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No Daily Reset

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Has anyone else had the issue where the account has not gone through a daily reset. Not something you necessarily miss until it doesn't happen, but everything seemed normal yesterday afternoon, and when I checked this morning I noticed it never reset, and the same this evening. I went to the daily tab a few minutes ago and it indicates there's 7+ hours yet, so maybe the fix is in, but I didn't see it listed anywhere in the forums. Appreciate any insight you can share.

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It just happened again, and there were no updates since yesterday. On top of that, this time I logged in at 6:50 pm EST, and when I saw it wasn't reset went right to Achievements panel and Daily, saw the time until reset was 10 minutes, right at 7 pm. What's worse is that I missed a Tier 4 in Dry Top.


Why is my daily reset now at 7 pm? Can i get the reset...reset?

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