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Posts posted by BadSanta.6527

  1. in my opinom druid play style is very boaring so i would not recommend it , ithink it terms of support rule you will have much more better time with firebrand , tempest, scourage or crhono

  2. hello fellow ranger or former ranger , as we all know ranger is a mess right know ( basiclly it always been a mess but with the recent nerfs it is more outstanding)

    heres my steps :

    1. revert all the recent change from last patch - all of them did not make any sense and were bad

    2. post new dev to be in charge of the ranger class - one thing i sure the guy/ the team who made druid and soulbeast canot save ranger , both e spec has zero connection to the class and to the people who play class for the get go. in my honst and unbiease opinon both of them are the most unfun elite in the game but this is only personal opinion

    3. redisgen druid at lest and rework soulbeast traits

  3. gs is in bad place , and long bow as well in bad place. we all know that devs dont know what to do with ranger becuse they all play mesmer. even the elite spec of ranger are horrible and dosent have any connection to the core , like druid is maple story cleric really ?? dont even let me start to talk about the gimmice soulbeast . what ranger is trully need is new dev to be responde to ranger somone how will actully play the class

  4. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"BadSanta.6527" said:

    > > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > > > @"BadSanta.6527" said:

    > > > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > > > and this profession is witch one?

    > > > > Ranger -druid

    > > > Druid yes, it is very limited in scope - but it is also one of the best especs around, as it adds options to core without being a flat out upgrade, and without crowding out core options. Ranger as a whole on the other hand is a very flexible class, useful for many roles across many types of content. It's just that many of those roles are covered by soulbeast currently.

    > > > I don't see a problem with druid here.

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > When I see your comment about the Druid I can guess you probably don’t play it , btw most of ranger main (pre hot) hate it

    > I play all of the classes (including druid), and Ranger happens to be my main (in fact, i even have 3 ranger characters - the most of all of the classes i play). And i main it since core launch, if you're wondering.



    Yeah sure

  5. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"BadSanta.6527" said:

    > > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > > and this profession is witch one?

    > > Ranger -druid

    > Druid yes, it is very limited in scope - but it is also one of the best especs around, as it adds options to core without being a flat out upgrade, and without crowding out core options. Ranger as a whole on the other hand is a very flexible class, useful for many roles across many types of content. It's just that many of those roles are covered by soulbeast currently.

    > I don't see a problem with druid here.




    When I see your comment about the Druid I can guess you probably don’t play it , btw most of ranger main (pre hot) hate it

  6. hey all ' i have qustion to the devs in hope that they will read this but IDoubt it.

    we have great sword eveades from 2012 and iwant to understand if that so over power and unbalance how come it took you 7 years to nerf it? to be honest there was never complain about how over power this skill is until you broght it to the table. great sword was over power only in the soul beast seek em combination which you alredy nerf so idont get it why ?

    why you dont adrees the real issue the class have? druid need complete rewark ( the elite was designed for raides when we did not have firebrand and scourage as well as the barrier mechaning, and as you know not all your player base play raides) , druid is so outdata and also soul beast traits need few teeks , in overall why it is so easy for you to nerf the ranger class? nerf is not always the solution !

  7. First I would like to delete avatar form . Let’s face it it is bad, and to be honest from company like anet I demand some thing better. And staff , glyphs common both are just sad . You had the opportunity to make Druid like the nature mate (if you didn’t want to go to shape shifters) Druid is more like maple story cleric

  8. I’m very very skeptic about any future e spec for rangers. Both Druid and soul best are horrible in my opinion and they actually made me re roll class. Both don’t have connection to core like Druid why the hell is elite oriented only for raides very liner and very bad mechanics and bad visuals effects and also soul beast pet merge is just poor I don’t know

  9. > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > > You could use wardrobe unlocks for days you still will not have all the skins that are offered in that voucher, the only way a veteran would have all those skins is is they have really gone out of their way to get them.

    > >

    > > Does it matter? It's still a very limited selection of skins that have been in the game for ages.


    > They also gave us a glider and a title, how much more do you want? I was not expecting to get anything free from the announcement stream so how about be grateful for it?



    well we did pay like 50$ for this expantion and now its for free ... so yeha i would expect for more as well , lets assume that you also paied for the base game , so you spent 100$ about something now is given for free . iknow its old and bla bla bla , and its may lure more players into the game , but i cant igonre that the copmanstion at least in my eyes is not enugh , iwould expect some thing like more charter slots for exapmle. also with the bad announcment last week , me as a vetern start to wonder how much the devs really cares for there player base , or they just want to expand and drive new players even in the cost of loosing veterns

  10. > @"hugo.4705" said:

    > Yup i'm satisfied with both especs for engineers (would have been hard to beat how poor is core engie), scrapper or holosmith, they both brought something fresh and cool for the class: Electricity/Mechanics for one, creating a photovoltaic jedi for the other... Very impatient to see the possible third one.... Enhanced arrows? no ideas xD Also play rev ONLY because renegade exist, without that strong shortbow, would have never touched rev I mean.. Only 3 utilities and 1 elite, that's poor really poor.

    > Would like to hear how feel rangers but I found core ranger and the two specs a lot overwhelming, no decent dps or damage, no stats working at all... stopped playing them. (In pvE i mean)


    imaind ranger and i abousltly hate both espec and ihate that i feel that evrey class has new good toys and my class got the boaring with no connection to the class , ifound my self wondering which class i shoud play next

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