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Posts posted by Doto.6357

  1. I like playing renegade, because I normally play support or healer roles in every game I play and renegade has a lot of team support even though it’s really weak to cc.


    I wish shortbow and the Kalla summons would get reworked to be better outside of just pve, but I really like the spec so I play it anyway.

  2. > @"lare.5129" said:

    > > @"Doto.6357" said:

    > > fighting a boss.

    > fighting a STORY boss. Please don't forget add this. Aslo still don't understand any tie between rotation and story.



    Also still don’t understand why the devs should change the whole game just because you are personally inconvenienced by something.


    None of the story bosses are very difficult at all, they’re all very mellow compared to what a real gw2 boss looks like. Gw2 shouldn’t be turned into a glorified audiobook just cause you want to afk all the story bosses rather than like... play the game.


  3. I don’t get people like the OP. So you died fighting a boss. It’s happened to all of us at some point. Rather than coming to the forums to ask for tips and recommendations, though, you come on the forums to demand that the WHOLE game be altered to make up for your inability to beat a boss.


    If that’s not entitlement, I don’t know what is.


    Why don’t you ask, “Hey, I’m playing (x) class, can you guys help me with my rotation and build so I can beat (x) fight?”

  4. > @"Magnuzone.8395" said:

    > > @"Doto.6357" said:

    > > > @"Magnuzone.8395" said:

    > > > A popular choice for unskilled players who join WvW and only use nr 2. Most of them would never have the skills to play the profession if LB was nerfed really hard and they had to use other weapons for dmg.

    > > >

    > > > Personally I would like to see a 50% dmg nerf on LB nr 2. As of now the class has both high mobility, insande dmg burst and almost no risk at all when playing in a group. Just stay back and pewpew away. The other way would be to add some risk to the dmg, like heavily reduced range, lets say 500 or so.

    > >

    > > Ranger is bad enough in wvw, why would you nerf it further? I could get the longbow hate if it was still always unblockable, but since the unstoppable union nerf it’s not unless you blow a utility slot on the unblockable signet. Also, “high mobility, insane damage burst, and almost no risk when playing in a group. Just sit back and pew pew away” is far more applicable to hammer rev in wvw, and that class is actually wanted in squads unlike ranger.


    > I haven't played ranger in WvW for some 2 years really (don't enjoy the class really tbh) so I tried it today again for lols and logged in to almost my never played SB. It's just insane even when you don't even remember skills. Updated build and omg.


    > Everything hits for 10K+. I got invuln like a Warrior and, the evades of a mesmer and on top of that the invisibility of a thief. And now I havent even began to use my greatsword, that adds more mobility and, guess what, hits like a truck with some cc and blocks on top of that.


    For sure dude that’s why wvw is entirely made up of ranger players and nothing else. You figured it out!

  5. So I’ve been playing my renegade (Kalla/shiro with avatar rune) lately in pvp as I’m learning the class, and I was wondering if I could get build advice and general tips for playing revenant in spvp? There aren’t a lot of resources out there that I could find, are there any plat rev streamers? Also, while I’m asking questions, is the metabattle condi Herald build any good?

  6. > @"Magnuzone.8395" said:

    > A popular choice for unskilled players who join WvW and only use nr 2. Most of them would never have the skills to play the profession if LB was nerfed really hard and they had to use other weapons for dmg.


    > Personally I would like to see a 50% dmg nerf on LB nr 2. As of now the class has both high mobility, insande dmg burst and almost no risk at all when playing in a group. Just stay back and pewpew away. The other way would be to add some risk to the dmg, like heavily reduced range, lets say 500 or so.


    Ranger is bad enough in wvw, why would you nerf it further? I could get the longbow hate if it was still always unblockable, but since the unstoppable union nerf it’s not unless you blow a utility slot on the unblockable signet. Also, “high mobility, insane damage burst, and almost no risk when playing in a group. Just sit back and pew pew away” is far more applicable to hammer rev in wvw, and that class is actually wanted in squads unlike ranger.

  7. > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

    > Just duel some. You need to get an internal timing down of when they might dps you. This way, you can try to predict that damage is coming and use a defensive Skill or utility to avoid the damage - even when you can't see them. Then use CC and blow them up. If using longbow, time your rapid fire for when they want go into stealth because it's channel allows you to hit them while stealthed.




    > I have not watched this video. Might be hard to tell what i am doing from his perspective, but its the best i got. Im also not sure what he will say.


    > Anyway... This was last night, I am the ranger. Now D/P old school thieves were easy to beat. Because it's really easy to interrupt them during blackpowder or the hearstseeker through it. And then punish them. This was a rifle d/p deadeye which I'd argue Is a harder challenge to fight. I think I managed my cool downs well throughout this game against him (was definicely an adustment though since deadeye and d/p aren't too common these days). What's more is I was on zerker ammy. So less hp and squishy. He had full ability to one shot me, he even got a 15k deaths judgement off in a previous match with my 15.9k hp pool.


    > But these fights in this match should illustrate what I meant about predicting the dmg.


    > When he stealths, so do I. When I don't have that i block, I dodge, I auto randomly and am ready to hit signet of stone. I try to body block with my pet. Etc.


    What’s your build in this video? I’m noticing you have the buffs from marksmanship on

  8. > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > @"Doto.6357" said:

    > > Hey

    > > I’m just a bad ranger player who plays a lot of pvp. After a lot of grinding in the past two seasons I got together everything I need for the Ascension, but I’m having trouble getting T6 mats for the gift of fortune. If anyone can send me assorted T6 mats that would be great X-)


    > Have you used all your laurels on t6 material bags?


    Yea! I ended up with around fifty of each of the six different tier six mats I need

  9. > @"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:

    > Why does chill...

    > • Slow your movement

    > • Slow your cast time

    > • Slow your cooldown recovery


    > I don't get it?? Just make it slow down cooldown recovery thanks


    Dude just chill



  10. Hey

    I’m just a bad ranger player who plays a lot of pvp. After a lot of grinding in the past two seasons I got together everything I need for the Ascension, but I’m having trouble getting T6 mats for the gift of fortune. If anyone can send me assorted T6 mats that would be great X-)


    EDIT: The mats are Vials of Powerful Blood, Pile of Crystalline Dust, Powerful Venom Sac, Elaborate Totem, Armored Scale, Ancient Bone, Vicious Claw and Vicious Fang.


    sitting at around 50 of each, except for vicious fangs I have like 100 of those.

  11. Hi!

    I’m relatively new to WvW, playing on Kaineng server. I really like playing a Support Scrapper, and that’s what I’ve been on mainly. However, I’m having trouble finding big groups of people to group up with, as scrapper is more fun with big groups. There’s almost never a tag on the map for me to join, and when I ask if anyone wants to group in map chat I don’t get any responses. How can I join up with people? Are there any discord servers or guilds I need to join? Thanks in advance for any help :)

  12. > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

    > Pretty interesting statistics. It's also worth noting that mesmer does not stand out in the number of players, even though you queued as a mesmer, which would generally mean higher numbers thanks to the class stacking rules.

    Are you sure about that? It looks like mirage was the most common type of player he encountered out of all elite specs, with 156



  13. Revenant can heal if that’s what you’re into. Basically, you take salvation and devastation, and one of your legends is Ventari. You can be a herald healer or a renegade healer. Herald healing gives permanent protection, fury, strong regen, personal survivability, and decent alacrity uptime through Ventari. Renegade healing is generally better if you don’t need the extra personal tankiness, as it brings permanent protection, 25 might, perma alacrity, and huge dps boosts for the group with the Kalla elite plus the bleed summon. The main issue with renegade is that the summons affect a certain area and can be cced, so it’s better in fights without too much movement. Revenant healers have very high healing numbers, assassins presence ferocity buff, and excellent cc with staff 5 and either herald elite or Kalla stun summon. You can bring axe 5 for even more cc. It’s my favorite healing class to play so :))

  14. It’s not unrealistic to expect people to run the best possible build they can when pugging. Plenty of pugs run meta, so this whole “don’t expect meta if u pug” argument has no grounds in reality. You are, of course, free to play whatever build you want, but if a group is asking for meta or is asking you to swap or leave for not contributing, you have to respect that. Don’t be surprised if people don’t want to waste their time just so you can play a silly build, you’re having fun at their expense.

  15. Hello,

    So I gear my revenant in full Harrier Gear, which gives Soulcleave Summit 418ish damage per tick with no icd. Since fractals only have five targets, meaning ren might generation is on par with GotL Druid, and spotter is replaced by AP, does Kalla elite give more bonus dmg than glyph of empowerment/spirits? Is renegade able to effectively replace Druid now with no ill affects + granting alacrity?

  16. Hi,

    I play ventari/herald heals usually, and I rely a lot on regen to give sustained healing. With the +20% regen effectiveness and +10% health already from herald, will the new dwayna runes (which also give +20% regen strength/+10% health) be able to replace the monk runes I run right now?

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