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Connection problems limited to a specific account

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Ok this, is go be a bit of a read, but to start I have 2 Guild Wars 2 accounts, one is an older account that is close to it's 7th birthday and the other is newer just approaching it's 2nd birthday. Through my extensive troubleshooting I though I read in a post somewhere that older accounts are having problems and it' seems to definitely be happening in my case.


Up until the first Icebrood saga expansion came out I never had a single problem with either account, but after the large update my older account almost immediately started getting the in game popup error "The game client is unable to gain access server, blah firewall blah blah." and other then having to click the annoying popup window closed on occasion nothing in game seemed to be affected. But over time it got much worse, the popups came more frequently, and now it't to the point that the account will not even log in half the time, and when it does, everything in the game is completely broken, including parties, the store, and everything except simple movement and combat which is somewhat bizarre since I can play normally but the game won't register a party invite or trying to open the store for 5 to 10 minutes after. The game frequently will just disconnect after about 5 minutes and I am hit with waves of those error popup windows making the account pretty much unplayable. The connection issue is apparent the second I type my account name and password in and hit login on the client screen. The newer account will got to play almost instantly while the older one will take almost 10 times longer to get to the play screen, but lately It just keeps saying the client lost connection to the login server and won't even log in.


Through all of these problems I have never had a single issue on the newer account, it still plays perfectly and has no connection issues at all. For troubleshooting purposes I have tested the game on at least 5 different computers and 3 different internet connections and the older account experiences the same problems on all of them. Other then the age of the accounts the only other difference between them is the home world server, which I have no idea if that is related, but I don't have mountains of diamonds to test it by switching them around.


I tried to get help first by contacting Arenanet for help, but after several weeks of emailing back and forth I was getting no where and they just kept telling me it was a router or computer issue or connection issue on my end, and the final reply consisted of them telling me to stop playing on a campus network which make me completely lose my cool, because It was pretty apparent they were just going down the list of copy paste troubleshooting and not bothering to read any of my actual replies.


After several months of this I am getting to the point I don't even want to play anymore, my newer account has become my main now because of the issues with the older one, and every single thing points to this being a server side issue which I can't do anything to fix. I am just wondering now if anyone has experienced something like this and if they were able to get it resolved?

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Are both accounts registered to the same region? Login to https://account.arena.net/ and look on the left under personal info. The servers you use to login are based on this, rather than the region you're actually in or chose to play in.


If they're different, that's the problem with having to go through the other region. The only thing you could do is try to use a VPN to find a better route.


If they're the same, you could try the -prefreset option on the bad account, which will reset all of your settings in hopes it triggers something. You said you tried different computers and connections - does that include a different ISP with their own network? If not, try a VPN to ensure the ISP isn't at fault (it's unlikely to only apply to one account, but it's possible).

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If your issue is a very long loading time (followed by a crash) it may be connected to -maploadinfo. Seems to be in particular for players with an nvidia card.



"We are aware of a new problem after Tuesday's Lunar New Year update that causes longer load times for some players. We have found the cause for this and will have a fix ready in time for the next regularly-scheduled release. The problem is related to the command-line option "-maploadinfo", so until then, disabling that option should help.


-James Fulop, Engine Programmer"




You may want to delete your local.dat file (the one that stores your email & pass, and other various settings in game) of your old account in case this is causing some issues. And ofcourse the usual -repair (make sure to disable security software to prevent corrupted files) if this doesn't fix anything. You may want to lower certain settings on your old account (they are saved individually per account I think in the local.dat files)


You may also want to do a dns flush. Open Command Prompt (as admin) and type ipconfig /flushdns and hit enter.


As for the frequent client lost pop ups.... This has been happening to many of us last week (followed by server down in my case, which seemed to have fixed the issue).


Your homeworld should not be related, at least not in pve zones.


I don't know if you play on a Windows or a Mac but players with Mac seem to be having connection and download issues as of late too.


I'm not very techie but give this a try :)

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Yes Healix.5819 you are correct, they are different regions, I live in the US but waaay back when I first started playing I was on vacation in Norway and my original account is registered in Europe. I never even though about this or noticed until now after you said to check for it and the account without any problems is the North American one. Both the accounts are on the North American home though, but I am assuming there is no way to change the region code assigned to the main account?

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