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This is how the new season is going to look


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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> Play tanky builds or play a high mobility spec and avoid fights completely. Welcome to the new meta.


I've been playing celestial core d/d ele with Water/Arcane/Earth traitlines. Run around the map decapping nodes and being uncatchable while laughing at the enemy team's pitiful attempts to lock you down with CC's and immobilize.


In the event that someone is on a node and doesn't want to give it up, pop Nado and force the decap and then proceed to slowly force the point into your color until you get plused, at which point you can proceed to waste their time.


Highly suggest if you want to give a big fat middle finger to the meta.

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > Play tanky builds or play a high mobility spec and avoid fights completely. Welcome to the new meta.


> I've been playing celestial core d/d ele with Water/Arcane/Earth traitlines. Run around the map decapping nodes and being uncatchable while laughing at the enemy team's pitiful attempts to lock you down with CC's and immobilize.


> In the event that someone is on a node and doesn't want to give it up, pop Nado and force the decap and then proceed to slowly force the point into your color until you get plused, at which point you can proceed to waste their time.


> Highly suggest if you want to give a big fat middle finger to the meta.


I enjoy dagger/dagger. I might have to give it a shot. I don't know anything about the build though.

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I think a lot of the rez boosting stuff is going to start running really roughshot over the meta. Stuff like Traited Well of Blood, Function Gyro, Arcane Resurrection, Medics Feedback. I think once ranked conquest comes back you're going to see a lot of really obnoxious resurrection builds really start clogging up ranked.


Right now with the 30-50% across the board damage nerf, I don't think any build outside of maybe ranger can cleave hard enough to out damage the healing from a player plus a res boosting spell. And most builds can handle taking a couple seconds of cleave damage if pulling a rez off secures you winning a 2v1 with your rezed teammate, so it's a lot harder to punish someone for attempting a very risky rez. And a lot of builds have defensive measures to help them shrug off being cleaved at all like Shoud, Barrier, Elixir S, Mist Form, Distortion.


It'll also beat a safe stomp every single time. And if you cc the person going for a revive if you even can, that won't buy you enough time to secure a safe stomp or cleave the body a significant amount to stop them healing outside of the most extremely powerful cc. And a large majority of builds don't have any access to poison outside of Doom Sigil. Only Shortbow Thief has the kind of power to really hamstring any attempt to revive a teammate.


When ranked conquest comes back this is the sort of stuff I fear becoming really popular.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> I think a lot of the rez boosting stuff is going to start running really roughshot over the meta. Stuff like Traited Well of Blood, Function Gyro, Arcane Resurrection, Medics Feedback. I think once ranked conquest comes back you're going to see a lot of really obnoxious resurrection builds really start clogging up ranked.


> Right now with the 30-50% across the board damage nerf, I don't think any build outside of maybe ranger can cleave hard enough to out damage the healing from a player plus a res boosting spell. And most builds can handle taking a couple seconds of cleave damage if pulling a rez off secures you winning a 2v1 with your rezed teammate, so it's a lot harder to punish someone for attempting a very risky rez. And a lot of builds have defensive measures to help them shrug off being cleaved at all like Shoud, Barrier, Elixir S, Mist Form, Distortion.


> It'll also beat a safe stomp every single time. And if you cc the person going for a revive if you even can, that won't buy you enough time to secure a safe stomp or cleave the body a significant amount to stop them healing outside of the most extremely powerful cc. And a large majority of builds don't have any access to poison outside of Doom Sigil. Only Shortbow Thief has the kind of power to really hamstring any attempt to revive a teammate.


> When ranked conquest comes back this is the sort of stuff I fear becoming really popular.


Arcane resurrection was nerfed so hard dude, it’s useless idk what you are talking about.

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A single toss elixir outrezzes douple gysir arcane ressurection btw.


Not only "outrezz per tick". One tick outrezzes all douple gysir arcane ressurection ticks.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Resurrection - douple arcane res. = 2% per second for 5 => total after 5s: 10%

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toss_Elixir_R -> elixir - 17% per second for 10 s ... => total after5: 85% ... after 10: 170% (at 1200 range, 5 targets, light field, ... no need to get down and press F, just cc and cleave ...)


people still complaining about arcane ressurection and didnt even realized that eles now use glyph for rezzes. lel


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