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Trading Post not working! :( (SOLVED)

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Edit: I'm leaving this up in case someone have a similar problem and want to find possible solutions to try.


For the past few days the TP started loading slower and slower and slower. And yesterday it started loading so slow it just stopped working all together and I get an "net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT" error message. (Aka it just stops trying after 30 seconds.)




Everything else in the game works just as normal as far as I have seen (except the news that is supposed to appear when I log on to the client, they don't load and just give me a link to the website instead. :/).

It is simply the TP tab (BL store and currency exchange work 100%) that refuse to work.




I have restarted my computer, cleared the GW2 stuff in the %temp% cache, restarted my router, flushed the DNS, checked for any type of problems with my internet connection etc etc (In various combinations.) and I am currently googling myself crazy about what can cause this issue. And I'm not sure where the problem lies at all since none of the common problems seems to be the issue.

I have a good and stable internet connection (way better than I need tbh just to never run into issues), and I don't run my desktop computer on the Wi-Fi. So the problem isn't any of those two either.




I decided to reach out here before bothering the support so I can try Everything in my power before dragging those poor souls into this. :/




So please spare me some wisdom oh mighty Community or I'm going to start salvaging all the gear I planned to sell due to the frustration of not getting my gold that waits for me on the TP. D:

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I am not allowed to edit this yet, but something in some combination of the things I tried this last hour worked.

I have no idea what. But it either worked or something got solved elsewhere during this timeframe.


Will edit it as solved when I am allowed to. (I don't have the 5 posts needed to be allowed to edit things immediatley so I gotta wait another 3 hours.)

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I think you may have confused "4-hour window for edits" to mean you must wait four hours. It means you can only edit the post for the four hours since creation.


> Also, you could post in other threads to get your '5' posts.

It actually did take time before it allowed me to edit. I tried to edit in that 4 hour window but it didn't allow me, hence why I made the comment instead. Maybe some other stuff was messing with me then if that is the rules. :/

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