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Giving holosmith a "proper" trade off


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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> I stopped reading at "No tradeoffs for Tempest", which is barely even played compared to Weaver. Continuing on to read your thoughts about Engineer, while somewhat valid, was pointless beyond this because you don't seem to understand *other* classes.


I didn't say tempest had no trade off, only that their trade off wasn't obvious like with other elite specs.


Tempest is actually my most played spec in PvP, with Engi slowly overtaking it after I fell in love with the spec all over again. It's clear to me, someone who's played tempest, what the trade offs of the e-spec are. Tempest is one of the few e-specs where you really feel it when you're forced to give up a core traitline. Water is manditory if you want to make maximum use out of auras on an auramancer build, or staff healing if going for the staff build. That leaves you with one core traitline to pick. No matter what you choose you're going to be majorly lacking in one area.


They're a lot like druid in that regard. No matter what they do they're going to be lacking somewhere. They're not able to round themselves out in the same way that their other elite spec/core counterparts can.


That said, if looking at ele from the outside, I can see why people would have a hard time figuring out what tempest gives up compared to core.

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> @"Arkantos.7460" said:

> a 10 sec cd to yoloholo mode is a good tradeoff


The heat itself puts extra limitation to both, engage photon forge and photon forge skills.

The CD on engage PF and disengage PF could just be removed and not affect and nor be affected by toolbelt related traits (Prismatic Converter and Solar Focused Lens, both could generate 2 heat per stack of condítion or effect).


By concept:

* Every Photon Projector activity could generate heat (includes only PF skills and Exceed Skills).

* Every Photon Projector activity could have his power increased by the heat level (includes only PF skills and exceed skills). Just the power, like a larger AOE, a stronger effect or higher duration; never a CD reduction like Spectrum Shield has.

* Overheat could only affects the Photon Projector, disalowing the access to Exceed skills, Photon Forge skills and Holosmith traits (except sword access), until to cool. Only the Photon Projector, but NEVER others toolbelt skills.

* The trait "Thermal Release Valve" could be removed. Holosmith could NEVER loss heat just by evade, but the heat loss could start1 second after disengage Photon Forge.

* Sword could never be affected by Holosmith related traits. If the sword is affected, why the shield, the pistol and the rifle isn't affected?


Then... Means 8k damage taken plus lock of Holosmith related skills and traits except sword access for 20 - 30 seconds if the Holosmith overheats. <------- This could be the proper trade off.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> Anyone who knows how to dodge won't overheat. It's not a tradeoff if they never lose anything :joy:


if that is all u got out of my post then ure fcking rkitten dud

but i already knew that tbh, with all the posts for NERF POWER MES ! basically calling nerfs to any class a better player has beaten u with. u become the meme material for my friends and guildies when we need something to laugh at xD good entertainment. poor judgement


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> @"toxic.3648" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > Anyone who knows how to dodge won't overheat. It's not a tradeoff if they never lose anything :joy:


> if that is all u got out of my post then ure fcking rkitten dud

> but i already knew that tbh, with all the posts for NERF POWER MES ! basically calling nerfs to any class a better player has beaten u with. u become the meme material for my friends and guildies when we need something to laugh at xD good entertainment. poor judgement



What's funny is the fact that you think I care what random people on the internet think about me lol. Keep laughing if you want man I really dont give a shit


Besides, even Grim admitted on stream that power mes was better than he thought it was. That build has enough damage to full burst a firebrand. In a meta where double stacking them is a thing, the build can do work as long as there's a thief or someone else on your team to keep the enemy thief off the mes.

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