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Flame Legion Battles meta broken

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The Flame Legion Battles meta sequence of events is broken. It was also broken two weeks ago. That time, it went for many days before getting fixed.


The same thing is happening now: the event "Recover the scattered pieces of scrap metal for Savor Foulnight" is not starting. There doesn't seem to be any in-game way to start it.


I reported this in-game both times, and once via the support web pages. I don't know if the in-game report led to it getting fixed last time or not, but the support ticket was totally useless. They claimed they couldn't do anything about it. But, I let them close the ticket since it appeared to have been corrected.


This is a huge problem. Two collections are directly impacted by this: Ad Infinitum and Treasure Hunter. Neither can be progressed unless you happen to find a mesmer who is already inside and is willing to port you, or someone willing to party with you so you can use a teleport to friend.


Please check into this ASAP. Both into fixing this iteration of the problem, and also why it keeps happening. They both need to be fixed.

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Did you miss "That time, it went for many days before getting fixed."? This time was only two daily resets between "fixes".


If waiting for the daily reset was the fix, I wouldn't have posted.


And, there are TWO fixes needed: the actual event reset (which they did yesterday afternoon, before the daily reset), and the bug that's allowing it to get stuck in the first place.

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Unless you can get a dev willing to look into it, this won’t be resolved. The only option is to wait for a patch update so the server resets, get a portal, or break out of the map to get into it at the start. A year or so ago I made the suggestion to just remove the gate at the entrance entirely so players could freely walk in. That obviously never was implemented.


They’re likely well aware of this issue except that they have higher priorities with releasing newer content (ie. LS5 and expansion) so the older content suffers. That’s why it’s always been best to rush completing new content before it can possibly break and will no longer be supported.

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