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Can the balance of pvp move from One build does it all to single purpose builds


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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > Can we move to more single purpose builds like you make a teamfighter and you are good in teamfights since you scale more with more enemies around you but the moment you are sat in a duel you get beat up or you make a roamer that runs around really fast but can't really win a fight alone or you make someone ranged damage dealer but has the weakness of being terrible in melee.


> Does that honestly sound better to you?


> Regardless of how well you play, it is 100% guaranteed that "duelist build #3" will always beat "teamfight build #2", such that you already know beforehand how it will go, even if it's a silver vs platinum?


> Sounds kinda stupid to me. Could replace that with a game of rock-paper-scissors.


> I like the fact that a TF build played well can still win duels, and a duelist build can still have impact in a TF.


I agree it should not be rock paper sissors, but someone with a groupsupp build should be a better player to be able to win 1v1 on a point vs a duel build always, that's just the choice you make. When the option 'choose all' is there, there is no more choice and everything becomes the same. Like right now every build is the same only difference being condi or power

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> @"Axl.8924" said:


> While its true that over nerfing can lead to stagnation of builds and lack of diversity, the goal here was to reduce the bad stuff that was killing the game: Toxic unhealthy mechanics like 1 shot condi spam AOE bombs CC death etc which was basically a gank fest of whoever can cc and bomb first won. Maybe it went too far maybe not, we might need to buff some classes, but at least now its not as bad as it was, because the pof power creep was killing the game, along with some of the stuff hot brought. People got used to way faster pace game, but this isn't call of duty.

> I got one answer: Remember chronophantasma and scourge aoe bombs that were meta in multiple mode and making people complain and want to quit? yeah.


I get that, and there has been some honest hiccups that lead to some incredibly powercreeped elite specs for some time. Either after release or after some rework.

Nerfs are a necessary evil sometimes. That's why I said:


> > That's what I meant by creative, exciting, and expressive nerfs. Reworks usually aren't just straight takeaways so I agree, they almost always work better when something is broken to the extreme. (ALMOST)

> >


Because I understand that sometimes things need to be toned down, but even then it doesn't have to be a straight damage reduction/CD increases.


If you want an example of creative, exciting, and expressive nerfs that go outside the game think of Goal Tending and the Shot-Clock in Basketball. Goal Tending is a nerf to defensive players that stops the taller players from blocking every shot while the Shot-Clock is a nerf to offensive players because it forces the offensive players to deal with the defensive players before it expires.

If either rule were established on its own as only a nerf to either side, the sport would degrade into a boring game of keep-away and players lightly slapping the ball away every time someone takes a shot.


They're nerfs, but at the same time they're also buffs which is why they added so much to that game.



> Perhaps in some ways, but in others, there were classes who had very faint lines of weaknesses due to how power creeped they were. Because of elites and because of excess, having an elite meant better and more power creep.


> Why not make the choice between core ranger and druid and soulbeast more interesting proposition than just soulbeast is automatically better? What if i like druid better?


> I think what others said is true. I think in the past, at times elites were directly replacing the old spec with a brand new one with more overpowered and power creeped, like weaver automatically repping tempest, and this is what i'd like them to focus on next: Make sure the choices between elites and other specs doesn't mean automatically superior.


If you liked Druid/Tempest more than Soulbeast/Weaver and in theory Soulbeast/Weaver were the decidedly more powerful go-to options over Druid/Tempest, rather than asking for nerfs to Soulbeast/Weaver, maybe the focus should be on buffing Druid/Tempest to be in line with Soulbeast/Weaver on the power curve.



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I wasn't a huge fan of prepatch. Whoever hit their burst first won. Duels and teamfights were over in the blink of an eye with bodies hitting the floor left and right. I didn't feel like I was interacting with my opponents much, and mind you, I was playing Holosmith. I had all the power in the world at my fingertips. One stun would let me delete my opponent in no time flat... but what's the fun in that? I want my target to put up a fight before they die and vise versa.

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