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Holosmith is nastily OP


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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> *Now, I'm seeing multiple Holosmiths per match.* They were invisible behind Scourge. With that moderated the OP Holosmith is beginning to rule the roost.

> The spec has too much immunity and way too much front loaded damage. Yet another 100-0 build.


> They can easily CC and kill me before they run out of immunity. That's just not defensible.


I believe you were saying "xx class is OP" in other forum posts as well. So what class is not OP? What are you playing? What is OP? I am trying to pick a class that is OP. (Serious question, look at my other post). I made Holosmith because it looked awesome and looked like front load DPS class without relying heavily on its damn toolkit. But it got "bug fixed" when officially released. Its sword skills are garbage. So here I am running around with a rifle and a bomb kit!!! A rifle and a bomb kit!!! This isn't why I bought an extra character slot and used my max level booster and made an engi!!! I hate core engi, I hate its toolkit twisting rotations.


Heat mechanic bonus only applies to Sword and same with the utilities. Utilities came out with Holosmith are only receive the bonus with the heat mechanic. And even with the bonus, it isn't that great. Even with the bonus, people ditch sword and certain utilities. It is basically good ol'engi with the new toolkit called forge mode in their rotation. And mind you, you are locked out of other toolkits for 6 sec once you hit "almighty" FORGE mode.

And you can even see that the Holosmith activated the FORGE mode a mile away!! Holosmith skills are very well telegraphed to a point even its heat level is visible to others. You can literally even see when somebody is about to go boom~ unless deactivate the forge.


And are you sure you are not mistaking Holosmith with Scrapper? Holosmith is not a tank class. It is a glass cannon. There is list of classes that have higher survivability than Holosmith and higher burst damage than Holosmith.


I am very confused because I am trying to find a class to main here because I thought Holosmith is too weak. And here you are, claiming Holosmith is OP.


Seriously, I am not trolling or being sarcastic here. What do you think is OP or in meta at least? Let me be the class. Help me choose a class to main.

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My only complain about holo is that the burst potential in forge mode is a tad too easy to pull out for really crazy damage. If you don't see it coming for any reason or if you simply miss-time your dodge/defensive option you can pretty much get one shotted or very close to it which means you are very likely to die anyway. And this combo is a very eyes closed spam keys combo very similar to dagger thief we used to have. I most of the time can kill holo because I'm a quite defensive Mirage but even with great vitality I sometimes get randomly one shotted and it doesn't feel like I screwed that much, I just ate a very low CD combo (ok you can see it coming but still!).

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> *Now, I'm seeing multiple Holosmiths per match.* They were invisible behind Scourge. With that moderated the OP Holosmith is beginning to rule the roost.

> The spec has too much immunity and way too much front loaded damage. Yet another 100-0 build.


> They can easily CC and kill me before they run out of immunity. That's just not defensible.


I think you're confused here. Holosmiths cannot deal damage or cc while their invulnerability is active. The only way they can do anything like that is with photon wall which a) is unidirectional, so you just have to hit them from the side and b) nobody actually takes, so it's irrelevant. Elixir S prohibits the engineer from attacking while it is active.


Want to know what profession _can_ spike down a target while they have an invulnerability active? _Mesmer_.

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As a mesmer you shouldn't have problems fighting a holo smith Ithilwen, I would suggest you find one, and duel one.

I would also suggest you try using Infinite Horizon and Illusionary Ambush with a torch offhand for mirage.


For Chrono try timing your blocks and invulns correctly


You have all the tools needed to 1v1 most classes in the game

Find a friend who mains holo, duel that friend for a couple of days and learn what skills you need to watch out for.

It's much more productive then coming to the forums to basically make a kitten out of yourself.

Practice playing, get better and stop relying on nerfs to do the skill part for you.

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Holosmith and renegade are LUL.


Engineer is a joke class. Jesus christ plays engineer.


Engineer is a clown fiesta in spvp and wvw and in fractals.


Engineer is literally the worst class in the game. Rev is 2nd place but everything else is better at engineer at everything.


Engineer is basically a clown that always explodes and does decent burst if he is fighting opponents that don't know engineer skills / tactics or don't have lightning reflexes and mechanical awareness.


Skilled engineers are rare like chaith. But how can you be the best at a class that is so horribly designed when everything else is designed better with less skill requirement and less punishment for being lazy / slow at reflexes mechanics adaptability. .


This post. I am not salty or butthurt. I am insane. And laughing. Engineer is a clown fiesta / troll class.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> *Now, I'm seeing multiple Holosmiths per match.* They were invisible behind Scourge. With that moderated the OP Holosmith is beginning to rule the roost.

> The spec has too much immunity and way too much front loaded damage. Yet another 100-0 build.


> They can easily CC and kill me before they run out of immunity. That's just not defensible.


So to have a balance conversation, we need to get the facts staight, cause right now there is a lot of misinformation in this thread! so lets take them all here!


Holosmith have 30 secs of immunity:

That is false, at most you have Elixir S that last for 4 secs. a trait allows elixir S to trigger when you hit 25% hp. While in elixir S you still suffer from any condition dmg applies before using it.

Engineer as a core spec have also acces to block from shield#5 that last 2 secs and block from tool kit #4 which last for 2 or 3 secs. Holosmith godt Photon Wall that block from the front only and last for 3 secs. No Holosmith builds I have seen working use toolkit and wall!

but even if you combo all of it with dodges, you wont hit 30 seconds.


Holosmith can kill you doing immunity:

that is also false, doing elixir S you are locked out off all your skills, which can mess you up really badly with the automatic version at 25% hp


Holosmith can oneshot you:

That is false, while Holosmith do have a very good burst potentiel and can open up from stealth with toss elixir S, it cant do a one shot nor a one shot combo the likes of Mesmer and Thief. You will allways have a chance to react, as long as you have a stunbreak, blink ect. I have yet in WvW to be one shot by a holosmith and in WvW the burst power of every spec is much higher then in sPvP.

Holosmith do have hard hitting attacks and a great elite, but none of it is instant cast, and visually its very easy to spot.

If you compare it to classic backstap thief or greatsword power mesmer burst, you will see a clear differencen in how much time you get to react on.

Also Holosmith gets most of its burst from photon forge, which are mostly melee and AoE around the holosmith, with a max range of 600.


Holosmith can chain CC you to death:

This is true, if you dont have a single stunbreak, stability ect. Holosmith got acces to 3 hard CC skills in the meta rifle build:


Rifle #4 which is a knockback both to the engineer and the enemy! this one can be harderd to avoid, but you can dodge it and reflect it.

Photon forge #5 is a large AoE knockdown, with a casting time, huge animations and very easy to dodge and interrupt

Holosmith elite: one and a half second of obvious casting time! the animation is easy to spot! you can dodge it, but you cant block it.


So 2 out of 3 skills are super easy to spot and interrupt.


lastly, other people say we have acces to a ton of stability... that is also false! There is one trait thst gives one stack of stability on the first hit of photon forge #3 and another when the delayed second attack hits. The duration is quite short, 3 seconds if i recal right? else the only places engineer got acces to it os toss elixir B and traited juggernaut flamethrower which forces yoy to stay in that kit... none of these two things see much play with holosmith

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> @Horan.7013 said:

> Funny how both the old engi players and the new-to-holosmith-because-oh-I-hate-toolkit-swapping-core-engi players are disappointed in Holosmith. The traits and skills feel like it came out of nowhere. It doesn’t fit well with other engi traits. And you can see the forge mode and its heat status from miles away. This is bad. You cannot see how much life force is left in reaper/scourge. But you can clearly see everything about the forge mode being activated and its heat status miles away.


Honestly, it's one of the most telegraphed new elite specs. Huge telegraphs, decent bursts... it's like a worse warrior.

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> @kKagari.6804 said:

> Correct me if I'm wrong but:


> A marauders dead eye with 25 might and maleficent seven, hitting a mesmer with no extra toughness and 25 vulnerability with death's judgement should be something like this:


> 2800[power] x 1.6[coefficient] x 1.873[critical] x 2.26[7x18% malice dmg modifier] x 1205[best roll weapon strength] x 1.25[vulnerability] / 1920[mesmer's defense]


> should equal 14900+ damage. You'd need another modifier that will boost your damage by 300% to reach 35000+ damage in my opinion.


> If the mesmer was naked, you'd get around 29000+


You missed a few things. Assuming scholar runes, separation and exploitation sigils, trickery and deadly arts.


3175[power, revealed training] x 1.65 [coefficient] x 1.94 [crit dam w scholar] x 2.26[malice] x 1205[weapon strength] x 1.25[vuln] x 1.15[Lead attacks] x 1.1 [scholar] x 1.1[exposed weakness] x 1.05 [separation] / 1920

= 26327


Add sub 50% modifiers (20%, 5%) and it becomes 33172. So for what it's worth, it would _technically_ be possible, if unlikely, to break 34k with another damage modifier (or a higher one subbed in somewhere, e.g. compounding and lots of condis, berserker amu etc).

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time


I literally can't take anything you say after this sentence seriously. Outrageous claims like this are unhealthy for spirited and constructive debate. Can you expound on these 30 seconds of no damage?


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> @MailMail.6534 said:

> > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time


> I literally can't take anything you say after this sentence seriously. Outrageous claims like this are unhealthy for spirited and constructive debate. Can you expound on these 30 seconds of no damage?



I confess to exaggeration. *Mea maxima culpa.* It seems to be the "meta" on this forum. What I tried to express is that I was not able to inflict significant damage before that particular Holosmith killed me. They also appeared to shrug off conditions without noticeable effect.


Admittedly, it was being piloted by a known and, ( allegedly, ) skilled player. The auto attack alone burned down my health almost too quickly to follow. Hence, I consider the spec OP.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > @MailMail.6534 said:

> > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time

> >

> > I literally can't take anything you say after this sentence seriously. Outrageous claims like this are unhealthy for spirited and constructive debate. Can you expound on these 30 seconds of no damage?

> >


> I confess to exaggeration. *Mea maxima culpa.* It seems to be the "meta" on this forum. What I tried to express is that I was not able to inflict significant damage before that particular Holosmith killed me. They also appeared to shrug off conditions without noticeable effect.


> Admittedly, it was being piloted by a known and, ( allegedly, ) skilled player. The auto attack alone burned down my health almost too quickly to follow. Hence, I consider the spec OP.


get good

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> @tehroi.4619 said:

> > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > @MailMail.6534 said:

> > > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > > This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time

> > >

> > > I literally can't take anything you say after this sentence seriously. Outrageous claims like this are unhealthy for spirited and constructive debate. Can you expound on these 30 seconds of no damage?

> > >

> >

> > I confess to exaggeration. *Mea maxima culpa.* It seems to be the "meta" on this forum. What I tried to express is that I was not able to inflict significant damage before that particular Holosmith killed me. They also appeared to shrug off conditions without noticeable effect.

> >

> > Admittedly, it was being piloted by a known and, ( allegedly, ) skilled player. The auto attack alone burned down my health almost too quickly to follow. Hence, I consider the spec OP.


> get good


This type of reply potentially creates a lot of problems. My first instinct was to dismiss you for passive aggression. In the first year of GW2, I heard such things often and it made learning difficult.


Forge mode lasts long enough to burn through defenses and still afford very high damage. It is not at all fun to see another player take negligible damage while burning you to the ground.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > @MailMail.6534 said:

> > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time

> >

> > I literally can't take anything you say after this sentence seriously. Outrageous claims like this are unhealthy for spirited and constructive debate. Can you expound on these 30 seconds of no damage?

> >


> I confess to exaggeration. *Mea maxima culpa.* It seems to be the "meta" on this forum. What I tried to express is that I was not able to inflict significant damage before that particular Holosmith killed me. They also appeared to shrug off conditions without noticeable effect.


> Admittedly, it was being piloted by a known and, ( allegedly, ) skilled player. The auto attack alone burned down my health almost too quickly to follow. Hence, I consider the spec OP.


But exaggeration should never be done if you want to discuss balance! as both a mesmer and engineer player I would glady give you a breakdown on holosmith and how to fight it if you just asked. Instead I have to spent my time correcting the exaggerations so we can actually discuss it.


Holosmith is actually not that good at handling conditions and if you know what to watch for and when to unload conditions you can easy burst them. They dont have acces to resistance and have a few condi removals on hand.


Most use the holosmith trait that removes 4 conditions when they swap out of photon forge. Which mean in general you should not unload to much on them while in photon forge, and in special not if they are yellow or red. in general you should hit them with condis right as they enter forge mode and right when they leave it


They can also remove 2 condis when they use healing turret, most blow it up which puts it in a 20 sec cd. a good engineer in a 1vs1 situation vs a condi build will pick it up, for the reduced cd, 15 sec.


Elixir S will remove one condi when you drink it and when you toss it.


Some run elixir gun, which #4 removes 1 condi when traited and #5 removed 2 and can be blasted for more condi removal.


A few will slot in Elixir C if they are vs a strong condi line up, which turns all condis on you into boons. Quite unsafe to do if there is scourge around, havent seen many use it.


What is importantly to notice, is none of this is instant beside swapping out of holo forge. Which give you room to interrupt and put pressure on.


So in general: You want to apply condi pressure when they they just entered photonforge, you will have a room of 6 seconds, where they cant acess elixir gun nor swap out of it. Defensive condi pressure skills like scepter #2 is quite good here.

in general you want to play defensive and kite while they are in forge mode tho. If you run interrupts, you will have plenty of rooms to apply them here aswell. many easy targets.


When they leave photon forge, pressure them to make them use healing turrent and then burst afterwards! make sure to apply cover conditions.


when they get close to 25% just toss all the condition on them. Elixir S will auto trigger then and the lad should be dead before its duration is over.


I would also like to point out that forge mode auto attack only deals dmg around a warrior greatsword autp attack. running maruader the crit dmg is about 2k-2,5k on the first two hits and the last one is about 4-4,5k.


The key to fighting a holosmith is to kite, interrupt and counter pressure on the right moments while they are in photon forge mode


Edit: I forgot to add Im talking about the meta rifle build we see in sPvP atm.

They run alchemy traitline which give them two minor traits that can remove a condi every now and then.


The first i hidden flask, where you drink a elixir B when you hit 75% hp. That will remove a condition. its on a 40 sec cd

The other is Transmute, it will turn a condition into a random boom when you are hit by it the condi. its on a 15 sec cd

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > @tehroi.4619 said:

> > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > > @MailMail.6534 said:

> > > > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > > > This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time

> > > >

> > > > I literally can't take anything you say after this sentence seriously. Outrageous claims like this are unhealthy for spirited and constructive debate. Can you expound on these 30 seconds of no damage?

> > > >

> > >

> > > I confess to exaggeration. *Mea maxima culpa.* It seems to be the "meta" on this forum. What I tried to express is that I was not able to inflict significant damage before that particular Holosmith killed me. They also appeared to shrug off conditions without noticeable effect.

> > >

> > > Admittedly, it was being piloted by a known and, ( allegedly, ) skilled player. The auto attack alone burned down my health almost too quickly to follow. Hence, I consider the spec OP.

> >

> > get good


> This type of reply potentially creates a lot of problems. My first instinct was to dismiss you for passive aggression. In the first year of GW2, I heard such things often and it made learning difficult.


> Forge mode lasts long enough to burn through defenses and still afford very high damage. It is not at all fun to see another player take negligible damage while burning you to the ground.


Just because you can't land condis on a Holo doesn't make the spec OP. You can't land condis because you can't execute or know when (or perhaps even how) to land condi bombs. You play a core PU mesmer build because you need the crutch of a 10 sec stealth to actually do things.


Aka what the other guy said, get better.

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Engie has always had a rotation of cooldowns that can keep them sustaining, that is nothing new.


But Holo is a far from OP, majority of it's skills are easy to kite or out range much like scourge. They may be less restricted and more mobile than scourge, but they are also will not zone you and the point, and actually apply pressure for free if far enough way.

Sure, you wont kill it on point as a mirage, but what else is new?


If you want to argue OP, then keep in mind how ineffectual it is to ping a SB, and how quickly, and constantly they recover from a well placed burst, and use that as a baseline, which was very similar to Chrono bunk s1, and when everyone was stacking old cele ele (except old cele ele could actually eventually hurt you).

Holo isn't OP it's about standard for this game. It does do big scary numbers if you let it, but there is more than enough to play around.


Only thing I would say is slightly strong is it's tools to deal with being focused in a team fight, but it's really not that bad.

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> @Darknicrofia.2604 said:

> > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > @tehroi.4619 said:

> > > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > > > @MailMail.6534 said:

> > > > > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > > > > This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time

> > > > >

> > > > > I literally can't take anything you say after this sentence seriously. Outrageous claims like this are unhealthy for spirited and constructive debate. Can you expound on these 30 seconds of no damage?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > I confess to exaggeration. *Mea maxima culpa.* It seems to be the "meta" on this forum. What I tried to express is that I was not able to inflict significant damage before that particular Holosmith killed me. They also appeared to shrug off conditions without noticeable effect.

> > > >

> > > > Admittedly, it was being piloted by a known and, ( allegedly, ) skilled player. The auto attack alone burned down my health almost too quickly to follow. Hence, I consider the spec OP.

> > >

> > > get good

> >

> > This type of reply potentially creates a lot of problems. My first instinct was to dismiss you for passive aggression. In the first year of GW2, I heard such things often and it made learning difficult.

> >

> > Forge mode lasts long enough to burn through defenses and still afford very high damage. It is not at all fun to see another player take negligible damage while burning you to the ground.


> Just because you can't land condis on a Holo doesn't make the spec OP. You can't land condis because you can't execute or know when (or perhaps even how) to land condi bombs. You play a core PU mesmer build because you need the crutch of a 10 sec stealth to actually do things.


> Aka what the other guy said, get better.


Some years ago, PU was a strong build. That build and Mesmer have been nerfed repeatedly since then. Much of the mobility and 50% of the stealth have been removed. Oh and Moa is much shorter and much harder to land, ( and was given away to Engi .) Yes, Mesmer had a brief moment of being quite strong... but that was after 3 years of being generally considered trash tier. In compensation we got what? 2 weeks? of being strong.


I play PU Mesmer because I dislike Chronomancer for the politics ( alacrity given away ) and Mirage for some of the problems of that design, *If anything, it bespeaks skill to be able to have moderate success on an under powered build.*


It is quite true that a holosmith can output more than enough damage to kill me before there is any real effect from my conditions.

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> @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > @Darknicrofia.2604 said:

> > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > > @tehroi.4619 said:

> > > > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > > > > @MailMail.6534 said:

> > > > > > > @Ithilwen.1529 said:

> > > > > > > This is a spec that literally takes no damage for 30 seconds at a time

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I literally can't take anything you say after this sentence seriously. Outrageous claims like this are unhealthy for spirited and constructive debate. Can you expound on these 30 seconds of no damage?

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > I confess to exaggeration. *Mea maxima culpa.* It seems to be the "meta" on this forum. What I tried to express is that I was not able to inflict significant damage before that particular Holosmith killed me. They also appeared to shrug off conditions without noticeable effect.

> > > > >

> > > > > Admittedly, it was being piloted by a known and, ( allegedly, ) skilled player. The auto attack alone burned down my health almost too quickly to follow. Hence, I consider the spec OP.

> > > >

> > > > get good

> > >

> > > This type of reply potentially creates a lot of problems. My first instinct was to dismiss you for passive aggression. In the first year of GW2, I heard such things often and it made learning difficult.

> > >

> > > Forge mode lasts long enough to burn through defenses and still afford very high damage. It is not at all fun to see another player take negligible damage while burning you to the ground.

> >

> > Just because you can't land condis on a Holo doesn't make the spec OP. You can't land condis because you can't execute or know when (or perhaps even how) to land condi bombs. You play a core PU mesmer build because you need the crutch of a 10 sec stealth to actually do things.

> >

> > Aka what the other guy said, get better.


> Some years ago, PU was a strong build. That build and Mesmer have been nerfed repeatedly since then. Much of the mobility and 50% of the stealth have been removed. Oh and Moa is much shorter and much harder to land, ( and was given away to Engi .) Yes, Mesmer had a brief moment of being quite strong... but that was after 3 years of being generally considered trash tier. In compensation we got what? 2 weeks? of being strong.


> I play PU Mesmer because I dislike Chronomancer for the politics ( alacrity given away ) and Mirage for some of the problems of that design, *If anything, it bespeaks skill to be able to have moderate success on an under powered build.*


> It is quite true that a holosmith can output more than enough damage to kill me before there is any real effect from my conditions.


The moa thing is an amusing reference, since holosmiths don't actually have moa (and the core engineer/scrapper gets 3 seconds of it, as compared to core mesmer's 6 and the chronomancer's 12). I also don't really understand why you're upset about alacrity being accessible by non-mesmers; are you equally upset that fear is accessible to non-necromancers? Chronomancer is a strong elite specialization, and a well-implemented one in my opinion, and foregoing its use because they did the same thing to it that they did to everyone seems foolish. Playing a core profession rather than an elite specialization almost always puts you at a disadvantage, so complaining about a disadvantage that you deliberately gave to yourself is neither fair nor honest. By that logic, I could demand that they nerf mesmers because those beat flamethrower-camping engineers.


The bottom line is this: comparing an optimized engineer build to a lower-tier mesmer build does not tell you whether or not the former is overpowered. Try playing a better build (and taking the time to get familiar with it and play it well), _then_ you can do some testing to determine whether holosmiths might be too powerful (of course, even then it could be an example of one balanced build being the counter for another; I dislike that sort of thing, but it is definitely part of the game).


Edit: Oh, and chronomancer has been strong for a _lot_ longer than two weeks. The first time that I ever played a chronomancer in PvP (I had also not played mesmer at all for years, even in PvE), it took me a couple of games to get used to it, and then I went on to win _more than twenty-five games in a row_, most of them in ranked. Even now, it's still a fairly strong build (the real problems for it are scourge and spellbreaker, of course).

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I swear. There is a small minority of very vocal people, on professions that were dominant at pvp and roaming pre PoF. Now there are new mechanics that challenge them, they can't just run away or cheese through it, they come here and scream NERFFFFFFFF.


Scourge has had a nerf, spellbreaker also. I swear if Holo gets it from these whiny people..... I bet its mostly thieves and mesmers, no offence to others that play them.


I really hate this culture of, I can't beat it, instead of doing something different I want a nerf.

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