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If you're going to outbid on the trading post, it should be by a minimum of 5%


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> What point are you talking about?

Code must match concept, and vice versa. If you can't define, by numbers, what it is you want, the proposal is doomed from the start. What are the metrics of success? What are the costs to the players? What are the benefits?

Or is this yet another whim to foist on "the devs" in the hope they'll read someone's mind? And what will the "dev adjust the programming to"?

Some utterly arbitrary definition of "non-negligible"? 1%? 5%? 10%? 1.25%? 7%? +1s? 2.33%+12c? 2xSQRT(Bid.Highest())? Round up? Truncate? 1 copper?

Arbitrary. And it will look arbitrary and feel arbitrary and just tick off a lot of players for no reason other than "someone coppered me."


(Actually, if there *is* a reason, @"Ensign.2189" cites some details I'm interested in exploring. Especially because those details recognize that the trading post functions more like a stock market than an auction.)


> How about this? You can't bid behind yourself and new bidders have increment enforced against current best and second best.

Can't bid behind myself? Or the second bid? Or the third?

Arbitrary again, and it adds layers and layers of complication. When does it stop? At what cost to the server's performance is sacrificed for this unnecessary agenda?

>... so it ends up being about the same as it is now anyway.

That's practically admission that all this would do is muck up the trading post with useless buy/cancel loops, *and still have the original "problem."*


> unless you somehow know what EVERY BIDDER is thinking.

Decision tree. Solved.

![](https://i.imgur.com/927fHYP.jpg "")


>Your two points apply either way, with or without a minimum bid increment. They are true but they have no bearing on the discussion.

Basic facts, now in chart form, are incredibly relevant to the discussion, because those basic truths cannot be countered by willing them away, plugging ears, or claiming a punitive system is somehow an improvement to solve *a problem that doesn't exist.*

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> @Bollocks.4078 said:

> > @Wanze.8410 said:

> > > @Mercury.9784 said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > You seem to believe it's the same person or persons outbidding you. There are thousands, tens of thousands of players using the Trading Posts. I'm sure many, such as myself, bid by one copper. Thus, bid prices will change. If you are that worried, that you will take down bids over such a small amount, maybe the Trading Post isn't for you?

> > >

> > > In some cases that is the situation in my experience. I've bid on an unusual item and gotten outbid for a penny for 20 orders, and then I would do the same for my order, and then get outbid by exactly 20 orders again, etc. For high-volume items you're right, of course, but for low volume items (which is what you expect from higher ticket items where the percentage will matter) it can easily be a bidding war between individuals.

> > >

> > > I would have been happy to simply wait in a queue behind the top bidder, but I feel compelled by the design of the system to play dirty just like everyone else.

> > >

> > > I feel especially bad for people who don't know that there are shark bidders lying in wait and checking every one of their orders in order to increase by a penny, because they may have no idea why their particular trades never execute.

> >

> > IF you think that raising the minimum bid by 1 or 5% will increase the chance of you getting your order filled, you can simply do so. Just raise it until your offers is more than the others are comfortable bidding and your offer will be the best one until filled.


> That's not even remotely what this is about.


OF course it is, you suggested Anet to implement a system that forces other bidders to raise their bid by 1-5% over the current highest bid, held by you. Such a system is already in place and the best part is that Anet put you personally in charge of it. Because if you raise your own bid by 1-5% yourself, other bidders will be forced to raise theirs for at least the same amount in order to outbid you.

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> @DebraKadabra.5278 said:

> OMG, could a mod PLEASE close this thread already?


if you think this thread should be closed, simply report the opening post, including the reasons why you think it should be closed.


The mods dont moderate proactively but reactively, which means that they usually only start moderating, if reports come in.

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