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Something new in WvW? whats the current state?


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Hi all! hope you all doing fine.


Me & my friends are looking for a new game to play every day, but nothing fun seems to appear.


We are now looking into going back to an old game, and GW2 came up in our minds.


I think I played Gw2 WvW last time around 2018, whats new since then? I heard something about "A total remake of WvW" with new worlds and so on, have they released it yet?


We played on Far Shiverpeaks, EU.

Thanks for answers.

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> @"erKo.9586" said:

> Hi all! hope you all doing fine.


> Me & my friends are looking for a new game to play every day, but nothing fun seems to appear.


> We are now looking into going back to an old game, and GW2 came up in our minds.


> I think I played Gw2 WvW last time around 2018, whats new since then? I heard something about "A total remake of WvW" with new worlds and so on, have they released it yet?


> We played on Far Shiverpeaks, EU.

> Thanks for answers.


Be aware there is a skill shake up going on right now and that potentially will be tuned over the next months. You need to ask your group how they feel about coming in while changes are being made or if it's better to return after its more stable. The Alliance system, 'total remake', is not yet in place and we do not have a time table for that to occur so that's a wash on returning now or later. Good gaming to you either way and the more is always the merrier in WvW.

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As already mentioned, WvW just got a large balance patch which is only the beginning. As such, you'll see ppl fighting on the forums yelling that Condition or Power is broke. I`d suggest to ignore both sides and try it out and experiement. With the new- and possible incoming changes alot of stuff might change anyway.


Although ive played alot of gw2 i only recently started WvW as I was forced out there to get an item for a legendary weapon. Ive always liked SPVP and disliked the "blob fights" concept so i was fairly certain that i was in for a rough time. This was a couple weeks before the balance patch. I actually ended up liking it but because the damage was so high, i spend more time running to a fight than actually pressing buttons. I decided to go back to SPVP as it was "insta action".


After the Balance i gave it a second try and i really enjoy atm, even with a none-optimized spec/gear. I'm even considering making it my "main" gamemode. I suggest you guys give it a shot while keeping the balance-thing in mind. I can tell you its great while others will tell you the opposite. At the end of the day only yourself can tell whether it´s up your ally or not. I will say that i think it`s an interesting time to come back to gw2 :)


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> @"erKo.9586" said:

> Hi all! hope you all doing fine.


> Me & my friends are looking for a new game to play every day, but nothing fun seems to appear.


> We are now looking into going back to an old game, and GW2 came up in our minds.


As others have noted, there was a large reduction in many skills. It was more of a ‘resetting’ of power with the thought that within the next 4 weeks we will see additional tweaks. But with the significant power creep that existed since Heart of Thorns, many skills were dialed back.


As with most significant ‘nerfs’ there is a resultant complaining/celebrating depending on where one stood prior.


Some feel Condi is now too strong, others feel it’s better balanced, and many feel that ‘their class’ was hit harder than everyone else’s...


So... Take the salt for what it’s worth.



> I think I played Gw2 WvW last time around 2018, whats new since then? I heard something about "A total remake of WvW" with new worlds and so on, have they released it yet?


No. We have been told multiple times that it still is a priority, and we are 26 months out from the initial announcement. **If** it happens, populations could see better balancing.



> We played on Far Shiverpeaks, EU.

> Thanks for answers.


It would be great to have people back and playing again. Be somewhat patient as the balance is being significantly reworked as I noted above.

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