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new to the game looking for single player grinds

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hello as the title says im looking for single player grinds whether its achievements or mount farming or money making bosses that i can kill.. anything that doesn';t require me to group up with other players (please note that my knowledge is very limited when it comes to gw2 as i come from games like runescape and world of warcraft)

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I recommend taking some time to get used to GW2 before you start worrying about things like that. It's quite different from other games you may be used to in some important ways. For a start there's very little which requires you to be in a group with other players (only really dungeons, raids, Fractals - which are basically small dungeons, and some world bosses) but there's also very little you'll be doing completely alone. This game doesn't have kill or loot stealing or personalised quests (other than the main story), instead it uses dynamic events where everyone will join in together and then everyone gets their own loot and XP based on their participation. (On a related note all drops are private - if you can see an item on an enemy's body then only you can see it and it's there for you to take, there's no need to leave things for other players or discuss it first, just go ahead and pick them up. Same for resource nodes, you can harvest them and then other people can harvest them straight after, or at the same time, so feel free to take whatever you want.)


As a result there's not really any need to find a spot where you can grind enemies alone. If you see an event happening join in, attack whatever needs to be attacked, collect items, whatever else the event asks you to do even if someone else is already there. You'll probably see other players come and join in too and you won't have any impact on each other except that some events may complete more quickly (especially if it involves collecting items) and others will scale up, so more enemies will appear to balance out the increased number of players. You don't need to group up with other people doing the same event (although you can if you want to) you'll get the same rewards either way.


There absolutely are things you can do as quick ways to make money, particularly maps with large 'meta-events' (chains of events which all feed into each other and trigger other events after they've completed). These do require multiple people to complete them, but like individual events you don't need to join a group, you can just focus on doing what you can and other people will do their bit and you'll all get rewards at the end. [silverwastes](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Silverwastes) is a good example of this (the map the level 80 boost sends you to).


But I think it would be helpful to get used to the game first, so you know what goals you want to focus on, and how to gauge your progress, before you start. For example if you want good equipment there's no need to grind hundreds of gold to get it, and it would be a shame to find you'd wasted your time doing that.

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Pick a class, or better to say, play style you really like.


Get a mount. Just basic Raptor will do.


Do stories in chronological order(as much as possible). Core, LW2, Heart of Thorns(HoT), etc ...

If you dislike super-mario(crazy jumping stuff), its OK to skip Heart of Thorns. You won't miss anything. Its a blend, rushed, low quality story anyway. But atleast unlock HoT maps.


Get Skyscale.


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