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Death by healing...

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With my revenant if I switch to "legendary dragon stance" and just standing I use the healing skill (infuse light) in can die easily and if I'm moving i can die faster obviously by torment....

Dear Devs... great idea to patch this game but, well if I do not need a mob to be killed i can just play alone and kill myself trying to simply heal, maybe you just have to understand the meaning of "HEALING" :D

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Yes FUN replay, but i'm saying that you can die using any skill and you can survive ONLY using F2, mmmh I don't see a logic in this, who need the bosses and mobs when you can kill yourself just using any skill you have? when you start tormenting yourself just using the healing skill you receive a perma 10 stacks of torment, 800 demage (1500 if you move) and it do not stop until you die...


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OK I solved the problem, someone (and i thank him for this) removed the 3rd trait of "corruption" named "venom enhancement" and they moved from 1st position to 3rd "Replenishing despair" (like demonic resistence from position 1 to 2), so istantly they screwed those who had selected in the past "Replenishing despair" and those (like me) that selected another different trait causing me to die every step.


My suggestion is:

Change what you want but please DO NOT move traits if possible, there is no reason to spoil every build so now we must change everything because someone messed up with traits position :):

Thank you :-)

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> @"NaramSin.2693" said:

> OK I solved the problem, someone (and i thank him for this) removed the 3rd trait of "corruption" named "venom enhancement" and they moved from 1st position to 3rd "Replenishing despair" (like demonic resistence from position 1 to 2), so istantly they screwed those who had selected in the past "Replenishing despair" and those (like me) that selected another different trait causing me to die every step.


> My suggestion is:

> Change what you want but please DO NOT move traits if possible, there is no reason to spoil every build so now we must change everything because someone messed up with traits position :):

> Thank you :-)


So you made the mistake of not checking your build after a MAJOR balance update and somehow still blame ANet...

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> @"MikeG.6389" said:


> So you made the mistake of not checking your build after a MAJOR balance update and somehow still blame ANet...

Ah yes I was supposing it was my fault if they move every trait with no reason :) maybe they do it just to let me die to force me to check every single build of my 12 characters not only for new changes but also for old trait position.

Sorry my fault, thanks for the help


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Yeah because not reading the patch notes or even the Preview notes from 2 weeks ago where they stated those were moved is totally Anet's fault. They should have had one of the Devs come to your house, go to the forums and read the notes to you. What's next want the Devs to play the game for you too?

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  • 5 months later...

> @"Gauis.8139" said:

> Yeah because not reading the patch notes or even the Preview notes from 2 weeks ago where they stated those were moved is totally Anet's fault. They should have had one of the Devs come to your house, go to the forums and read the notes to you. What's next want the Devs to play the game for you too?


The problem dear it's not this, my genius, it's why the hell they move one trait to another place instead just change the original one WITHOUT at least DISABLE the Traits, and well they did a mess too with renegade traits recently and never fixed..so..You can read everything the problem it's not the release note, it's just a BAD GAME DESIGN

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It happens sometimes; nerf, balance, overhaul etc.

If you see a skill not working as it did, first is to check the description of the skill, then your build, your gear,... before incriminate devs, bad game design etc.

Especially when you have downloaded some mo of an Update, this is the first correlation to do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> It happens sometimes; nerf, balance, overhaul etc.

> If you see a skill not working as it did, first is to check the description of the skill, then your build, your gear,... before incriminate devs, bad game design etc.

> Especially when you have downloaded some mo of an Update, this is the first correlation to do.


The problem, was not, the changing of the skill, the problem was that they changed place to 2 skills without resetting things, i can check what you want but why change the place to a skill you didn't nerfed with a new one causing the player to automatically commit suicide doing nothing else that press a healing skill???

don't you see something ridiculous in this? you stand in your home instance, just press 6 and die in 1 minute doing nothing, well maybe someone did the wrong thing with the code, maybe the same person that messed up the revenant skills the next patch, and btw they succeed to fix it at the end....just my 2c

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