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Posts posted by Klowdy.3126

  1. > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"Altion.9576" said:

    > > > I find the collection to get this mount stupid and a chore, not only it requires a stupid amount of time, but you also need to spend gold AND a kitten of materials to get it? It feels like im trying to get a kitten legendary!! Hell no.

    > >

    > > What?!?! You'd rather throw money at a problem than overcome it? Should they also put legendary gear in the BL shop?


    > if they did, I would buy quite a few Gen2.


    > Id rather work for one hour and buy something with that wage that would have otherwise cost me days in man power hours of grinding.


    > Anet are missing out on a lot of money by not allowing them to be purchased but I guess they have made enough money from mount skins not too warrant selling them outright.


    Lol, ANet is avoiding the player loss that comes with P2W games. Of course people would buy that stuff, and people that actually want to play games, and disagree with P2W, would find something else. There is no P2W game in existence that doesn't have problems keeping players, because no one wants to play wallet wars. What is the point of even playing a game if you can literally buy everything you could possibly want?

  2. > @"Altion.9576" said:

    > I find the collection to get this mount stupid and a chore, not only it requires a stupid amount of time, but you also need to spend gold AND a kitten of materials to get it? It feels like im trying to get a kitten legendary!! Hell no.


    What?!?! You'd rather throw money at a problem than overcome it? Should they also put legendary gear in the BL shop?

  3. > @"ChronosCosmos.9450" said:

    > We already have plenty of ways to casually play the game with barely any effort. Is there not a way where you guys can make some parts of the game more difficult? I understand that your main audience is not hardcore, but please leave some hardcore content for your hardcore fans that have been with you for a while. That is all that we ask for. Legendaries are nice...but we prefer harder content. I would trade my existing Legendaries for difficult content.





  4. > @"Dragon Priestess.9760" said:

    > We JUST got a practical armour set with the newest release. In fact, we have had several recent additions to the wardrobe that are already quite conservative.


    > In my personal opinion, I'd rather see some new, more revealing armour styles now.


    > A great thing about GW is that we are offered a lot of variety in styles. No one's forcing you to wear skimpy armour, because there are already many practical and functional alternatives to choose from.


    > Ps: It's really offensive to call the more revealing armour 'juvenile' as you have just implied that you think that people who enjoy that style are immature. We are allowed to enjoy different things. You may not like what I like, but I am not 'juvenile' for liking what I do.


    It's fine, OP just prefers the more repressed, stuffy, uptight armors.

  5. > @"Teratus.2859" said:

    > > @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

    > > Get the home instance nodes, especially for any maps you actively dislike! That'll let ju almost passively accrue currency.


    > 10,000 Volatile magic and 50g per node

    > That's 300g and 60,000 Volatile Magic.. Casuals are not going to make that kind of investment on something they dont need and probably won't use once Season 5 starts.



    If they are done as maps come up, that's not a lot. 50g and 10,000 magic isn't hard to come by in three months time, and this is coming from someone that plays an hour a night on average. You can look up routes for volatile magic, and the currency comes from (almost?) all events.

  6. > @"Dragon.8762" said:

    > I also don't mind the time gate. You gotta think; if not time gating, what else could they have done to keep people playing for a while?


    > * Grinding for hours, days, weeks? For idk, a currency you have to build up in order to purchase a bunch of parts for the mount?

    > * Introduce a RNG based grind? You collect less items, but its RNG based on when and where you could get all the stuff required.

    > * Gate it behind a huge paywall?

    > * Or time gate it. So you can quickly do the time gated portion, and then leave to go do whatever you want afterwards and come back at your own pace.


    > Granted, I would have also accepted a super long quest time as well. But I'm pretty sure people would still complain about that and call it "busy work."


    People will always complain when they don't get exactly what they want. They will try to explain it in a way that doesn't make them sound like a spoiled child, but in the end, their expectations were broken, and they got mad enough at a video game to go write about it. I've seen the "I only get a 2 hours a week," arguement several times. If you have no time to play, not having that one mount doesn't make a difference.

  7. > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"MrRuin.9740" said:

    > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > > Then the design of the map is successful ... because Anet want people to do some, come back, etc ... that's why time gating exists. And that's not unreasonable ... because it's not designed so that you get everything done in one day then wonder why we don't have new content more often. It's all related and it's how any MMO works ... somehow you pay. And that somehow is what keeps you coming back and playing.

    > > > The design is terrible. When you have to lock content behind a time gate to get them to come back, you're doing something wrong.

    > > > People should be coming back to the map because it has fun, rewarding content. HoT is years old, yet years later and people still go back to those maps. I can do those metas far easier and frequently than the abandoned PoF ones.

    > > > There's so many other ways they could have done this to extend the time it took to get or level the Skyscale and they chose the laziest one by just sticking a time gate on it rather than fun content. That's all time gating is - a lazy way to get people to do content rather than making it enjoyable enough they do it anyway of their own volition.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Experiences may vary, but when I do the HoT metas, there is a group (small or large) on the map talking about how they are tired of said map, or the meta we are working on about 70% of the time. People do HoT stuff because its rewarding, even if they hate it. I would call that bad design, as well.


    > How is it bad design if something someone is tired of doing/playing is rewarding?


    Because they are still doing something they dislike for rewards. It is no longer fun, but people feel obligated to do those maps, or lose out.

  8. > @"MrRuin.9740" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > Then the design of the map is successful ... because Anet want people to do some, come back, etc ... that's why time gating exists. And that's not unreasonable ... because it's not designed so that you get everything done in one day then wonder why we don't have new content more often. It's all related and it's how any MMO works ... somehow you pay. And that somehow is what keeps you coming back and playing.

    > The design is terrible. When you have to lock content behind a time gate to get them to come back, you're doing something wrong.

    > People should be coming back to the map because it has fun, rewarding content. HoT is years old, yet years later and people still go back to those maps. I can do those metas far easier and frequently than the abandoned PoF ones.

    > There's so many other ways they could have done this to extend the time it took to get or level the Skyscale and they chose the laziest one by just sticking a time gate on it rather than fun content. That's all time gating is - a lazy way to get people to do content rather than making it enjoyable enough they do it anyway of their own volition.





    Experiences may vary, but when I do the HoT metas, there is a group (small or large) on the map talking about how they are tired of said map, or the meta we are working on about 70% of the time. People do HoT stuff because its rewarding, even if they hate it. I would call that bad design, as well.

  9. > @"Danikat.8537" said:

    > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > > I'm pretty sure that a lot more pieces of armor have been released in-game than in the Gem Store.

    > > Regardless, the OP wants to pay for content, and get the armor at no cost.

    > > Instead, we get the content at no cost, and _can_ pay for a few bits of armor in the Gem Store.

    > > I'd much rather get the content free, than bits of armor. That's just me, of course.


    > I think you're right that there are more armour skins in-game than in the gem store. I keep thinking about counting it, but then I think about how to display the data to allow for everyone's personal definitions - the people who think if 2 sets have the same name it's the same set even if it's a different armour weight, the people who think individual pieces do/don't count, whether carapace/luminescent and elegy/requiem (and similar sets) count as one or two and every other "what about" and I decide it's not worth the trouble.


    > I might do weapon skins at some point though, because with all the Black Lion sets I'm not sure how those work out.


    I have to agree. I have the heavy carapace armor set, but only two pieces of light, and one medium. It's not the same set, its three different ones that share a theme.


    I've also bought just about every weapon skin I've wanted that come from the BL chests with gold. It's not difficult to make gold, even if it isn't instant. I've spent about 300 gold on the new glass weapon skins over the past month. With weapons skins, you just have to hide your time to hit the right rotation, or just earn more gold, but they aren't restricted to cash.

  10. > @"rogermkiihl.1967" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > >

    > > The spoiler would have been in the video. There is also a time limit on walking on eggshells with details, usually ending around the time the next episode releases. You've had months to see what happened, and nothing in that episode was remotely difficult enough to keep you from finishing. Get on it, lol.


    > I'm aware about what happens if you don't play a game (or episode) or you don't watch you favorite TV show episode. That's why I was avoiding some sectiona in forum, avoiding trailers or any other marketing piece about coming episodes.


    > I just didn't expect to see it explicitly expose in a thread post. Just it.


    > PS: it won't ruin my life, don't worry. If would not hurt being a bit more careful next time too.


    I guess. Standards with movies are two weeks, basically set by marvel. They wait two weeks after a theatrical release before showing a new trailer, like with endgame, and the new spider-man. People like to discuss things, and this is the place to do it. To avoid spoilers for something that is older (and it only becomes worse as time goes on) is avoid places where it could be spoiled, not just parts of those places

  11. > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    > I don't think it's a bad thing, I have a necro MM also. But the ranger's pet is that profession's mechanic, whereas vanilla necro has the death shroud as its mechanic, and minions are just skills. Big difference between the two. You can be a necro without minions but not a ranger without a pet.


    Yes, even if your ranger pet dies, it doesn't leave the screen, it just follows without doing anything for a while. No resummon needed. I would like to at least get a shorter cast time on minions. Summoning four minions every time you hit a load screen gets tedious.

  12. > @"rogermkiihl.1967" said:

    > > @"PlagueParade.7942" said:

    > > I finished watching the trailer for "War Eternal" and how Aurene's death pose would make a epic statue to have IRL I'm not saying that I didn't like Aurene she was awesome I just saw that pose though and it was pretty epic death pose.. A sleeping Aurene statue would be cool to have in our home instance.


    > Thank you for the spoiler while reading posts title :(


    The spoiler would have been in the video. There is also a time limit on walking on eggshells with details, usually ending around the time the next episode releases. You've had months to see what happened, and nothing in that episode was remotely difficult enough to keep you from finishing. Get on it, lol.

  13. > @"derd.6413" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > I'm curious how her dead is cocked back like that. I understand rigor is a thing, but that wears off. It's a great looking pose, but her head should be drooping by now.


    > because she's a magical crystal dragon


    With no power in death. I guess you could always argue magic, but the position of her head has bothered me since it happened, because nothing else we've ever seen about dragons dieing adds up with freezing in time.

  14. > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

    > > @"GordonFreeman.6392" said:

    > > I know alot of people like level scaling, but i hate it. Theres enough 80+ content to keep you busy. Plus whats the point of keeping hero points and levels seperate? levels are obviously pointless now since the only reason both levels and hero points are for skills now. I hate going back to Queensdale and dying to something i shouldn't even be damaged by :(. I know there are more people like me that feel the same way that don't like the level scaling, so I was wondering if a non level scaling server could be made at least. I'd switch to wow but i don't want to do the monthly subscription thing. There are so many group events i cant solo at lvl 80 and theres not enough ppl to do them with... its annoying.


    > Won’t do you any good to go to WoW. They have their version of level scaling they’re putting in, [zone scaling](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Zone_scaling). I suppose they feel it’s a good idea for people not to be able to hulk smash low level zones but instead still have a challenge possible wherever they go.


    I think their idea was more geared toward older players helping out friends that have just started, and still having some sort of challenge to it.

  15. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > If I am sitting on 3K gold, should I spend it on a Legendary Weapon?

    > And which weapon would be the best choice?


    I am a fan of stat swapping, so the legendary is convenient for me. GS has many classes that use it, so without more info about you, I would have to suggest you start there.

  16. > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > > > **Revenant**: **Greatsword** with **Varesh Ossa** as Legend

    > > >

    > > > It actually allows the Rev to channel 2 Legends

    > > > * Legendary Prophet / Warmarshal (Varesh as Human / Dervish)

    > > > * Legendary Margonite / Commander (Varesh as Margonite / Paragon)

    > > >

    > > > The Greatsword itself isn't strictly melee:

    > > > * If "_Dervish_" - legend is equipped it is a **melee cleaving Weapon**, utilizing wide swing attacks resembling the GW1 Scythe

    > > > * If "_Paragon_" - legend is equipped it is a **single target ranged Weapon**, throwing the greatsword like a spear at the enemies (On-land Spears / Polearms please)

    > > > * If **both** legends are equipped the greatsword moveset changes depending on which legend is currently channeled.

    > > >

    > > > If any other legend is paired up with _Dervish_ the greatsword will always utilize melee mode, vice versa if _Paragon_ is equiped it retains its ranged mode while channeling the other legend.

    > > > Using greatsword without having equipped a Varesh-legend will default it to melee mode.

    > > >

    > > > **Greatsword details:**

    > > > * Melee mode uses area/cleaving attacks, since the current sword/sword feels more like a single target weaponset

    > > > * Ranged mode should be around 900 range, single target skills, faster attacks than the current hammer

    > >

    > > I like this idea, but what would be the point of channeling two legends? It has been a very long time since I've played revenant, but aren't the legends just basically utility swaps? Are there buffs when channeling a legend outside of herald's F2? I'm not trying to be rude, if I'm coming off that way, I'm just curious what the functionality would be.

    > >

    > > Edit: Did you mean you would be able to mix and match utility based on both legends? Because I really like that idea.


    > Don't worry, you're not coming off as rude, I made a mistake by saying "It actually allows the Rev to channel 2 Legends".

    > I just wanted to say the Revenant gets 2 new legends and is able to use them like the others, by channeling each one of them seperately.

    > What I mean by "channeling" is simply which legend currently is active.

    > So if you're using Shiro-utilities he's currently being "channelled".


    > Yes, legends are pretty much just a utility swap. But there are some things that change based on the channeled legend, eg Trident autoattack inflicts a different condition based on the current legend.


    > Edit: Also mix and matching utility skills would be an idea for another elite-spec. It would probably cost Rev the "legend-swapping" mechanic as a drawback, similiar to not having necro shroud as scourge.


    I actually like the idea of channeling two legends in order to mix and match utilities, but I have a feeling that would become mandatory no matter what role your trying to fill, just to maximize said role. I to agree with the the GS as a new weapon, and like your idea of having different niches to fill.

  17. > @"Raknar.4735" said:

    > **Revenant**: **Greatsword** with **Varesh Ossa** as Legend


    > It actually allows the Rev to channel 2 Legends

    > * Legendary Prophet / Warmarshal (Varesh as Human / Dervish)

    > * Legendary Margonite / Commander (Varesh as Margonite / Paragon)


    > The Greatsword itself isn't strictly melee:

    > * If "_Dervish_" - legend is equipped it is a **melee cleaving Weapon**, utilizing wide swing attacks resembling the GW1 Scythe

    > * If "_Paragon_" - legend is equipped it is a **single target ranged Weapon**, throwing the greatsword like a spear at the enemies (On-land Spears / Polearms please)

    > * If **both** legends are equipped the greatsword moveset changes depending on which legend is currently channeled.


    > If any other legend is paired up with _Dervish_ the greatsword will always utilize melee mode, vice versa if _Paragon_ is equiped it retains its ranged mode while channeling the other legend.

    > Using greatsword without having equipped a Varesh-legend will default it to melee mode.


    > **Greatsword details:**

    > * Melee mode uses area/cleaving attacks, since the current sword/sword feels more like a single target weaponset

    > * Ranged mode should be around 900 range, single target skills, faster attacks than the current hammer


    I like this idea, but what would be the point of channeling two legends? It has been a very long time since I've played revenant, but aren't the legends just basically utility swaps? Are there buffs when channeling a legend outside of herald's F2? I'm not trying to be rude, if I'm coming off that way, I'm just curious what the functionality would be.


    Edit: Did you mean you would be able to mix and match utility based on both legends? Because I really like that idea.

  18. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > In other news:

    > > > * "Stainless Steel" isn't actually stainless (it's stain-resistant)

    > > > * "Greenland" is icier than Iceland

    > > > * "New York" isn't "new."

    > > > * Tesla "Autopilot" doesn't actually automatically drive the car (and it certainly doesn't "pilot" it)

    > > >

    > > > Advertising hype has always emphasized the positives while downplaying the reality.

    > > >

    > > > Further, "fast-paced action combat" doesn't mean that all profs are equally aggressive. Necro combat isn't "slow;" it's just not as fast, and that's because necros have other tools to compensate.

    > >

    > > So I have 2 options...

    > >

    > > 1- Tell players the reality is to not play necro if they want "fast-paced action combat" in GW2 because Anet only uses "advertising hype".

    > >

    > > or

    > >

    > > 2- Make a post that highlights certain things about necro that aren't fun compared to some other profession designs in GW2, along with an example of what a "fast-paced action combat" "reaper" design looks like from another game for comparison purposes.

    > >

    > > I choose to continue the option 2 route in hopes that maybe some improvements could be made.


    > You have a third option which is not to engage in hyperbole to ask for reconsideration of a major game balance decision. Necros still engage in fast, action-oriented combat _compared to other games_, even if it's not as fast as other profs in this game (or as necro in other games). As it stands, this looks more like a criticism of ANet's phrasing, rather than an attempt to look at what's fun (or not) about necro _in the context of the actual game_.


    > In other words, why not stick to describing the actual issue(s) you see?


    This. The description of reaper says it's slow and hard hitting. Also, fast paced combat refers to the action oriented theme, as opposed to the tab targetting system, with mindless button mashing that plagues the genre.

  19. > @"luzonophir.7134" said:

    > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > @"luzonophir.7134" said:

    > > > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > > > @"luzonophir.7134" said:

    > > > > > > @"Klowdy.3126" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > The problem is, there is no benefit to being evil in this world. Not for dime-a-dozen mooks like you/us.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > You, my friend, need to start thinking like a villain.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I am. That's how I know how common all of you are. Mook.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Nah, that's a common mook response. Villains have ambition and don't readily fall rank n' file behind the status quo. My qualifications for a villain is, you can't often tell the difference between one and a hero if context is removed.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Then there's no difference at all, which means it doesn't matter.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Besides, what's more villainous than using my position of privilege (I already have what I want) to deny yours?

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Victor's write history. Had kitten won, things would be told much differently.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Also, couldn't you assume we already were villains in PoF? We killed Balthazar because he wanted to kill Kralkitorik and we didn't like that, then we turn right around and start OUR campaign to kill Kralkitorik. Balthazar did not seem like he wanted to use the power obsorbed by that to destroy, or enslave the planet (but who knows). I guess we're mostly just hypocrites.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > Edit: kitten= late 1940s German leader, which is apparently considered a bad word. Not as if his name could ever be used in an educational, or informative nature, not just used to belittle someone.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Austrian, not German.

    > > > > >

    > > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > > He was born in as Austria, but was chancellor of Germany, then made fuhrer, and ruled over Na** Germany. I was saying he was the leader of Germany, not that he was born there.

    > > >

    > > > but technically Austrian. Austrian Parents, born on Austrian soil, went to Germany to disgrace and dishonor Germany's reputation.

    > >

    > > Lol, that's not the point I'm making. He lead Germany. His place of birth doesn't have anything to do with the land and people he ruled.


    > but you cannot call him German. He is a foreign Austrian saboteur who "led" the German people to disgrace coz apparently Austria also speak Deutsche. and since he is on top of the Na2i hierarchy, you can technically say that he approved and not VETOED the holocaust of the Yiddish Germans.


    I'm not calling him German, I'm saying he was the leader of Germany. I never mentioned his nationality.

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