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Posts posted by ShadowCatz.8437

  1. > @"Cobra.6509" said:

    > Maybe not full game, but parts of like TP, Crafting, Guild Chat, Home Instance, some NPC's can be part of a mobile app. So you can maintain your account while you are away from your computer.


    With API you can at least access to read (not write or change anything) on what is on your account. I suppose there are also security issues if someone would be able to control in game things like Inventory, Bank, Farming nodes in Home Instance or reading in game mails etc. There is also the potential problem with server loads as if people could access all content (with limitation for not be able to fight in PvE, PvP or WvW) it would also make much larger load on all calls sent from players with mobile devices, which devices that some might be slow to respond (depending on mobile Internet and quality of connection, processing power etc), that will cause frustration as gw2efficiency already can take some time to show all items from Bank or Material Storage.




    There are also problem on how to protect accounts from being abused if device would be lost or stolen. Right now it is possible to tick when on make a purchase in Gem Store to save credit card information to faster buy Gems, such thing would need to secured against possible loss of device to another person. Most people that use a mobile or any mobile device like iPad know that mobile device are much more a target for being stolen or lost then a desktop or laptop (laptop is a in between portable device and desktop computer).


    Two step verification are more or less built around having two devices (one that is less portable and one like a mobile which use its one which both have their own IP and MAC addresse to secure account or personal user ID with password through two devices that need to be in sync to confirm action.


    Read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-factor_authentication

    For MAC addresse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAC_address


    I don't think ANet, NCsoft Inc and their Costumer Service would want to get into that possible mess of all lost or stolen devices where it would be possible to sign into account and play or even get all credit information from having access to client directly. API is very much built on the same idea that you create a key with identify account and rights to information which you have to copy to third party to allow to get that information.




    It is more complex then just the Engine for GW2, if one would have full access to account and could play or do most things from a mobile device that can be done from client on computer as there are security issues and how servers would need be structured to work with devices which in most cases can have a much slower response time then computers or laptop. Mobile network from telephone companies like 4G are to a large degree not at same level as home network. With gen5 (5G) network this might be less of an issue, but even with today's 4G this isn't always working at it max bandwidth or at max low PING when device move a lot. I have played through my 4G phone as a router when my ordinary network where down, so yes it is possible as long you don't move mobile phone a lot and have a power outlet connected as it draws some power from device (battery will very fast go down compared to normal connection to mobile network). Main point is that there are a lot of issues that need to be solved to get a fully working client on a mobile device (and we don't talk about laying in bed and be able to play game in bed where don't move a lot around).


  2. > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

    > If they were to add another round of legendaries I would really like to see real content behind them instead of just an elder wood grind.

    > There is such a massive diffrence between Chukka and Chamapawat and the 2.5s.


    > Put a story behind the weapon and some actual content and I am in... but another "shopping list legendary" like the last bunch they released has little value to me. It's an unfun mat grind for a skin.


    Sounds that you want something more in line with https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lasting_Bonds:_Where_We_Come_From which ends with a 32 slot bag.

  3. > @"Skelington.1745" said:

    > So im having a terrible time finding anyone to do the legendary bounty. I usually play later at night, about 12-4am EST. I really want to finish my open skies avhievements and this is the last thing i need. If anyone has advice or would help me sometime id greatly appreciate it, and im on stormbluff isle


    Do you have mentor tag or commander tag (easier to join from map for players). Both help to create a focus on map and get people to help you out.


    Make a call out in map chat channel (for mentor tag use [shift + right click] on closest POI, Vista or WP to show people where you want them to come or meet. If you have a commander tag (squad) you can also make LFG (or you need to create a party). Make clear that people on map should not get to close where there this bounty will be marked on map (a orange ring - boarder that trigger countdown - with a small icon looking like a dot in centre) as that start a countdown for killing bounty or it will be gone and you will have pick bounty up at bounty board. Some player might also need some time to get there where bounty are showing up on map, especially when they lack some mounts to get there fast or get in combat (which might slow them down).


    You can write a short message in Notepad and copy 'n' past that into chat (party or squad channel). Explain that stun break (while knocked down time can be reduced), stability/resistance (boon) and condition cleanse help to fight this boss. All Bounty are on a timer so you will want to reduce time that you can't combat. This boss is also a bit from WP so player might need to rez downed player (WP: Temple of Kormir as the closest one) when it is possible.



    Is it this Bounty you need for Griffon: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Legendary_Corrupted_Facet


    In that case make sure to have stun break and stability in group as it will reduce the knock back (use stun break to get up faster). The random Unstable Magic is hard to predict (if it turns out there is combo of defensive and offensive UM, then group maybe want to reset it by time out and and pick up Bounty again).


    Here is a list over possible UM: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bounty#Unstable_Magic_Abilities


    Use Call Target and Take Target to show where group should put their attention (as healing tendrils can heal boss up and other UM abilities can make fight time out when not paying attention to things like this). If you have never used this for targeting look up on GW2 wiki and set up key bindings that you can access fast to attack adds or UM abilities around boss and then re-focus on boss. Call Target will also make it possible to see which Unstable Magic abilities boss have with both two blue icon and in text around HP/Defiance bar.


    Also make sure to have condition removal for yourself and that group have it as this boss make use of Confusion (damage from using skills including healing skills).


    **Abilities** (from wiki - linked above)


    Unstable Magic Abilities

    Knocks Back

    Inflicts Confusion


    Good luck!

  4. > @"Marvellous.4620" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"Marvellous.4620" said:

    > > > > @"Chyanne Waters.8719" said:

    > > > > Why should people on steam get breaks that people who have played this game for 8+years will not get

    > > >

    > > > I don't really care that it was flawed fir 8 years, it's never too late to make it better. I won't feel scammed after countless of hours of enjoyment the game gave me just because they offered better value for new players.

    > >

    > > If a player has countless hours playing the game, then he/she should have plenty of gold to convert to gems to buy LS chapters. They're not that expensive.


    > New player probably prioritize other things besides converting Gems, finishing 1-80 story won't yield you nowhere near enough for even 400gems.

    > I'm not saying make it better for me, but communicate game content better for new players.


    I have to agree at least communicate how Living Season (Living World) are tied into this game and make that clear when buyer are going to decide to buy GW2 and expansion. Just a small notification in a corner isn't a good way to prepare that they need to turn Gold into Gems or use real money to purchase Gems to get those parts of story and maps to continue with expansion. It is confusing for new player what is what and this need to be more clearly explained. Steam community understand terms like DLC better then expansion or LW/LS. Expansion here work as passes (in some game a term for a collection of DLC that have been packages into a Season Pass).


    As can seen from this older thread even the term Season Pass have been changing over time, but today means a collection of DLCs and items that might not be sold as DLC on its own (tied to Season Pass).




    @"Danikat.8537" This discussion have been up for many years, but it doesn't mean in the light of now being sold through Steam Store that this isn't an important discussion as we can expect to see a lot of new player that will use their experience from other games sold in Steam Store (even player that have never played other MMOs) here on forum and I am pretty sure that you will get tired to explain the same thing over and over for these new player.


    Costumer Support will also get over loaded with those new players that might be unhappy that they will need to purchase LW to keep up with story and open up maps that on main map looks very empty and with large holes in it. Steam Store do also have a refund policy, so it is important to give those costumers enough information to avoid unnecessary surprises.


    The best option would to use Steam's Season Pass as a term that are known for Steam community and players that buy games through that Store for those LW parts and sell it as an option in that store with a price that are the same as when bought in Gem Store or to explain it the sub forum in a sticky how this actually work (need to be on front page for this games Steam Store).


    When ESO changed their business model and also sold their game through Steam Store it created issues with what people did expect and even today player have trouble to understand when it is sale on Crowns you can not buy those Crown in Zenimax (ESO) and use those on client that are tied to Steam. Those are two different stores which confuse player that are new to ESO. A potential buyer of ESO need to decide if they want to buy it on Steam and then need to purchases all their future Crowns from same place or be depending on Zenimax ESO page to get updates and sales (and can not mix between both when the one is better then the other), to large degree sales and updates are synchronized for PC between both stores. ANet need to avoid that this create unnecessary confusion to offload its Costumer Service.

  5. @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > And in general: how about not dying in the first place?


    "Dying" would mean that you didn't have any downstate at all in WvW. Right now player first go into a downstate and then either get stomped or you die when your HP gets down to zero. The real issue here seem to be that player that only want fast bags rather want to die fast to get back into fight then get locked into a rather slow downstate and NOT get stomped (bleed out). When main focus is only on fast bags then downstate are just an annoying state, but for other purposes it can be used for strategical group play (as it is rather worthless to get into downstate if you are solo player or in a PUG where you don't have anybody that want to take that risk of getting killed by someone passing by).

  6. > @"Justacravat.8320" said:

    > I actually have to keep names turned off because my computer chugs when I am in populated zones if not, but these cats sound super fun~ I think I've seen them in home instances before.


    I would recommend to look up Collection in achievement as some are rather long term goals. There is a collection which is time gated to only give you an item you need to consume each month (12 month, if you do this on regular basis and check your email).




    If you don't have crafter, then make at least three crafter (as you need one for Light, Medium and Heavy armour - and it is better to use one for each as you will probably need to keep items that you craft which can't be stored in Material Storage as mats). Weaponsmith, Huntsman and Artisan craft different type of weapon and you need later in game to have at least one crafter, so that you can craft Ascended material (which some can be sold for Gold or kept). Important here is that at max crafting level you will also be able craft refinement that you sooner or later need. Crafting will also make it possible to turn Ore into Ingots which take less space and those can be sold, if you need to fee up Material Storage space. Look up on GW2 wiki how crafting work and how you can turn some items into next level of refinement.


    When there is sale in Gem Store I would also recommend to get permanent salvage kit item (increase also Shared Inventory Slot as those aren't that often on sale compared to more common permanent salvage kit). As an example when I made food on my crafter and then put it into mu Shared Inventory which stood at a cat which could be feed, then I didn't have to move that character to closest Bank NPC to get that item and use it. Get permanent gathering tools and with Glyphs already equipped as those can be expensive to buy through TP. Buying a permanent gathering tool without glyph is only the skin (although you don't need to buy a new one for each 25 or 50 charges). Why do I recommend this? Because permanent only need one slot for each type of gathering type for harvesting like plants, wood or ore.


    Here is a list of NPCs that sell Gathering tools that work the same way as Glyphs: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gathering_Merchant

    (These tools cost Karma, so be careful to not use up all your Karma on these tools over time as I did before I decided to buy permanent tools. You will get less Karma as other map token will dominate when you get out of core Tyria maps and don't do Hearts like you did in core. Scrolls and Tomes cost a lot of Karma each, so that is why I warn against thinking that you can just buy these Karma Gathering Tools instead of normal Gathering Tools).


    Those will give you an impression on how different it will feel vs the ordinary non-permanent one.


    You can change those Glyphs as upgrades for free to any Gathering Tools, so when you have bought Reaping that come with Skyscale hatchling you can move it any wood gathering tool (including non-permanent with charges that have an upgrade slot). In Orr there is node with several trees and with only one press you gather all these logs instead for having to go to each and one and collect three logs. You can see nodes where you farm here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Node_farm

    Industries is rather expensive with around 400-500 Gold, but the same Glyph is on Firestorm Logging Tool. This tool where in Gem Store this week (wiki haven't been updated for Gem Store History as only show march as last time it where in store which I know is incorrect as I bought this item myself when it where in shop last week). From GSH I would expect it to be in store on sale (reduced price) during Winterdays, but there is no warranty for that. Get it when you can even if you don't like the animation with Fire (and the animation is rather short for being a type of channelling animation). Remember that all permanent tools have normal price at 1000 Gems independent if they have a Glyph or not.


    I would suggest that get Skyscale mount and use that instead of Volatile Magic on Gathering tool. Unbound Magic can be collected if you go to Bloodstone Fen map and combine flying mounts and Gliding. Both are map token (HoT and PoF maps). You will probably gain more from using Reaping, Industry and Timekeeper (it is random, but collect all three in one action and sometime you can at a Rich node get this to happen two time out of three times - Rich node have three strikes with three item for each strike and some extra item if you are lucky). Reaping will also collect all other node from Synthesiser that a close enough, so if you are in guild you will be able to fast farm all cloths, leather etc in one strike.


    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skyscale_Hatchling_Harvesting_Tool (the only permanent with Reaping glyph - the animation is rather fast compared to Unbound Magic skin or the charged version)


    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Firestorm_Logging_Tool (Industrious)


    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_(upgrade) (a list of all Glyph - you can use this and get direct to which permanent version that have this Glyph)




    Also don't forget that you can turn Gold into Gem to reduce a bit of real money cost to purchase these Gem Store items. DON'T buy Gems and turn them into Gold as that is another market with a much higher cost (exchange) then the other way around.


    Related to this is your Home Instance as it where you over time will have all your nodes from achievement, from buying at NPCs those and from Black Lion NPCs. Doing map completion give you keys to open those chests, and those chests contain token that you can use to buy items including nodes for Home Instance.


    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Statuette (token from opening BL chests with keys you can get form doing Map Completion)



  7. > @"XgoroX.6920" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > If you post the first part of the Crash Report (Show Details), someone may be able to assist you.

    > >

    > > Good luck.


    Removed all in your report that isn't necessary for what I will talk about in the end of this list of DLLs. It is to cut down on all scrolling from the length of error reports and other things that where in your report (quote).


    > *--> DllList <--*

    > 000000013F060000 - G:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe

    > 0000000077B80000 - C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

    > 0000000077A60000 - C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll

    > 000007FEFD890000 - C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll

    > 0000000077960000 - C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll

    > 000007FEFE120000 - C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll

    > 000007FEFEC30000 - C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll

    > 000007FEFE540000 - C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll

    > 000007FEFDEB0000 - C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll

    > 000007FEFE910000 - C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll

    > 000007FEFE8E0000 - C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll

    > 000007FEFDFD0000 - C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll

    > 000007FEFC8B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\VERSION.dll

    > 000007FEFE190000 - C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll

    > 000007FEFE900000 - C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll

    > 000007FEFCA70000 - C:\Windows\system32\WTSAPI32.dll

    > 000007FEFB010000 - C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll

    > 000007FEFD960000 - C:\Windows\system32\WINTRUST.dll

    > 000007FEFD9F0000 - C:\Windows\system32\CRYPT32.dll

    > 000007FEFD870000 - C:\Windows\system32\MSASN1.dll

    > 0000000077D40000 - C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL

    > 000007FEFDCB0000 - C:\Windows\system32\ole32.dll

    > 000007FEFFC00000 - C:\Windows\system32\OLEAUT32.dll

    > 000007FEFEDD0000 - C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll

    > 000007FEFDC30000 - C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll

    > 000007FEF8790000 - C:\Windows\system32\MSACM32.dll

    > 000007FEFB050000 - C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.7601.23894_none_145eb2808b8d6928\gdiplus.dll

    > 000007FEFAF70000 - C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.7601.18837_none_a4d981ff711297b6\COMCTL32.dll

    > 000007FEFAF60000 - C:\Windows\system32\MSIMG32.dll

    > 000007FEFD4B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\Secur32.dll

    > 000007FEFD680000 - C:\Windows\system32\SSPICLI.DLL

    > 000007FEFE510000 - C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL

    > 000007FEFFCE0000 - C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll

    > 000007FEFA540000 - C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.DLL

    > 000007FEFD710000 - C:\Windows\system32\cryptbase.dll

    > 000007FEF5A40000 - C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll

    > 000007FEFD880000 - C:\Windows\system32\profapi.dll

    > 000007FEFAE20000 - C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll

    > 000007FEEDD40000 - C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap64.dll

    > 000007FEFC180000 - C:\Windows\system32\ntmarta.dll

    > 000007FEFE9F0000 - C:\Windows\system32\WLDAP32.dll

    > 000007FEFFB60000 - C:\Windows\system32\CLBCatQ.DLL

    > 000007FEF9E10000 - C:\Windows\system32\samcli.dll

    > 000007FEFB270000 - C:\Windows\system32\SAMLIB.dll

    > 000007FEFBF50000 - C:\Windows\system32\netutils.dll

    > 000007FEFB310000 - C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll

    > 000007FEFBD70000 - C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll

    > 000007FEF7EC0000 - C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll

    > 000007FEF6F90000 - C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll

    > 000007FEFD040000 - C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll

    > 000007FEFCEC0000 - C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll

    > 000007FEF7EB0000 - C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll

    > 000007FEFB940000 - C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL

    > 000007FEFB930000 - C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL

    > 000007FEFB610000 - C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll

    > 000007FEF9500000 - C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll

    > 000007FEFA5C0000 - C:\Windows\system32\WindowsCodecs.dll

    > 000007FEFD030000 - C:\Windows\System32\wship6.dll

    > 000007FEFC7F0000 - C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll

    > 000007FEE83C0000 - G:\Guild Wars 2\bin64\CoherentUI64.dll

    > 000007FEE8150000 - G:\Guild Wars 2\bin64\d3d9.dll

    > 000007FEEDAD0000 - C:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_43.dll

    > 000007FEF7630000 - C:\Windows\system32\MSVCR120.dll

    > 000007FEFD0A0000 - C:\Windows\system32\CRYPTSP.dll

    > 000007FEFCDA0000 - C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll

    > 000007FEFE100000 - C:\Windows\system32\imagehlp.dll

    > 000007FEFD220000 - C:\Windows\system32\ncrypt.dll

    > 000007FEFD1F0000 - C:\Windows\system32\bcrypt.dll

    > 000007FEFCCE0000 - C:\Windows\system32\bcryptprimitives.dll

    > 000007FEFD9A0000 - C:\Windows\system32\USERENV.dll

    > 000007FEFCB10000 - C:\Windows\system32\GPAPI.dll

    > 000007FEF9B40000 - C:\Windows\system32\cryptnet.dll

    > 000007FEE3F20000 - C:\Windows\system32\SensApi.dll

    > 000007FEFD6B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll

    > 000007FEEF0B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll

    > 000007FEF8780000 - C:\Windows\system32\d3d8thk.dll

    > 000007FEEDFB0000 - C:\Windows\system32\nvd3dumx.dll

    > 000007FEFA730000 - C:\Windows\system32\nvapi64.dll

    > 000007FEFEA50000 - C:\Windows\system32\SETUPAPI.dll

    > 000007FEFD920000 - C:\Windows\system32\CFGMGR32.dll

    > 000007FEFD9D0000 - C:\Windows\system32\DEVOBJ.dll

    > 000007FEED8A0000 - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvStereoApiI64.dll

    > 000007FEF3250000 - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPI64.dll

    > 000007FEFCBE0000 - C:\Windows\system32\WINSTA.dll

    > 000007FEFC4B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\powrprof.dll

    > 000007FEFC460000 - C:\Windows\System32\MMDevApi.dll

    > 000007FEFC330000 - C:\Windows\System32\PROPSYS.dll

    > 000007FEF7D10000 - C:\Windows\system32\wdmaud.drv

    > 00000000747B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\ksuser.dll

    > 000007FEFC1B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\AVRT.dll

    > 000007FEF3640000 - C:\Windows\system32\AUDIOSES.DLL

    > 000007FEF8900000 - C:\Windows\system32\msacm32.drv

    > 000007FEF88A0000 - C:\Windows\system32\midimap.dll

    > 000007FEFA1B0000 - C:\Windows\system32\mscms.dll

    > 000007FEED850000 - C:\Windows\system32\icm32.dll

    > is the entire crash report.. so hopefully someone can make sense of that. because i have no idea what 90% of that is.


    Do you have any add on like arcDPS installed in GW2 folder?


    > 000007FEE8150000 - G:\Guild Wars 2\bin64\d3d9.dll

    > 000007FEE83C0000 - G:\Guild Wars 2\bin64\CoherentUI64.dll (needed to log in and patch/update game client)

    Both are stored at G:\Guild Wars 2\bin64\ so you can see that d3d9.dll is in the same folder as your GW2 client. It isn't part of GW2 files that you download from start, but from arcDPS.


    From your list of DLL it looks like you have arcDPS which make use d3d9.dll to hook into game when you start Coherent UI (it is that thing you will see with your user ID and password which also check if there is anything to download and then let you see log in and play button). After Coherent UI have finished its work you will then be able to log into game and d3d9.dll is part of MS DirectX (that is why it is possible for arcDPS to hook up with client). Try to just change name on this file to disabled_d3d9.dll (any name that isn't d3d9.dll will be enough) to not be read while game start up from Coherent UI interface. Check on arcDPS and download the last version as there where some problems that have been patched (which caused issues and crashes for some time ago).


    Not sure if d3dx9_43.dll is part of DX12 apps that some people here on GW2 run to get this game to make DirectX12 calls from DirectX9 (gw2-x64.exe - client). If so remove or disable and check if there is any updated version and what you need to do to get this running again. Haven't use DX12 app here, so I can't help you more then look at all third party app that put overlay like arcDPS or do something in background to game.



  8. > @"XgoroX.6920" said:

    > Hi, not sure if this is just because i haven't logged in for some time. but every time i try to log into any character on my account i get an error that crashes the game and send an error report to Anet... i would love to pick the game back up, been away for a year or more because of life and cr*p happening. so not sure if this is a new issue or not :( but would love to get some answers so i can play my characters.


    > @"XgoroX.6920" said:

    > Hi, not sure if this is just because i haven't logged in for some time. but every time i try to log into any character on my account i get an error that crashes the game and send an error report to Anet... i would love to pick the game back up, been away for a year or more because of life and cr*p happening. so not sure if this is a new issue or not :( but would love to get some answers so i can play my characters.


    There are problems with API key (only with showing character), so this thread might be related: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/115722/character-api-broken#latest


    [EDIT: Problem with API seem to have been solved now.]

  9. > @"keenedge.9675" said:

    > > @"GODh.3892" said:

    > > Every attempt to get character details fail now...

    > >

    > > Sites like https://gw2efficiency.com suffer from this too (character details).

    > >

    > > GG Anet :s


    > gw2Efficiency can't show data as a result





    Still broken here too at 17:40 GMT...error message for character loading...all other API work for gw2efficiency.com as far as I can tell. Only character will not load. Checked API key at account for gw2 and for gw2effiency and both have the same key, no change since it have been created.

  10. > @"Clyan.1593" said:

    > Isn't the glider kinda outdated? How often do you actually use the gilder compared to the mounts which are by far more superior.

    > Just saying, I think adding new skins for something else would make more sense imo.


    @"Danikat.8537" and some poster after that have explained what use there is with having a Glider and skin. In WvW Gliding is actually very useful to get fast down from one of the main keeps to ground as long you keep your eyes to not get into no-gliding zone where you will be forced drop down and take damage from attacking birds.


    In Icebrood maps like DWC you can combine stealth from gliding (dodge) while in air with mounts stealth to avoid those long range shooters. There are also a lot places in Tyria map where just want to jump down without taking fall damage (pre-gliding and before there where mounts we had dedicated fall damage traits to reduce damage from falling). In DCW when you have taken a camp, you can also use the blue spots to parachute (which reduce speed that you will fall down) and then enable gliding to correct where to land and reduce speed (combined with stealth when needed to avoid getting targeted by snipers).


    Gliding also make it possible to change mounts in air between mount-gliding (to transform from Bound of Faith) and then enable another flying mount in air. There is a lot uses for Gliding even when one have all mounts that can fly (including Jackal as it can land without getting killed).


    As for skins, I once bought a skin where my character where inside it like a big bird, but it turned out be very hard to see where landed. This where annoying when need to be precise with landing during JP. Not everything with Glider skins is about FashionWars, it can also be that you discover that some skin work in another way then you expected before you purchased it.


    To end this: mounts have their uses, can be changed with skins (my Skimmer is Colibri that have learnt to catch fish under water... ;-) ) and some Glider just fit better with your characters back piece or how you want it to work (different animation, more clear landing when you land on ground or better sight while you are in first person in air etc. Monts skin are the same as those also might change movement in AFK waiting for an event etc. can be easier use as size change with character models which can also have an impact on your mount and what skin that work better.


    PS: If you know how to combine Skyscale and Gliding in Dry Top then here are places where mounts will be disabled, but you can Glide down to platform that are high in the air, so there are plenty of uses if you really use all you have in game for upgrades of both. There are pathways (VM motes and UM on other maps) in air for Skyscale to actually get high up fast and with Gliding you can land on those place even when there is no-mount zones. In Bloodstone Fen you can combo all this and have much more freedom to navigate up and down then with "only" gliding and those extra skills that you have on that map. HoT maps where designed for gliding, so there are several reason why Gliding skins are popular. DS

  11. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > The short answer: because people are known to be willing to buy such stuff?


    > Those are gemshop items. A lot of vanity gemshop stuff has nothing to do with GW2 lore whatsoever.


    Horns can be useful for creating a "puck" out of Asura (wild spirit), so just because there are wings, horns and what not, doesn't mean that it is a religious symbols or used to create Angels. For those that want an Angelic character, why should that matter? As long those players aren't preaching or try to convert player in game, I don't see any harm with that.


    Let people have their fun and be creative with what exist in this game from skins, costumes or gem store items like hats, masks or what ever they can purchase or collect from playing this game that fit to do something with. We are after all playing to get those items like dyes and some achievement that we can show off.




  12. > @"Amaterasu.1086" said:

    > Can someone please explain to me why gemstones/upgrade stones ( the ones that you put into slots in items) are constantly disappearing from my inventory? I lost about 15 gemstones on 50 level and I don't know what's happening. It happened already twice, no, I didn't sell them or destroyed them. Please help.




    Which is it you can not find?

  13. > @"Mythras.2091" said:

    > If the mouse is not the issue, try disabling the touch pad of the laptop. It can do funny things, when you try to control the game with "two mouses" :D


    Some laptop do have software that support intermediate disabling touch pad (especially gaming laptop). Look in your manual for which button that are assigned to control this feature. (Symbols on key can be hard to interpret as for what they are meant to do with row special symbols for controlling built in feature)

  14. @"slntne.9364"




    Forgot to add that you should also consider to change to "Show All Enemy Names" in Options so you will see where all hostile targets are while fighting and when there is new hostile that spawns around your target.


    Uncheck "Double-Tap to Evade" as you will want to use one key and ONLY one key press to dodge, default [V]. Double Tap here will make of use two key press (from movement keys that are set) to signal that want to do a dodge instead of moving and this will take some few second more time then only one key press will do. Use a key that is fast and easy to reach as you will dodge a lot, either to avoid damage or to procs a trait that will trigger from doing a dodge.


    In Ground Targeting (for AoE and skills that have any type of teleportation) use **Instant** instead of those two other options which one is the default to first show a large circle on ground and then need to be confirmed with second press on LMB (attack). With Instant you will go directly to where mouse pointer are on screen or where your central point in Action Camera are pointing. If you use a teleport skill this will teleport you directly to where you want to go instead of needing a second press to confirm and for AoE this will use all AoE that are not point blank skills (meaning those skill that will be directly on you where you stand) at target if you use Action Camera or at mouse location. This cut down time that is important for using skills, in particular on NPCs that move a lot.


    Also look up and learn about Take Target and Call Target. Call Target will place a large red icon on target which make it easier to see where target are among players and mobs and can be used to re-focus on target if you need to kill adds or mobs before getting back to target. You need to key bind both in Option>Controls to make use of those while in combat. Also use "Lock Autotarget" in Controls to clear any target you might have that you don't want to kill or player that you might have focused your targeting on. You only need one of Next or Nearest Target to change targets and there is no need to have back and forth between targets as in most cases you will not have time circle through targets (better to use the "reset" from Lock Autotarget).


    Call Target is useful when also want to see what abilities or skill a boss make use of and on Bounty bosses you will need to see what Unstable Magic icons (one offensive and one defensive - both a blue) and in text what this boss can do and what you need to do to kill this boss. If a boss have phases you will need to move according to phase (look on ground and arrows) or stop do damage (reflect projectiles, if that is an effect from UM). With Take Target you will be able to read this information, even when boss moves a lot or you loose track where boss are (only Stealth will loos targeting from Take Target). When you learn how to use Take Target (and Call Target) you will have a much easier time also in PvE. Most PvE don't understand how to use this feature, if they run solo as most groups (squads) make use of this to tell people where to focus. It is also useful if you want someone to use repair or point to a NPC when you are in a party or squad (need to be grouped for other to see this), if they don't know where to look.


    There will also be in chat a message for what you have target this way, so if you miss what was Called out then you can see it there too.




    Take Target is useful even when you are only playing solo as it make it fast to get back to main target when you fight another target. Make it possible to see a big icon above your main target (until it is dead or you are getting out of range) and also make it possible read both icons and text for name tag on boss or check its Defiant bar. Dodge with only one dedicated key press is faster then a combination from movement keys where you need to be careful NOT to use up your dodges (two before it will back on full bar - 50% each bar).


    Instant cast without any green rings that first need to mark and then need to be activated (confirm) is much faster, but takes time to learn where AoE skill will be placed or where you will land when you use a teleport skill.


    And if you still have trouble use chat with /m for map chat channel and look if there are people doing events on map or even call out that you want to do something and see if there are other waiting or wanting do the same thing. There is nothing stopping you from playing solo or taking help of player that are already on map when you need it to progress.


    Just make sure you have exotic gear and weapon with attributes that work together like power or condition damage on all items in Hero Panel. Don't mix condition damage with Power as you will need around 1000 or more in Condition Damage to see real impact (this also depends on professions type of main condition, like Firebrand have burn damage which is a "fast" condition type vs Torment or Confusion where target need to use skills or move a lot to do enough damage to themselves).


    Get ascended trinkets and back pack also with focus on condition damage or power as main damage type with some Vitality (Toughness work as a taunt for hostile enemies in this game, so I will not recommend this increase this attribute too much). Getting ascended trinkets and backpack with map token is rather easy and you can always change ascended items to another character on account. Vitality increases the time you have to use condition cleanse or healing up. It will not make you make you a "tank" to have more HP like some other games where armour, Toughness and Vitality or size of Health Pool also impact skills. Here Vitality only will buy you some more "time" instead which is valuable when you fight both The Forged and Awakened (these have poison damage and other undead related damage type like Bleeding).

  15. > @"Kichwas.7152" said:

    > Every single last MMO I have ever played always has at least one post on the first page or two of it's general forums from someone who thought they were buying Skyrim 2 and didn't realize it was a multiplayer game...



    I never finished Oblivion or Skyrim, so I would say it is "easier" to actually learn this game when you start to use the tools there is around this game as there plenty of guide on YT, Twitch and with GW2 Wiki to explain how traits and skills work. Everything takes time and when one jumps into a new map it can be confusing, but over time one learn which path enemies takes or spawn. When one need to back down (as there are some mobs that fast can become too many to handle when one is solo or that there are harder enemies that suddenly spawn around mobs that one started to fight). Backing down doesn't mean you can not kill those groups, just that one need to adjust and adopt.




    First make sure that you have your key binding set up in way that can fast reach all your skills like F1-F5 (as those are your professional skills and on most key board placed too far from normal skills). You find those in Option>Controls. I change my key bindings depending on what profession I play most as some F1-F5 work in different ways and some skills are more used then other and need to be accessed fast. Elite skills had a very long cooldown (120 - 180 seconds) in core, but with HoT and later with PoF those that where added with each expansion have now become on a much shorter cooldown (from 5 seconds to 60 seconds; there are some under 120 seconds too, but I don't see those as "normal" cooldown skills that you will use that often as 60 seconds or less) which means you will want them to be close as possible.


    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elite_skill (show all professions elite skills)


    Change your camera so you can see all of your battle field. Settings like FoV (Field of View) is here important as if you are in first person mode, you will not see enemies that are at your back, have ranged attacks or if they spawn around you and you need to get some distance.


    The Forged are based around the [God Balthazar ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Balthazar) which is a fire God and his army make use of a lot of fire damage that are ranged. They move fast from one corner to another and some have knock down effect (CC - Crowd control), so you will want to get out of their path when you see them turn after some delay. Here teleport skills or dodge work well enough.


    The most important here is (A) get in close if you play a melee character which have most skills that are short ranged to do damage and use teleport skills (if you have those) - don't forget some weapon that are melee weapon also have teleport skills built into them. On ranged character you often find built in knock back or backward jump. (B) make sure that you remove condition on yourself. Sigil of Cleansing which put on weapon cleanse 3 condition each weapon swap on a 9 seconds cooldown. Different profession might have skills that you need to activate to get a "on swap" when you are in combat as your weapon set will be locked until you will get out of combat. There skills and traits that also do condition removal. If you are blinded, chilled or have immobilization on you those can be cleansed. If you are stunned, dazed or knocked down (all those are hard CC) then you can use a stun breaker to interrupt those or clear those. Immob can also be removed with stun break as immob are both a condition AND soft CC. Some traits also remove immob while giving or adding more mobility like a permanent 25 % speed increase for movement. Don't forget to look into runes and sigil on wiki to find something that work for you. Boon like [Resistance ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Resistance) and [stability](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stability) are good to reduce the impact of these type of effects from both hard and soft CC including damage from conditions damage among other.


    As an example if you fight Fire Hydra place yourself in the centre of this creature and try to stay there when they move. Look out for their heads (two heads) that will fall around the main Hydra. Use condition cleanse if you get burn ticking on you (red icon to right of health pool and above utility skills). Avoid their paths when they move as they have a very straight movement forward and then stops. If you get in the way you will knocked down which have long animation before you are back up and can use your skills. You can shorten this animation with a stun break, but it is not recommended as stun breaks in general tend to have a long cooldown. Look out for those two heads, but ignore them until you have killed the main body of Hydra.


    The real danger here isn't Hydra by itself, but the combination of Sand Sharks and other Hydra that might cross path and become aggroed (hostile). Avoiding getting knocked down and take ranged AoE damage (fire) is the main goal while doing enough damage from condition (condition damage) or direct damage (power based).


    You can use the same strategy for Jinn that often is a bit annoying when do go from one end to next, but are only really dangerous as a group as you have limited amount dodges, CC, condition cleans and also need to slowly chip away their health while they are standing still on ground (phase that some bosses have where they take most damage).


    If you have been playing in Orr you will recognize Fire Hydra Heads as those that instead are in oil (short range breathing fire) or those west of Orr.






    Make sure you have enough Vitality to live enough to get a heal or condition removal. Bersker attribute is strong, but is not a good option when you run solo or don't know what people around run with. In group you will have boons that lack as solo and in a party, squad as grouped, you will have higher priority for who gets boons. Also learn how combo fields work as some fields increase damage like AoE fire fields and other cleanse condition like light fields. You can read more about this if you look at the link down and follow it for combo fields.






    I would suggest that you first fully level up your Mastery in Core Tyria as will then get access to autoloot from fallen enemies (enable it in Option). Also look up how get at least basic Gliding as that also useful while you are working on your mounts in PoF. You will need HoT for Gliding, but everywhere you will go after PoF including Icebrood will expect that you have at least Gliding and Bouncing Mushrooms (it will get your higher up and even when you Springer, you will sometimes have a cooldown or be in combat and can not use a mount to get higher up when needed). Also get Counter Magic as it is needed for Special Action key which you set in Option>Controls. Make sure this a key bind which you can use fast when this is needed.


    Pact Mentor make it possible to put up a "tag" or badge (icon that show above your head and on both minimap and normal map), so when you need help people can find where you are on map. They can not use this tag to join you as a group (a feature only commander tag offer). Make sure to hold shift and click on closest point of interest (POI) that you have unlocked (that is way map completion is important to finish the first time you get to a new map ff you want to show on map with shift+ left click where you are located or where you want people to go). All Waypoint can also be short+Left clicked after they have been unlocked/found. This is useful when you need a group of player to start at the same place or pick up Bounty.


    Use filter in chat this to see when people are doing events or need help like I described above with a chat link created from [shift + left clinking] map objects like POI, Vista or WP. Don't forget that can use /wiki and create a chat link [shift + left click on item in inventory, bank etc] to get direct to GW2 wiki.




    Links here are organised after colour/main track.


    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Central_Tyria_mastery_tracks (red)

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pact_Mentor (red) ->https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mentoring_Badge

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Counter_Magic (red)


    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heart_of_Thorns_mastery_tracks (green)


    Level Gliding up to Stealth from dodge when you are Gliding as it is useful when you will be in Icebrood maps.

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stealth_Gliding (green)


    And as people already have mentioned, stealth, some invulnerability, blocks (that isn't from Aegis boon, but from skills) etc also reduce how you will take damage and be able to heal up or loose aggro. Use BuildEditor to see what changes will have for impact. Just remember there are some things that can not be shown like the impact of a Sigil of Force and so on. It is good start to try out how changes in trait will impact skills, what impact it will have on both boons, condition and CC (Gray symbols to the right on button line). Hover with mouse and you see all boons source and duration, same for condition if you have skills that do condition. Just don't forget that there is a difference for skills and traits when you change between PvE and WvW/PvP in BE and when you check on GW2 wiki (you have change icon for which game mode to show correct information). There are cooldown that work different depending on game mode, duration and coefficients (base damage that attribute from that is the sum from gear, trinkets and weapon are being used to calculate finale damage).





    As for getting gear or trinkets. You can buy gear for Karma in Orr (from NPC vendors) or use Badge of Honor (token from doing WvW) as some example where don't need Gold or less Gold. Just be aware that those can not be salvaged later and you can not remove any upgrades like Runes, Sigil or Infusion. There maps like Bloodstone Fen (HoT) where you can get trinkets from map token. In PoF you Dragonfall where you can get trinkets. Look up on wiki if you want to find out which maps that have trinkets that are purchased with token form doing map events.


    Good luck!


    Ps Don't forget to feed this Skritt with Shinies.... ;) Ds



  16. > @"Wezley.3725" said:

    > Hey guys,


    > I'm thinking about coming back to the game after all this time. i have not played properly since 2013.

    > So, how is the population and is it worth coming back?


    > thanks


    Take a look at GW2 wiki to get some impression of what have changed and how much you need to catch up. You should be able to find GW2 wiki by searching Google as I am on phone where it is a bit hard to use copy and paste links.


    There is also guides on YT, but that might contain spoiler for story parts, if that is your interest. Check for video made in the last year to see how game play work today and not how game play worked for some years ago as there have been patches that changed damage on hard CC and so on.



  17. > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

    > When defending my keep from an enemy blob I entered our keep through our portal only to be killed by the pets and mesmer clones of the enemy blob that walked through the closed gate as if it was not there.


    Did you check chat log for what damage you took? It is possible to take heavy damage from something else and believe that it was a pet or illusion that did that. Pets don't do a large amount of damage themselves and can be killed.

  18. > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

    > > @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:

    > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Desert_Armor_Box - open link to see content

    > >

    > > From those links it looks like this armour set should be possible to salvage.


    > Look again ...

    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Desert_Armor_Box => https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elonian_Vestments => https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/items?ids=85232&lang=en => "NoSalvage"


    > The only set in the Desert Armor box that can be salvaged is the Warbeast set although that was not always true.


    @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" I haven't used the API that you find for each item on GW2 wiki page until @"Khisanth.2948" posted this, so what @"Khisanth.2948" show is that all item have a tag for NoSalvage if you click on each items individual page then then look at their API link. You will find that link on right side where you see in normal text more information of each item and in the button there is an API link. Good to know for the future when there is an item one don't know what status it have or if wiki haven't update its information.

  19. > @"SMTGS.6702" said:

    > I’ve added the Engineer to my roster and I’m taking it from 0-80. Leveling has been a breeze so far and I’m enjoying it despite the complexity. Thanks for the ideas friends!


    > But I am curious: how do the elite specializations compare to others in the endgame department? I mainly want to start with less demanding scenarios like Fractals and Strike Missions before I graduate into Raids and WvW. PvP is last on my list, as I have other personal priorities. What direction would you guys recommend for a new Engi player?


    You need to adapt your character to different type of content. In WvW and sPvP there are changes to how strong skill will work and heals. Look up on wiki and then change between PvE and PvP/WvW to see how large of change it will be. As an example Rangers "We Heal as One" change from 20 seconds cooldown to 30 seconds in PvP and WvW content. Toggle back and forth and you will also see that some boons are changing in duration or stacks.




    I just mention Ranger as I have played Soulbeast for some time and now my main is Engineer or more precise Holo (have also played Scrapper). This important to keep in mind independent on which character you use to go to different content as duration on both boons and condition might change and you will get used to a use skills in a certain way and then don't understand why it isn't working when you change into PvP/WvW.


    As for Holosmith have a built in mobility that Scrapper lack (yes Hammer have one skill that make you jump three times forward) and feel more fluid for doing midrange combat. It is built around the same principle as Revenant and Thief where use an energy bar to control how much you can use of those skills until you need to change back. Both Scrapper and Holosmith make use of a lot of combo fields which is AoE for groups (while you blast a field the same effect you get will also be for up to four other player in that field: in tooltip 5 player). Scrapper have access to much more hard CC then Holo and that way can keep target under control, but need also to use Engineer Kit (those kit replace all five weapon skills with a new skill set - it also can proc on swap sigils which normally will trigger from swapping weapon - in combat you can not change weapon on Engineer/Scrapper or Holosmith, so this important if you ever use any on swap sigil).


    In this link you will see that Engineer Kit also change to a skill in your tool belt (profession skills from F1-F4): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Engineering_Kit

    So you need to also look at what skills that your tool belt will have and not as a utility, healing or elite skill. Here is a list of which tool belt skills you get from each skill: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tool_belt




    Engineer, Scrapper or Holo all have condition, but work best as Power builds. Even Flamethrower will do decent damage with Berserker gear or any version with power as major stat.


    My suggestion would be to create two character from Engineer and then see which one work best for the content you want to play. That way you can use one character and don't need to change build with Templates. In sPvP you will pick stats (it is called an Amulet as it have all your attributes) , rune and sigils and that are already set and normalised. Some attributes are not available in PvP and other attribute combination aren't available in PvE content. You can search GW2 wiki if you want to know more what attributes or restriction there are between PvP and PvE. WvW work the same way as PvE for this part with exception for skills coefficients, duration (boon/condition) and cooldown.


    Scrapper work probably best if you are going for healing and support, but Holosmith isn't bad at doing condition cleans for group either, so all in all you have to find out what works for you. With Ascended or Legendary armour and weapon you will also rather easy be able change gear between those two as most stats can stay the same, but work in different way. As healer you will probably want Healing Power to increase healing for group, so try get trinkets from maps where you can farm those and then keep weapon and armour to power based damage or go all out to have enough tankiness with Vitality and Toughness.

  20. > @"ChampionMasquerade.5283" said:

    > I crafted an ascended chest piece, so I want to salvage my Elonian Vestments that gave a turn of strength in it. Problem is, it won’t work. Anyone know why specially?


    Did you use the right salvage kit for ascended items?




    You are sure that your item isn't bound by template you might have used or added into? If you have used template it might be a small symbol in the corner which indicate that it have been added to an template which prevent you from doing anything with it until you unbound it from template.





    Checked on wiki about: Elonian Vestments


    It looks like it an exotic item so you should be able to use normal salvage kits (Iet that above about ascended stand as it is still useful to know that there is another kit for ascended items that isn't that common to see on NPCs as those other for everything up to exotic).




    Contains chests that have there items:


    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Desert_Armor_Box - open link to see content


    From those links it looks like this armour set should be possible to salvage. If you use bag that prevent item to be sold to NPC or hide it from salvage like Invisible bag slots, then it could be the reason why you can't salvage that item. Move it out to another bag slot which doesn't have that kind of restriction for salvage items.


    _Invisible Bags/Invisible Packs/Safe Boxes/Courier's Bags — Items in these bags cannot be sold to merchants nor at the Black Lion Trading Company. Their contents do not move when inventory is sorted. Using 'Deposit Collectibles' will not affect items inside invisible bags; however, items can still be deposited individually using the right-click menu. Using "Salvage All" option on salvage kits won't salvage items put in this bag. (Useful for saving Unidentified gear for later use)_


    From: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag

  21. > @"Tukaram.8256" said:

    > Y'all are talking about HoT being nerfed 'more'. Has it been nerfed some already? Honestly I did not enjoy it and have not gone back to it in a couple years. Pretty much got my glider and left. If it has been nerfed, I may go check it out again.


    > ~Edit~ but my main issue was not the critter difficulty but the horrid map layout. The multi level map, I can do without.


    With mounts the multi layer maps isn't that difficult to navigate around, it is more TD that can be annoying when you haven't been there for some time as part is inside tunnels with different paths. Well reading a map do help to find a way there too, but it seem all hints for what is up and down for where nodes should be on minimap have gone...

  22. > @"Fueki.4753" said:

    > No thank you.

    > I'm happy with the quick and easy Guard Killer daily.



    And when guild or zergs do fully upgrade NPCs then it is really difficult to kill all NPC as some actually have high damage when they are upgraded. All depends also if you need to get close to with melee or can stay at least at range while taking down NPCs. 50% damage reduction, poison from ranged NPC, knockdown and CC from some other and the lady with hammer that can actually chip away a large part of HP even on PC with investment in Vitality to increase HP add to that all thiefe and their friends that just wait in the bushes to have an easy kill. Well you get the picture OP....

  23. > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

    > These days the trading post is flooded with items. The system is slow from all the items it contains. It's no secret to everyone that there's an option to have a direct trade between players trough the mail or guild banks but the way it's done is quite dangerous between players. Isn't there a way we can have a new system parallel with the current one? The devs can add achievements to it encouraging players to try and use it and give some more feedback. They can even add a little price for it similar to the commander tag to be able to ask someone to trade with you. The way I look at it, this system will encourage players to trade with eachother just like normal people do irl, the trading post will be facilitated from the current overusage and the current player to player trading will become easier and safer. Also cutting the middle man(the trading post) is always a win for the player. ;) Also it will be a neat feature in Kaineng City to see a trade master who can show you the ways of trading and how to become a businessman.


    If you ever have played ESO you should know that they have what you ask for to some degree. Trading or more precise you can buy on every guilds stand, but to sell anything you need to be in a (trading) guild. To get any idea of what an item is worth you have to use add-on (made from players) that try to collect data from those guilds that have any active trading going on. It means that players have to let an add-on read and collect data from every players guild and then upload that to a server which some player offer from that create an average of all members that use that add-on (and to do that also every player need to let this add-on run through data locally where player actually run through all items that are being listed for each Guild when they interact with Guilds Tradepost - which is a NPC standing in the game world). This actually increase the load API creates as player need create a local database which then needs to be uploaded and analysed.


    Looking for an item that have lower price this way then on other Guilds trading post means that you have very little chance on getting that item as it takes time to list items and in some cases listing is manipulated to get people to buy the more expensive version of same item, or it is an item that somebody list and then unlist to put up much higher in price. In short this system have a lot of issues and can be frustrating as to set any realistic price (there is a limit for how many item each player can list at each Guild trader), if it is not being sold within 30 days then it will be sent by mail to poster/player.


    With GW2 central Auction House you only need to collect your Gold and item at BLTP NPC and can sell anything or even check if item is in store independent on where in game you are. You don't have to use WP back and forth to secure any item like you to do in ESO and you don't have to use your Guilds for trading (max 5 Guilds pr account here and in ESO you have the same amount of Guilds you can join, but most people will member of at least two Guilds for Trading as there is a limit for 30 item that can list at same time and for 30 days (count down)). You also have to pay a fee as guild with NPC in game world to sell things have to compete about spots which cost a lot in Gold.


    For player that don't want to be in GT or pay a fee there is only map chat (most ppl don't use trade channel in chat) left to sell things or buy, but that is rather annoying as it is too fat to read anything and transaction need to be done through mail system which can take a map change to actually deliver your goods or Gold. (Same for GT, so that is part of how ESO where built from start).


    With all that in mind p2p trading with only 10 mail for each account wouldn't work as it is working today and there is no filter of any kind (in ESO most player use add-on to keep track of members in guild or paying fee to guilds etc). So it would be too much work for no real gain at all. It would open up port for Real Money Trading (RMT) which should have seen that GW2 where flooded with in chat (Gold Sellers). Today we don't see that kind of messages in chat at all, so be thank full for BLTP!

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