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Daily events need to be adjusted please.


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> @Blude.6812 said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Today's Dailies:

> >

> > Lumberer - Guild Hall easy-peasy

> > Land Claimer - PvE in WvW pretty easy

> > Veteran Creature Slayer - completely PvE in WvW easy-peasy

> >

> > And there's always the PvP rooms set up just for Dailies.

> >

> > Or, if it is too irritating, one could always earn the 2 Gold elsewhere...shouldn't take too long.

> >

> > Good luck.


> Easy peasy when there aren't a bunch of hats guarding the vets or land claims just to stop you from the daily. Every single daily from every single area (core/Hot/PoF) should be open for the player to choose and not arbitrarily restricted by some dev. One has BOUGHT all the exp and should be able to access all the dailys. Simple as that.


I have very rarely had a problem at the Veteran Creature, but as suggested above...go earn the 2 Gold elsewhere. It's not like missing the 10 AP will make a difference, as there's no real race to reaching the AP cap.

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> @tenryuta.2014 said:

> and this is why LS3 dailies are so awesome, you know where they will be, they are fun, they give good stuff(maxed tyria xp here, and need anti poison lore for dragon stand:( ), if dailies were global like back in the day, they would be 1000's of times better.


Whenever they have changed the daily system they seem to always get something better and something wrong. I like dailies that can be done as part of your normal routine .... it rewards players for doing what they would normally do when active but it is not 'sigh, I have to stop what I am doing, go to this region I never go to and do 4 events'.


It used to be I just needed to keep an eye on the tracker in the corner and make sure I covered everything before reset. Now I need to stop things at reset and run around to get things done fast just so I am not interrupted during my play the next day.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Don't think I will be doing today's dailies as I don't see 3 I can do.

> WvW and PvP is not an option as all those are pretty much impossible for me. Lumber I can get through the guild hall, but bounty is too much of a problem try and get set up, Dragon's Stand is group dependent, but if it's a daily, maybe there will be enough people to be on more than one map so I don't have to worry about it being full.

> Jumping Puzzle... maybe.


Yeah... I recall looking at that particular batch of dailies and just saying "well, that's 2 gold I don't need today, I'll go cuddle the SO and watch anime instead."


I have reason to go to WvW, I just didn't want to that day, and I don't PvP. I considered bounty, since the trains or my guild could pitch in, but that Dragon Stand daily... ugh. Getting into the zone requires too much timing and *literally dying* to get in. :-1:

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