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Easy and slower class and build for PvE?


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Hey guys,


I'm wanting to play GW2, but I have a left hand injury. Is there a relatively easy and slow (as far as button mashing complexity and frequency) class and build that you guys recommend, and could possibly provide a link to? Something that's forgiving for missed dodge rolls would be ideal. I think about the only class I'm not terribly interested in is Necro, because I don't like the look of the pets.



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I was going to suggest reaper to you as they are very bursty and forgiving as you have a separate heatlthpool for when you are in reaper shround (life force)


Warrior is another favourite easy class people often suggest and I agree as the class is solid and very simple to play


But it really comes down to what you goals are in game ? Are you looking to do end game content like fracs raids strikes etc ? Or just general pve?


Www.metabattle.com has some great tips and builds for classes and is categorized to different modes of the game.


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You may also want to read my reply here to someone who was asking how to play one-handed:



As for Necro, you don't need to use the Minions, you can build them entirely as a bruiser class with Reaper, and that would fit what you're looking for the most; they use a Greatsword, are very tanky and slow and do heavy melee damage.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> Iron Blooded Juggernaut scrapper. You can see the build on metabattle.com. Very tankish, you basically just burn things with your flamethrower and use your defensive skills to bull through stuff. I facetank champions with it.


Thanks! Found it.



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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> Probably replace the Arms line with Defense, then decide if you can move out of defense once you are used to the level 80 game. Will be harder with the injury than if you go with a pet class though, like ranger or necromancer.


OK, Ranger sounds fun. Do you have any builds in particular to recommend?

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The Longbow Beastmastery build is pretty forgiving. A bear pet can tank mobs for you. Beware of the classic new ranger error though, longbow skill 4 is a knock back, and other players can get pretty annoyed if you push the mob away from their attacks. Good luck!


Btw, you should check out the players helping players section, plenty of good advice there.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> The Longbow Beastmastery build is pretty forgiving. A bear pet can tank mobs for you. Beware of the classic new ranger error though, longbow skill 4 is a knock back, and other players can get pretty annoyed if you push the mob away from their attacks. Good luck!


> Btw, you should check out the players helping players section, plenty of good advice there.


Great, thanks again!

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I'd have to agree with Reaper, it is the most effectively dumbed down class. You can get by almost anything by mostly using only 2 skills.


If you don't mind being secretly laugh at, bear bow ranger is fairly effective and easy but good luck getting invited to any parties. LB4 has ruined too many DPS bursts that people just shun LB rangers altogether. It is the signature nub build.

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The exp packs are perceived as too difficult because the core game does not do as well as it should to teach you how to play. They are actually pretty manageable if you master stuff like reading attacks, dodging and crowd control.


The power minion master builds on metabattle in the necromancer open world section has the builds, one for necromancer, and one for reaper, which is the Heart of Thorns version of necromancer.

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> @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> The exp packs are perceived as too difficult because the core game does not do as well as it should to teach you how to play. They are actually pretty manageable if you master stuff like reading attacks, dodging and crowd control.


> The power minion master builds on metabattle in the necromancer open world section has the builds, one for necromancer, and one for reaper, which is the Heart of Thorns version of necromancer.


OK. Sounds like the open world PvE is a lot harder than I'm used to in games like WoW.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> Iron Blooded Juggernaut scrapper. You can see the build on metabattle.com. Very tankish, you basically just burn things with your flamethrower and use your defensive skills to bull through stuff. I facetank champions with it.


Please dont. Flamethrower auto attack is just bad. bomb kit is just so much better for everything and juggernaut is a trap trait.


Open world Pve is not really harder in gw2 but it is almost impossible to make bad builds or builds that have a hard time killing stuff in wow while it is very easy to make super bad builds in gw. There are even some threads in this forum saying that story bosses or too hard or bullet spongey when an experienced player on a decent build kills them in 5sec.

But the problem with how open world pve works in gw is that nothing of this matters when just enough players are around you killing stuff for you. Game tells them everything is fine until they need to do stuff without a million players around like the mentioned story bosses and some militant players immediately blame the game instead of trying to change their build or gameplay.

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Minion Master (any type) is the ultimate choice for people with hand injuries/problems. I have carpal tunnel on both hands and tried every single class and spec in the game. MM is the most forgiving build. On top of high vitality and minions that can tank and keep aggro, necros have the best downed skill in the entire game: It heals you while doing decent AoE damage to enemies. Even if you cannot dodge it is almost impossible to die.


Another easy build is a bearbow ranger (core ranger with longbow and brown bear). It is ridiculously easy to play: Stay on longbow at all times and use skills 1,2,5. You do not need to worry about dodging since you can hit your targets from far away and your bear will tank for you. Please note that this build is okay, but not great for HoT and PoF. Also, people dislike rangers that abuse skill 4.

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