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Dead computer after game crash.

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Well, After a crash in Bjora marches the computer went dead.

Don't know if it was the mother board or graphics card.

All I know is that I got a fatal error and now there's nothing I can do to repair it.

Some missing boot file too.


Since I have been unemployed since november... I'm low on cash.

I guess I'll have to take a few months break from GW2.


Can't afford to buy a new one right now.

Money is really tight.


Everything I try to repair it, fails... which leads me to believe that it's a harware problem.


All I get is basic menu to try booting from a pen, but that also fails.


Oh well. I'll miss you.

See ya all in 3-4 months, hopefully.

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time to learn or find a friend that can help you to troubleshoot computer faults


back in December my computer out of blue started having random sudden reboots in game after a really hot summer day, some times could be as quick as soon as i load into the game

first thing i did was swapping out the SATA cable connecting to the SSD, what you know, back to perfect operation; funny though because my pc was actually switched off on that, amazing how a 45C day destroyed a SATA cable despite not in use

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> time to learn or find a friend that can help you to troubleshoot computer fault


This. Computers must be maintained properly to survive (especially when you can't just afford a new one), and if you can't do it yourself I highly urge you to learn it. In the meantime, find a friend or acquaintance who can help out.


What you should try:

* Have the PC cleaned properly. Layers of dust and dust flakes between cooling ribs and in the fan lead to overheating, which damages hardware irrepairably if not taken care of frequently. You use a soft brush and compressed air to do the cleaning, also remove all cards and RAM sticks etc for a thorough dusting. In some cases of long-term overheating the themal paste must be re-applied on the graphics card and the CPU.

* Try to boot in Safe Mode (F8 during bootup in Windows 7 and lower, for Windows 10 use the Windows USB installation stick and choose the Safe Mode boot option). If you can boot into Safe Mode, troubleshooting will be a lot easier for a computer-literate person, in case it is not a hardware issue (which, for your sake, I hope it isn't).

* If the computer is 100% "dead", it could also be a faulty PSU (power supply unit) or the CMOS battery needs replacement. A battery is very cheap, replacing a PSU is more costly.


Good luck.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> time to learn or find a friend that can help you to troubleshoot computer faults


> back in December my computer out of blue started having random sudden reboots in game after a really hot summer day, some times could be as quick as soon as i load into the game

> first thing i did was swapping out the SATA cable connecting to the SSD, what you know, back to perfect operation; funny though because my pc was actually switched off on that, amazing how a 45C day destroyed a SATA cable despite not in use


I would try that, but after I took the screws off the laptop, the casing wouldn't still come off.


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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:> I would try that, but after I took the screws off the laptop, the casing wouldn't still come off. > you probably should have mentioned that it's a laptopfirst thing first as advice, dont game on a laptop, 99.9% of them arent designed for proper gaming, and even they are I would still avoidif you want to game, get a proper gaming desktop PC, not only does it runs better, it easier to maintain thanks to easily accessible and replaceable parts

to your question, "EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD Missing or corrupt", it means the bootloader is corrupted (not missing, it will never be missing)A bootloader is a set of computer binary (machine) instructions to tell how the system shoud load the operating system and the associated hardware drivershow or why it may become corrupted? ageing or damaged drive or from a computer virus (very unlikely since the 2000s)what can you do? depending on your drive.1. you have a spinning hard drive (HDD), you can repartition your hard drive so the bad sector on the drive can be properly identified and avoid data write to it, and reinstall your Windows; but this is just an intermit solution, a going to be dead hard drive will be dead sooner or later no matter how hard you try, suggest you replace it.2. you have a solid state hard drive (SSD), SSDs are designed to be able to smartly relocate data to a good cell whenever a bad cell is detected, for the bootloader to be corrupted means the SSD is at the end of its life (probably have a bad controller chip?); the only solution is to replace it

regardless of which, the best is recourse is replacing the hard drive* if your laptop is still under warranty, take it back to the shop where you bought it from and claim for warranty* if your laptop is no longer under warranty, take it to any computer repair shop and ask them to replace the hard drive. do check on seconds market like eBay to see how much the laptop is worth second hand, because the cost to fix may cost more than the laptop depending on how old it is. the cost will vary depending on how easily accessible the hard drive is and the cost of the replacement drive; but if it has soldered on SSD like Apple does with their macs, you are pretty screwed.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> Please help me.

> I get this.


> EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD


> Missing or corrupt.


Have you tried to simply repair the Windows installation using the Windows 10 USB installation stick?


> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> > I would try that, but after I took the screws off the laptop, the casing wouldn't still come off.

> you probably should have mentioned that it's a laptop


> first thing first as advice, dont game on a laptop, 99.9% of them arent designed for proper gaming


This. A laptop never gets proper cooling to run 3D applications over a longer period of time. Try and see if you can find laptop cooling pads:


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