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the flavor text and skill description, Still not updated.


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"sorry 4 my bad english, its not my main language"


As the headline reads, we got alot of issues between skill descriptions and skill stats. Over the years, ArenaNet has continually changed, buff or nerft skils and traits, and their state, But Never the skill description. and there are now Alot/many skills that do not match their skill description at all. and pretty much All new players, and people trying new classes, They Always Read the skill description

first, to see what the skill is meant to do, and then look at skill stats and numbers. and especially after the big skill/trait change from February 2020. there is really great discrepancy between skill description and skill stats.

here are a few examples ..

Thief skill -> Palm Strike -> flavor text -> Do Massive Damage !! But the fact is, it does NO dmg, It got a dmg output of 0.01, the lowest dmg stat ther is, on my lvl 80 thife it does 7 dmg NOT 7K dmg, just 7!! why have a flavor tekst that sound -> Do Massive Damage !!

and Another example ..

Mesmer skill -> Gravity Well -> flavor text -> Do Heavy Damage !! But the fact is, it does NO dmg, I got a dmg output of 0.01, the lowest dmg stat ther is, on my lvl 80 Mesmer it does 7 dmg NOT 7K dmg, just 7!! why have a flavor tekst that sound -> Do Heavy Damage !!

and I could easily find 100 more examples of the same type of skill description error on skills and traits, but no point listing them all, its the same on alot and skill/traits descriptions.

can't ArenaNet plz. get an employee to read all the skills and trait descriptions and update them? because it makes the game really confusing, especially for new players who don't know better, who rely on the skills descriptions, a new player who comes in and reads on a skill -> Do Massive Damage !! or Do Heavy Damage !! will not be able to understand why it does no dmg at all!. I see it in map chat almost every day, that people asking for skils they do not understand the connection between description and skill stats. plz update the descriptions, it is so confusing and can ruin the gaming experience for new players ..

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Aren't the skills split between PvE and WvW/PvP? Thus, the description fits one mode, but not the other?


Yes they are, but now alot of the CC heavy skills lack the damage..so maybe the tooltips do need updated in WVW/PVP.

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Even if the text can't be split it can simply state "in PvP only" etc. just as the patch notes do.


There are still other skills which contain text that seems to no longer apply (Nine Tailed Strike doesn't refund initiative) or which have omitted pertinent mechanical details since launch (Shadow Refuge applies Revealed if you leave the aoe). I reported both of these examples a long time ago and they were never addressed. It's sloppy.

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