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Mounts in WvW?

Harry Foud.1935

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I said no.


I'm even some one that support mounts out side of PoF and within core tyria. Keep them out of competitive play for many reasons. (atleast for now the future could be bright though)


Once you start offering an already controversial advantage in PvP or WvW that pay to win argument will get better ground to stand on. GW2 don't need that trend, but you could bet it would start up on within the first 2 secs of that change there would be no defense to repel it either. In PvE content, i don't see it as an advantage, because it's not affecting others in a straightforward fashion. In competitive play other players will be greatly affected by it in a straightforward fashion, therefore would be a clear and rewarding advantage, as people could respond quicker get from 1 battle to another to quickly, those without mounts would never have the upper hand and would throw competitive play way out of balance. Specially in WvW scenarios where response times make a huge difference in which side wins.


Furthermore if they was to say allow free players to say rent mounts even in wvw areas, people that paid for that content specifically would be upset from buying PoF in those peoples eyes would have been entirely in vain and a waste of money, atleast based on the fact PoF and mounts just released 1/2 a month ago. Therefore causing further problems for anet. Could you imagine all the support tickets and or refunds they would be flooded with? I can, it would be horrific for the support team and even more horrific for those actually needing real support help on other pressing issues.


To toss in even more reasoning to why i say no. Because maps themselves was never designed for such things might make exploits bugs and other game breaking effects to happen. Some things still coming to light on PvE side as we speak.


Maybe in the future they can design new WvW or even PvP maps designed for mount competitive play and would be clearly made for those things, that would solve all the problems above. ;) Also bring in new content for us to enjoy. There is a dark side and bright side to mounts, hope I managed to point out both effectively and fairly.



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> @GottFaust.5297 said:

> The new Red BL already has minutes-long 40% speed shrines which don't "ruin" WvW.


> I see no reason why, properly balanced, mounts would harm it in any way.


Can you fly with it like griffon mount? Can you jump a great deal in length like the raptor mount? Could you jump over walls with it like bunny mount? Could you hover above water at 40% move speed like skimmer mount? Did you think this idea through in depth?


In your eyes what is balanced? If you remove said perks from mounts then you might aswell stick to the 40% speed shrines lol Because you be no better off correct? Only reason to have it would be for show, because balanced would mean no tells. Some mounts wouldn't even work properly without their respective perks.

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Yes. and not only in server capture regions but across the entire map. I much prefer "roaming" over blob fights and as such, always find myself traiting or sacrificing the runes or weapons I WANT to use for the sake of getting to where I want to use them. And would everyone that cited mount's engage skill as reason for "no" please note that both the OP AND everyone who wants them all agree that they should not be included. And Yes, we all agree that a Springer should not be allowed to jump over an enemies tower wall. So what if it makes all the free-to-play people feel jealous or left out? They play for free! How could they reasonably call a mount "pay-to-win" if you can't attack while on it nor get on it while you're in combat? If they want the perks that a paying player has then they can pay, not like it's a lot of money anyways. We get a great game for a single purchase, no monthly subscription and only what we choose to put into it after that. (on a side note, can the free to play people glide? if they can with the "war gliding" mastery could they not have a "war mount" mastery? and furthermore, why assume that mounts in wvw would have the same functions and abilities as pve anyways, can't stealth glide in wvw can we?)

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> @"Fiddle Irk.9710" said:

> Yes. and not only in server capture regions but across the entire map. I much prefer "roaming" over blob fights and as such, always find myself traiting or sacrificing the runes or weapons I WANT to use for the sake of getting to where I want to use them. And would everyone that cited mount's engage skill as reason for "no" please note that both the OP AND everyone who wants them all agree that they should not be included. And Yes, we all agree that a Springer should not be allowed to jump over an enemies tower wall. So what if it makes all the free-to-play people feel jealous or left out? They play for free! How could they reasonably call a mount "pay-to-win" if you can't attack while on it nor get on it while you're in combat? If they want the perks that a paying player has then they can pay, not like it's a lot of money anyways. We get a great game for a single purchase, no monthly subscription and only what we choose to put into it after that. (on a side note, can the free to play people glide? if they can with the "war gliding" mastery could they not have a "war mount" mastery? and furthermore, why assume that mounts in wvw would have the same functions and abilities as pve anyways, can't stealth glide in wvw can we?)


I have PoF and I disagree with it (for present moment), but I do understand where you coming from. I personally feel its more of a game breaker/balance breaker than WvW is ready for just read the forums section right here in WvW about balance already....

Like i said in my 1st post if in future mount competitive play and maps was designed specifically for it was introduced I'd fall behind it 100%. But as it is, it may very well cause WvW'ers more problems than they have accounted for. That is all I'm trying to point out. To further clarify wvw side needs get themselves in check on balance complaints before you toss more fuel on the fire see what I'm saying? Not against it as a whole or even in the future. Just the present time and way things are blowing up over mount envy may cause not only the PvE side problems, but also over on this side. People keep complaining about it anet eventually will act and all of us gonna be screwed catch my drift? So if there was WvW maps specifically designed for it those complainers would have no ground to stand on because if they entered these maps they doing it at own risk and know that they are see where I'm going here? I'm trying create a constructive solution to help you more than hurt you. Ofcoarse others need support a solution. A seed can not sprout without water correct?


The pve side got core tyria players whinning bout doing vista faster and advantage of saving time personally i think it's BS lol. But all I can do is argue those people down up all around. WvW could come out better and in mass start requesting maps made for it. PvE all we can do hope the next expansion is mount friendly. You have an opportunity to use mounts in WvW just open eyes and look at the bigger picture use your voice to bring that change but also being smart about it where you wont have to worry about non-mount owners robbing your thunder from you wink wink.

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> @"Fiddle Irk.9710" said:

> (on a side note, can the free to play people glide? if they can with the "war gliding" mastery could they not have a "war mount" mastery? and furthermore, why assume that mounts in wvw would have the same functions and abilities as pve anyways, can't stealth glide in wvw can we?)

F2p and people that paid for core cannot use shield gens, glide or mounts. People that paid for HoT can use gliders and shield gens but not mounts. People with PoF can use mounts but cannot glide nor use shield gens.


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ill tell you this..

one of the reasons new players don't get into wvw.. is because how long it takes to get to the action.

they should just do a beta weekend where they try this out.

I'm sure just how people didn't want mounts in the game in general but now love them... the same will happen for wvw.

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> Obviously the engage would be deactivated (it would be a joke to be able to engage with mounts). And just like glider you should be able to mount only in the areas your server owns.


I don't agree with your parameters, but I see no reason why mounts couldn't be fun in a new map SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED for mounts. I don't see much benefit in current maps (at least not without changes). I don't see any reason why only one side and not the other should ride them in any certain area. But mounts would lead to new tactics and further expand the game, and that would probably be a good thing.

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It would drastically change the gamemode, for the worse. It would put non-PoF players at a major disadvantage. Gliders made sense because you can still keep up with a glider player as a non-glider player. Unless there was a way for non-PoF players to temporarily get mounts in WvW to balance it out.


I say this from a perspective of someone who has every mount, and love using them. As fun as they are, it's not worth unbalancing the whole gamemode out. Maybe allow mounts just for outnumbered servers? That could be interesting.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Anet probably designed the territory system with also mounts in mind, so that's where we will likely to be able to use mounts if they get implemented into WvW. Maybe they could be usable outside owned territories as well, but only as a static 33% movement buff with no movement/combat abilities.


That being said, yes I'd like to see mounts in WvW. As a roamer, it's still a pain having to use a crippled build just to have extra speed and mobility. Having mounts would eliminate that and allow us to get creative with out builds with no more moving speed signets and traits.

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  • 1 year later...

> @"Toolbox.9375" said:

> WvW players are always opposed to getting new things. :P Though they won't hesitate to whine about never getting new things.


Of course they whine - if you ask something and you get another thing (not needed, or even perceived as damaging) then what to do?


But, I consider that bringing the mount in WvW should allow WvW to manifest in PvE also. With the megaservers we have now we have players from different servers on the same PvE map. They should have colours - representing the server in WvW - and you can choose to attack them or not. I bet that a general 3-way battle at Tequatl will give a boost of vigor to the PvE mode too. And the players won't complain about content anymore. You can have the content at will.


I voted NO.

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> @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

> > @Trajan.4953 said:

> > Vote "Yes" you spineless plebs. You worried about too many peeps running back too quickly?????


> I'd vote yes if I could turn the corpses of my enemies into a mount. >:)



That's a cool idea, Ghost Rider. Gonna steal it.

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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > @"InvaGir.9158" said:

> > I'll agree to mounts in WvW the day we will get PvP zones in the open world!


> I would reinstall the game for that. :)


I wasn't sarcastic I meant that...Ok maybe just a little but....

Lots of MMOs do that and I would love to see this feature anyways :pensive:

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