals"_


True, thats why they should reserve conquest for ATs and make a different map type for randoms.

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So, in other words, you believe that people who decide to duo queue to provide themselves the best chance of winning vs individuals who solo queue and essentially play the Guild Wars 2 version of Russian roulette.


I am not sure the game would be as balanced as you believe if things were just solo queue for ranked, but also the individuals who don't want to duo queue have no one to blame but themselves for not trying to maximize their winning chances.


This game mode is supposed to be a bit more serious than unranked. That is why they are separate.

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> @"Keyba.9570" said:

> So, in other words, you believe that people who decide to duo queue to provide themselves the best chance of winning vs individuals who solo queue and essentially play the Guild Wars 2 version of Russian roulette.


> I am not sure the game would be as balanced as you believe if things were just solo queue for ranked, but also the individuals who don't want to duo queue have no one to blame but themselves for not trying to maximize their winning chances.


> This game mode is supposed to be a bit more serious than unranked. That is why they are separate.


Blaming the vast majority for not using the same exploit a small minority uses to farm rank is not really a valid argument.

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> @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > So, in other words, you believe that people who decide to duo queue to provide themselves the best chance of winning vs individuals who solo queue and essentially play the Guild Wars 2 version of Russian roulette.

> >

> > I am not sure the game would be as balanced as you believe if things were just solo queue for ranked, but also the individuals who don't want to duo queue have no one to blame but themselves for not trying to maximize their winning chances.

> >

> > This game mode is supposed to be a bit more serious than unranked. That is why they are separate.


> Blaming the vast majority for not using the same exploit a small minority uses to farm rank is not really a valid argument.


There is no exploit if it is openly available to everyone. That is just an excuse for people who choose themselves not to duo q.

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> @"Keyba.9570" said:

> This game mode is supposed to be a bit more serious than unranked. That is why they are separate.

Since ranked no longer is more serious than unranked (not even the tiniest of bits), should they stop being separate?

If unranked was removed the players queueing for unranked would be put into ranked, that _might_ create more balanced matches by having the match making system match people clos**er** in rating than it does now.


Or Arenanet could remove ranked and put the pips and other ranked rewards into unranked.

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> @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > > @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > > So, in other words, you believe that people who decide to duo queue to provide themselves the best chance of winning vs individuals who solo queue and essentially play the Guild Wars 2 version of Russian roulette.

> > >

> > > I am not sure the game would be as balanced as you believe if things were just solo queue for ranked, but also the individuals who don't want to duo queue have no one to blame but themselves for not trying to maximize their winning chances.

> > >

> > > This game mode is supposed to be a bit more serious than unranked. That is why they are separate.

> >

> > Blaming the vast majority for not using the same exploit a small minority uses to farm rank is not really a valid argument.


> There is no exploit if it is openly available to everyone. That is just an excuse for people who choose themselves not to duo q.


Exploits are by definition available to everyone, some choose not to use them. In the case the vast majority.

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > This game mode is supposed to be a bit more serious than unranked. That is why they are separate.

> Since ranked no longer is more serious than unranked (not even the tiniest of bits), should they stop being separate?

> If unranked was removed the players queueing for unranked would be put into ranked, that might revitalize the match making system to match people clos**er** in rating than it does now.



I can see that being a solution, but it could do the opposite. The "seriousness" of ranked is a bit subjective in all honesty as there is no way to measure how serious each individual player takes Ranked.


I believe keeping the queues different (like other games do) is the better way of allowing players to have a choice in deciding to play ranked instead of forcing them to for PVP.

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> @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > > @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > > > @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > > > So, in other words, you believe that people who decide to duo queue to provide themselves the best chance of winning vs individuals who solo queue and essentially play the Guild Wars 2 version of Russian roulette.

> > > >

> > > > I am not sure the game would be as balanced as you believe if things were just solo queue for ranked, but also the individuals who don't want to duo queue have no one to blame but themselves for not trying to maximize their winning chances.

> > > >

> > > > This game mode is supposed to be a bit more serious than unranked. That is why they are separate.

> > >

> > > Blaming the vast majority for not using the same exploit a small minority uses to farm rank is not really a valid argument.

> >

> > There is no exploit if it is openly available to everyone. That is just an excuse for people who choose themselves not to duo q.


> Exploits are by definition available to everyone, some choose not to use them. In the case the vast majority.


1. I'm not sure if you remember a few seasons back when 1600+ rating couldn't duo q. It changed nothing (which is why duo came back).


2. Arenanet has zero issues with players duo queuing and its not a design flaw, so you personally have every opportunity to duoq with a friend and not get in trouble.


3. Show me the proof of where the vast majority have the same gripe as you and why does it nearly 4 years since the implementation of duo q to come out with this post?

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> @"Keyba.9570" said:



> 3. Show me the proof of where the vast majority have the same gripe as you and why does it nearly 4 years since the implementation of duo q to come out with this post?


What percentage of players do you think duoQ on a regular basis? Clearly no more than 10% by any estimate. So you are placing 90% of the population at a clear disadvantage for the benefit of the small minority who choose to manipulate the system.

And then we wonder why the pvp community is so small.

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> @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > @"Keyba.9570" said:



> > 3. Show me the proof of where the vast majority have the same gripe as you and why does it nearly 4 years since the implementation of duo q to come out with this post?


> What percentage of players do you think duoQ on a regular basis? Clearly no more than 10% by any estimate. So you are placing 90% of the population at a clear disadvantage for the benefit of the small minority who choose to manipulate the system.

> And then we wonder why the pvp community is so small.


The pvp community was already small before duoq was ever initiated. Balance issues, and lack of support had more to do with the lost playerbase.

MMO's historically have not had the main part of their community come from PvPers.


And sorry to say but it's on those individuals to find people to duoq if they wish to maximize their chance of winning.

Duoq is fine and is not a break in terms of service and neither is using VOIP (or having the same guild tag for that matter).


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Is it really that hard for you to DuoQ against another party who DuoQ as well? Oh I guess, that way, you won't have the unfair advantage of going against a random PUG of SoloQ'ers with no build sync/VoIP.

DuoQ all you like, the matching system should only pit you against a team with a DuoQ. Anything other than that is clearly not balanced.

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You guys do realize sPvP is a far cry from what it used to be?

All of you got your answered wished and the result is dead pvp and you want more blood?


Can't you see after all this time all you people who advocated for this and otheer nonsensical things that anet caved lead to the exact state of pvp we have now?

How is it possible you people continue to ruin the integrity of pvp game but continue to complain about the integrity of pvp.


This is maddening i've gone for 2 and i left because of all these terrible pvp changes you all advocated for and 2 years later its solved nothing but reduced the pvp population further and the removal of half the builds out of the game please have mercy let this go this argument should have died long ago.


If anything we need to bring team queues back.

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your issue isn't with duo queue, all you're crying about is being matched against two better players together. There was a system in place before that prevented you from being able to duo queue above a certain SR. So you basically want that system reinstated is what i'm getting, but also forum criers will be forum criers

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> @"Rue.2061" said:

> your issue isn't with duo queue, all you're crying about is being matched against two better players together. There was a system in place before that prevented you from being able to duo queue above a certain SR. So you basically want that system reinstated is what i'm getting, but also forum criers will be forum criers



No. My issue is with duoQ against soloQ, but why let the thread title get in the way.


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> @"Keyba.9570" said:

> The "seriousness" of ranked is a bit subjective


Nothing subjective there.

The "seriousness" is objectively gone.

There is objectively no seriousness when Platinum and higher players are **regularly** matched against gold and silver (and possibly even bronze) players.


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> @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > > @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > > > @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > > > So, in other words, you believe that people who decide to duo queue to provide themselves the best chance of winning vs individuals who solo queue and essentially play the Guild Wars 2 version of Russian roulette.

> > > >

> > > > I am not sure the game would be as balanced as you believe if things were just solo queue for ranked, but also the individuals who don't want to duo queue have no one to blame but themselves for not trying to maximize their winning chances.

> > > >

> > > > This game mode is supposed to be a bit more serious than unranked. That is why they are separate.

> > >

> > > Blaming the vast majority for not using the same exploit a small minority uses to farm rank is not really a valid argument.

> >

> > There is no exploit if it is openly available to everyone. That is just an excuse for people who choose themselves not to duo q.


> Exploits are by definition available to everyone, some choose not to use them. In the case the vast majority.


In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, speed or level design etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner **not intended by the game's designers.** (copy pasta from wiki)


Duo Q is a feature, and intended.


Sorry if the vast majority neglects to bring all their tools to the game.


On the side, when they say a majority of players solo q, I wonder if they just mean people who pvp ever.


I would like to know the percentage ballpark that duo q is used for players that finish a season 120+ games.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > > @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > > > @"Xentera.4560" said:

> > > > > @"Keyba.9570" said:

> > > > > So, in other words, you believe that people who decide to duo queue to provide themselves the best chance of winning vs individuals who solo queue and essentially play the Guild Wars 2 version of Russian roulette.

> > > > >

> > > > > I am not sure the game would be as balanced as you believe if things were just solo queue for ranked, but also the individuals who don't want to duo queue have no one to blame but themselves for not trying to maximize their winning chances.

> > > > >

> > > > > This game mode is supposed to be a bit more serious than unranked. That is why they are separate.

> > > >

> > > > Blaming the vast majority for not using the same exploit a small minority uses to farm rank is not really a valid argument.

> > >

> > > There is no exploit if it is openly available to everyone. That is just an excuse for people who choose themselves not to duo q.

> >

> > Exploits are by definition available to everyone, some choose not to use them. In the case the vast majority.


> In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitches, game system, rates, hit boxes, speed or level design etc. by a player to their advantage in a manner **not intended by the game's designers.** (copy pasta from wiki)


> Duo Q is a feature, and intended.


> Sorry if the vast majority neglects to bring all their tools to the game.


> On the side, when they say a majority of players solo q, I wonder if they just mean people who pvp ever.


> I would like to know the percentage ballpark that duo q is used for players that finish a season 120+ games.


I don't know what would motivate someone to put themselves through the hell of soloqing 100+ games. I did that last season and went from gold3 to super close to plat2, then down to gold1 and up and down and up and down. I've played a good handful of PvP ranked video games and this was by far my worst experience with one ever. The problem with duoq isn't that it's not available to everyone but that it gives a pretty large advantage over soloq players to the point where soloq isn't even worth it. It goes against the games philosophy of "play how you want".


The major issue is though, you're giving the same ranking to apples and oranges. On one hand you're ranking the soloq players on their ability to carry, work with randoms. Where as you're ranking the duo's on their duo coordination and ability to compliment each other's builds. Like, of course people doing duoq don't want it to go away because it's giving them an advantage. Then again for matches to be well balanced meta mechanics like this need to be balanced. "You can do it too" isn't a valid argument for a competitive game otherwise nothing would ever change because "everyone has it available, doesn't matter if its broken". It's like if they added the feature for just engineers to one shot with a single auto attack and then arguing "Well you can play engineer too, you have no room to complain".

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