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"The Departed" has made me want to depart the game.

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Well, I honestly did the whole be beaten and killed by Balthazar for like 30min, THEN got through the DeathEater after about another 30min, and the game "Disconnected" just as I was talking with Joko after the fight. *PULL MY HAIR OUT!!!!!*


Now after a couple days I thought maybe I felt like going in and giving it another try and I am in there trying to muster up the "want" to do this WHOLE( P O S) part of the story-line again and I can't. I seriously have no desire to go through the WHOLE ORDEAL again to possibly have it disconnect on me...


IS THERE ANY CHANCE this part of the story-line will be changed in an upcoming update? I have been playing MMORPG's since 1999 with Everquest which was such a frustrating game at times, it was marvelous! haha Now that I am older and my time is more precious to me I honestly can't see the point to "Playing", "Enjoying", this type of a tough instance. I love the story, but the time it is taking me to beat down Balthazar, and then the crazy maneuvers I have to go through to get passed the DeathEater are STUPID!!! Maybe have an "Easy" version? Maybe have a game that doesn't disconnect when you are just at the end of a story-line instance. The disconnects just make it even more NOT WORTH IT!


I am a tempest, and trying to figure out how to work all the new stuff with that too is making it all that much more stupid like beating my head against a brick wall. WHY??? What is the point? This is not fun!


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For the commenter and any future commenter who provides the tip of "just bring a friend" for the eater of souls fight: bringing a friend is useless because they get turned into useless spirits with useless skills and non of their classes abilities. In fact, it can actually be harmful because the eater of souls can just suck on their spirity goodness and regain even more health. Sure, it helps with the balthazar fight, but it makes the eater of souls tougher. So yeah, please stop uselessly suggesting to bring help for the eater of souls.


(if this was changed recently to turning everyone into ghostly versions of themselves with their full class abilities, then please correct me)

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There are many comments about people disconnecting at the Joko part of this instance. So unfortunately I have not wanted to do it and there is no good news for the OP who doesn't want to risk it happening again. Why Anet doesn't do checkpoints anymore is beyond me given how buggy, laggy, or just plain "painful and I don't want to repeat them" some of their instances are.

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> @Azuresky.1726 said:

> Just to note it wasn't my Internet connection that disconnected me, it was Guild Wars. Many times I have had Guild Wars crash at the tail end of instances. It is a "Known" thing from what I understand. Just not a "fixable" thing I guess. :(


It's not just you. I had several issues with multiple parts of this story.


1) the cutscene didn't load after being dumpstered by balth

2) crash at joko after he says "Oh something Army"


These two things happened with such frequency (about 10 times) that i have given up taking a 4th character through the story until i see anet address it.

As a sidenote even client repairs did not give me 100% success rate in getting through the story.

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> There are many comments about people disconnecting at the Joko part of this instance. So unfortunately I have not wanted to do it and there is no good news for the OP who doesn't want to risk it happening again. Why Anet doesn't do checkpoints anymore is beyond me given how buggy, laggy, or just plain "painful and I don't want to repeat them" some of their instances are.


This. While taking someone along may make the fight part go faster, nothing they can do will stop a DC. As many times as have had it happen to me, and as many others as I see complaining about it, I really wish ANet would deal with the problem. I never had this problem before HoT. Now? Every instance I do I dread getting to NPC talking near the end, because I am all too likely to DC.

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I died once before i figured out how to kill eater of souls, took me whole 10mins maybe, and it was before the nerf. Since u said u play mmos very long time, dunno why story instances were difficult for you. The hardest part was waiting untill npcs finish conversation, other than that it was extremely easy. But yeah, dcs at end of instance are frustraiting

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> @LeSavage.1359 said:

> I died once before i figured out how to kill eater of souls, took me whole 10mins maybe, and it was before the nerf. Since u said u play mmos very long time, dunno why story instances were difficult for you. The hardest part was waiting untill npcs finish conversation, other than that it was extremely easy. But yeah, dcs at end of instance are frustraiting


No one is complaining about speed. We're complaining about crashing out repeatedly.

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> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> For the commenter and any future commenter who provides the tip of "just bring a friend" for the eater of souls fight: bringing a friend is useless because they get turned into useless spirits with useless skills and non of their classes abilities. In fact, it can actually be harmful because the eater of souls can just suck on their spirity goodness and regain even more health. Sure, it helps with the balthazar fight, but it makes the eater of souls tougher. So yeah, please stop uselessly suggesting to bring help for the eater of souls.


> (if this was changed recently to turning everyone into ghostly versions of themselves with their full class abilities, then please correct me)


I think when people say to go with someone they mean as a follower, so you become the little spirit thing and can stay away from the fight while the other person kill it. At least it's what I meant when I suggested that in other threads. Pretty sure it's what Vayne meant too.


I've done it as a little spirit with my friend 2 days ago. At first I was trying to stay away but then he rushed to me and I figured I could just dodge and the fight went fine.

My friend very rarely play, if at all but still killed it in 5 minutes or so. I think it helped him a bit that the EoS focused on me so often.

I wanted to post the video in that other thread but it was already on page 2 so I didn't.


> @Azuresky.1726 said:

> Just to note it wasn't my Internet connection that disconnected me, it was Guild Wars. Many times I have had Guild Wars crash at the tail end of instances. It is a "Known" thing from what I understand. Just not a "fixable" thing I guess. :(


It's most likely fixable, they probably just didn't find what exactly causes the disconnection at that particular place.

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  • 6 months later...

> @"Azuresky.1726" said:

> Just checking in to see if anyone has been having any issues with this fight disconnecting before completion still?


I personally havent gone back and played it since taking my Necro (I think that was the last character i did it on) through.

It may have been addressed, but again i cannot be certain.


I do know i had similar issues with the recent Living Story chapter.

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It's unfortunate you got dc'd, but just come back to it sometime when you're over the frustration. It's not like you MUST do it on some deadline. Personally I had no difficulty at all with the Death Eater. Maybe you were either so frustrated that it affected your game-play, or maybe you need more time to learn your class and fight him. Either way the best thing is to just take a break and come back to it later imo.

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