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Poll for the masses regarding entitlement demands in PvE maps

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Now before this thread gets start ill start off saying I tend to ramble and my grammar is poor at best so please bare with me if not your choice ...Now this thread is being started because my experiences regarding events during nice map bonus rotations like Frostgorge Sound is this week seem to be getting out of hand specifically during event chains like Breaking the Ice ..Anytime there is a zerg with a tag up or a few people that are wanting their max loot for minimal effort ...me playing how I do I tend to go try and earn my loot by actually pressing my skills rather then standing still on someone else's tag waiting for orders ...ill flat out say anytime I am not sitting at a zergs blueprint in the fetal position or I am fighting a lone scaled up champion ...because I actually made a spec that was able to do it I seem to be in the wrong getting rage whispers from people map chat public shaming and the usual angry mob tactic because I didn't join their squad or I'm not fighting where they are ... And to be clear ..this isn't DS Meta, or AB Meta, A raid, high scale fractals, any instanced content what so ever this is merely just open world map bonus via events....Anytime a tag with 5 people show up its like they somehow have priority over the event and any mob that spawns during it and the loot that drops from it where it be champion boxes or just vendor trash via cluster mobs. Now I understand some people are going to come in here and say your supposed to bend over backwards for your fellow 1 spammer so they can get their max loot for minimal effort because they joined the squad that had the mentor tag! ...but this thread is more so to determine if there are still reasonable people in PvE? Or has HoT AB multi loot turned 75% of the PvE player base into greedy entitled materialistic plebs? Even when there is no tag present and there are less then 5 people in total at events people are giving me lip because I'm killing mobs and somehow me killing trash tier mobs like the event intended is keeping lowbies from progressing yet these lowbies aren't even in the correct level range to begin with ....but it isn't them that's making the complaint its the 1 spammers with their debit card legendaries that are making the issues and they seem to be fond of attempting to guilt you into doing what they believe to be right.






Now I have to ask did Arena Net release some sort of PvE 10 Commandments via memo and I just didn't get it?


Something along the lines of


#1 Thou shalt not solo scaled up champions when there is a zerg present

#2 Thou shalt mail your precursor drops to the nearest player to your left

#3 Thou shalt let low levels players who are 20 levels below the minimal zone suggestion tag the mobs your fighting even if they will get 1 shot

...I mean exaggerations and cheeky tard mode aside who am I playing this game for if not me? I didn't join their guilds or their LFMs or their squads If I did then yes id be obligated to comply to an extent or id get rightfully kicked but I didn't join any of that I'm not trolling the events preventing it from succeeding I'm not preventing people from getting credit for the intended map bonus or event completion rewards. So how do all of these people have "legit rightful reasons to grief me via mob tactics angry whispers and map chat public shaming" because I'm not on their zerg during an map bonus chain event? Do I need to be going on blocking sprees when I see a large group of people? I understand this kind of player base is present in the Silverwastes map where the shovel trains go around and between the lag and that very mind set in SW is why I left rarely ever returning. I am honestly asking if I am wrong for having an issue with these problems? or having an anti zerg mentality? These guys make it sound like when a squad of 30+ comes to this event and 5 champions spawn that me being the lone player I am somehow soloing 5 scaled up champions at once! while preventing 30+ people from getting their champion boxes who just happen to be barely 800 units away and ironically out of loot stick 1 spammer range......





Now if you made it to the end of that horrific block of text being the thread while actually reading what I typed then I applaud you and I humbly ask your opinions if you agree or disagree or if you are rewriting my entire thread with the proper grammar added in just to show it can be done which ever you decide. I started this thread because of people going off on me for the reasons above tend to irritate me severely and thus I usually return the favor to them via long blocks of text laced with profanity occasional spam and a swift block afterwards ...Which will likely result in me being the one that gets the ban and while being banned from the game isn't world ending Id rather it be something I actually believe I deserve rather then peoples entitlement.....PS if you were 1 of the people that got the treatment from me today or yesterday via whisper/mail then blocked here is your chance to reply and let your objections be heard! even though it will only do so much because I still stand by my actions even if they aren't pretty up front in the spot light. If I am guilty of anything it is being an asshole I admit but it is not likely going to change....

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Well first off... you are being a bit rude to farmers here. Implying bought legendaries rather than earned, calling them entitled, materialistic and plebs and what not. Bit rude. I have taken part in all of the farms you mentioned and I assure you I earned my legendary and I would not consider myself any of the things you said.... But then I can sort of see why you would be upset with the reactions you get from some people in those zergs, so not really that mad at you for it.

Thing is the farms are a legit way of playing, theres nothing wrong with it. There is also nothing wrong with playing solo.... I play solo a lot of the time. What I learned when playing solo in a map with a zerg though is to keep a low profile rather than engageing in some heated debate.

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Rude in this case is merely a matter of perspective I find it hard to be polite to people who cuss me out in a whisper because I'm not stacked on them to participate in an event that is open to everyone be it lower level or geared out veteran player. While some people may have earned their legendary gear no doubt and I don't mean to be mitigating their accomplishments in that regard I am however very open to the reality that some people have in fact paid for their legendaries via debit card for what ever reason that is their choice to play the game how they wanted but in general that wasn't why I started this topic lol... I feel the need to clarify in regards to this statement even though this is a later edit "Implying bought legendaries rather than earned, calling them entitled, materialistic and plebs and what not." I'm not calling anyone a materialistic greedy pleb because they may or may not have debit carded for their legendary I'm calling them materialistic greedy plebs because when a champion spawns at the event due to their zerg scaling the champion. It attacks me rather then their zerg forcing them to move to tag it so they get the loot this process is repeated quite a few times and they just happen to be whispering me wonderful flattery at the same time such as "Fucking Asshole" because they had to move closer to the champion to get that 1 spam credit. If you want though I can easily walk you thru how I arrived at the assumption of their entitlement and greedy materialism also if anyone should wonder how I suspect many are 1 spamming ...Next time you go to do a daily world boss ...Show up at The frozen maw At reset get there a few mins early...People will literally brag about eating dinner while they have an ranged auto attack locked on standing completely still and you know their still 1 spamming when the icestorms that spawn nearly in the same spot everytime spawn right ontop of them repeatedly downing them. While this is an off topic complaint and not the main focus of the thread I take issue with it because in this case I feel for the lower level players in these zones doing their first world boss like svanir champion they actually try to fight him when he is in his icebrood goliath form and they get straight up pooned for their effort ....effort I can admire and respect because they are trying for their loot while an army of 1 spamming ranged specs lines the rear of the event a endless wave of parasites who have no respect for the people actually contributing to the event and those contributors are the only reason the parasites ever have loot to be collected because anyone that has ever done frozen maw knows since they tweaked him he 1 shots quite a few people then has some long CCs there is arguably no one capable of afk killing him

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And yes to HazyDaisy.4107 I have turned off my status map chat say chat any forms of easy reachability when the event ended and a reasonable amount of time passed I went to empty my barely half full bags of loot turned on map chat for a moment a slightly scrolled up to see paragraphs dedicated to me and my unwillingness to stack with the tag actually claiming "I was ruining their zerg because I was fighting non champs away from them" apparently that trash level gear Is precious too and it seems when you try to be wise turn off your status say chat and attempt to ignore them while going about your day you force them to take it up a notch by posting it in map chat them naming you specifically and while yes I admit I am bringing up this very issue on a forum which is open to the public I am not naming anyone specifically in regards to the events that transpired earlier mainly because I couldn't remember their names to begin with...

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It sounds like you're unfortunately having a run of bad luck in encountering lots of unpleasant people in the game. I personally don't often see this sort of behaviour in PvE, in fact I rarely see tagged zergs in map bonus maps on rotation at all, let alone ones that are getting angry at people. I think the only place I've seen this behaviour relatively often is at the champ trains in Orr.


Overall I think the PvE community is very friendly and helpful. In map chat I'll see a lot more friendly/casual conversations and people asking for, and answering replies for help etc, than I will see anything toxic.


Certainly in PvE I never see the levels of salt/anger/abuse etc that I see in the competitive modes, raids, or fractals. And even if you combine all of them, it's not a patch to what I've seen thrown around in voice chat on various console games over the years. Overall the GW2 community is very good.


Of course there will always be some maps where a select few decide to throw insults at people/the whole map, but that's just sadly what happens when you have 100-150 people in one place. Throw that amount of people in a room together and you're almost certainly going to end up with a few toxic idiots.


I've never had any insults/grief directed at me, but I would say the best/only thing to do if some of these types of players are throwing insults around or whispering/messaging you abuse etc is to just report and block. Don't "return the favor" and send insults back, no point wasting your time engaging these people, and risking a report against your own account.

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While it hasn't always be true but I am mostly fond of the concept of "If they leave me alone I will surely leave them alone" A few tagged up groups have come and gone in frostgorge during that event and let me be and I was surprised it happened to the point I mailed the commander thanking them for said deed noting that they were among the few that did their own thing and let me do mine but it was rare ...not impossible just rare and yes I seem to have bad luck when running across certain kinds of people I probably deserve it lol but I think it has to do with the current map bonus rotation in maps like Frostgorge Sound Powerful Bloods Giant eyes and ofc Charged Lodes ...shines in general its 1 of the few map bonus rotations I will join in mainly because it is just that good maybe too good ....I do try to maintain a low profile during said events its just 1 of those you can only do it so well 40 people standing in 1 spot 800 units away 1-2 people standing away by them selves both areas of people are generally open in view there isn't a lot of hiding. Maybe I should invest in that glorified weebo looking griffon mount and just dive bomb some mobs to make sure I get credit then blend in with the other 25k people who have the griffon they will never find me then!

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The poll is still going it will stay going until I'm content enough people agree with me then I will attempt to sleep if everyone disagrees ill just have to stay awake and keep updating until I win....(a bad joke naturally) but its more of a typed opinion related poll toss in your thoughts if you agree or not. I will say in complete honesty if someone wants to openly disagree in favor of zerg farming and against of players playing for them selves not hindering others directly then said defenders better be ready for a debate ....a respectful one to an extent but they are welcome to make that case but they better make some good points I wont be unreasonable but I like to think I have laid out my bricks for this issue quite thoroughly for my side of it if someone wants to make a counter debate they better put in some elbow work because I only roll over easily for expensive dinners and movies worth seeing

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Ive been ignoring zergs since queensdale champion farm. They may or may not have some optimal rotation. I honestly don't care. I prefer to do events either solo with my guild or a small party. I do have a commander tag to occassionally run an event on a larger scale.


If someone feels the need to tell me what event to do or not do and how, they are free to do so. But dont expect me to give a choya about it.


And yeah, I simply ignore remarks. I definitely dont start a discussion about open world events being open to anyone.

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> @Luciferior.4802 said:

> Now before this thread gets start ill start off saying I tend to ramble and my grammar is poor at best so please bare with me if not your choice ...Now this thread is being started because my experiences regarding events during nice map bonus rotations like Frostgorge Sound is this week seem to be getting out of hand specifically during event chains like Breaking the Ice ..Anytime there is a zerg with a tag up or a few people that are wanting their max loot for minimal effort ...me playing how I do I tend to go try and earn my loot by actually pressing my skills rather then standing still on someone else's tag waiting for orders ...ill flat out say anytime I am not sitting at a zergs blueprint in the fetal position or I am fighting a lone scaled up champion ...because I actually made a spec that was able to do it I seem to be in the wrong getting rage whispers from people map chat public shaming and the usual angry mob tactic because I didn't join their squad or I'm not fighting where they are


I completely understand your POV, and no one should say anything nasty or insulting to you for choosing to play the game the way you choose. If they do, you should report them. On the other side of the coin, it sounds like you joined a map where a group of people are all trying to accomplish the same thing that you are trying to accomplish, but instead of joining them so everyone on the map can benefit you chose to go solo which only benefits you and actually detracts from the experience of the zerg full of people.


As I said in my first sentence, that is your choice and no one should denigrate you for it. But don't pretend that you are on the high moral ground here. We are taught when we are toddlers about sharing and cooperating for a reason.

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If you had people harassing you in whispers and map chat then I hope they get nailed to the wall, some times I think the forum moderators should double as GMs in that instance. I am a Zergling but I do not condone going after any one for just being some where solo when everyone gets their own loot table any way and no one owns a mob if they tag it first.


The only time I get mad is if there's a tough group event and no one goes back after wiping leaving me there to eat another course of dirt cake by my self, I understand roaming in the Open World, I do that all the time unless I'm joining zerg squads but don't run away if you wipe once in a group event that's just ridiculous as you wasted your time and more importantly you wasted my time by having me invest in your lackluster site seeing endeavor.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> You don't pay my sub, you can't make me!


> Oh wait, this game doesn't have a sub....


And no one can make any one do anything any way regardless of whether there's a sub or not so what's your point exactly? You type out a one liner with no further explanation, what have you contributed to the discussion so that some one can make a meaningful reply?

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @Luciferior.4802 said:

> > Now before this thread gets start ill start off saying I tend to ramble and my grammar is poor at best so please bare with me if not your choice ...Now this thread is being started because my experiences regarding events during nice map bonus rotations like Frostgorge Sound is this week seem to be getting out of hand specifically during event chains like Breaking the Ice ..Anytime there is a zerg with a tag up or a few people that are wanting their max loot for minimal effort ...me playing how I do I tend to go try and earn my loot by actually pressing my skills rather then standing still on someone else's tag waiting for orders ...ill flat out say anytime I am not sitting at a zergs blueprint in the fetal position or I am fighting a lone scaled up champion ...because I actually made a spec that was able to do it I seem to be in the wrong getting rage whispers from people map chat public shaming and the usual angry mob tactic because I didn't join their squad or I'm not fighting where they are


> I completely understand your POV, and no one should say anything nasty or insulting to you for choosing to play the game the way you choose. If they do, you should report them. On the other side of the coin, it sounds like you joined a map where a group of people are all trying to accomplish the same thing that you are trying to accomplish, but instead of joining them so everyone on the map can benefit you chose to go solo which only benefits you and actually detracts from the experience of the zerg full of people.


> As I said in my first sentence, that is your choice and no one should denigrate you for it. But don't pretend that you are on the high moral ground here. We are taught when we are toddlers about sharing and cooperating for a reason.


He's not the one harassing people so yes he is on the moral high ground since he is a victim.

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> @Oldirtbeard.9834 said:

> > @Djinn.9245 said:

> > > @Luciferior.4802 said:

> > > Now before this thread gets start ill start off saying I tend to ramble and my grammar is poor at best so please bare with me if not your choice ...Now this thread is being started because my experiences regarding events during nice map bonus rotations like Frostgorge Sound is this week seem to be getting out of hand specifically during event chains like Breaking the Ice ..Anytime there is a zerg with a tag up or a few people that are wanting their max loot for minimal effort ...me playing how I do I tend to go try and earn my loot by actually pressing my skills rather then standing still on someone else's tag waiting for orders ...ill flat out say anytime I am not sitting at a zergs blueprint in the fetal position or I am fighting a lone scaled up champion ...because I actually made a spec that was able to do it I seem to be in the wrong getting rage whispers from people map chat public shaming and the usual angry mob tactic because I didn't join their squad or I'm not fighting where they are

> >

> > I completely understand your POV, and no one should say anything nasty or insulting to you for choosing to play the game the way you choose. If they do, you should report them. On the other side of the coin, it sounds like you joined a map where a group of people are all trying to accomplish the same thing that you are trying to accomplish, but instead of joining them so everyone on the map can benefit you chose to go solo which only benefits you and actually detracts from the experience of the zerg full of people.

> >

> > As I said in my first sentence, that is your choice and no one should denigrate you for it. But don't pretend that you are on the high moral ground here. We are taught when we are toddlers about sharing and cooperating for a reason.


> He's not the one harassing people so yes he is on the moral high ground since he is a victim.


Being a victim doesn't automatically give you moral highground. Just means that guy who beat you don't have it.

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For the record regarding the high morale ground bit I don't think I have it ...it would be nice but that part isn't my hang up I realize I'm an asshole and sometimes karma works its way to even people like me but during these events I find it awfully hard to just do the event without someone making issue of my presence mainly because I still prefer to play by my self to an extent I understand certain in game instances or LFMs maps are dedicated to certain social requirements and if I want the shines for those I gota play along but I didn't get that memo for map bonus rotations like frostgorge ...

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Djinn.9245 "We are taught when we are toddlers about sharing and cooperating for a reason." I understand and agree with that to an extent for instance if I wanted in a raid or some lovely high scale fractals achievement for story mode or even things like DS/AB Metas there is a certain requirement for joining those said events or instances and a certain level of play along that comes with and I can work with that. Though sometimes in these breaking the ice events or even some of the champion solo events in that map during map bonus rotation ...a tag shows up trying to take command literally of the said event that is taking place even if its soloing the champ drake broodmother tag will show up barking "my squad is coming hold up on the dps don't kill it yet so my guys can get credit" if I keep killing like I intended to do to begin with ill start hearing things like "you aren't even supposed to be doing events alone on a map when there is a tag up" its like sorry I already have a commanding officer ...and that's me!

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This is still a thing? Wow, I didn't expect this to still be happening in -- of all places -- Frostgorge Sound.


Regardless, farmers never seem to learn. Every time there has been a farm and the people using it come into conflict (involving rudeness, public displays of anger, and reports that ANet has to process), ANet has nerfed the farm, Every. Single. Time.


I can see that the individual player would not be blameless if s/he is killing mobs out of sequence in order to troll the group. That said, isolating that behavior from the behavior of someone who is just out playing the game would be difficult. Being rude and, displaying anger is likely going to result in ANet changing the farm content to remove that behavior. It would be better for the farmers in the long run to grin and bear it, even if they suspect trolling. If trolls crow about their trolling, report them.

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I remember back when I used to be happy when I saw a commander tag ....Normally at a nice Teq event when it was new soon as the previous world boss ended everyone rushed to sparkling fen to organize and people lost hope if no tag popped up...but if you got in an already organized instance with a zerg tag all the defense positions were already set everything was ready to go you just find a spot and fall in that's when its nice to see a tag ...Sadly for me it isn't like that now I feel like this in the video

assuming it works ...ok slight profanity just a bit but in general I think someone can understand the mindset there I put the whole scene in there *mainly because I'm new to linking clips in general and you can see the amount of effort they are putting in to complete the task only to have it stolen from them
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> @Luciferior.4802 said:

> For the record regarding the high morale ground bit I don't think I have it ...it would be nice but that part isn't my hang up I realize I'm an kitten and sometimes karma works its way to even people like me but during these events I find it awfully hard to just do the event without someone making issue of my presence mainly because I still prefer to play by my self to an extent I understand certain in game instances or LFMs maps are dedicated to certain social requirements and if I want the shines for those I gota play along but I didn't get that memo for map bonus rotations like frostgorge ...


There's an easy solution to "someone making issue of my presence"; just turn off chat/play invisible until you or they leave. No real need to open yourself up to the drama.

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