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Posts posted by BadSanta.6527

  1. > @"Lexi.1398" said:

    > sounds like an ISP issue; that is, the problem isn't on your end (resetting router generally fixes internet problems related to your connection to isp/internet), NOR is it on anet's end (i haven't seen any mass disconnection problems for a while, server is fine)- but your internet service provider. Like me, you may have a terribad ISP and there's nothing you can do about it but complain to your ISP or get a new ISP.


    > what clues me into this is "most at nights"...for most people internet connection does get worse at night, cus your ISP goes "well most ppl be asleep so lets save money". Checking websites and other things will indicate if it's an ISP issue; if webpages (IMAGE INTENSIVE webpages- imgur, any art website for example- are the best indicator for this, cus images will load exponetially more slowly with bad connection than text) load slowly when this occurs, then it's your ISP.


    Photos on imgur upload fast it’s only at gw2

  2. > @"SlippyCheeze.5483" said:

    > [PingPlotter have a guide to diagnosing network issues](https://pingplotter.com/fix-your-network), which will help narrow this down to the question: is this a GW2 server issue, or a network issue somewhere between your computer and AWS?


    > That is step one in getting it fixed, because if we don't know where to look at, we can't solve the right problem, y'know? :)


    Ithink it is GW2Efficiency server Issue since it’s happen to some of my friends as well


  3. > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"BadSanta.6527" said:

    > > I love it but in order to make every wellness like this I think revenet should not have weapon swap


    > That would make most of the weapons useless for combat vs other players, due most of them lack any defense and the class doesn't let you to select utilities to cover the weakness in your weapon skills (as other classes do).


    > Why are that much people (which doesn't play Rev) obsessed into turning the Rev in a pure PvE boon bot (which isn't as good as other boon bots, anyway).


    > @"Buran.3796" said:

    > > @"BadSanta.6527" said:

    > > I love it but in order to make every wellness like this I think revenet should not have weapon swap


    > That would make most of the weapons useless for combat vs other players, due most of them lack any defense and the class doesn't let you to select utilities to cover the weakness in your weapon skills (as other classes do).


    > Why are that much people (which doesn't play Rev) obsessed into turning the Rev in a pure PvE boon bot (which isn't as good as other boon bots, anyway).


    I do play as rev but not main , ithink that class should copy the tridebt mechanic for the rest of the weapons - just that have different opinion then you dosent mean I hate rev. Back to the topic , ithink legends should be like elementalist elements swap with no weapon swap

  4. iknow this topic was discussed alot before but here is my suggstion make race change only avilable to charters whos 5 years + in game and make it only once per acc imean if you get 2 5 years + chaterter or even if you have asecond chatert who going to be 5 years old soon you will be able to do it only once pre acc

  5. > @Evolute.6239 said:

    > > @BadSanta.6527 said:

    > > In my opinion harder dungeons is the solution


    > People complain about elitism getting 10 people together to do simple raids, and you want them to coordinate for harder group content?


    > I can imagine the forum threads alr

    Easier the raider and harder the avg dungeon (something like arha was)

  6. this is what i hate about soulbeast - an e spec for not aranger players... i mean he camp no pet , pet is ranger mechanic and if you dont like it you shouldnt play the class. before pof i heard alot of craying about pet like i would like to play ranger but pet is suck. imagine if ill say iwould like to play a warrior but i hate adrenaline i mean how rediculas that sound?( if idont like adrenaline ican play gurd etc...) and soulbeast it is just the oppsite .. its like hey you want to play ranger but hate pet ? there you go

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