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This Patch is actually... GOOD!

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> Pve-wise this patch is fine, though the wvw-side is not.

> 200g for unlocking a reward track, yikes

And it looks like a leopard wearing waffles


WvW-wise, so far it's good for me. Not that I'm good at it or extremely bad, but from someone who's kind of "forced" to do WvW, not being one-shotted before I can press my first button, it's a plus.

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I'm glad some people like the changes, but I'm really disappointed. I have only been playing this game for 6 months, and I was just at the point where I had learned how to play my Firearms/Explosives Engineer... and now I have to throw away almost everything I had learned up to this point about rotations and skill selections and even dodging. My character's DPS has been nerfed so far into the ground that I'm not having fun anymore. :(


Even PvE trash mobs are annoying now. I'm dying to things I used to be able to kill easily just a few days ago. I find myself sitting here spamming 1111111 because literally everything else is on cooldown. This isn't the game I signed up to play. If I'd known these changes were coming, I wouldn't have bought the expansions. Little tweaks are fine, but they have changed *everything* all at once. These changes are not going to magically make WvW and PvP attractive; they are just going to annoy PvE players like me.


Please, Arenanet, don't follow Jagex's bad EOC example - making huge changes to the combat system rarely makes things better for everyone, and usually results in lots of upset customers. I know it's always a balancing act between game modes, but... well, this isn't the way to do it.

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> @"Aria Lliane.8693" said:

> Captain?


> I need more details on this, what do you love exactly? Since most of the changes are targeted at reducing Healing, I need to know what is the part you love.


Admittedly, I've barely logged in as my Brother & I have re-discovered a game and are playing the heck out of it. Additionally, a pretty big patch is on its way to advance the story so I am busy preparing for it.


When I have logged in, I've thoroughly enjoyed the elemental golem changes. Having a version of MM Necromancer is incredibly good fun, particularly running Sword Weaver. I leap into combat and my minions join me!

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> @"Donutdude.9582" said:


> When I have logged in, I've thoroughly enjoyed the elemental golem changes. Having a version of MM Necromancer is incredibly good fun, particularly running Sword Weaver. I leap into combat and my minions join me!


I must agree Sword Weaver is still very powerfull.... to powerfull? a normal Ele and\or Tempest cant compare.

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