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[Suggestion] Propose the Next Elite!


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Continuation from my Summoner Concept, first the huge Skeleton, now comes the Flesh onto its Rips ;) that finishes the Concept.

Utility, Healing, Elite Skill and the Traits ^^


## Healing Skill

**Servants of Restoration**


**Lesser Servant - Phoenix** - Heal yourself and turns Burnings on you into Healings. Cures on activation1 Damaging Condition that is not Burning. Fights then with you, until you die or you send it back to let the skill recharge, so that you can use it later again. Can on sacrifice revive a dead ally, but then its Recharge Time is much longer


**Lesser Servant - Frost Wurm** - Heal yourself and turns Chills with its ranged chilling spit into Damage over Time as long Chill is active. Send it back to let the skill recharge. Sacrifice lets you Swap locations with it and cures 3 Conditions for you, but its Recharge Time is then longer


**Lesser Servant - Thunder Crab** - Heal yourself, gain Retaliation and Fury, when Thunder Crab is in your near. Send it back to let the skill recharge. Sacrifice lets you earn Protection, Resistance and causes a big thunderclap attack that stuns all foes around yourn ear for a logner time, but you have to wait also longer too on its recharge.


**Lesser Servant - Dustdevil** - Heal yourself, become immune to blindness and become able to see stealthed foes by revealing them in your near. Send it back to recharge the skill. Sacrifice lets you become temporarely stone, so you receive no damage, while also reflecting projectiles with dust whirls which blind foes together with their reflected projectiles.


## Utility Skill


**Servants of Support**


**Lesser Servant - Flame Goblin** - Summon a Flame Goblin, which grants you and allies in periodic time Fire Auras and Might. On Sacrifice you create a large burst of fire that causes damage and creates a fire field. Send it back to recharge the skill.


**Lesser Servant - Aqua Stalker** - Summon a Aqua Stalker, which stealths and surprise fores from behind and dodge surrounds them. Whenever it does that, it heals nearby allies. On Sacrifice you create a large burst of water, that launches foes and create a water field. Send it back to recharge the skill.


**Lesser Servant - Jaquaranda** - Summon a Jaquaranda, which grants nearby allies Swiftness and Vigor. On Sacrifice you create a Thunderstorm that dazes foes on touch and causes damage, while being an air field. Send it back to recharge the skill.


**Lesser Servant - Sand Shark** - Summon together with magical created Sand Ground for it a Sand Shark, which grants Resistance for a short while upon summoning.

On Sacrifice, create a big Sandstorm, that causes damage and blinds and weakens foes, while being an Earth Field. send it back to recharge the skill.




**Servants of Battle**


**Lesser Servant - Magma Ooze** - Summon a Magma Ooze, which creates on Target Location a Lava Font upon arrival. On Sacrifice it turns into a Magma Bomb that deals heavy damage. Send it back to recharge the skill.


**Lesser Servant - Ice Imp** - Summon an Ice Imp, which creates on Target Location Frozen Burst upon arrival. On Sacrifice, it turns into an Ice Bomb that deals damage and freezes all foes in its explosion range. Send it back to recharge the skill.


**Lesser Servant - Chickenado** - Summon a Chickenado, which creates on Target Location a Gust upon arrival that pushes foes back. On Sacrifice, it turns into large size Tornado, which sucks in and whirls around foes in range. Send it back to recharge the skill.


**Lesser Servant - Rock Armadillo** - Summon a Rock Armadillo, which creates on Target Location Unsteady Ground. On Sacrifice, it turns into a big Rock Ball that tries to roll over nearby foes to knock them down and cause vulnerability that way. Send it back to recharge the skill.




**Servants of Defense**


**Lesser Servant - Salamander** - Summon a Salamander, upon summoning your Toughness gets increased based from the Power you have. Burns you receive, will be reflected upon your Enemy as well. On Sacrifice, receive your nearby allies the Stat Boost


**Lesser Servant - Undine** - Summon an an Undine together with magical water so that she can move also on land. Upon summoning your will be your Vitality increased based from the Toughness you have. Poisons you receive, will be reflected upon your Enemy as well. On Sacrifice, receive your nearby allies the Stat Boost


**Lesser Servant - Quetzalcoatl** - Summon a Quetzalcoatl, upon summoning your Power gets increased based on your Precision. Bleedings you receive will be reflected upon your Enemy as well. On Sacrifice receive your nearby allies the Stat Boost.


**Lesser Servant - Gnome** - Summon a Gnome, upon summoning your Precision gets increase based on your Vitality. Torments you receive, will be reflected upon your enemy as well. On Sacrifice receive your nearby allies the Stat Boost.


For now a break, will continue later with the last two Utility Skills, and Elite and finish it then with the Traits :D

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I would love for them to add racial elite specs to make racial skills work for all classes. Maybe a Pve only thing.

Like for the last dragon fight alll the races banded together to share their secrets with each other allowing all races to use their unique abilities. Some would have to be reworked but overall we could make it work.


Make a trait line associated for each spec that adds some cool new features.


Sylvari spec could add extra healing and CC With vines and flowers


Norn would be awesome for a shapeshifting spec


Charr would add more guns and stuff


Asura would add golemancy


Humans is the hardest especially after this expansion


But they could share the blessings of the gods



I’d prefer if it would just be for the races and their skills would be useful but people would complain that they have to make a sylvari Mesmer or something



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> @Artyport.2084 said:

> I would love for them to add racial elite specs to make racial skills work for all classes. Maybe a Pve only thing.

> Like for the last dragon fight alll the races banded together to share their secrets with each other allowing all races to use their unique abilities. Some would have to be reworked but overall we could make it work.


> Make a trait line associated for each spec that adds some cool new features.


> Sylvari spec could add extra healing and CC With vines and flowers


> Norn would be awesome for a shapeshifting spec


> Charr would add more guns and stuff


> Asura would add golemancy


> Humans is the hardest especially after this expansion


> But they could share the blessings of the gods



> I’d prefer if it would just be for the races and their skills would be useful but people would complain that they have to make a sylvari Mesmer or something




The thing is that the devs don't want to make races relevant and this idea would make races relevant.

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The revenant e-spec that everybody is affraid to see.


**Elite name:** Seeker

**Class:** Revenant


**Special mechanism:** Using F2 let you take root, granting you barrier every second at the cost of not being able to move and with an upkeep cost of 9.


**Weapon:** Greatsword (Caladbolg skills... The skills embody the power of the natural elements.)

**Weapon skills:**

- AA slash with the power of the wind

- 2: Hit multiple foes with arc of lightning

- 3: Leap into a rift to appear above your foes then smash it knocking it and surrounding foes down

- 4: Knockback foes in front of you

- 5: Thrash foes around you in a spinning frenzy while flinging projectiles


**Legend:** Riannoc


- Healing seed: same as the racial skill but with a shorter cool down and an energy cost

- Seed turret: same as the racial skill but with a shorter cool down and an energy cost (bleed last longer)

- Vine wall: Erect a vine wall that immobilise and inflict a bleeding effect on foes that try to cross it.

- Summon sylvan hound: Upkeep (5) summon

- Wrath of the ancients: Call upon the strenght of the ancient druids spirit summoning vines that lash 5 time on foes on the area for 5 seconds. (a well that deal direct physical damage)



Up: Something that goes along the way of using the elements (GS trait, lightning proc with ICD, Fury/ferocity trait)

Mid: Some traits that tell riannoc story (Blessing of the mother tree = self buff, benevolence toward your companions = party buff, bitterness of being betrayed = debuffing foes)

Bot: Traits that define a sylvari and make use of take root (Bark skin = toughness buff, Gain retal when using take root, Riannoc legend skills last longer)


**Role:** All in all, a sylvari spec.

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The revenant e-spec that I'd like to see


**Elite name:** Hunter

**Class:** Revenant


**Special mechanism:** Using F2 let you take the form of the owl (do not lock you out of your utilities) Upkeep 2

- AA Damage and low bleed (see wolf form)

- Wind blast (see raven form)

- Swoop (see raven form)

- Howl (see wolf form)

- Prowl (see snow leopard form)


**Weapon:** Axe main hand

**Weapon skills:**

- AA slash through a rift (range 900)

- 2: Cleave the air, damaging and pulling foes closer to you (range 500)

- 3: Crash the ground damaging and knocking down foes around you.


**Legend:** the owl


- Heal yourself and make you retreat backward.

- Make you and your allies enter in stealth, also grant swiftness.

- Create a tempest that damage and chill foes in the area

- summon a flock of birds to attack your foe (upkeep 7)

- revive allies in the area for a %age and cure up to 3 conditions on allies.



Up: Something that make use of being in owl form (25% movement speed while F2 active, Reduce condition duration while in F2, improve crit chance while in F2)

Mid: Some traits that revolve around stealth and reveal (grant regen to targets that you put in stealth, reveal foes in area when you use sound based skills, When you gain stealth, your next damaging skill will do more damage)

Bot: Traits that define a norn (loud: improve range of sound based skills, strong: improve power/damage while wielding an axe, carefree: immun to chill)


**Role:** All in all, a norn spec.


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**Class** : Ranger

**Elite** : Misleader/Deceiver


**Theme** : The Ranger was teached the art of deception and manipulation by ghost lights in the woods and uses the helplessness of travelers that got lost in the wild for his/her own good, manipulating them until they will never find their way back out.


**Weapon** : Offhand Focus, getting mid range debuff and control abilities to further enhance melee range survivablity.


( OFF-TOPIC: Im not very good with dmg modifiers etc, so im not sure what numbers to put to the weapon skills. I imagine #5 hitting for around 4,5k CRIT on a berzerker/marauder power build IN PVP!


4#: Beneficial Block

Block incoming attacks for the next 3 seconds, if you dont get hit gain 25 endurance

Foes that you block get slowed

30 seconds cooldown

Slow (5 seconds)

5 Targets


#5: Intellect Infiltration

Damage: 800 base (look @ OFF-TOPIC above)

Cast time: 1 1/2 seconds

The next weapon skill used by a foe has an 100% higher cooldown (skills #2-#5)

35 seconds cooldown



Range 600

3 Targets


**Mechanics** :

_Rising Darkness_

Your and your pets attacks induce unsecurities and fear in the hearts of the lost enemies, making them feel more and more helpless.

Every attack that hits (not getting blocked, evaded, blinded, invulned) will put a stack on the enemies hit. After reaching 12 stacks, blind the foe, reset the stacks.

One stack lasts for 3 seconds, the duration will refresh everytime a new stack is applied. (no internal cooldown)

Condition dmg ticks will not apply stacks.

Blind (3 seconds)


**Skill Type** : Manipulation



Distracted Healing

Manipulate the enemies around you into thinking your pet is the bigger threat.

25 seconds cooldown

Cast time: 1 second

Your pet taunts the enemies around you

Heal: 4,800

Taunt (2 seconds)

Radius 600

5 Targets



_Mysterious Paths_

Swap places with your pet, your next attack weakens your foe, your pets next attack slows your foe

30 seconds cooldown

Cast time: 1 second

Leap Finisher

Weakness (4 seconds)

Slow (2 seconds)


_Hopeless Offensive_

Foes that attack you will be blinded and slowed

(3 seconds duration to get activated)

25 seconds cooldown

Internal cooldown: 1 second

Blind (3 seconds)

Slowed (4 seconds)

Breaks stun

3 Targets


_Selfish Exploitation_

Steal 25 endurance from your foe. Gain an attack of opportunity if the foe does not have at least 25 endurance.

25 seconds cooldown

Cast time: 1 second


_Chaotic Chimera_

Your pets next 5 attacks will put a debuff on the foe it is attacking.

Attacking a foe that is debuffed, will daze him.

45 seconds cooldown

Debuff on foe: 3 seconds

Stacks on pet: 10 seconds

Internal cooldown for daze: 1 second

Daze: 1/4 seconds




Manipulate the minds of your enemies, causing them to panic and run away in fear,

60 seconds cooldown

Cast time: 2 seconds

Remove Boon: Stability

Fear (3 seconds)

Radius 600

5 Targets


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**Traits** :


Minor Adept:

Focus Proficiency

_Ignis Fatuus_

Gain access to Manipulations. Your connection to Ghost Lights gives you access to _Rising Darkness_ , blinding foes with your attacks


Major Adept UP:

_Weak Demoralization_

Focus skills weaken foes around you, focus skills recharge faster

20% Recharge reduction

3 Targets

Radisu 450


Major Adept MID:

_Protecting Insecurity_

If your foe has more than 5 stacks of Ignis Fatuus, you take 15% less dmg from them


Major Adept DOWN:

_Empowering Weakness_

Deal 3% more dmg for each of the following conditions on your foe:

Weakness, Blind, Slow, Vulnerability


Minor Master:

_"Go for the eye"_

Your pets first attack after swapping blinds your weakens your foe (4 seconds)


Major Master UP:

_Punishing Blunder_

Attacks that miss you, inflict cripple

Internal Cooldown: 6 seconds

Cripple ( 3 seconds)


Major Master MID:

Gain Protection, when you reach 12 stacks Ignis Fatuus

Internal Cooldown: 20 seconds

Protection (4 seconds)


Major Master DOWN:

_Rewarding Deception_

When you use Manipulation skills, your next attack leeches health

Leech: 500


Minor Grandmaster:

_Known Plight_

Incoming Slow gets halfed in duration, Blind has half effectiveness (50% chance to miss), Weakness doesnt affect endurance regeneration


Major Grandmaster UP:

_Degenerating Impact_

Remove a boon when you hit a foe that has 3 or more of the following conditions: Slow, Blind, Weakness, Vulnerability

Internal Cooldown: 9 seconds



Major Grandmaster MID:

_Loosing Hope_

Foes that attack you with 4 or more conditions get slowed

Internal Cooldown: 6 seconds

Slow (4 seconds)



Major Grandmaster DOWN:

_Blind Rage_

Whenever you blind a foe, gain Fury

Internal Cooldown: 8 seconds

Fury (4 seconds)




I always thought about a good debuffer in GW2 and i thought i´d give it a go.

Im sure numbers/cooldowns etc have to be tweaked a lot, i dont wont to release another overpowered spec into this game, but more ppl are better in seeing potential overpowered and underpowered traits/skills/etc.


UP trait line should be supportive, MID defensive and DOWN offensive


Let me know what you think about this


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> @Yogmondminer.5173 said:

> > @"Keitaro Dragonheart.9047" said:

> > A guildie and I were talking about the Necromancer last week and one of the mechanics I missed was sacrificial skills. So I started thinking of that in terms of an elite spec, and out of boredom one day, I started crafting The Reaver. :P

> >

> > **Necromancer: The Reaver**

> >

> > The Necromancer becomes the Blood Fanatic known as “The Reaver”. With a sacrifice of health, the Reaver casts deadly spells on the enemy to inflict maximum suffering. Blood is their power and the razor's edge between life and death, reveling in the suffering of others. A Reaver is a terrifying sight to behold on the battlefield.

> >

> > **New Weapon: **Mainhand Sword

> > **New Mechanic: **Blood Rage

> >

> > **Blood Rage:** Replaces your Death Shroud. Instead of the life force of others, Blood Rage is empowered by your own life force. Damage, whether self-inflicted or dealt by external forces, powers your Blood Rage. A red aura appears around the Reaver; their damage is increased by 10% and all of their attacks and enemy-targeted skills steal health equal to 10% of the damage they inflict. Lasts 10 seconds. (20s Recharge)

> >

> > Sword Skills

> >

> > 1. **Blood Slash** – Steal X health>**Blood Rend **– Steal X Health.>**Blood Reave** – Steal X Damage. Vulnerability x3 (5s)

> > 2. **Vampiric Bite** – Deals X Damage. Steal Health if target is below 50% [10s Recharge]

> > 3. **Lifebane Arc** – Swing your sword in an arc all around you. Steal Health from all foes you strike: Number of Targets – 5 [20s Recharge]

> >

> > Healing Skill -

> >

> > **Soul Leech** – Sacrifice: Lose 5% of your health. Heal for 5000 Health. For 5 seconds, all of your attacks steal health equal to 50% of your damage (20s Recharge)

> >

> > Utility Skills – New Utility Type – Sacrifice. Sacrifice Skills have no recharge, but cost health to cast.

> >

> > **Blood of the Master **– Sacrifice: Lose 10% of your health. Your minions gain Regeneration for 10 seconds.

> >

> > **Vampire's Gaze** – Sacrifice: Lose 15% of your health. Deal X damage and inflict Vulnerability (10 Stacks, 10 seconds)

> >

> > **Dark Bond** – Sacrifice: Lose 10% of your health. Remove all of your conditions and apply 2 stacks of bleeding (7s) to the target for each condition removed in this way.

> >

> > **Blood Renewal** – Sacrifice: Lose 15% of your health. Gain super speed (5s). Your Endurance regenerates twice as fast (10s)

> >

> > Elite Skill –

> >

> > **Cultist's Fervor **– Sacrifice: Lose 20% of your health. Generate an aura (600 Radius) around yourself. For 15 seconds, you and all allies within the aura steal health equal to 25% of your damage to any foes in range.

> >

> >

> > Reaver Elite Specialization Traitline:

> >

> > Minor Traits:

> >

> > Adept: Blood Mage – Death Shroud turns into Blood Rage.

> >

> > Master: Hemorrhage – In addition to other conditions you apply, you also apply bleeding.

> >

> > Grandmaster: Blood Fanatic – You siphon health equal to a portion of the bleeding damage you inflict.

> >

> > Major Traits:

> >

> > Adept:

> >

> > 1. Bloody Massacre – Critical Hits on a foe cause an explosion that inflicts bleeding on nearby foes.

> > 2. Blood Bond – Striking a bleeding foes increases your critical hit chance.

> > 3. Blood Thirsty – Blood Rage automatically activates if your health drops below 10%.

> >

> > Master:

> >

> > 1. Vampiric Bite – Sword Skills have reduced recharge. Steal health (5%) on a Critical Hit.

> > 2. Dark Pact – Incoming disables are sent back to the source. Inflict bleeding on the source.

> > 3. Predatory Instincts – Gain Super Speed (5s) when activating Blood Rage.

> >

> > Grandmaster:

> >

> > 1. Order of the Vampire – When you steal or siphon health, allies in range (900) are also healed.

> > 2. Masochism – Increased damage (10%) as long as you are suffering from a movement-impairing condition.

> > 3. Vampire's Hunger – Sacrifice 2% less health with sacrificial skills. Sacrifice 5% less while in Blood Rage. Cast Soul Leech for free when your health is below 10%.

> >

> > **Role:** DPS

> >

> > The skills may seem a bit overpowered, but the trade off is, you're sacrificing your own health to cast these skills, so the effects SHOULD be powerful. Idk anything about balance and all that jazz, but this is just a fun idea anyway, so...there it is. :P


> No no no no, the heal and elite are SO OP, with the necro's high base vitality, and a 600 ranged AOE group heal 25% for 15 sec is so kitten OP, even the guard has one heal like this and the kitten thing heals it almost instantly, and it's only 20% for 6 sec. Also if you mention the heal its " Lose 5% of your health. Heal for 5000 Health. For 5 seconds, all of your attacks steal health equal to 50% of your damage " ... Why?, that's the same as if you said "Lose 1k health, gain 5k back and then have insane heal for 5 sec", I mean even with a cast time, if you get it off you'll be insta healed, Not to mention you can also cast the elite, stacking the heal to 75% for 5 sec and 25% for 10 sec, making you able to just spam the skills with so much burst nothing would be able to stop you in the time you had the insane heals on, and even after that the cooldown on the normal heal is kitten kitten....

> Dont get me wrong i want something good for the necro, but if you have NO idea about game balance, dont post numbers, because this build would literally be able to beat anything in 1v1 and probably even 2v1 and 3v1.


> Edit: Oh also this intended to be a DPS BUILD? And you didn't think a 25% heal would be OP? Even with reaper i can do 20k dmg in a few seconds, and when i get my DPS up its above 10k most the time even in PvP, meaning you'd just be immortal with a DPS spec .-.


we want to be strong and cool at same time like other classes let us be bro

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> @Yogmondminer.5173 said:

> > @"Keitaro Dragonheart.9047" said:

> > A guildie and I were talking about the Necromancer last week and one of the mechanics I missed was sacrificial skills. So I started thinking of that in terms of an elite spec, and out of boredom one day, I started crafting The Reaver. :P

> >

> > **Necromancer: The Reaver**

> >

> > The Necromancer becomes the Blood Fanatic known as “The Reaver”. With a sacrifice of health, the Reaver casts deadly spells on the enemy to inflict maximum suffering. Blood is their power and the razor's edge between life and death, reveling in the suffering of others. A Reaver is a terrifying sight to behold on the battlefield.

> >

> > **New Weapon: **Mainhand Sword

> > **New Mechanic: **Blood Rage

> >

> > **Blood Rage:** Replaces your Death Shroud. Instead of the life force of others, Blood Rage is empowered by your own life force. Damage, whether self-inflicted or dealt by external forces, powers your Blood Rage. A red aura appears around the Reaver; their damage is increased by 10% and all of their attacks and enemy-targeted skills steal health equal to 10% of the damage they inflict. Lasts 10 seconds. (20s Recharge)

> >

> > Sword Skills

> >

> > 1. **Blood Slash** – Steal X health>**Blood Rend **– Steal X Health.>**Blood Reave** – Steal X Damage. Vulnerability x3 (5s)

> > 2. **Vampiric Bite** – Deals X Damage. Steal Health if target is below 50% [10s Recharge]

> > 3. **Lifebane Arc** – Swing your sword in an arc all around you. Steal Health from all foes you strike: Number of Targets – 5 [20s Recharge]

> >

> > Healing Skill -

> >

> > **Soul Leech** – Sacrifice: Lose 5% of your health. Heal for 5000 Health. For 5 seconds, all of your attacks steal health equal to 50% of your damage (20s Recharge)

> >

> > Utility Skills – New Utility Type – Sacrifice. Sacrifice Skills have no recharge, but cost health to cast.

> >

> > **Blood of the Master **– Sacrifice: Lose 10% of your health. Your minions gain Regeneration for 10 seconds.

> >

> > **Vampire's Gaze** – Sacrifice: Lose 15% of your health. Deal X damage and inflict Vulnerability (10 Stacks, 10 seconds)

> >

> > **Dark Bond** – Sacrifice: Lose 10% of your health. Remove all of your conditions and apply 2 stacks of bleeding (7s) to the target for each condition removed in this way.

> >

> > **Blood Renewal** – Sacrifice: Lose 15% of your health. Gain super speed (5s). Your Endurance regenerates twice as fast (10s)

> >

> > Elite Skill –

> >

> > **Cultist's Fervor **– Sacrifice: Lose 20% of your health. Generate an aura (600 Radius) around yourself. For 15 seconds, you and all allies within the aura steal health equal to 25% of your damage to any foes in range.

> >

> >

> > Reaver Elite Specialization Traitline:

> >

> > Minor Traits:

> >

> > Adept: Blood Mage – Death Shroud turns into Blood Rage.

> >

> > Master: Hemorrhage – In addition to other conditions you apply, you also apply bleeding.

> >

> > Grandmaster: Blood Fanatic – You siphon health equal to a portion of the bleeding damage you inflict.

> >

> > Major Traits:

> >

> > Adept:

> >

> > 1. Bloody Massacre – Critical Hits on a foe cause an explosion that inflicts bleeding on nearby foes.

> > 2. Blood Bond – Striking a bleeding foes increases your critical hit chance.

> > 3. Blood Thirsty – Blood Rage automatically activates if your health drops below 10%.

> >

> > Master:

> >

> > 1. Vampiric Bite – Sword Skills have reduced recharge. Steal health (5%) on a Critical Hit.

> > 2. Dark Pact – Incoming disables are sent back to the source. Inflict bleeding on the source.

> > 3. Predatory Instincts – Gain Super Speed (5s) when activating Blood Rage.

> >

> > Grandmaster:

> >

> > 1. Order of the Vampire – When you steal or siphon health, allies in range (900) are also healed.

> > 2. Masochism – Increased damage (10%) as long as you are suffering from a movement-impairing condition.

> > 3. Vampire's Hunger – Sacrifice 2% less health with sacrificial skills. Sacrifice 5% less while in Blood Rage. Cast Soul Leech for free when your health is below 10%.

> >

> > **Role:** DPS

> >

> > The skills may seem a bit overpowered, but the trade off is, you're sacrificing your own health to cast these skills, so the effects SHOULD be powerful. Idk anything about balance and all that jazz, but this is just a fun idea anyway, so...there it is. :P


> No no no no, the heal and elite are SO OP, with the necro's high base vitality, and a 600 ranged AOE group heal 25% for 15 sec is so kitten OP, even the guard has one heal like this and the kitten thing heals it almost instantly, and it's only 20% for 6 sec. Also if you mention the heal its " Lose 5% of your health. Heal for 5000 Health. For 5 seconds, all of your attacks steal health equal to 50% of your damage " ... Why?, that's the same as if you said "Lose 1k health, gain 5k back and then have insane heal for 5 sec", I mean even with a cast time, if you get it off you'll be insta healed, Not to mention you can also cast the elite, stacking the heal to 75% for 5 sec and 25% for 10 sec, making you able to just spam the skills with so much burst nothing would be able to stop you in the time you had the insane heals on, and even after that the cooldown on the normal heal is kitten kitten....

> Dont get me wrong i want something good for the necro, but if you have NO idea about game balance, dont post numbers, because this build would literally be able to beat anything in 1v1 and probably even 2v1 and 3v1.


> Edit: Oh also this intended to be a DPS BUILD? And you didn't think a 25% heal would be OP? Even with reaper i can do 20k dmg in a few seconds, and when i get my DPS up its above 10k most the time even in PvP, meaning you'd just be immortal with a DPS spec .-.


we want to be strong and cool at same time like other classes let us be bro

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**Elite name:** Duplicator


**Class:** Mesmer


**F changes:** Now you can summon 5 clones.


**Weapon:** Warhorn (Gjallarhorn)


**Weapon skills**

Wraped Shout : You and all of your illusions and phantasms gain boons (superspeed, fury, might, retaliation) for a period of time.

Army of Replicas : Blowing your warhorn summons 5 illusions with fury to attack your opponent. Army of Replicas will also replace your active illusions with new ones causing the old ones to shatter at their locations damaging opponents.

Warhorn also amplifies your 3 skill depending the weapon you have on main hand.

Sword: Now spawns 2 clones to your target. Pressing it again will make you swap positions with your clone immobilizing your opponent (holds 2 charges, once for every clone spawned).

Scepter: Confusing Images now channel 2 extra beams. The 2 extra beams will target different enemies. If there are 2 enemies, then 2 beams will target the main foe and the third will target the other one. If there is only 1 enemy then all of them will target him.


**Elite:** Portals of Doom

3 portals open around your target. 2 hallucinations come out from the 2 portals on the side attacking your foe while dazing him. Then from the middle one a stronger hallucination critically attacks your target while transfering health from your opponent to you. The hallucinations have the appearance of your foe and dont take damage.

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**Elite name:** Shadow

**Class:** Thief


**F1 changes:** No change

**special mechanism:** Shadow form: the shadow cannot enter stealth, instead whenever it should be stealthed it enter shadow form. Lose access to stealth attack. Shadow form is not affected by reveal however, it retain all traits effect related to stealth.

**Weapon:** focus

**Weapon skills:**

- 4: Shadow guard, grant you and nearby allies protection and aegis.

- 5: Overflowing Shadows, for 5 seconds you are in shadow form and are surrounded by a dark field that move alongside you and weaken foes that step into it.

- dagger#3: shadow bind, pin a dagger into your foe's shadow, immobilizing it.

- sword#3: Shadow slash, hurl an unblockable slash at your foe.

- pistol#3: shadow bolt, fling a round of shadow ammo to your foe.


**Skill category unlocked:** well or consecration


A set of aoe utility skills that lay dark fields.



Minor: 1st become a shadow!

2nd Being in shadow form while down revive you for a %age of your life every seconds.

3rd Whenever you are in a dark field you have the revealed debuff.


Shadow form line

Up: Impairing movement conditions have reduce duration on you when you are in shadow form

2nd gain vitality while wielding a focus, gain vitality based on a portion of your power (10%)

3rd You gain 50% critical hit chance while in shadow form


Dark fields line

Mid: Well/consecration last longer and have a shorter CD.

2nd standing in a dark field grant you a charge of evasion that allow you to evade automatically the next incoming hit. ICD 4 seconds

3rd Combos in dark fields are 50% more effective.


Reveal line

Bot: reveal last twice as long on you.

2nd Whenever you are revealed, gain ferocity.

3rd Your dark fields reveal stealthed foes that step into them.


**Role:** This is a tanky line whose goal is to transform you into a thief that hunt thieves. The shadows have no secrets for you and you rule over the darkness.

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Here I go again.


# Warrior - Corsair


### Theme and Role

The Corsair is a Warrior who has learned the ways of naval warfare from the epitome Corsairs of Elona and Lion's Arch. Taking the skills and values of seafaring privateers, scoundrels and buccaneers with them even onto land, the Corsair has learned several harsh lessons about the world. Everything changes on a whim, you can never trust what your eyes can see and fair play is for fairy tales. Misfortune befalls everyone, and only those ready and willing to meet it will walk away alive in the end.


The Corsair can be seen as a Warrior's take on Thief. It adopts a versatile and deceptive fighting style, but retains the heavy-armored fighter's penchant for being in their opponent's face, though that doesn't stop them from landing the occasional cheap shot when the opponent isn't looking. The Corsair is a Direct Damage Burst profession that gains access to a huge arsenal of weapon skills to choose from with their two Combat Forms. While fighting, the Corsair accumulates Pieces o' Eight, empowering themselves further with each weapon skill used. They build around swapping weapons and forms often, having several tricks and traits for renewing their cooldowns in order to lay the hurt on enemies. Corsair synergizes greatly with Discipline and Adrenaline-dependant traits, but can also work as an alternative to the former trait-line.


### Mechanic: Duelist and Skirmisher Forms; Pieces o’ Eight

The Corsair has adapted to naval warfare, where you at one point might find yourself fighting on deck surrounded by enemies, while before you know it find yourself below deck in cramped spaces with barely enough room to swing a blade. In order to thrive and survive this environment, the Corsair has gone the extra mile to learn not one, but two different fighting styles with each Main-hand weapon.


Pressing F2 in combat swaps **Combat Forms** between **Duelist** and **Skirmisher** Form, each changing the 3 first Weapon skills on the Main-hand or Two-handed weapon. Each weapon defaults to one or the other as its original set of skills. Duelist weapon skills focus around fighting a single, powerful enemy. Skirmisher focuses on fighting against many opponents simultaneously.


* Standard Sword, Mace, Rifle and Harpoon Gun are considered **Duelist** Forms. When in Duelist Form, their basic Weapon Skills are in effect.

* Standard Axe, Greatsword, Hammer, Longbow and Spear are considered **Skirmisher** Forms. When in Skirmisher Form, their basic Weapon Skills are in effect.


Aside from this, the Corsair amasses a stacking buff called **Pieces o’ Eight** whenever they strike an enemy with a Weapon Skill with a Cooldown attached to it. Each stack of this buff increases their Damage by 2% for 8s and naturally stacks to 8. After you gain a full Stack of **Pieces o’ Eight**, you cannot gain anymore stacks until the buff’s duration is up.


**New Duelist Forms**

>! * **Axe**

>! * **Hatchet Man** - Throw a deceptively quick Axe at the target Enemy, inflicting Vulnerability on them. This skill gains increased Adrenaline from Critical Hits.

>! * **Helm Splitter** - Leap with abandon at your target and strike down with a Skull-splitting Attack that deals increased Damage for each stack of Vulnerability on the target. Acts as a Leap Finisher.

>! * **Bolstering Blockade** - Channel, blocking incoming attacks while pulsing Might to yourself. If attacked, you throw an Axe at the aggressor that will Daze and Cripple them if it connects. Acts as a Projectile Finisher.


>! * **Greatsword**

>! * **Thrust Kick -> Pommel Strike -> Descending Blow** - Leap a short distance at your target with a quick kick, follow up with a pommel strike that causes Vulnerability and finish off with a brutal downwards cut.

>! * **Strikethrough** - Dart forwards with a powerful stab that pierces through enemies on the way to your target. Enemies you strike are Crippled.

>! * **Execution** - Launch a powerful, horizontal swing that deals increased damage when hitting only a single target.


>! * **Hammer**

>! * **Punt -> Dent -> Uppercut** - Weaker but Faster than Skirmisher Form, the chain causes Vulnerability on the first strike, Vulnerability and Weakness on the second strike and finally Vulnerability and Confusion on the final attack.

>! * **Concussion** - Bash your target with your hammer's pommel, causing Confusion and Interrupting them if they were using a skill.

>! * **Wild Swing** - Gain Stability and Leap at your target in a wild, arcing Swing that Launches them backwards if they’re already affected by a Control effect. Acts as a Leap Finisher.


>! * **Longbow**

>! * **Needle Arrow** - Fire a quick, low-damage arrow that causes Bleeding. Has increased Critical Hit chance and stacks extra Bleeding on Critical Hits.

>! * **Serrated Cluster** - Fire a cluster of 5 arrows at a single target that Each cause Bleeding for a short time. Acts as a Projectile Finisher (20%).

>! * **Searing Arrow** - Fire a piercing, high velocity Arrow that Burns and Cripples enemies it passes through. Acts as a Projectile Finisher.


>! * **Spear**

>! * **Spear Toss** - Hurl your spear at your Target, Crippling them.

>! * **Darting Impale** - Dart at your target at high speed, Striking them with a high-powered attack that deals increased damage the further away you charge from.

>! * **Finishing Blow** - Spin around and strike your target with a massive attack that deals increased damage if they’re below 50% HP.


**New Skirmisher Forms**

>! * **Sword**

>! * **Wide Cut -> Wounding Cut -> Bloodletter** - Deals more direct damage than Duelist Form but doesn't stack Bleeding on the first and second strike. The final strike pierces through up to 5 enemies, causing both Bleeding and Vulnerability.

>! * **Crippling Arc** - Spin around and strike up to 5 enemies around you, Crippling all enemies struck while evading attacks.

>! * **Falcon Slash** - Leap in the target direction, striking enemies in your path. After a short delay, all struck enemies suffer a second, unblockable strike that severely Bleeds them. Acts as a Leap Finisher.



>! * **Mace**

>! * **Sweeping Bash -> Sweeping Smash -> Ground Pound** - Faster than Duelist Form, these sweeping blows quickly strike enemies, with the Last one striking the ground and sending Debris flying, hitting up to 5 nearby enemies twice and Bleeding them.

>! * **Crackdown** - Leap at the target area and smash down with your mace, striking all enemies within and Crippling them. Acts as a Leap Finisher.

>! * **Fierce Challenge** - Release a fierce war cry that Weakens and Taunts all nearby enemies.


>! * **Rifle**

>! * **Ricochet Shot** - Fire a Bullet that ricochets between enemies, causing Vulnerability in all struck.

>! * **Explosive Shot** - Fire an explosive Bullet at your target that Damages all nearby enemies. Acts as a Blast Finisher.

>! * **Smoke Dud** - Fire a Smoke dud at the target area that Blinds enemies within while Destroying Projectiles. Acts as a Smoke Field.


>! * **Harpoon Gun**

>! * **Heavy Harpoon** - Fire Piercing projectiles at enemies that Bleed targets they pass through.

>! * **Trick Harpoon** - Fire a Harpoon into your target that splits on Impact, bouncing between enemies and Crippling them.

>! * **Clearing Tide** - Spin around, Weakening and Knocking Back nearby enemies.



### Weapon: Main- and Offhand Pistol

The Corsair's weapon of choice is, no surprises, a pair of good Pistols. Due to their new mechanic of swapping forms mid-combat, their Pistols serve both as a medium-long range Single Target weapon and a Close-quarter AoE weapon, while the Off-hand Pistol gives them access to offensive CC and AoE Damage. The Pistols' greatest strength is the versatility they offer.


* **Main Hand: Duelist Form**

1. **Quick Trigger** - Fire quick bullets at your target that make them Vulnerable on impact. Damage increases with distance. Acts as a Projectile Finisher (20%).

2. **Disarming Shot** - Slow your target with a quick shot to their weapon hand. Acts as a Projectile Finisher.

3. **Crown Shot** - Take aim at your target and fire a High Damage Shot. Deals more damage on a Critical Hit. Acts as a Projectile Finisher.


* **Main Hand: Skirmisher Form**

1. **Close Quarter -> Repelling Shot -> Point Blank Shot** - Pistol whip targets in front of you while simultaneously firing your pistol. The Final shot unloads a powerful shot that Pierces enemies and deals increased Damage the closer they are. Final Shot acts as a Projectile Finisher.

2. **Fan the Hammer** - Unload your pistol into enemies in a cone in front of you, Weakening all enemies struck.

3. **Lead Tempest** - Spin around, unloading your gun all around you to Damage and Cripple nearby enemies. Acts as a Whirl Finisher.


* **Off-hand**

4. **Magnum Caliber** - Charge an incredibly powerful Shot that will also Knock Back enemies within the range threshold. Acts as a Blast Finisher.

5. **Bullet Hell** - Fire several Bullets to ricochet across the target area, continuously striking enemies within.


* **Burst Skill**

* **Trick Shooter** - Fire a quick, Unblockable bullet that bounces between enemies, Interrupting their actions and Crippling them. Damage and Cripple Duration increases with Adrenaline level.


### Utility Skills: Tricks

If there is one important life lesson that the Corsair has taken to heart, it's this:

*You can either fight fair, or you can fight to win*

Most of the Corsair's tricks focus around hidden weapons or sudden, unexpected maneuvers to catch the opponent off-gaurd. Used when the enemy last suspects them, Trick skills can be used to completely overwhelm their defences or turn the tables on them when they grow careless.


* **Adrenaline Rush** - Healing Skill. Start regenerating Health and Endurance while gaining Adrenaline on an interval. Lose a Condition with each Pulse when you have Full Adrenaline and an Additional Condition if you also have full Endurance.

* **Combat Roll** - Rolls forwards, Evading attack while removing Movement-impairing Conditions and gaining 20 strikes of Adrenaline.

* **Holdout Dagger** - Quickly Stab your target with a hidden dagger. Always causes Bleeding (2 stacks, 5s) and Vulnerability (10 stacks, 5s). If your target is below 66% HP, this ability additionally inflicts Weakness (5s) and Cripple (5s). If they're below 33% HP, it additionally inflicts Immobilize (2s) and Slow (2s). This skill instantly regenerates a charge when you kill a foe. Uses Ammo. Ammo: 2.

* **Bottle o’ Pick-me-up -> Bottle o’ Put-you-down** - Down a little something to remove up to 5 Conditions, gaining Stability (1 stack, 5s) for each Condition removed. Activate again to throw the bottle at the target area, creating a Fire Field that Burns (1 stack, 4s) enemies within. Duration: 4s.

* **Cat o’ Nine Tails** - Draw forth a Whip to Stun your primary target and Daze enemies around them with a sonic boom. Unblockable. Acts as a Blast Finisher. Uses Ammo. Ammo: 2.

* **Second Wind** - Elite Skill. Instantly refresh the recharge on Weapon Skills and Form Swap. Uses Ammo. Ammo: 2.


### Specialization Line


* **Minor Adept: Swashbuckler** - Gain access to Duelist and Skirmisher Forms, Pieces o’ Eight mechanic and Trick Utility Skills.


* **Adept: Pistolier** - Pistol Skills deal 7% more Damage and gain a chance to inflict Bleeding (1 stack, 3s) on Critical Hits and recharge 20% faster. Trigger Chance: 50%.

* **Adept: All that Glimmers** - You gain Might (1 stack, 6s) when you gain a stack of Pieces o’ Eight.

* **Adept: Combat Specialist** - Attacks against a single target while in Duelist Form stacks extra Adrenaline. Attacks against multiple targets while in Skirmisher Form stacks extra Adrenaline. Adrenaline gain: 1.


* **Minor Master: On the Account** - Swapping Weapon or Forms now grants you Quickness (2s) and refreshes the duration of all your Pieces o’ Eight stacks. ICD: 9s.


* **Master: Man o’ War** - Hitting a target with a Burst Skill partially refreshes the Cooldown on Weapon Swap. Stage 1: 2s refresh. Stage 2: 4s refresh. Stage 3: 6s refresh.

* **Master: Fiddler’s Green** - When you activate a Trick skill, you gain 1 stack of Pieces o’ Eight. Trick skills recharge 33% Faster while you have a full stack of Pieces o’ Eight.

* **Master: Sea Legs** - Your next attack after swapping Forms inflicts Vulnerability (5 stacks, 5s) and grants you Swiftness (3s). Form Swap recharges 33% faster.


* **Minor Grandmaster: Black Spot** - Deal 10% more Damage and gain extra Adrenaline while Flanking. Adrenaline: 1. ICD on Adrenaline gain: 1s.


* **Grandmaster: All Hands on Deck** - Activate Lesser Second Wind when you strike an enemy below the Health Threshold with a Burst Skill, refreshing your Weapon Skills and Form Swap. Threshold: 50%. ICD: 45s.

* **Grandmaster: Dead Man’s Chest** - The max stack of Pieces o’ Eight increases to 13. Pieces o’ Eight now grants Half its bonuses to all nearby Allies. Radius: 360.

* **Grandmaster: Master-at-Arms** - While in Duelist Form, consecutive attacks against the same target stack a Debuff that reduces their Damage and Damage resistance by 2% per stack and stacks to 5 for 5s. While in Skirmisher Form you deal 3% more damage and take 3% less Damage for each enemy within the range threshold. Threshold: 360. Maximum number of target: 5.

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**Elite name:** Warlock

**Class:** Necromancer


**F1 changes:** Warlock sorcery: gain a spellset with life force costs that count as being in shroud but without the protection of the shroud.

- AA: shot a bolt that explode on hit (no LF cost)

- 2: Port to the selected area. (LF: 1935, CD 8 seconds)

- 3: Fear selected foes and adjacent foes (LF: 3685; CD 15 seconds)

- 4: Create a dark storm in the designated area (LF: 4606, CD 25 seconds)

- 5: Instantly shield you with life force gaining barrier every seconds for 5 seconds (LF: 4606, CD 30 seconds)

**special mechanism:** F2: Upkeep skill (4% LF/s, for the duration of the skill your LF is drained and you release an aura that reduce adjacent foes toughness.


**Weapon:** shield

**Weapon skills:**

- 4: Blast the area, dealing damage around you

- 5: Shield yourself in a cloud of darkness that destroy projectile and blind foes aroud you.


**Skill category unlocked:** Spirit weapon


- Sacrificial Dagger: Draw blood from you and nearby foes (3), healing you for base value and more for each foe struck.

- Axe of ruin: Weaken yourself and nearby foes (3) and corrupt 2 boons and 1 more boon per foes struck on your targeted foe.

- Scepter of profanation: Inflict vulnerability to you and foes (3) around you create an area that weaken foes, pulse 2 time and 1 time per foe struck initially.

- Warhorn of calamity: inflict poison to you and foes (3) around you, your target is afflicted by 5 torment and 2 per foe struck.

- Shield of nihilism: Blind yourself and nearby foes (3), summoning a black fog that grant a small barrier every seconds to allies affected. Last 2 second and 1 second per foes struck.



Minor: 1st become a warlock

2nd Using life force drain life around you.

3rd Gain life every second when F2 is active.


F2 line

Up: F2 also reduce you foes power.

2nd You gain might whenever you hit a foe affected by F2.

3rd You gain 2% life force whenever a foe affected by F2 hit you. (ICD 1 seconds)


Warlock sorcery's line

Mid: Gain frost aura upon entering warlock sorcery.

2nd Spirit weapon hit 2 more foes on cast, warlock sorcery's skill 2 cast scepter of profanation at the same time.

3rd You deal 20% more damage when you are using warlock sorcery.


Blind line

Bot: When you health drop under the treshold, use shield5. Shield skills recharge faster.

2nd Fearing a foe also blind it

3rd Blind don't wear down when you miss an attack. When you miss a hit due to blind, strike foes aroud you.


**Role:** A deadly spellcaster that use dark magic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @TheSwede.9512 said:

> # Necromancer - Farseer


I don't think this is a place to react to the suggestions (I like reading them all btw :smile: ) but I think it's a really cool concept and would surely need some balancing :lol:


I wanted to add, that I can totally see this as a e-spec for our mist-travelling revenant with daggers :lol: (stealing nice necro-ideas since mallyx^^) but all this mist walking and stuff would fit. Daggers would also underline your "needle" and weak spot theme for the farseer :wink: ... we just have to find a fitting legend..maybe a norn shaman? or a necro? :flushed: )



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Edgiest concept yet.


# Thief - Shadowcaster

### Theme and Role

The shadowcaster is a Thief who has gone down a studious route, focusing their effort on mastering the arcane aspects of their chosen profession, namely Shadow Arts. Unlike common thieves, the Shadowcaster has learned how to completely manipulate shadows and darkness, capable of solidifying the darkness within to turn into weapons and even transform their own shadow into a powerful companion.


The Shadowcaster introduces an Caster-inspired playstyle to Thieves focused around High Condition DPS, Debilitating Conditions and Life-stealing, while also gaining access to Fear through their Shadow Companion. It's primarily focused to consistently use Initiative to rain attacks at enemies from medium-range as opposed to the typical Hit-and-run playstyle of Thieves or the Dodge sustain of Daredevil, but isn't as stationary as Deadeye in return for having less immediate impact. It could be considered a Thief's take on Necromancer.


### Mechanic: Shadow Companion, Shadow Play Skills

The Shadowcaster's mastery over shadow arts took an interesting turn when they learned to manifest their **Shadow Companions**. Drawing upon shadows and infusing them with malicious intent, the Shadowcaster creates an eldritch being made from shadows alone to Haunt a single enemy target. Shadow Companions look similar to Shadow Behemoths, just much smaller in scale.


The Shadowcaster replaces their F1 skill **Steal** with a new ability called **Play**, which marks a single enemy as their Shadow Companion's **Playmate**. Once marked, the Shadow Companion will reside within their shadow, marking them by making the target's Shadow darker and granting it a permanent, twisted grin as a tell. Every 5s, the Shadow Companion will appear from the Shadow to attack the marked target, dealing Damage to them. The Shadow Companion cannot be targeted by skills nor does it take any damage from attacks. Activating **Play** counts as activating **Steal** and triggers any traits relating to the F1 skill.


Once a target has been marked, the Shadowcaster gains access to an array of new F2-F5 skills. However, like **Stolen Skills**, each of these abilities can only be used Once until **Play** is recast. **Improvisation** lets the Shadowcaster use each of these flip-over skills Twice, with the exception of F5. All of these skills are instant cast.


* **F2: Rake** - Manifest your Shadow Companion to strike its target 3 times in quick succession, each hit inflicting Bleeding on them.

* **F3: Screech** - Manifest your Shadow Companion to sound a fearsome shriek, Fearing and Crippling your target.

* **F4: Lift** - Manifest your Shadow Companion to strike upwards with its claws, Launching its target into the Air.

* **F5: Rest** - Recall your Shadow Companion, Stealing Health from the target and reducing the Cooldown on **Play** by a short amount.


### Weapon: Scepter Main-hand

The Scepter is a weapon designed for both long- and medium-ranged combat. The First Weapon skill has a 1200 range on it, but subsequential skills only has a 900 range. This allows the Shadowcaster to engage and kite enemies at a long range, but requires some level of proximity to lay down their remaining skills. The Scepter is an AoE-focused Condition Damage Weapon, primarily focused around Bleeding and Torment, as well as Life-stealing for sustain.


* **Stealth Skill: Envenom** - Stack great amounts of Poison on your target while simultaneously Stealing Health from them.

* **Shadow Spike** - Fire a spike of solid shadows at your target, Bleeding them on impact. If the enemy has Conditions over the threshold, create a Pulse around them that Stacks Torment on nearby enemies. Condition Threshold: 4. Acts as a Projectile Finisher (20%).

* **Shadow Thorn** - Fire a second spike of solid shadows at your target, Bleeding them on impact. If the enemy has Conditions over the threshold, create a Pulse around them that Stacks Torment on nearby enemies. Condition Threshold: 4. Acts as a Projectile Finisher (20%).

* **Black Burst** - Fire an orb of Shadow Magic at your target that Damages enemies it passes through. When it reaches your target, it Bursts and causes Torment on all nearby enemies. Acts as a Projectile Finisher.

* **Quagmire** - Create a pool of swirling Shadows at the target Area, Damaging enemies and Stealing health from them with each pulse. Acts as a Dark Field. Initiative Cost: 3.

* **Dual Wield Dagger: Shadow Blades** - Channeled Skill. Blades made from shadow to cascade up at the target area, Pulsing Bleeding and Cripple to enemies within constantly for the duration of the channel. Initiative Cost: 3.

* **Dual Wield Pistol: Spiral Bullet** - Fire a slow-moving, spinning bullet that pierces through enemies, striking them several times and activating combo field effects. Unblockable. Combo Finisher: Projectile. Initiative Cost: 4.


### Utility Skills: Shouts

Though they're technically shouts from a mechanical standpoint, the Shadowcaster's subletly and favor of stealth doesn't lend itself well to loud call-outs. Instead, Shadowcaster shouts are more akin to whispers in the dark, used as a focal point of their magic to command the shadows of the surrounding terrain and sometimes, even those of the enemy. Unlike other Profession Shouts, Shadowcaster shouts are mostly Targeted skills with a range of 600, though they remain instant cast for the most part.

Shadows must usually move as their owners command them... but what if the opposite were to be true as well? This is the foundation of a Shadowcaster's magic.


* **"Restore"** - Healing Skill. Heal yourself and Steal shadows from enemies at the targer area to restore your own, Bleeding enemies struck and stealing Health from them. Removes 1 Condition for each struck enemy.

* **"Shackle"** - Command shadows at the target area to twist around enemies’ bodies, Immobilizing and Slowing them. Enemies that are Immobilized take continuous damage.

* **"Silence"** - Command shadows at the target area to rise and silence their owners. Enemies become Mobile Dark Fields that constantly pulse a Daze effect on them for a short time.

* **"Betray"** - Command the shadows of enemies at the target area to transform into sharp spikes that shoot up and pierce them; Damaging, Bleeding and Crippling them.

* **"Scatter"** - Command nearby Shadows to scatter away from you and pull their owners with them, Breaking Stun for you and Knocking Back enemies around you. Enemies struck are Weakened.

* **"Dance!"** - Elite Skill. Channeled Skill. Control the shadows of enemies at the target area like puppets, forcing them to dance and move as you please. Enemies caught within constantly pulse a Stun effect, along with Torment and Vulnerability. Defiant enemies will instead take constant Defiance Bar Damage, while still stacking Torment and Vulnerability with each pulse.


### Specialization Line

The Specialization line are designed around 3 major paths: The first middle focuses around strengthening your newfound Shadow Companion, the lower focuses heavily on Sustain and Stealth, while the upper path primarily focuses on enhancing their Condition Damage and Attrition.


* **Minor Adept: Shadow Adept** - Steal is replaced with Play, and you gain access to the Shadow Companion, Shadow Play skills and Shouts.

* **Wounding Vulnerability** - Cause Vulnerability (1 stack, 4s) when you stack Bleeding on a target over the threshold. Threshold: 6 stacks.

* **Playtime** - Your Shadow Companion will Attack more frequently and deals 10% more Damage. Frequency increase: 20%.

* **Ravenous Wand** - Healing from Health Stealing effects is increased by 20%. Gain 120 Vitality while wielding a Scepter.

* **Minor Master: Rough Play** - Your Shadow Companion steals Health from enemies it strikes and transfers it to you with each attack.

* **Malicious Revelry** - You gain 5% of Power and Precision as Expertize.

* **Dark Passenger** - Activating **Rest** will now Break Stun and Shadowstep you to the target of your Shadow Companion.

* **Whispers in the Dark** - Shout Skills recharge 20% faster. Shout Skills deal 20% more Damage when cast from Stealth, and Damage from Shout skills no longer break Stealth Effects.

* **Minor Grandmaster: Stolen Life** - You deal an additional 2% Condition Damage for each unique Condition on your target. Steal Health from an enemy when you stack a Damaging Condition on them.

* **Fear of the Dark** - Combo Finishers in Dark Fields cause Torment (1 stack, 4s) on all affected Enemies.

* **Master of Puppets** - **Play** gains 2 additional Ammo charges. You can now have 3 Shadow Companions active at once, but only 1 per target. Rake now hits 5 times instead of 3 and Cleaves, hitting 3 targets around its main target. Radius: 130.

* **Hide and Seek** - Dodge Rolling grants you Stealth (1s). You take 33% less Condition Damage while in Stealth.

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I must admit, I kind of like the Shadowcaster.

Haven't thought that either I myself, or somebody else could ever come up with a good Thief Spec Concept, that actually fits for a Thief using a Scepter, which feels like the Thief actualyl really beign more magical and like a Spellcaster that makes usage of Shadow/Dark Magic.

I like the combonation of basically the merging Concepts of a Shadowmancer, Puppet Play/Shadow Play and the Thieves' gameplay Elements, giving this way really the thief some kind of build concept, that would work well as a dark spellcaster, who is in control not only of its own shadow, but also forcefully controls the shadows of its enemies and plays with them, like puppets : D Gives this whole concept also some note of Voodo Magic lol xD


But I think the concept would be slightly better and more build diversive, by using the Focus, not the Scepter, cause Focus would allow 1 more Weapon Combination with the Mainhand Weapon, lettign the Mainhand Weapon in this case change the two Focus Skills, so that the Focus can have in this case for us not only 2, but 6 different Skills with 3 different Stealth Skills based on what Weapon is used in Mainhand together with the Focus.


Dagger/Focus = Shadow Thorn & Black Burst (sounds better than repeating too often a same word, in this case Shadow, Shadow, this, Shadow that, you know)

Pistol Focus = Spiral Bullet & Phantom Shot

Sword/Focus = Shadow Blades & Dark Replay




I've still also to complete my Summoner, that concept with its gameplay concept is such a behemoth ^^ but it would provide us in the end the most awesme possible summining class that would potentialyl be posisble, by combining the elementalists atunement system with the kit gameplay of the Engineer to let the Summoner have a really big repertoire of creatures to summon and its unique feature of Elemental Avatars for sacrifincingyour Servants , feels like beign the top of the iceberg lol

Feel like Ive presented so far like only 50% of that concept here xD cause have done so far only the Weapon Skills, Healing and Utility Skills mostly.


Still have to write up the Elite Skills, Traits and the Evelental Avatar gameplay to finish my Summoner

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**Elite Name**: Nexus

**Profession**: Warrior

**Weapon unlocked**: Shield (Main-hand)

**Weapon Skill: 1**: Bashing cycle- ended with healing burst

**Weapon Skill: 2**: Shield throwing bumerang-style

**Weapon Skill 3**: Raising forcefield on front

**Skill Category unlocked:** Consecration

**Healing Skill**: Form area which gives Lifesteal for allies. Attacks inflicted by them heals you

**Utility Skill 1:** 1#Raise pillar pulsing regeneration and protection. Health of pillar scales with Vitality

2#Detonate pillar and cleanse conditions from Allies

**Utility Skill 2**: 1#Raise pillar which stealth allies and taunts enemies around it. Health of pillar scales with Vitality

2#Detonate pillar and aplly weakness to Enemies

**Utility Skill 3**: 1#Raise pillar which passively damage foes. Damage scales with Vitality

2#Detonate pillar and stun enemies around it

**Utility Skill 4**: 1# Raise Pillar which launches foes and heals Allies.

**Elite**: Create area which absorbs damage taken by your allies and redirects it to you. Gain Resistance and Greater Protection on Cast

**Traits**: Path focused on Pillars, Path focused on buffing linked Friend to Extreme and Bunker Path.

**F1 changes**: 1# Link with ally absorbing portion of damage he takes and give him 5% of your atribbutes. Gain Adrealine every times ally strikes or takes damage. (3 Bars)

2# Heal linked ally and grant him 50% of your Vitality as bonus damage on next few hits.

**Role:** Bunker/Support

**Mechanics**: Focused on helping others, tanking, buffing and healing

**Others**: Dodging replaced with close range teleport which cleanses conditions and heals allies at target zone. Only one bar.

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Regarding Shadowcaster:


I did, initially, plan for Focus to be the centerpiece of the Espec because as Orpheal said it'd result in more combinations than Scepter. However, after some deliberation, I came to the conclusion that the main-hand weapon is generally more decisive when it comes to creating a new playstyle, and as my intent with the Shadowcaster was to move the Thief to a more traditional caster-style profession, Scepter eventually won out both conceptually and mechanically.


Speaking of casters, it's about time I got down to another one of those:


# Mesmer - Esper


### Theme and Role

The Esper is a Mesmer that has retreated back to the old roots of their magical arts, studying archaic practices about mind locking and mental projection that fell out of favor for Clones and Phantasms. Mixing the faded glory of past magic with the daredevil trailblazing of newfound magical approaches, the Esper turns their mental magic inwards on themselves instead of their opponents, strengthening their minds to the point where they become weapons in their own rights.


The Esper is a Power DPS, spike and lockdown spec that primarily focuses on dealing high damage to enemies that leave themselves open or that cluster together carelessly. It builds further on themes of domination and mind manipulation seen primarily in Mesmer's repertoire of stuns and dazes, working further to enhance their ability to capitalize on openings in the enemy's defense. Its design centers around Shatter skills in order to gain access to powerful Blade Command skills, and then cycling between their uses and Phantasm uptime through traits.


### Mechanic: Psionic Blades and Blade Command Skills

The Esper creates powerful **Psionic Blades** from pure ether using only the powers of their mind, however to create these they first need a mold. These molds are their clones and phantasms, or rather the shattered remains of them once the Esper has initiated a Shatter skill.

For each Clone or Phantasm shattered, including themselves, the Esper creates 1 illusionary blade that hovers behind their back. Once 4 of these blades have been created, such as from a Full 3-clone Shatter, Their Shatter skills flip over into **Blade Commands** which consumes your blades in order to cause a devastating attack.


* **Impalement** - Replaces Mind Wrack. Send your blades to Impale a single target, dealing massive Damage to and Immobilizing them.

* **Rain of Blades** - Replaces Cry of Frustration. Multiply your blades and send them raining down from the sky around you, pulsing damage, Cripple and Bleeding to nearby foes.

* **Psionic Cascade** - Replaces Diversion. Send your blades into the ground and strike enemies in a cone in front of you from below, creating waves of cascading blades that Knocks Back enemies.

* **Mental Fortress** - Replaces Distortion. Send your blades to spin viciously around yourself, Destroying Projectiles and pulsing heavy damage to nearby enemies over a duration.


Each **Blade Command** has its own unique Cooldown, however there is no internal cooldown on gaining Psionic Blades through shattering. The Esper can still summon Illusions while they have their Blade Command skills flipped over, however until they activate a Blade Command skill they won't regain access to their Shatter skills.


### Weapon: Shortbow

The Esper's shortbow is a trickster's weapon, playing as many mind games with your opponent's expectations as the Esper's power themselves. The Shortbow is a melee-focused weapon in their hands, having only supplementary ranged attacks primarily used to poke enemies or scale the distance between the Esper and the enemy.


* **Illusionary Shot** - Fire an illusionary arrow at the enemy that stops upon impact, remaining suspended in the air for a short time or until the enemy bumps into it again, upon which it shatters and causes additional Damage. This skill activates if the Esper's target is more than 130 units away, or they have no target.

* **Mind Slicer** - If the enemy is within 130 units when Weapon Skill 1 is used, the Esper conjures forth an Illusionary blade to cleave nearby enemies with. These blades deal more damage to enemies not using a skill.

* **Mind Cutter** - Cuts the enemies once again with the illusionary blade, dealing increased damage if the enemy isn't using a skill.

* **Thought Sever** - Nocks the illusionary blade like an Arrow and fires it at the enemy. Upon hit, the blade Shatters and forms into several tiny spikes that home in on the primary target, striking them a second time after a short delay and removing a Boon.

* **Double Entandré** - Clone. Fire a quick arrow at your target, Teleporting yourself to their position and leaving behind a Clone that uses Illusionary Shot.

* **Temporal Shot** - Fire a slow-moving arrow surrounded by a psionic field that freezes in place in front of you, Pulsing damage and Slow to nearby enemies. If the arrow hits all 5 hits on enemies, it explodes and greatly damages nearby enemies while leaving them Vulnerable. Acts as a Blast Finisher.

* **Phantasmal Knight** - Phantasm. Fire a Piercing arrow that Interrupts enemies it strikes, summoning a Phantasmal Knight at your target's position that attacks them with a Flurry of Sword strikes, rapidly stacking Vulnerability. If this skill interrupts an enemy, gain access to **Mirror Shot**.

* **Mirror Shot** - Phantasm. Conjure an Unblockable, Piercing arrows to strike your target from behind as it flies back to you, summoning a Phantasmal Knight at your target's position.

* **Illusionary Web** - Fire a spread of 5 arrows connected by ethereal Webbing, Immobilizing all enemies struck.

* **Trickster's Bounty** - Pull enemies caught in your Illusionary Web towards yourself, stealing 1 Boon from each enemy struck.


### Utility Skills: Cantrips

While the Elementalist's Cantrips were primarily designed as a last line of defense, the Esper's Cantrips are designed to be supplementary offensive skills used to set up combos, lock down enemies with sudden Disabling effects or punish careless enemies with quick counterspells. Thematically, Esper cantrips are designed around psionic abilities, such as telekinesis.


* **Mental Leech** - Healing Skill. Heal yourself and leech mental energy from nearby enemies, Stealing 1 Boon from each enemy and healing yourself additionally for each Boon Stolen.

* **Telekinetic Wave** - Send a surge of telekinetic energy forwards, Reflecting Projectiles back at enemies and Launching all targets caught in the cascading wave.

* **Mind Break** - Let loose a massive surge of mental energy around you, Stunning all nearby enemies while Breaking Stun for yourself and nearby Allies. Acts as a Blast Finisher.

* **Shadow of Doubt** - Fire out projectiles around you that latch onto enemies, causing them to pulse Slow and Weakness constantly until they successfully strike an enemy with an attack.

* **Psionic Maelstrom** - Create a massive, telekinetic force at your Position that Pulls nearby enemies into it, before collapsing and Dazing them.

* **Mental Storm** - Elite Skill. Create a storm of psionic energies around yourself, constantly pulsing a short-duration Daze enemies around you while becoming a mobile Ethereal Field. Enemies that are Interrupted by your Mental Storm take Damage and lose a Boon per instance.


### Specialization Line


* **Minor Adept: Psionic Architect** - Gain access to Psionic Blades, Blade Commands and Cantrips.

* **Mind's Eye** - Disabling an enemy Reveals them (2s).

* **Mindful Reinforcement** - You take 3% less Damage for each Psionic Blade you've created.

* **Trickster's Treat** - While wielding a Shortbow, you deal 10% more damage to enemies within the threshold. Shortbow skills recharge 20% faster. Threshold: 240.

* **Minor Master: Mind over Matter** - Might additionally grants you Ferocity as well. Ferocity per Might: 10

* **Migraine** - Enemies you Stun or Daze constant Damage while Disabled. Damage intervall: 1s.

* **Psychopomp** - Blade Command skills gain a 15% bonus to Critical Hit Chance. This bonus is doubled against enemies not using a skill.

* **Mental Riposte** - Cast **Lesser Mind Break** when you're affected by a Disabling effect. Cantrips recharge 20% faster.

* **Minor Grandmaster: Psionic Strength** - You deal 5% more Damage for a short time whenever you create a Psionic Blade, for each Blade created. Stacks to 4. Duration: 8s.

* **Splitting Headache** - When you Stun a target, enemies around them are Dazed. When you Interrupt an enemy with a Stun or Daze, the duration is increased. Duration Increase: 100%. Radius: 360.

* **Phantasmal Shadows** - Your first Phantasm skill in combat summons 1 additional Phantasm. This resets whenever you activate a Blade Command Skill.

* **Mind Drain** - Whenever you remove Stability with a Disabling effect, gain Stability (1 stack, 5s).

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@Theswede I quite like the Esper, that's a pretty good idea you got here. The corsair might be a bit to much to handle for the dev team, it's like 2 new e-spec in just on e-spec. the shadowcaster have some good vibe but I think that anet prefer minions that can be killed to minions that hide in the shadow of their targets.


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**New Elite Specs: **

**Revenant:** Ritualist. - MH Scepter.

**Guardian:** Phalanx. - MH Spear/Trident.

**Warrior:** Lancer. - MH Polearm.

**Necromancer:** Summoner. - MH Polearm/Spear

**Mesmer:** Enchanter. - Longbow.

**Elementalist:** Wizard. - Gauntlets. _(fighting art style with hand-to-hand combat, but with elementalists power) _

**Thief:** Assassin. - Axe.

**Ranger:** Archer. - Spear.

**Engineer:** Zealot. - Polearm/Schyte


I'll edit each of the elite specs with more text as I am writing their skills, traits, etc whenever I got time, :)

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@"Dadnir.5038" The Corsair would definitely be a big undertaking on the dev team's part, given how many new skills it'd need. It'd be like the Weaver in that sense, so I tried to keep the skills it gained relatively simple as a result. Regardless, I do think it needs the addition of Combat Forms, as Pieces o' Eight as a stand-alone isn't really anything to call a new Profession Mechanic.


The reasoning behind my idea of an untargetable minion for the Shadowcaster was because of it's non-omnipresent behavior. While visually and thematically a summoned minion, mechanically it's more akin to a constant DoT that ticks every 5s instead of continuously, with the added (and limited) instances of Spike damage. Might require a look-over, but the companion's damage is primarily designed to be complimentory while passive, the real uses coming from the F2-F5 skills.

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# The Geist

_Necromancer Elite_

Weapon: **Sword**

Skills: **Mantras**


New Class Mechanic:

##The Haunting Shroud

The Haunting Shroud engulfs a foe in the Geist's lifeforce, assuring that whatever is done to the Geist, their foe shares the same fate. Depleted lifeforce inflicts a portion of damage upon the haunted foe. Damage done to your lifeforce inflicts greater damage than lifeforce you consume, so it's in your best interest to get hit. It's like a hyper-focused retaliation that directs all incoming damage a single enemy (at a reduced output, not a 1:1 ratio.) Fully traited, the Shroud also greatly affects foes around your target.

Your shroud skills are in your F1-F5, allowing you to use all your skills while Haunting Shroud is active. It still acts as an extra health bar, though perhaps as a percentage reduction for balance's sake (since shroud depletion is now offensive) as opposed to 100% absorbing incoming blows. Either way works, but my assumption for this concept is 100% damage absorption through shroud.



The gist of the geist (hur hur) is to isolate and harry its target. Shroud skills, utilities, and traits are all designed to keep the Geist on top of its haunted foe while deterring their allies from staying near. The ultimate goal is to give stronger battlefield control in an offensive manner. The Geist has increased DPS specifically against their Haunted foe while still have a solid presence against surrounding enemies. The mantras provide a mix of defensive and mobility options, giving the Geist an "unstoppable horror-movie villain" feel. The haunted foe should feel pretty worried when that shroud settles around them.

The sword is condition-friendly, and the trait trees lean toward either condition damage, support, or defense/CC.




# Sword Skills

**Sword 1.**


* 1: **Ghostly Slash**: Slash at your foe, causing vulnerability.

* 2: **Spectral Slash**: Slash your foe's spirit, causing confusion.

* 3: **Enervating Thrust**: Stab your foe's soul, confusing and chilling them.


**Sword 2:**


* 1: **Ghastly Strike**: Impale your foe with a shadowy blade and suck the life force out of them for the duration of the skill. Range 600. 5 second duration.

* 2: **Soulsucker**: Pull your enemy toward you, poisoning them. Range 1200.



**Sword 3:**


* **Wraithblade**: A spectral sword jets around you, tormenting any foe it passes through. Nearby allies gain might for each foe hit.






**Mantra of Inevitability** : _Unyielding. Undying. Unstoppable!_


Prepare to heal and siphon life from your Haunted foe.

_(GM Traited) Regenerates life force while charging the mantra._


* **Siphon the Soul**: Heals for a moderate amount. Steal an extra portion of health from your haunted foe.


**Mantra of Shadows** : _Mystery. Secrecy. Tenacity!_

Prepare to dash through the battlefields like a ghost.

_(GM Traited) Grants stealth while charging the mantra._

* **Traverse the Shadows**: Surge forward a short distance, removing movement-impairing conditions. If foe is haunted, blind them and any foes around them.


**Mantra of the Void** : _Empty. Boundless. Limitless!_

Prepare to enter the void and shrug off material concerns.

_(GM Traited) Reflect projectiles while charging the mantra._

* **Embrace the Void**: Gain protection and stability. If a foe is haunted, daze them. Breaks stun.


**Mantra of Whispers** : _Deceive. Enthrall. Corrupt!_

Prepare to refresh yourself by corrupting your foes.

_(GM Traited) Grants resistance while charging the mantra._

* **Control the Whispers**: Transfer 3 conditions on yourself to nearby enemies and gain regeneration. If foe is haunted, steal 3 boons.


**Mantra of the Spectre** : _Wrack. Vex. Harrow!_

Prepare to escape your foes through ghastly mists.

_(GM Traited) Grants superspeed while charging the mantra._

* **Become the Spectre**: Evade backwards, leaving a trail of spectral mist that poisons and cripples foes. If a foe is haunted, inflict torment on them.


**Mantra of Death** : _Reap. Raze. Ruin!_


Prepare to bring death upon your foes as you suck the life from their souls.

_(GM Traited) Grants alacrity while charging the mantra._

* **Embrace Death** : You and nearby allies gain might and quickness. If a foe is haunted, slow the attacks of them and others in your shroud's radius. Regenerate your lifeforce.




##Shroud Skills


F1: **Activate Haunting Shroud**

Engulf your foe in a shrouded aura. A percentage of depleted lifeforce is redirected to them as damage. Damage inflicted on your lifeforce redirects higher damage than lifeforce expended on your skills. The shroud's radius for secondary effects is 600.


F2: **Slayer's Gate**

Shadowstep to your haunted foe, damaging and taunting them.


F3: **Petrifying Terror**

Immobilize and confuse your haunted foe. Surrounding foes inflicted with fear and confusion.


F4: **Grip of Death**

A vortex of agonizing shadows circles your haunted foe, damaging surrounding enemies before pulling them toward its center. Each successful pull restores life force.


F5: **Spectral Prison**

Place a ward around your haunted foe. Anyone caught within the ward is chilled and weakened.




**Minor Proficiency** : You can wield a sword in your main hand.

**Minor Adept** :


* **Dark Passenger** : Inflict Haunting Shroud upon your enemy, cursing them with an inescapable fate fueled by your lifeforce. Gain access to mantras.


**Major Adept**


* **Agony's Edge** : Gain condition damage based on your vitality. Sword skills recharge faster.

* **Words of Pain** : Whenever you activate a mantra charge, transfer 3 conditions to your haunted foe.

* **Relentless Void** : When your shroud expires from depleted lifeforce, gain Embrace the Void.


**Minor Master**


* **Prolonged Death** : You inflict more damage against your haunted foe. This bonus increases the longer you haunt the same foe.


**Major Master**:


* **Harrowing Visage** : Activating Haunting Shroud applies confusion to your target all foes in the shroud's radius. Confusion you inflict lasts longer.

* **Echoed Whispers** : Mantras' effects on your haunted foe now spread to all foes in Haunting Shroud's radius. Mantra skills recharge faster.

* **Shadowed Bulwark**: Allies within your Haunting Shroud's radius gain increased toughness and vitality.


**Minor Grandmaster**


* **Enveloping Doom** : Half of the lifeforce damage inflicted upon your haunted foe now spreads to all enemies within Haunting Shroud's radius.


**Major Grandmaster**:


* **Share My Fate**: Your Haunting Shroud periodically transfers conditions on yourself to your haunted foe.

* **Ritual Chanting**: Each of your mantras gains a unique effect while charging.

* **Devour the Soul**: When your haunted foe takes damage, allies within Haunting Shroud's radius heal for a small amount. Shroud's radius is increased to 900.



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Last 3 in line. Maybe it's just me, but I've always felt like Guardian should've been a clear contender for Raid Tanking, what with all its defensive and protective thematics. However, throwing myself into designing a Guardian ESpec that could possibly replace a Chrono, I've found that's one heck of a tall order. But I think I did good with this one.


# Guardian - Avenger


### Theme and Role

The Avenger is a Guardian who burns with a fervent, unending vigil and fury. They are tireless protectors of the weak, and will visit nothing short of absolute, brutal and swift justice on those who seek to do their allies harm. They are no patient hunters like the Dragonhunters, nor do they focus on Supporting allies with Boons like the Firebrand does. No, The Avenger does as his name suggests and protects his allies by laying waste to enemies.


The Avenger is a Damage Tank archetype, but not in the sense of a Bruiser. While they definitely have Bruiser-esque inspirations, their real strength lies in the devastating amount of Damage they can dish out as long as they're the target of enemy attacks. Their new Parry mechanic lets them stand their ground and defend in intervalls rather than bursts, and through interactions between Parry, stances and traits they can Protect allies from any harm that might come their way, completely negating incoming damage in short bursts. As they're continuously attacked, the Avenger grows even more determined, and their courageous valor empowers both themselves and nearby allies.


### Mechanic: Channeled Parry and Reprisal Skills

Avengers do not cower in the face of any adversary. Their steadfast legs will remain firmly planted on the ground, their back never touching it, so they don't Dodge attacks. They Parry them, turning the enemy's strength back on them.


Avengers replace their **Dodge** ability with a Channeled **Parry** ability. Initiating a Dodge will no longer cost an instant 50 Endurance nor Move the Avenger. Instead, initiating a Dodge causes them to channel a **Parry**, costing them 15 (25 in PvP) Endurance initially, followed by 50 Endurance per second while channeling (meaning they can Parry for a max of ~1.5s without canceling). Parry works as an Invulnerable effect, avoiding all incoming Damage and Attacks. However, attacks against a Parrying player are considered to be **Blocked** (even Unblockable attacks), triggering Traits, sigils and runes coming into effect when attacks are Blocked. Parry can be canceled by initiating a Dodge again, or by Activating any skill. Parry can still be used to Cancel any skill channel, same as Dodging. Parry carries an internal cooldown of 1/2s in between canceling and reactivating it, so there is a window of vulnerability if timed wrong.


Additionally, If the Avenger is attacked while Parrying, the Avenger gains access to **Reprisal Skills**, which flips over their first Weapon Skill after they Parry an incoming Attack. Reprisal Skills are punishing counter-attacks that strike incredibly fast, catching careless enemies off-guard. **Reprisal Skills** are also made accessible from normal Blocks (Such as through Weapon Skills or Aegis).


* **Sword: Avenging Cross** - Dash to your target, forming a cross of light if you hit them that continuously Strike and Damage nearby enemies. Acts as a Leap Finisher.

* **Mace: Merciful Blow** - Perform a Swift strike that Blinds enemies with a Resplendent Light which cascades outwards to Heal surrounding Allies.

* **Scepter: Calamitous Wrath** - Raise your Scepter and call down a pillar of Fire on your target that follows after them, stacking Burning with each strike.

* **Greatsword: Judgment** - Strike down with a descending Blow that deals Massive Damage to enemies, sending out a vertical wave of light to Cleave through them and causes Vulnerability. Acts as a Projectile Finisher.

* **Hammer: Righteous Wave** - Strike the ground, sending out a wave of Light that Pulls enemies in a cone towards you and Slows them. Acts as a Blast Finisher.

* **Staff: Sanctify** - Release a wave of magic around you that Converts 1 condition into a Boon on nearby allies and Heals them, while Weakening nearby enemies.

* **Spear: Lance Barrage** - Conjure a barrage of light spears that fly forwards, piercing through and Damaging enemies in front of you.

* **Trident: Purging Wave** - Fire off a Wave of light that cleanses 2 Conditions from allies, while Burning and Blinding enemies.


### Weapon: Off-hand Sword

The Off-hand Sword is a No-nonsense weapon focused around Counter-attacking and CC. It grants the Avenger an AoE Pull for gathering enemies and pulsing AoE Damage, along with access to Retaliation and Aegis.


* **Baleful Decree** - Gain Aegis and Raise your blade, collecting magic into your blade that Pulls in and Cripples nearby enemies.

* **Castigation** - Cross your weapons and shape a cross of light at your feet that grants Retaliation to nearby allies, before pulsing Damage and Weakness to nearby enemies. The field grows bigger with each pulse. Acts as a Light Field.


### Utility Skills: Stances

Avenger Stances are much shorter in duration when compared to Warrior stances or even Soulbeast stances, however in return for the short durations they have a stronger immediate impact and shorter cooldowns, while also oftentimes affecting allies as well as the Avenger themselves. An Example is **Protector's Stance**, which makes all allies behind the Avenger Immune to Damage while they channel parry, allowing them to completely block off enemy attacks for their allies for a short time.


* **Beacon of Hope** - Healing Skill. Heal yourself and regain all Endurance. For 3s, you will Heal yourself while channeling Parry, creating Bursts of energy when attacked that Heal nearby allies. Number of Targets: 5. Radius: 300.

* **Heroic Vow** - Breaks Stun. For 3s, nearby Allies take 50% less Damage from Conditions and convert 1 Condition into a Boon every second. Number of targets: 5. Radius: 300.

* **Radiant Strikes** - For 3s, you and nearby Allies will Blind (2s) enemies when you Critically strike them and deal 15% more Damage on Critical Hits. Number of targets: 5. Radius: 300. ICD on Blind: 1s.

* **Protector’s Stance** - For 3s, nearby Allies suffer no Damage from attacks while you Channel Parry. They’re still susceptible to Control effects and Conditions. Damage reduction for allies: 100%. Radius: 300.

* **Brave Distraction** - For 3s, Taunt (1 1/2s) enemies that strike nearby Allies and pulse Protection (2s) around you. Number of targets: 5. Radius: 300.

* **Aura of Protection** - Elite Skill. For 6s, you become a Mobile Light field that destroys Projectiles and pulse Resistance to nearby Allies every second. Number of targets: 5. Radius: 300.


### Specialization Line

The Avenger's Specialization line is themed after the three Virtues of a Guardian and the "flavor" of righteoussness they possess. The upper line is themed after Virtue of Justice and focuses heavily on punishing counter-offense, the middle line is themed after Virtue of Resolve and focuses heavily on sustain through Boons or Healing while the last line is themed after Virtue of Courage, focusing heavily on Damage mitigation.


* **Minor Adept: Avenger’s Promise** - Your Dodge ability is replaced with a Channelled Parry and you gain access to Reprisal Skills.

* **Judge’s Challenge** - Taunt (1 1/2s) nearby enemies when you activate Virtue of Justice. Radius: 240. Number of Targets: 5. ICD: 25s (PvP/WvW only).

* **Vigorous Resolve** - Grant Vigor (5s) to allies you heal with Virtue of Resolve's Active Effect.

* **Beacon of Courage** - Cast **Lesser Protector’s Stance** for 3s when you activate Virtue of Courage. ICD: 45s.

* **Minor Master: Defensive Champion** - Regain Endurance at the end of Parry if you’re attacked at least once while channeling. Endurance recovered: 15.

* **Fiery Judgment** - Burning you apply also causes Weakness (4s). You deal 10% more damage to Weakened enemies. ICD: 10s.

* **Swift Benediction** - While you have Aegis, your movement speed is increased by 33%. Remove Movement-impairing Conditions when you grant Aegis to yourself or an Ally. ICD: 15s per target.

* **Enduring Retribution** - You take 33% less Condition Damage while under the effects of Retaliation.

* **Minor Grandmaster: Face to Face** - You deal 10% more Damage and receive 10% less Damage when in Front of your target.

* **Deflection** - Damage surrounding enemies and Reflect Projectiles while you channel Parry. Radius: 180.

* **First among Equals** - Grant Toughness to allies affected by your Stance skills. Stance skills now affect 10 targets rather than 5. Toughness at Lvl 80: 250.

* **Coward’s Folly** - You cannot be Critically struck from the side or Behind while you have Protection.

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## Dark Knight (Thief with a Guardian/Necro Theme)

**Weapon:** Greatsword


**Purpose:** Ranged/Melee Tank Spec, Area Denial, Maximize Angst and Edginess


**Specialization Utility:** Symbols, Wells (Gates)


**Profession Mechanic:** Embracing Shadow/Grasping Darkness

The Steal mechanic is replaced with Embracing Shadows (F1) and Grasping Darkness (F2) and stolen items will not be obtained. Some Weapon Skills will be modified based on which mode you are currently on and switching to either one in combat will activate steal traits. **Both will have a CD of 15 seconds and can be reduced to 10 seconds using Trickery and Sleight of Hand.** The modifications will be as followed:


## Embracing Shadows: (Melee/Close Ranged)

- Ranged attack Range is reduced to 600.

- Attack speed increased by 15%.



- Number of projectiles fired increased by 2. Additional projectiles have reduced accuracy.

- Pistol shots spread slightly.

- Unload deals 50% less damage.

- Black Powder's Radius and Duration is doubled.

_NOTE: If the modified Unload was used in melee distance without the damage nerf, it would be hitting for 330% of the damage it normally does. Don't complain._



- Trick Shot becomes Wave of Anguish.

- Disabling Shot becomes Phase Shot.

- Infiltrator's Arrow cost reduced by 2.



_Wave of Anguish_ (3/4s)

Shoot a fan of shadow-imbued arrows that pierce through targets.

Damage: 100 (0.25)

Number of Projectiles: 5

Number of Targets: 3

Range: 600

_Clarification: This attack will hit up to 15 times max. 3 targets per arrow._


_Phase Shot_ (1/4s) (4 ini)

Shadowstep in your direction of movement and fire three arrows at your target.

Damage: 308 (0.75)

Number of Projectiles: 3

Evade: 1/2s

Shadowstep Range: 450

Range: 600




## Grasping Darkness: (Long Ranged)

- Melee attack range is increased to 300. Attacks act like spells and cleaving attacks hit others around the target with a radius of 130.

- Ranged attack Range is increased by 300.

- Outgoing melee damage reduced by 15%.



- Death Blossom throws three additional daggers and evades in the direction you are moving in. Thrown Dagger range is 600.

- Cloak and Dagger throws a dagger instead. Dagger range is 450.

- Flanking Strike makes you shadowstep behind your target.



- Infiltrator Strike range increased to 1200.

- Pistol Whip is changed and broken up into two separate skills, Drill Shot and Flurry of Blades.



_Token of Death_ (4 ini)

Fire a bullet that digs into your target and marks them, dazing them in the process. Turns into Flurry of Blades.

Damage: 322 (0.8)

Daze: 2s

Marked: 5s

Range: 600


_Flurry of Blades_ (3/4s) (2 ini)

Shadowstep to your marked target and cleave them multiple times while evading.

Damage: 308 x4 (1.5)

Evade: 3/4s

Range: 600



## Greatsword Skills

**1a.) Cross Slash** (1/2s)

Attack twice in a wide arc, hitting enemies to the front and sides of you.

Damage: 481 x2 (1.2)

Number of Targets: 3 (front takes priority)

Range: 130


**1b.) Cross Cleave** (1/2s)

Attack twice in a wide arc, cleaving enemies to the front and side of you and make them vulnerable.

Damage: 481 x2 (1.2)

2 Vulnerability (4s)

Number of Targets: 3 (front takes priority)

Range: 130


**1c.) Symbol of Suffering** (1/2s)


Swing your greatsword in a circle and create a pool of dark energy at your feet that damages enemies that remain in it.

Damage: 403 (1)

Damage per pulse: 322 (0.8)

Pulses: 3

Number of Targets: 5

Combo Finisher: Whirl

Range: 130

Radius: 150


**Stealth.) Dark Flare** (3 Ini) (3/4s) (Ground Targeting)

Converge black fire into an orb that explodes shortly after, burning enemies at target area

Damage: 927 (2.3)

5 Burning (6s)

Delay: 2 Seconds

Number of Targets: 5

Combo Finisher: Blast

Radius: 200

Range: 600


**2a.) Dimensional Cleave** (4 Ini) (1/4s)

Shadowstep to target and swing at them in a wide arc that leaves a trail of darkness behind the blade which grows stronger with your Condition Damage. Turns into Symbol of Grief.

Damage: 322 (.8)

Darkness Damage: 322 (.8)

Weakness (3s)

Number of Targets: 3 (front takes priority)

Range: 600


**2b.) Symbol of Grief** (2 Ini) (1/2s)


Dash away from your target, leaving crippling darkness at their feet. Allies in the Symbol gain protection.

Cripple (3s)

Torment (3s)

Protection (3s)

Pulses: 3

Number of Targets: 5

Symbol Radius: 200

Evade: 1/2s

Evade Distance: 450


**3.) Dark Embrace** (5 Ini) (3s)

Channel Fury and Swiftness into nearby allies. Completing this channel grants Regeneration.

Fury 5s

Swiftness 6s

Regeneration 10s

Pulses: 5

Number of Targets: 5

Combo Finisher: Blast

Range: 600

Recharge: 10s


**4.) Dark Fireball** (2 Ini) (1/2s)

Cast a simple ball of black fire at your target that explodes on impact. Slight tracking.

Damage: 161 (.4)

Number of Targets: 5

Range: 900

Radius: 180


**5.) Symbol of Oblivion** (3-15 Ini) (3s)


Sacrifice remaining initiative to summon a destructive symbol that smites enemies and augments allies within.

Damage: 362 (.9)

5 Vulnerability (1s)

2 Torment (1s)

2 Confusion (1s)

2 Might (1s)

Protection (1s)

Regen (1s)

Remaining Initiative is added to cost.

Pulse per Initiative Spent: 1

Number of Targets: 10

Recharge: 30s

Range: 600

Radius: 300




**Heal) Gate of Cleansing** (25s) (Ground Targeting)


Cover the ground with a soft fire that heals allies and steals health from foes.

Initial Heal: 5214 (.8)

Healing: 354 (.2)

Life Steal: 239

Duration: 10s

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 240

Combo Field: Fire


**1.) Salt the Earth** (30s) (Ground Targeting)


Create an area that saps the life energy from foes, inflicting them with vulnerability and weakness.

Damage: 121 (.3)

Weakness 1s

3 Vulnerability 3s

Duration: 10s

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 240

Range: 900


**2.) Gate of Asylum** (40s) (Ground Targeting)


Shield target area, creating a barrier that destroys projectiles while granting allies regeneration and protection.

Damage: 121 (.3)

Regeneration 5s

Protection 3s

Duration: 10s

Number of Targets: 5

Combo Field: Water

Radius: 240



**3.) Gate of Harrowing** (40s) (Ground Targeting)


Corrupt the ground and dredge up long forgotten spirits to torment foes with hallucinations. Allies are granted Aegis when entering it.

2 Poison 5s

2 Torment 3s

2 Confusion 3s

Aegis 20s

Duration: 10s

Number of Targets: 5

Combo Field: Dark

Radius: 300

Range: 900


**4.) Hellgate** (30s) (Ground Targeting)


Create an area that sears foes alive, inflicting enemies with blindness and burning. You gain might every time it hits a foe.

Damage: 121 (.3)

Blindness 3s

3 Burning 5s

Might 5s

Duration: 10s

Number of Targets: 5

Radius: 240

Range: 900


**Elite) Void Gate** (90s) (3s) (Ground Targeting)


Summon an orb of pure darkness and send souls into the void. Enemies in critical condition take extra damage and you are healed each time you kill a downed foe with this Well.

Damage: 443 (1.1)

Damage Increase vs. Downed: 500%

Duration: 5s

Heal: 1,539

Radius: 300

Range: 900



## Traits


Minor: **Dark Hands:** Steal is replaced with Embracing Shadows and Grasping Darkness. You can use Wells.

- **Lingering Void:** Wells and symbols last longer (2s).

- **Chaotic Void:** Wells and Symbols have a greater area of effect (+100 radius). The recharge on Wells are reduced (20%).

- **Mending Void:** Wells and Symbols grant regeneration (2s) to allies and steal health (183 (.1) damage/97 (.05) health) from enemies.



Minor: **Dark Armor:** Vitality +500, Toughness +150

- **Martial Training:** Embracing Shadows grants 10% increased damage and 25% condition duration within 450 units of enemies.

- **Void Training:** Gain 3 initiative when switching between Embracing Shadows and Grasping Darkness.

- **Arcana Training:** Grasping Darkness grants 50% more projectile speed to all projectiles and you take 10% reduced damage from enemies within 450 units.



Minor: **Dark Surge:** 20% Chance to gain 10 Might (5s) after being struck. (10s CD)

- **Unstable Assault:** Weapon skills you use leave a short-lived trail of darkness that damages foes who touch them. Damage: 144 x2 (.175). Duration 2s.

- **Warped Weapon:** Skills slowly revive (1% per hit) downed allies that they hit. _NOTE:_ This includes weapon skills. The attacks will be counted as a hit but deal no damage. This applies only to downed or fully dead allies.

- **Destiny Bond:** Boons you grant to allies are also granted to you.


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