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Posts posted by Arcaneus.6931

  1. Hey man, I like those ideas! I would love it if they add more elite specs as it adds more diversity to base classes.

    I have my own class Idea for Mesmer I thought I would share it here. :)


    **Name:** Geist/ Sorcerer

    **Weapon:** Hammer, Mace , Warhorn.


    Mesmer now gain Life Force bar sorta like Necromancers and loose all shatter skills, so now Mesmer's can became a Phantasm on activating the Life Force for a short time and gain phantasmal abilities. In Phantasm form players gain long range abilities maybe some can consume enemy boons for more Life Force or better damage.


    Players can no longer summon Phantasms so now all weapon abilities that create phantasms are now replaced with different abilities that have new animations and functions instead. Utilities that create phantasms are also slightly more different and help Mesmer's generate Life Force instead.


    Now clones create small stationery floating ghost like orbs at random locations that Mesmers have to walk over to generate life force instead. If an enemy or player walks into them they can take condi damage or gain boons. Players can also explode clones at the risk of loosing life force regen for extra damage or chain them in place if enemies are near the stationery orbs.


    _I couldn't think of a better name for Life Force, Maybe phantasmal force?

    Phantasm form doesn't have to be OP or anything just so long as its changing the way Mesmers can be played._

  2. According to gw2 wiki gargoyles were a horned humanoid like race that disappeared along time ago. Maybe they can add an upright gargoyles that physically look like humans but have gargoyle like appearance just so when it comes to doing armor it would be much easier to implement or something like that for playable races if Anet doesn't want to go with the conventional races.

  3. If that's so then is it possible to remove all back items we have now and add them later on when they have been reworked or rebuilt from scratch(if possible)? Instead of having to sieve through and alter old code that could cause bugs. Instead back items could be added as an "effect" rather than items attached to characters. Not really a programmer so I wouldn't know how it works, just offering ideas. :)


    By back Items I am mainly talking about dyeable gliders with back piece sets.

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