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How satisfied are you with soulbeast?

Aleksander Suburb.4287

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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @jcbroe.4329 said:

> > > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > > @jcbroe.4329 said:

> > > > ...leaving Beastmode is just an extra button press with no functionality that could have just as easily been tied to the swap pet button so that pet swap in Beastmode leaves Beastmode, it's poor design...

> > >

> > > Could just have a different mouse button bind that is (F5 { Xms delay} F4) to do that...

> >

> > It's a pretty simple (not necessarily fix but simple as in conceptually) software design issue that shouldn't even need to be discussed because it should've been addressed during design/implementation.

> >

> > Part of the clunkiness in general is the fact that we take a button that works and is used heavily by core Ranger outside of Beastmode and remove all functionality from it in Beastmode.

> >

> > F4 needs to do *something.* I personally don't care what it does, but anything is better than nothing, and anything involving mode/pet transitioning would be a welcome QoL improvement (which we shouldn't even have to ask for because it's competent design).


> Oh, I completely agree, it's absurd that a whole swathe of traits and mechanics do not work while in beastmode, but your idea of pet swap dropping you out of beastmode can be worked around with a keybind, that was all I was saying.


Yeah I was mostly just commenting that I shouldn't have to work around it with a keybind lol. Especially because, even though it's technically a minor thing, it's still more inputs being sent from the user end, when it should be handled on the backend.

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Lots of promise but no follow-through from Anet.


Just an RP spec meant to attach a $30 price tag to Cranger in PvE.


It offered some variety of play on a powerbuild in PvE, but having to mash extra buttons just to make up for the dps loss from losing 1/3 ranger trait lines is getting old. Will probably eventually go back to vanilla.

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I've said before, I genuinely believe the only reason SB exists is to give the option of a ~~warrior~~ petless ranger to those few that asked for it. SB doesn't _add_ anything. I'm frantically trying out the other elite specs, and when I play my main it's 100% on druid. (And I don't even particularly like druid, but at least it adds things.)

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> @Fluffball.8307 said:

> I've said before, I genuinely believe the only reason SB exists is to give the option of a ~~warrior~~ petless ranger to those few that asked for it. SB doesn't _add_ anything. I'm frantically trying out the other elite specs, and when I play my main it's 100% on druid. (And I don't even particularly like druid, but at least it adds things.)


A soulbeast with pet swap in beastmode and more interesting traits and stances would have added options that a core ranger doesn't have, you can't argue that. The idea is fine and could be a lot more than a petless ranger, the implementation however is half-assed. But at least it's fixable.


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> @Seteruss.4058 said:

> I'm so satisfied that i'm playing all day long....with my druid :bleep_bloop:


I personally didn't like druid because of the passive AA on staff, and the support type spec in general but Hey! At least it worked, at least I could fight other players with it. I won't complain because I don't like how a spec turns out but soulbeast just DOESN'T WORK ON ANY LEVEL - sorry for the caps, felt required.

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While I've finally tweaked a viable power spec for soulbeast, I still feel much more effective as a druid in pvp. In pve, my soulbeast gains a little personal output by trading away tons of survivability and group utility. I have never once found a stance worth taking, and I gave all of them a chance.


The only thing that prevented me from giving this a "very displeased" is that power spec I found.

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Pleased. I'd go for Very Pleased if the various bugs were squished (warhorn 5 and unblockable, merged bird "leap", etc) and if the silly 50% duration on stance sharing was removed, but with Anet's track record at fixing our bugs, I have a feeling that what we have now is pretty much what we get. Still, I'm loving it. It feels like what the Ranger should have been from the start, adding an extra layer of depth/skillbar management that makes lots more pets worthwhile and adds to the class versatility. I love the in/out quick switches, I love the option to stay merged at times, I love how you can put the merge to good use for a full pet heal, and Bear/Moa/Dolyak stances are very handy.

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> @Kraitan.8476 said:

> > @Seteruss.4058 said:

> > I'm so satisfied that i'm playing all day long....with my druid :bleep_bloop:


> I personally didn't like druid because of the passive AA on staff, and the support type spec in general but Hey! At least it worked, at least I could fight other players with it. I won't complain because I don't like how a spec turns out but soulbeast just DOESN'T WORK ON ANY LEVEL - sorry for the caps, felt required.


Well yes.

I agree on this also but i do like the support spec in open world and pvp.

For fractals and raids depends on the demand. If they want a druid i can be a druid. If they want a cranger i can be also that.

The thing is that SB while is fun, feels a little bit clunky, especially with no pet swap while in beast mode, and just because i use to swap pets, i really dont like to exit beast mode to swap and back again etc.

Maybe with a pet swapping will be more fun.

For now druid and cranger are better imo...

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