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Anet.. can you make a DPS meter?


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> @STIHL.2489 said:

> > @Kaona.9105 said:

> > In the current stage of the game, a DPS meter will only take away from it.


> I get what you are saying, but DPS meters are already a part of the game, they are not being added, they are already there, I am just asking for a QoL update that proves an In-game meter, so players don't need to depend on 3rd party software. It would also eliminate the divide of those that use and don't use them.. everyone would have one, and thus remove all divisions.


> I can't change what is, I can only ask for a QoL update to make what is, better for everyone.


I honestly think that your logic is so off. You don't remove all divisions by giving everyone the same tool. What you are essentially doing is giving anyone the chance of acting as a jerk to anyone. (Kinda reminds me of some well known country that allow people to defend themselves with guns lol)


If I am playing a low tier fractal, I personally don't want some random players to kick me just because they have been reading on qT website that the optimal dps of one profession is too low compared to another one. We all saw with dungeon heyday that players would just kick others based on arbitrary numbers such as AP. That is bad way of bringing even more toxicity where toxicity is not even warranted, i.e. in a learning process.


What you want however is bringing more synergy within with the games because some players are just bad/no willing to really get good at the game by being able of playing high dps build with glassy build while not constantly hugging the floor.


And for that you pretty much need build templates. Why so ? Because it fosters synergy within all game modes while bringing less to toxicity due to how flexible professions can be played.

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> @flog.3485 said:

> > @STIHL.2489 said:

> > > @Kaona.9105 said:

> > > In the current stage of the game, a DPS meter will only take away from it.

> >

> > I get what you are saying, but DPS meters are already a part of the game, they are not being added, they are already there, I am just asking for a QoL update that proves an In-game meter, so players don't need to depend on 3rd party software. It would also eliminate the divide of those that use and don't use them.. everyone would have one, and thus remove all divisions.

> >

> > I can't change what is, I can only ask for a QoL update to make what is, better for everyone.


> I honestly think that your logic is so off. You don't remove all divisions by giving everyone the same tool. What you are essentially doing is giving anyone the chance of acting as a jerk to anyone. (Kinda reminds me of some well known country that allow people to defend themselves with guns lol)


> If I am playing a low tier fractal, I personally don't want some random players to kick me just because they have been reading on qT website that the optimal dps of one profession is too low compared to another one. We all saw with dungeon heyday that players would just kick others based on arbitrary numbers such as AP. That is bad way of bringing even more toxicity where toxicity is not even warranted, i.e. in a learning process.


As you clearly pointed out, anyone has the chance to be a jerk in this game, and will use whatever they want to be such, as it has been so before DPS meters existed, so, simply giving everyone in the group a meter would be help, as it would require someone at the very least to be optimal themselves before they could talk shit about other people.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know of a single game that uses first party dps meters. You have to download an addon for everything from WoW to wildstar to rift to ESO. Devs can't be bothered. All of that being said, I don't understand the negative people seem to see with DPS meters. All it gives is information, which for high end content is crucial. It's one thing to wipe over and over to help a guildie get good, but if I'm pugging I don't have that kind of patience, I just want to get done. In the past we would kick based on class or presumed "meta" so we would have people who ACTUALLY were top dpsing get kicked because they were playing necro back when they were horrendous. Now we can actually SEE dps. DPS meters kept me from getting kicked from a Sabatha fight that wasn't going amazingly. The leader said hey, I almost kicked you because of your weird build but when you were 3rd dps (I was pushing out about 16k) I saw it wasn't your fault. Without DPS meters I would've (and have been) been kicked. DPS meters also show when YOU are being bad, even though you THOUGHT you had a good build.


I see no negative to DPS meters, they offer nothing but positives.

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  • 10 months later...

I’m hoping Anet will build a DPS meter in. Sell it in the gem store for 2k gems as an add on if they want to cover development costs. I’m on a Mac, ARCDPS is not an option, BGDM is banned, nor is running Windows 10 an option. I spend a lot of time in T4 fractals and raids each week. Others running arc upload their logs and I can see how I did. My golem numbers are a world apart from raid and T4 numbers from those ArcDPS logs. I’d use it in open world encounters, fractals and raids to see just my DPS so that I would have instant feedback that I broke and autoattack chain, or missed a key part of my rotation. A personal DPS meter is a tool for personal improvement in actual game combat that can allow you to see how you’re doing while dodging and performing mechanics. At the very least an api that can provide access to personal combat data so that truly TOS compliant meters can be developed would be wonderful. Just my 2c, but I hope there is progress or a 3rd party DPS meter for the Mac comes along to fill the void left by BGDM. jaxnX could work - but the Mac client does not offer full screen windowed mode which it requires to do screen scrapes. Keeping my fingers crossed!!!

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As to the people worried they would be kicked for low DPS - I had embarrasingly low DPS, I had been a casual player for awhile and gotten a lot of bad advice. I was fine in T1's and even T2's - and it if hadn't been for a kind person who whispered me in game offering help with my build and gear selection and rotations to get my DPS up I would have simply been frustrated to tears by higher end content instead of enjoying it. Since then I have witnessed how defensive people get and what a gamble it is for someone to even offer help because the player offered helps goes all defensive, or even if ammendable - is unwilling to make the changes necessary to get the DPS up. I started raiding after having done T4's for a while when my guild decided to do raid training. It was 2 months of sunday afternoons before we got our first kill - much of that spent helping get peoples builds and gear updated. GW2 has always been a super helpful community - I can't thank the person who thought to offer me help seeing I was struggling, as he set me on course to do the content I had wanted to. I hope people can see those whispers about their DPS low and offering help as no different that someone leading you to a missing POI, or coaching you through a Jumping Puzzle - because it's not.

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