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Worsening screenfreezes with FPS drops to 0 since december 2019 patch (Winter's day patch)

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Heeya, so since the Winter's day patch of 2019 I have been experiencing FPS drops to literally 0. At the beginning, when doing the WD JP, it only was every few minutes. By now it's sometimes even within 20s (!!!!). And the freeze at it's worse is about 2-2.5 secs. Try raiding with that. It's not happening. Nothing wrong with cpu/gpu, nothing wrong with graphic card. Tried all kinds of graph setting, cleaned pc from any dust, tried all kinds of Fan settings, tried some stuff on the router,... Nothing worked. Seems to be an in-game thing. Mostly happens on raiding though, especially on mechanics of bosses. You may now imagine the pain in that... Try taking updrafts on Sabir when your screen freezes a full 2 secs. Try to throw bombs on Sabetha if your screen is stuck for 2 secs. Try to walk out of blacks or dodge pizza on Deimos. These kind of things can make a whole squad /gg. I am at the point where I consider just leaving GW, because it's just no fun anymore. I have raid about this problem all around GW discussions, none of the solutions helped. Any more ideas from anyone?


Pc stats:

GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor

7.94 GB RAM

Cooler Master Hyper RR-212E-20PK-R2 LED CPU Cooler

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Hello, i would suggest you try 2 things and see if this fixes your issue.


Firstly open your File Explorer and copy/paste-> %appdata% <- into the address bar. Look for the Guild Wars 2 folder [C:\Users[Your User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2] and delete the Local.dat file. Afterwards click your address bar and replace Roaming with Local\Temp and go to the folder [C:\Users[Your User Name]\AppData\Local\Temp], in that folder simply search gw2 and delete the folder gw2cache-.... After the file and folder has been deleted simply start your launcher and it will re-download the files


Then do a clean install of the latest Nvidia Graphics Drivers. Give your PC a reboot.


Let me know if this fixes your problem :)

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