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Arah P3 Last Boss Kiting [PSA]

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Today on a p3 pug run we cleared everything relatively smoothly until the last boss, the kiting part. Everyone went straight for the invulnerable wraithlord and they wiped. Then someone piped up 'new, what to do for this boss?' and I realized that everyone was new at this. I didn't want to do the whole 'DON'T AGGRO ANYTHING LET ME TAKE AGGRO' thing and then fuck up as someone inevitably decides to take aggro so I just told them to stay away from the boss, and keep the elite wraiths away from the capture points. 'Make sure the circle stays blue', basically.


And it worked like a charm. Because the circle doesn't need someone to stand in it constantly, as long as no wraith intruded it stayed blue. Everyone was just doing their own thing, either kiting or fighting the elite mobs. The progress bar filled up much faster because the circles were almost blue all the time.


I've concluded that the old '1 kite rest stay ooc' is a remnant of past speedrun strategies. Back then when everyone was more experienced one person was enough to kite all the mobs the rest had nothing better to do but just stand inside the circle. But the truth is if you have aggro, even if you're supposed to stay out of combat, it's better to just lead them away from the capture point than to wait for the kiter to come take the aggro away from you.


Oh, and stay far away from the wraithlord during kiting. Many people don't realize it's actually his deathly aura that's killing them, not the chip damage from the elite wraith mobs.

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I know I've done some tricky stuff here that I was surprised worked. In particular, I believe I've used the stealth kits to lose agro from the trash mobs, and still saw the circle I was standing in alone turn blue. Usually stealth stops you from capturing anything like that.


I think it may be the case these circles are no longer working properly. lol

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