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Super Adventure Festival 2020

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The game has too few less frustrating levels. Actually really only w1z1 is easy cool casual play. The rest ist just too long and frustrating. I don't mind a few hard passages towards the end. But if you compare this to lets say super mario or sonic it get's too fast too frustrating and hard. And that comes from someone who grew up with SNES and MegaDrive or N64

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> @"BunjiKugashira.9754" said:

> > @"Laevateinn.6289" said:

> > The Super Adventure Festival will activate in mid-April this year, instead of overlapping with April 1st. The Super Adventure Box originally started as an April Fools' Day joke, but it's expanded into a real festival over time. Since we usually do a little something for April Fools' Day anyway, having that minor holiday overlapping Super Adventure Festival caused a yearly headache to ship both events simultaneously or temporarily turned off. This year we're going to give the Super Adventure Festival some space from the 1st to let it and April Fools' stand independently.


> Does someone have a precise date? I would like to take a few days of my holidays for this.



Will be released the 14th April.

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I would LOVE to see a "Candy Land' type of level... You have candy corns, cotton candy, jorbreakers, candy canes etc... make a fantasy land based on candy or a carnival setting... would also like to see levels that are homages to the other festivals... a Wintersday level, a halloween level, Lunar new years level, 4 winds level etc.

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Hello Arenanet Team, Everyone,


Hope you're all fine :)


> What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?


W2Z3 Or W2Z1, i mean, those are great levels filled with secrets, jumps, twists, mechanics ! Especially tribulation ! W1 is very nice and colorful but it's too shot (you can finish W1Z1 in 1-2min, and 3-4min for Z2/3 each. W2 is more polished, more like a real game with many things and you have time to get "inside" the game :)


> Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?


A bit more items to display in GW2 normal world (armors, capes, infusions, decorations, weapons...)


> What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


World 3 & 4 ! Plus Bonus secret World 5Z1; like a treasure room/secret final bonus level for finding all secrets in all first 4 Worlds ! Thank you for working on SAB, this is wonderful content and i love it ! :)



Have a nice day ahead !

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My #1 biggest greatest complaint for SAB is...it's a festival. Seriously, SAB just has too much content for it to be a limited time event, even if they add in another week. Dragon's Bash, Halloween, by the time the festival draws to a close, I think most of us are burned out with lab running, etc, and the same holds true for SAB. But the difference is the level of difficulty with SAB, and the achievements, means it's more onerous to dedicate 2-3 weeks straight to cover that content, compared to other festivals.


I know it's way too late in the game, and turning it to an always available zone has been requested over and over again, but for me, I probably wont even bother this year because I can't spend more than a few hours a week in SAB at a time, and that's not enough to accomplish anything of note.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> But the difference is the level of difficulty with SAB, and the achievements, means it's more onerous to dedicate 2-3 weeks straight to cover that content, compared to other festivals.


That's actually true. You really have to be very dedicated to SAB's content to achieve things. I wouldn't mind if they made this a twice-a-year festival for that matter.

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Perhaps it's because Josh left that they can now continue SAB. Maybe when he was still here, he was against continuing it, who knows? Sab could have been finished now, it's because they stopped developping it after 2014 imho. And only now, they start reworking on it.

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> @"Laevateinn.6289" said:


> - What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?


Probably zone 2 in both worlds. When I'm wandering around tyria I'm constantly on the look out for things to climb and how to get into hidden areas and so I'm often looking upwards and trying to figure out how to get on top of some roof or tree. W1Z2 sort of captured that experience especially when it came to looking for all the baubels. You'd come out of the dark forest area and see pretty much flat ground to the next gate, but then you'd look up and see a multi leveled canopy above you and sure enough it was possible to get up there. Then there was also a hidden room under the floor which required jumping on tree roots above an instant death pit to access. There felt to be a lot of optional stuff off the main route which was just fun to explore and try to reach. Honestly this is true of a lot of the zones but W1Z2 felt like the optional areas were vertically placed along the main path and you could instantly see where you could go, it was a matter of figuring out how to get there. The optional areas in other zones were placed more horizontally to the main path and hidden away behind waterfalls or obscured from line of sight. W2Z2 I'm mainly picking because of the aesthetic and the feeling that came with taking precarious leaps above the clouds. Honestly I love exploring in all of them but I guess those zones left the biggest impression.


> - Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?


I honestly can't comment on this because I didn't get to do last years SAB and had no interaction with a Weekly Vendor. As for SAB related items though, the main thing that comes to mind is decorations for guild halls so that the master scribes can build more custom jumping puzzles for us to enjoy >:3 (please don't make them too expensive). As for a specific item, how about something that allows time trials to be run on those custom jump puzzles (doesn't even have to be just jumping puzzles... looking at you custom beetle race tracks). I want to go into time trials in a bit more detail toward the end of the post.


> - What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


To me SAB is a festival that captures adventure platforming gaming. So when it comes to asking about minigames I look immediately at the Mario and Zelda franchises it seems to be based off. I think if new worlds and content continued to take inspiration from there it should work out fine. Inside the box I'd simply be happy with new zones, but (and this may be unpopular) I'd prefer not to see mounts enter the box. I can see gliding maybe; BUT if you are going to implement gliding, please, for the love of god, let me disable the glider or be able to keybind its activation to something other than what jump is bound to.


**TL;DR: Fix JPs so they need to be done legitimately again, give SAB related rewards during SAB festival, implement time trials/races with increased rewards.**


I mainly wanted to talk about what could happen outside the box. SAB is a festival heavily revolving around jumping. You have what? over 40 jumping puzzles in core tyria? I don't know how many are in the expansions because I don't want to progress in them since than I have to get that damn glider I won't be able to turn off. Point is why not incorporate them into the festival by rewarding SAB related items from their end chests (likely mainly baubels), could also have an achievement track based on them (complete all of them during SAB and have distinction and honours in applied jumping to get doctorate in applied jumping mayhaps?).


HOWEVER , a great many of them have been trivialised thanks to gliders, mounts, mesmer/thief portals, position rewinders, leap or teleport skills and various items that enable leaps or portals. Anyone can now get the Not So Secret JP achievement by pushing their interaction button on a mesmer portal. Anyone can get the 5 chests in Troll's Revenge simply but hopping on a rabbit or skyscale and just jumping up or flying to them. Additionally, the mount and glider restrictions placed around many jumping puzzles are simply ineffective at making people do the puzzles legitimately and simultaneously annoying to people who are just trying to explore the map when suddenly they get thrown off their mount or stripped of their glider possibly killing them and forcing them to waypoint.


To me at least, the solution is simple and you should surely have the technology to do it. SAB has demonstrated you can force any class and race to be limited to the same skill bar. Beetle track races has shown you can place checkpoints around a map forcing people to take a praticular route in a race and conduct races at set intervals while allowing time trials inbetween. In fact, in the SAB lobby you already have a jumping and beedog based race. PvP and WvW has shown you can prevent people from being beneficially affected by other peoples boons (enemies can't give swiftness or stability to each other, more importantly you can't use an enemies mesmer/thief portal). So, it seems highly possible that a time trial and racing system could be implemented on the jumping puzzles, whilst ensuring that those participating do the puzzle legitimately. The problem here is that JPs are also supposed to be hidden areas of the map that you stumble upon through exploring. However the no mount or glider debuff that pops up when you get close to them is already a major spoiler for this and if you've found it once you usually remember where they are. My proposition is to have an NPC or some kind of interactable object at the begining and end of the JP but the one at the begining has to be strategically placed so it's not so visually obvious to people who are exploring, and the one at the end may just be the chest itself. Completely remove the glider and mount restrictions on all JPs. If you have these things, you can use them to scout the JP and even practice it. Now lock the end chest or all chests if applicable.


Once you enter the JP the first NPC should be pretty obvious and have a name that clearly indicates you need to interact with it "Jumping Puzzle Key Holder" or some such. Point is they give you the ability to unlock the chests much like what already happens in griffon rook run. The catch is that the key you need to get to the end locks your abilities and prevents you from using the things that might otherwise enable a person to cheese the puzzle (again, mounts, gliders in core tyria, portals, items like position rewind or experimental rifle, boons from other players). It should also provide you a set of abilities that would assist on getting past some obstacles in the JP, mainly thinking mobs here and enabling a stealth ability (things like swiftness, stability or aegis could also be considered but for core tyria at least are likely unnecessary). There should be at least 2 modes, adventure and time trial. Adventure would simply be having to get the key to the end to unlock the chest with NO beetle race like checkpoints along the way. The reason is a JP is at first a puzzle, and if checkpoints indicate where to go throughout, it's not much of a puzzle. When adventure has been completed once, it unlocks time trials.


Time trials then function much like the beetle races. You have to follow a certain route through the puzzle (the route intended by the developers), and touch each checkpoint along the way. Trust me, there are some major shortcuts on some of the JPs which let you skip like 95% of the JP (even with the aforementioned restrictions), looking at you Weyandt's Revenge and Crimson Plateau. Time Trial rewards should be higher the faster a person is able to do the JP and thresholds for the reward tiers based on the times people are able to get, being sure to account for outliers. These leaderboards could be reset weekly or monthly and award the fastest participants something. Races could be held like they are for the beetles, and it'd be cool to see a kind of betting system. To participate players pay a certain amount which is accumulated and added to a base amount that is determined by the length, difficulty and/or number of particpants of the JP being raced on. Prizes are then distributed amoungst the fastest. I suggest this betting system because I would also love to see guild scribes being able to place begining and end NPCs as well as the checkpoints on their own custom guild hall JPs. Allowing guilds to conduct race events in their halls (this should also extend to custom beetle tracks); I mean Warframe has custom parkour courses in their dojos. Some of the shorter JPs might require laps (teleport back to begining from chest) so they are not blink and you miss it affairs and some might just not be suitable at all (spekk's lab, goems lab and skipping stones would be difficult) for time trials; although adventure should still be fine.


By implementing such a system, possibly bringing it to a few JPs at a time each SAB festival, you could remove the no glider and mount zones, make the exploration related achievements actually mean something again (initially talking JPs here but could also be used for other achievements like silverwaste and dry top coin collections), possibly increase JP rewards to align with their length and clear rates as you'd probably start acquiring data on this, and enable race events in guilds. The one remaining problem I can think of is how this will disrupt daily jumping puzzle achievements. Currently a lot of people go for this daily when it's available because they can normally be sure a mesmer will be there to portal them to the end ie. daily JP becomes daily push interact button. With this system, either people will now have to do at least adventure mode to unlock the chest and get the achievement (no mesmer portal allowed), or they just have to get to where the chest is with mounts bypassing the need for portals. I'm not sure how this would effect the community. I portal the daily JP myself and am worried this might call down the wrath of JP portalers on me. However, at the same time I would love to see time trials and better rewards for JPs, and also some legitimacy returned to the achievements for having completed them, rather than leaving them as a cheesey mess.


Another Idea for SAB festival is to have something like the luigi balloon world game in mario odyssey. Put a few starting point NPCs in various maps, NPC lets you choose what restrictions to apply to mobility, player under those restrictions hides an object somewhere while being timed, other players can choose to take on the hider's challenge from that NPC and have to find and reach the object in the same time.


Sorry this became so long winded, but if such a system was brought into the game I wanted to address the concerns I had since JPs are currently very exploitable (although you get pittance for doing so, so no one would bother). Hopefully it is at least considered, because time trials and races on JPs sounds like a lot of fun, to me at least.



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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Perhaps it's because Josh left that they can now continue SAB. Maybe when he was still here, he was against continuing it, who knows? Sab could have been finished now, it's because they stopped developping it after 2014 imho. And only now, they start reworking on it.


Going a little offtopic here but IIRC, the last thing Josh said about it was that SAB needs a quite a _lot_ of time for planning, creating and testing levels due to the many highly specialized things going on in them. SAB is obviously not the well-defined "generic collection or escort events / established achievement type / unskippable dialogue of Braham being pissed" stuff of LWS maps, so just developing a little SAB world may take as long as a whole LWS map, and in worst case it may not even work out well eventually due to some weird engine limitations, but who knows? And just for a temporary event, which some part of the playerbase completely ignores, and which doesn't progress the main game in any aspect (hey I love it, but if it would've never been there, I would not miss it), that was a bit too much time to ask for.

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> @"Laevateinn.6289" said:

> - What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?


> - Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?


> - What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?


I love World 1-2. The trees, it was the first zone in GW2 to have the height and multi-layeredness that would eventually be Maguuma Wastes design aesthetic. The Worm is great. The intro of the poison lake is funny, even though he dies. The Cool Spiders that don't live anywhere else. It is just an all around fun world to explore.


I don't think I took advantage of Weekly Vendors, so nothing comes to mind. I don't even know what would be relevant.


New World, I want to go into the caverns, I hope we can get more rapids. Having an underwater zone would be cool. I just want to continue the game, but maybe at World 1 lengths not World 2 lengths. If you can come up with a cool SAB Beetle track, I would be into that too. SAB mount pack would not be remiss.

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As a fan of SAB, I don't have a favorite zone.

Great, these numerous little things (e.g. flowers that open).

Even the hard mode, which is still not done. I just say "3 clouds and flute". :(


With regard to our historical situation:

Instead of monkeys and bees, use for a future zone or world "bacteria and viruses" B) .

The princess was infected by the evil one.

A jump and run; appearance maybe based on Pac-Man :D (as medicine) or Q * bert (as illness).


With soap and foam as a weapon, keep your distance in groups (a smaller version is also available with fractals) etc.

I would have an idea for the end boss and his name.

And in the end the princess is at least healthy if we win.

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Alright! SAB is back!


The Super Adventure Box is one of my favorite holidays. I love jumping Puzzles, but the rewards are so lacking that it's more a do-for-fun than getting anything out of it. At the SAB you at least get skins and can do Archivements.


My favorite level... I like all of them. But only in Tribulation Mode. I take new players through them (which is amusing to me and helpful to them), which sometimes gives me donations from especially greatful souls.


I'd like to see new worlds, mostly because I've jumped the old ones so often by now, that it's become routine after the first few days of getting back into it. I know that that is still a ways off but that would be one of my most desperate wishes for the event.


In the meantime, it would be nice to see more archivements/repeatable archivements for gamers who already did most of the old ones. Maybe with the same rewards (like the infusion/ascended weapons?), or different skins, etc. The thing that I found particularly sad was that I couldn't really work on anything, because the few archivements added never really kept me busy for more than a day or two. It would help if returning players would be able to get more archivement points or other things that new players maybe have to work harder or even wait to the next year to do :) Something to keep the drive beyond the doing-it-just-for-fun-but-without-purpose.


I'd even find it funny if there was a legendary where you would have to do SAB a few (maybe 2-3) years before you finally got it. Probably not something many people would like but eh... I thought I would throw it in!


Anyways, any work on SAB will make me happy. Keep it up! :)

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> @"Laevateinn.6289" said:

> Finally, if you have a few minutes I'd like to collect a little feedback about the Super Adventure Festival.


Two very important things:


1. **Could you please significantly increase the amount of Baubles one can carry in their inventory?** The larger levels (e.g., W2Z3) provide _so many_, much more than is currently possible to carry, therefore a lot goes to waste.

2. **Could you please unlock access to the Bank from within the SAB HUB?** I can't use my Permanent Bank Access Express and always have to travel to the Guild Hall whenever I need something or want to store something.


Thank you.

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First, **I cannot tell you how happy it makes me that you are working on Worlds 3 and 4!!!!!!!**


> - What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?

I... really tried to answer this, but I couldn't. While several of the levels have had frustrating points, I love all of them. I love that there are secrets tucked away for you to discover, etc. I love the fact that each level is nostalgic in a different way than the others, so while I'd want new levels to be in the same 'theme' I wouldn't want them to just feel like the same level I just played. Each level seems to bring its own challenges and elements that harken back to games past, and that ideal is exactly what I think should be implemented going forward looking at new levels. So I don't really have a 'favorite,' partly because SAB is my favorite festival of the entire year. Even if I'm taking a break from the game (as I was this year), I log in for SAB.


> - Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?

I haven't much of an opinion here, but I would like to see more 'flavor' items, etc.


> - What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?

Okay, fair but... New World, New World, New World. I have been waiting years for a New World. That being emphasized, I enjoy the 'mini-levels' in between that we currently have two of. I enjoy the puzzle-like aspects that are introduced in parts of the game. But some mini-games that pull from old favorites like the Card Matching from Super Mario Bros. 3 for extra lives or powerups, or the doors that pull you into 'opposite world' of Super Mario 2 for a limited time to gather coins/items, or even secret discoverable mini-levels like in Super Mario World would be awesome (my childhood playtime was pretty biased, I admit). A "Ghost House" level would be an especial blast to the past. If you wanted to do a vehicle race, you might even be able to pull off a Mario Kart style racetrack with SAB-specific vehicles in one special level with achievements, and abilities you can use in the vehicles to combat other players. One last thought: I would be willing to bet if you all made a 'convenience zone' for SAB similar to Mistlock Sanctuary, it would go over really well.


Oh, by the way, I love, love, love the Inception reference you all hid in there. Bravo.


Hope this helps!


Admittedly, I almost regret that it's a Festival and not just... an area you can play in, but I suppose the Festivalness of it helps keep it fresh. Ah well. The visor this year is a cool idea, and I hope that is updated/expanded on as time goes on.


**Post Edit**: Duck Hunt.

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**What's your favorite level in Super Adventure Box? Is there anything in particular that sets it above the rest it for you?**


_World 2 Zone 2_



**Last year, Super Adventure Festival was the first festival to introduce a Weekly Vendor. What new items would you like to see on the Weekly Vendor?**


_Was out of town when the event happened_



**What sort of new Super Adventure Festival content would you like to see in the future? It's fine to respond "I want a new World, only spend time on that!" but are there other kinds of gameplay or minigames you'd enjoy in the meantime?**


_In World 2 Zone 2 when you take the shortcut eagle there should be a random chance that another eagle pulls up along side your eagle wearing a ninja mask carrying ninja's who jump over to your eagle to fight, kinda like Double Dragon. That and a guild decoration that gives access to SAB all year round. Maybe exclude SAB dailies and the skin drops from the chests till the event is active but it would be nice to work on world 2 tribulation without a rush._

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I said this long ago, but it's ironic that SAB is obviously inspired by Zelda, yet takes a weird turn into "git gud" territory. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, and I grew up with all the terrible precision platforming and ham-fisted difficulty of those games, and I hardly ever look back, with good reason.


Guild Wars 2 is not a hardcore game, aside from some niche aspects of it, and even those are arguably designed for mass accessibility. I remember the original designer of SAB saying parts of it were inspired by I Wanna Be The Boy, and that's really the sort of thing I do NOT want to see in GW2. Even the attitude of SAB's design speaks of a designer who takes pride in "hardcore" gaming, when in reality there's nothing hardcore about having the luxury to spend time on virtual accomplishments. I don't really appreciate the whole "baby needs hand-holding" implications in things like "infantile mode," clouds crapping rainbows, and certain achievement texts.


If you folks really want to expand on SAB, why not... you know, stick to what you know? Make levels of MMORPG/GW2-like content, but in the SAB world, which is more of what World 1 is like. Make a semi-open-world, actual RPG adventure, rather than this precision platforming, trial-and-error memorization stuff. Some people may like "jumping puzzles," but there's also a good reason Mesmers make money on tips every time a JP comes up as a daily.


If people like this kind of gaming, there's nothing wrong with that... but there are other places to get that, and other games that do it so much better. I recently came back to this game after an absence of about two years, and I think at that time I was already rather frustrated with many aspects of GW2's design, and I remember being rather disgusted with SAB, and the time invested in it -- in fact, based on my "last online time," I think it may have been my final straw in putting the game down. This year doesn't feel much different; I think I'm just going to get the bubble node and call it good, and spend my time doing more worthwhile things.


And finally, I should point out that the demographic that's vocal on forums isn't always the demographic that's most important to poll. I think "survivorship bias" might be applicable here -- who are all the people NOT playing SAB? And why? I hope you folks will take a good look at your internal play statistics to help make choices too.


Path of Fire? I bought it recently, and you know what? It was actually really good. If it comes between more SAB and more Cantha stuff, I'm going to say go for Cantha.

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Oh my oh my work continues on new content for my favourite game mode! Keep at it ladies and gents I'm sure it will be brilliant when it's finished! My favourite zones were world 1 zone 3, and world 2 zone 3, I liked the foreboding and barren themes of both, and especially the tricky puzzles in tribulation mode. Please though, no more ninjas, they were gross :P

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I may have suggestion how to design w3 (underground/underwater and the mine) and w4 (graveyard/lab and top of castle). Firstly the Foes:


It follows a pattern: In the two first zones of the world, all foes are shared (6). The last zone add 4 new foes. Almost every foes are changed when changing world.


W3-1: We know first zone is sparkling pools. A cave with phreatic underground lakes/rivers. I suggest, Bats (New), Turtles, Alligator, Beetles (New) , Jellyfish (New), Eels (New), Electric Eels (New), Wurm (New) and Pirahnas. After that, maybe shark or ursins?

W3-2: Same as W3-1, but it's underwater, Bats, Alligator, Beetles, Wurm will be only in secret out of water zones. The others would chase you/move toward you if you're not far (Jellyfish, Eels, Electric Eels, Pirahanas).

W3-3: Should be the mines shown in the hole within the clouds. (If we looks at the first map of SAB at launch, two holes in the cloud not far from each others are from same world.) So the foes: Trolls (New), Dwarves (New), Stone Golem (New), Fireball (New), Bats and Yellow Snake.


World 3 Foes Preview 2D:



W4-1: No spooky level, it is time! Ork (New), Ghost (New), Slime (New), Knight (New), Archer (New) and Guardian (New) the three last at the end of the level. Of course there is foes of w1 like spiders and maybe some poison water spots with crocodile of w2. Maybe skeleton too.

W4-2: Entrance of castle. Few skeleton/ghost/slime at the start but after you have only knight/archer/guardian.

W4-3: Almost the top. The tower could be anything: Armory, Laboratory, Throne room, Observatory... I will go for lab because climbing a mountain kinda remind me crash bandicoot 1, where, after entering cortex tower through the gate/armory you go into a lab to defeat nbrio to finally end with dr cortex.

Scientist (New), Failed experiment (New), Alchemist (New) and Royal guard (New). You find bats from w3 too. You see lord vanquish laughing and jumping through the ceiling, time for the final battle.


World 4 Foes Preview 2D:




In W2 they were 2 mini boss: The Glove master in w2-z2 and the Yeti in world2-z3. Why not putting one after w3-1 (kaiser snake?) and one in w3-3 after escaping the mines? Will unlock a second type of glove to pass in small horizontal holes like sliding under them.

W4 don't need mini boss it's the last ascension with the strongest boss, lord vanquish, through, crimson assassin may stop us in throne room just before him. Will unlock third type of glove (electric, used by scientists), defeating vanquish give you its weapon as third upgrade of pointy stick.


**Item Upgrades:**

Through the world 3, you can purchase upgrade for slingshot into bow, another upgrade for bombs, whistle and greater health potion. Boss give 1 more heart. There should be another moto skill hidden somewhere.

World 4: Upgrade of torch, bauble bag, whistle and shovel. If we consider 2 upgrades per item, we need too: bow upgrade and boomerang upgrade.


The bottle hidden in w2-2 behind glove 2 wall: add one more dodge bar.



-W3 Boom Box, W3 Tribulation Boom Box, W4 Boom Box, W4 Tribulation Boom Box.

-Miscellaneous boom box: Zone Selection screen with quill theme, Shop theme, Super adventure Run and Rytlock critter rampage/sab miniboss theme.

-2 New set of coloured weapons

-GH decos world 3 and 4.

-Mini Lord Vanquish, Mini Kaiser Snake, Mini Crimson Assassin, Lord vanquish weapon skin.



**Zone design: pretty straight forward, like world 1 and world 2-1.**

W3-2 introduce underwater, you would fight like you are on land and can use all your skills, you are just swimming instead of running.

W3-3: Use the crystal switches you introduced. Make them spawn rails and wooden platforms. Also an interactive part like the rafting in w2-z1: Replace the raft with a Trolley rolling to the end of the zone, attacked by bats, we can change between rails paths by hitting left/right of it to collect baubles or to avoid obstacles.

W4-2/3: Can introduce new mechanics: Foes preventing you to go further. They are shielding, and you have to wait until they stop to hit them.

Final boss: Can have two phases with the classic cliché of "You saw nothing, you haven't seen my true final form!" no idea, vanquish can become giant shooting lasers on the fortifications, smashing with its giant hands.


Baubles-Thieves foes: In W3 = Ants? In W4 = Skeletons? Would lead to a Giant ant or a Skeleton pirate captain.


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