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Stop with the PUG life, you're doing it wrong

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> I pugged for 750 LI and almost went crazy. But I did it.

> So I agree with OP.

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"yann.1946" said:

> > BTW you don't need to be able to complete content to be able to enjoy it. You can enjoy pvp and suck at it. You can enjoy raids and be bad at it.

> Right. And if you are in a static, and are the weak link and the usual reason why the static can't clear a boss, i am sure all your friends are going to like it as well.[/sarcasm]

> Seriously, I haven't seen a single group so far that would actually like constantly wiping over and over again on the bosses. Every group that won't get over that phase fast enough ("fast enough" being very relative, depending on the person in question, of course) eventually either gives up on the content or fractures.





I've seen the opposite! I've seen people actually want to get the kills badly, only that exp leads that lead the trainings get tired. But you're right though if you're just clicking skills and hovering below 10k DPS as a dps ir not healing enough statics imo have the right to toss you for failure.

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My brother and I used to PUG T4 Fractals all the time. Through doing that, we ran into players on the same schedule as us, and now we have a static of 5, along with a cadre of alternates, I guess you could say, when someone isn't around for work/personal/whatever reasons. So in that regard, PUGing turned out great as we have a group of that meets most nights to run CMs/T4s in Discord while joking, talking about our days and what-not.


On the flip side of that, I solo-PUG T4 for a looooong time, and whoa boy, some of the groups/people you would run in to, whether they were generally "toxic" or just plain bad would melt your eyes.


I've generally avoided Raids mostly not for a lack of "skill" or interest, but I don't have the ability to commit time to joining a guild or spending hours to not get a completion in a training run or PUG. But that's my own choice.


It's really up to what you are personally willing to tolerate. For me, PUGing was okay, but you were stuck with what you had. And in a way it made me better so I could carry the underperforming PUGs to a successful run.

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