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Server lag fix demand


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Hi Lagnet,

Can you please fix the server lag we run into when we play the dang game.

Its insane how much lag there is, it's far worse than a few years ago and no its not because more people are playing because we always have queues to when theres like 50 in a squad.


I still pay for gem store items and so do other people. You are getting a income, so you should freaking fix the server lag and not dropping the amount of capacity for the server demands to hold 3 blobs on EB for instance becuase i know you did and still do just like you merge servers.

We paid for the game, and we pay for the expansions so you should make it able to run the game for everyone, yes INCLUDING WVW so we don't lag the crap out of every dang fight we get..

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Apart from very few instances of spikes, I have never experienced lag that I couldn't attribute to something on my end while playing the game. Are you sure it's not your ISP or router that's causing you problem?


Also, at the risk of sounding like internet police:

"Manners maketh man."

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