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Amazon Cloud

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Skill lag has existed since beta, moving to Amazon AWS hosting is not the reason.


The way the back-end works hits a bottleneck when dmg and boons are being thrown around, the number of factors and calculations goes way up, and at some point reaches a queue dept greater than memory resulting in skill lag and timeouts.


Now, that might be due to the fact those threads can't be made more parallel, much like the client, being single core CPU limited (for the rendering thread), or it might be they are not allocating enough resources to the servers to keep up....Or a combination of the two. They have never released much really detailed info on HW and loads etc under given player/action counts. However there was someone they brought in a while back to look into the lag and from what I remember the findings were that boons were a large contributor to the slow downs in large fights.


**If anyone from anet has more info on this, or if this is wrong, feel free to share what you can**

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