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The First Scion (Spoilers!)

Delphin King.7418

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Those that have played through POF's story are already aware of Vlast's criminally short screen-time and his unfortunate death within the SAME instance that he was reintroduced to the franchise. This felt like a real missed opportunity, when the writers could have made Vlast an auxiliary companion similar to Taimi, talking to us via telepathy. It wouldn't be far-fetched since Vlast is a telepathic and it was stated in the story mission "The Sacrifice", that Aurene was linked to Vlast similarly to how she was linked with the pc. This way we would be able to get to know more about Vlast first-hand and maybe even see him develop a bit as a character that had a stunted emotional growth due to not having the same interactions that Aurene had with the pc. Then as we progress with the story they could have had Vlast's stoic demeanor noticeably change when we meet up with him from time to time. Over-time Vlast becomes more excited over the prospect of seeing his sister and vice versa. That's when Aurene comes flying full speed to the Crystal Desert to meet with her sibling and special someone, where she is captured by Balthazar. Now I'm not against Vlast dying but I really thought his death should have been during the final instance when we were going to stop Balthazar and save Aurene.


What do you guys think? Was it cruel to have Vlast die, never seeing his sister and being an emotionally stunted character or would it have been better for him to have some development, then die in a brief moment of happiness in his duty filled life? Well whats done is done, but I want a Vlast mini which doesn't exist atm. :anguished:

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You need a new drama to the next expansion.


Vlast and Aurenne are the magic key to the balance. If we have both, the problem of the elder dragons ends.


So, in the future, we will rescue Aurenne and party again in Ammon, but we will still need another creature that be able to be the 6th magic-eater thing.


So Vlast needed to die for the sake of the future plot.


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> @vier.1327 said:

> You need a new drama to the next expansion.


> Vlast and Aurenne are the magic key to the balance. If we have both, the problem of the elder dragons ends.


> So, in the future, we will rescue Aurenne and party again in Ammon, but we will still need another creature that be able to be the 6th magic-eater thing.


> So Vlast needed to die for the sake of the future plot.



We'd also need a replacement for Kralkatorrik, Jormag, Primordus, and Steve.

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