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> It's sad, really, because ele used to be _the_ carry class in zergs. It had the highest potential for a single player to influence a fight, with a very high skill cap, and was extremely rewarding to play. Now it's made obsolete by builds that literally just spam their skills on a tag.


That makes me so sad. I quit the game just after the diamond skin fiasco and the death of D/D. A class I loved and mained since Beta made me leave. But it also drew me back after three years, every other game and class/profession I played was always measured against the love I still have for my Elementalist.


She doesn't feel the same any more and to be honest I haven't taken her back into WvW yet... but one can always hope.



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> @Dano.2408 said:

> Not quite sure if this thread is real... so, there's people that left the game, but check the forums every day and participate???... Just makes no sense to me


Guilty of that for three years, periodically checked in, to see if things had changed for the better, most often disappointed by the plethora of calls for help from players falling on the deaf ears of those empowered to make a change.


It's called passion, stemming from the moment you find something synergistic, something that clicks, something engaging, fluid and rewarding. To take the creation of something like that and completely disregard it is quite frankly a waste of creative talent, potential and unique thought.


I have my opinion of certain responsible individuals but cannot share for obvious reasons, however I will say that age and experience should instill wisdom but I'm still waiting for that to happen.

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> @Amrothian.3721 said:

> lol I top dps on my Weaver normally dunno what you are talking about


Post it. I don't believe it. Used pvp dummy in mists - so gear is irrelevant. went through rotation on Tempers, Weaver, Scourge, Burn Guard, and Firebrand. Ele barely better than half compared to other two classes.

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> @Fantasmer.1032 said:

> > @Amrothian.3721 said:

> > lol I top dps on my Weaver normally dunno what you are talking about


> Post it. I don't believe it. Used pvp dummy in mists - so gear is irrelevant. went through rotation on Tempers, Weaver, Scourge, Burn Guard, and Firebrand. Ele barely better than half compared to other two classes.


I cannot speak for him, but I can assure you a full zerk staff Weaver can, and often does, top the dps charts in large-scale fights. You have plenty of AOEs and they hit pretty hard. Sure, people can walk out of those, but then can't cleanse the damage. I'll try to remember and make a screenshot next time I participate in a large fight with a squad.

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Full Zerk Staff Weaver DPS is actually really good in zerg fights in terms of DPS if you know where and when to drop your skills. Though 1 meteor shower would be enough to bring your HP down to 50% due to retaliation alone...


It's just that Scourges are the flavor of the month and they're usually full Viper and that's where Weavers get those insane high damage numbers. When Scourge gets balanced and people stop pirate shipping and actually get a melee front line, those damage numbers weaver will go down without a doubt.

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> Weaver sadly dose not make up for the amount of power dmg mitigation that all the classes have now. Weaver can do dmg it just cant do dmg to any thing with a brain (so dead bodys are great for weaver to hit and gets your dps numbers up there or npc / pets).



RIng a ding ding ding ! we have a winner !

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> @Xunleashed.5271 said:

> showcasing some Weaver burst potential:




> Forget the healbot and get supported for a few minutes :)


thats some power-raoming there .. very nice indeed. i do believe weave to be VERY efficient in roaming which i do believe and see to be quite fun . il need to have a check at that build :P seems very effective.... but i have great doubts in the efficiency in zerging (20/30) guild running ...

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