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WvW Fire Earth Hypocrite Trash Condi Weaver


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With the smothering aura and diamond skin dance over the condi trash meta. You rotate tireless while bashing condi damage on trash wvw meta players. The joys of dancing over a zerg of 20+ condi players. Watch out for havoc or zerg cc you get exploded with toxic death faster than you can avoid baby goats. Or if you get power burst whiel fight 2-3 plus condi sources. With out arcane tree your dodge are mainly to replensh the joys of barrier to prevent hp chipping. You have fun when in 1v1 while you can easily out play most people they can easily out walk you from battle. Yes they will walk slowly away, cursing at eles mild immunity and demand anet to nerf us further. A last stab in wvw with sadly what we have left.

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Diamond Skin removes one condi when you are hit (which you don't want), with an internal cooldown of 1 second. If you're facing condi player, they would hit you for more than one conditions per hit, thus rendering Diamond Skin a net loss. What carries that build is Weaver heal and dodge. I bet you can change that Earth line to something else and would survive anyway.

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I already try fire/earth; big issue : swiftness. All your skills are melee but you can't even reach it. You should try with signets instead of diamond skin, signet of air for the 25% movement speed + fire + restoration.

Arcane, in spite of the nerfs, is still very recommanded, mostly because of the perma swiftness, and regen/prot/mights

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I'ts alright I can sustain up to 4-5 condi players :) But if a power tamps me : Keep in mind you can dodge with Energy sigils like a bunny and keeping 3-4k barreir easily and with 25.5k hp that's a lot hp to mitigate condi. You can even face tank an entire 20+ zerg if it's purly condi Ask t1 green haha :) I've been trolling them all week. If you use arcane you can dodge roll but why even play tough and condi healing lol. You can still play fire cele ele but the damage is kitten outside a 1v1. :) This build allows you stay long enough to give pity burns for team fights or GVG. Yes I am the ele for the last 7.5 years that upsets GVG matches it is eye especially backin 2015 Fire d/d core ele at it best you In SPVP or pve you can get to the equivalent to diamond issue was to fight cele engi in spvp. Hey I touted EZPZ and the abjured back in the day only if they 3v1 spike me they would lose far or mid. Stil coudl last over a minute. Even when they let in Season 1. MEh I mean we need power back regardless or ele's won't have the same fun ahah :) In WVW. Spvp is not the same with limited builds and its more nowadays team rotation and yeah you can't solo. queue gone are those days. Not I suggess just plaly fresh airs for kicks. You will have more fun if its 1v1. You could play tempest with CC life steal its laright 1v1 maybe issues vs power revs.


You have to look at the healing numbers, tought and condi nubmers they yield optimal sustain . 550 healing power is the 250 healing power. 880 is the new 500.

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